Lesson 10 Quiz
Mark Each Question True (T) or False (F)
1 | A couple should have their invitations printed, flowers for the church ordered, and all the other details completed so that, when they come to visit the pastor before their wedding, he won’t have to be bothered about these details. | |
2 | Because your wedding day is a day you will want to remember all your life, you should insist on all the "trimmings" regardless of cost. | |
3 | The pastor or the priest who is to officiate at your wedding should be consulted about the singing. | |
4 | The bride-to-be will have plenty of time to rest after the wedding so it isn’t too serious if she does let the preparations tire her out. | |
5 | The exchange of medical certificates between the prospective bride and groom is advisable. | |
6 | If a medical examination reveals a condition that could seriously hamper a couple’s chances for a happy marriage, the engagement should be broken. | |
7 | The greater the love, the more expensive should be the engagement and wedding rings. | |
8 | Wedding announcements and invitations nowadays should avoid mention of the sacramental nature of marriage. | |
9 | Missals or prayer books are a useless distraction to the bride and groom at their Nuptial Mass. | |
10 | There is no place for stag parties in the preparation for Christian marriage. | |
11 | Alcoholic drinks and lewd stories are essential to make a stag party a success. | |
12 | Showers can be a big help to a young couple who are getting married. | |
13 | In order to keep plans for a shower hidden from the bride-elect, it is permissible to fool her with little white lies. | |
14 | The more numerous the showers, the more the quality of the gifts tends to decrease. | |
15 | Having fewer showers is often beneficial to the health of the bride-to-be. | |
16 | So that the bride may be spared all anxiety, her family should take exclusive control of all the arrangements to be made for the wedding. | |
17 | A lavish wedding is essential to happy married life. | |
18 | In view of modem fashions, there is no longer any need for the bride to be concerned about whether one’s wedding dress is modest or not. | |
19 | A person who is not in the state of grace is obliged to "go to confession" in order to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony fruitfully. | |
20 | The material preparation for marriage is more urgent and therefore more important than the spiritual preparation. | |
21 | The Sacrament of Matrimony is administered by the couple themselves. | |
22 | If it be possible, a couple should arrange with the pastor or one of the assistants to have a church practice a couple of days before the wedding. | |
23 | A couple would be wise to re-read carefully the section of this lesson entitled "The Liturgy of Marriage" about a week before their wedding. | |
24 | The priest’s allocution before the wedding is both prophetic and practical. | |
25 | A couple should rest the security of their wedded life upon the principle of self-sacrifice. | |
26 | A couple should begin their married life with the voluntary and complete surrender of their individual lives in the interest of the deeper and wider life that they are to have in common. | |
27 | If true love and the unselfish spirit of perfect sacrifice guide your every action, you can expect the greatest measure of earthly happiness. | |
28 | The Sacrament of Matrimony consists in the "I will" spoken by the bride and groom. | |
29 | The giving of engagement and wedding rings began only in the last century. | |
30 | The custom of wearing a wedding ring belongs to women exclusively: men never wear wedding rings. | |
31 | A plain ring of gold or silver, unadorned by precious stones, best expresses the Catholic wedding tradition. | |
32 | A wedding ring for husbands is a good idea. | |
33 | At a Catholic wedding the bride and groom should also have a wedding Mass and receive Communion together. | |
34 | The Catholic bride and groom stand’ to lose a great deal by refusing to have a wedding Mass or by neglecting to receive Communion. | |
35 | The Epistle of the Nuptial Mass teaches the bride and groom the ideal relationship between husband and wife for happy married life. | |
36 | According to the Gospel, Jesus distinctly proclaims concerning marriage, "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." | |
37 | In a wedding Mass, the couple offer, in a special way, their future married life, in union with Jesus’ sacrifice. | |
38 | Only the most serious reasons justify a couple’s decision not to receive Holy Communion at their wedding. | |
39 | The Nuptial Blessing is merely a nice gesture that has no real value in the practical everyday life that lies ahead for the bride and groom. | |
40 | The Church places too much importance on having a wedding Mass and on the reception of Holy Communion at the Mass. | |
41 | The ceremony of the blessing of the nuptial bed has a very useful purpose. | |
42 | At the wedding reception, jokes that would otherwise be questionable are permissible because the bride and groom are married now. | |
43 | The honeymoon should be spent at a place where the couple can enjoy peace and tranquility. | |
44 | An excellent means to achieve a happy honeymoon is to pray together at regular times during the honeymoon. | |
45 | The way a couple conduct themselves on their honeymoon frequently sets their pattern of conduct for the rest of their married life. | |
46 | A crucifix in the living room is an indication of poor taste. | |
47 | If the Nuptial Blessing is not received at the time of the wedding, it cannot be received at all after that. | |
48 | Holy pictures should be restricted to the bedrooms. | |
49 | Except in a case of actual, real necessity, the bride should not work outside the home after marriage. | |
50 | The months following the wedding should be a time of prayer and preparation for the family life that lies ahead. |