Lesson 4 Quiz
Mark Each Question True (T) or False (F)
1 | Preparation for marriage begins with habits we start to acquire in early childhood. | |
2 | In preparing for marriage, priority should be given to the material preparation because a job, a place to live, etc., are needed immediately. | |
3 | The purpose of courtship is mutual understanding with a view towards possible future marriage. | |
4 | A couple should wait until after they are formally engaged before discussing differences of religion, attitudes concerning children, the budget, social relations, etc. | |
5 | "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Therefore, the secret of successful courtship is for a young couple to see each other only at rare intervals. | |
6 | Mutual understanding cannot be achieved until long after marriage. | |
7 | A profound emotional love for each other automatically includes mutual understanding. | |
8 | "Marry in haste and repent at leisure" is usually false. | |
9 | Little white lies are sometimes necessary during the period of courtship. | |
10 | "All’s fair in love and war." | |
11 | Courtship should always be a preliminary to marriage. | |
12 | Marriage should always result from courtship. | |
13 | It is a duty for you to reveal a serious fault or weakness that would endanger the peace and happiness of your future home. | |
14 | Serious courtship implies an honest attempt to understand the person who may become your lifelong partner. | |
15 | Sexual liberties that would be seriously sinful at any other time are not permissible during courtship either. | |
16 | A prolonged courtship is ideal because the longer the engagement, the better chance there is of achieving mutual understanding before marriage. | |
17 | Before starting to keep company in courtship, a person should be in a position to be able to plan marriage within the comparatively near future. | |
18 | Even if it becomes apparent that marriage is entirely out of the question, a couple is quite justified in continuing their exclusive company-keeping. | |
19 | During courtship, you should date many others so as to have sufficient standards by which to compare and evaluate your future partner. | |
20 | Courtship is a person’s last chance to "paint the town before settling down." Most people are more ready to settle down to a quiet domestic life after a hectic courtship. | |
21 | Under modern conditions, supervision during courtship is entirely unnecessary. | |
22 | Double dating (having another healthy-minded couple along on your dates) is a wise policy. | |
23 | A young couple who always want to be alone, are inviting trouble. | |
24 | Considering modern conditions, the Church takes the question of mixed marriage too seriously. | |
25 | Provided a person avoids a mixed marriage, there are no other religious questions to be settled and discussed during courtship. | |
26 | Courtship is too soon to make plans for our mutual sanctification. | |
27 | Questions concerning the number and education of children settle themselves naturally after marriage. Hence it’s a waste of time to discuss these matters before marriage. | |
28 | "Love of money is the root of all evil." For the sake of your mutual love and happy marriage, you should never discuss money matters. | |
29 | To marry with the intention of having no children at all is very wise, psychologically. | |
30 | Birth prevention cuts off babies forever from the opportunity for eternal happiness. They get no second chance to be born. | |
31 | 31. The purpose of marriage is primarily the development of one’s own personality. | |
32 | On account of the demands imposed by his work, the husband Is dispensed from responsibility in the matter of his children’s upbringing. | |
33 | Although parents must see to their children’s natural growth from infancy to maturity, it is the duty of priests and nuns exclusively to care for the children’s supernatural growth. | |
34 | Religious practices in the home have no influence upon how a child will meet the difficulties of life outside the home. | |
35 | Disagreements concerning the children should be settled in their presence as they are the ones who are most vitally affected. | |
36 | Any agreement concerning how money should be managed after marriage must obviously wait until after you are actually married. | |
37 | As a result of their discussions, a couple planning on marriage do well in deciding to have a certain number of children and no more than that. | |
38 | In view of present-day conditions affecting the family, wives and mothers can better exert a Christianizing influence by working outside the home than by remaining at home. | |
39 | It’s poor taste in the modern home to have holy pictures in the living room. | |
40 | In dealing with "in-laws," a married couple’s first loyalty is to each other. | |
41 | Young people miss a lot of fun by constantly going out instead of making their own fun at home. | |
42 | An engagement is a promise that cannot be broken under any circumstances. | |
43 | To be validly married, a Catholic couple must first contract a solemn engagement. | |
44 | Any serious reason is a sufficient reason to justify breaking an engagement. | |
45 | In view of the closeness of their wedding day, it is quite permissible for an engaged couple to indulge in sexual enjoyments. | |
46 | A couple who do not make sacrifices for each other, are not really in love. | |
47 | To produce best results, courtship should begin when a person is about fourteen years of age. | |
48 | The normal scene of courtship is the girl’s home. | |
49 | A simple engagement obliges a person in conscience to contract marriage with the betrothed. | |
50 | There are real advantages to discreet supervision during courtship. |