Text on Sex Education for Christian Parents and for Those Concerned with Helping Parents


Assistant Director, Family Life Bureau

National Catholic Welfare Conference


With a Foreword by:


Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology

Catholic University of America





Imprimi potest:

John Sephton, C.SS.R., Sup. Prov.

October 13, 1951


Nihil obstat:

Bede Babo, O.S.B., Censor Librorum



+ Thomas A. Boland, Bishop of Paterson

October 22, 1952









(Vocation, Sex, and the Purpose of Life)


(The Challenge to Purity; Means To Attain It)


(Chastity--Principles I and II)


(Modesty--Principles III and IV)













The right and duty to educate children belongs in the first place

to those who gave them life, their parents. Indeed, the education

of the young is so intimately bound up with parenthood that the

Catholic Church has always regarded it as pertaining to the

primary end of matrimony. Parents may--and usually do--depute to

professional teachers the task of instructing their boys and

girls in the various branches of natural knowledge that make up

the curriculum of schools and colleges. Catholic parents may

delegate even a portion of the spiritual training of their

children to the teachers in the parochial schools. But parents

may not entirely consign to others the task of providing for the

moral and religious formation of their sons and daughters.

Almighty God, who has conferred on a married couple the privilege

of bringing children into the world, has commanded that they

actively and earnestly help those children to know, love and

serve Him in this life, so that they will be happy with Him

forever in the life beyond the grave.

One of the most important phases in this parental duty of

promoting the spiritual welfare of the young is sex education.

Unfortunately, to many parents this means nothing more than the

imparting of biological facts concerning the process of

procreation and the measures to be taken in order to avoid

disease. To Catholics, sex education means much more than this.

It signifies, primarily, the training of boys and girls to be

pure and innocent, and eventually to enter marriage with a noble

and holy purpose, if God calls them to that state of life.

However, as most parents would readily admit, the proper

fulfillment of this task is by no means easy. The embarrassment

that is likely to accompany the frank discussion of so delicate

and personal a matter, the difficulty of choosing the right

terms, and the fear that the child will ask questions which they

may not be able to answer deter many parents from undertaking

their duty, despite the unquestionable fact that in this age of

blatant indecency and sexual license the proper sex education of

adolescents is vitally necessary if their chastity is to be


The present volume is intended to help parents fulfill this

particular duty in the training of their boys and girls. Father

Sattler has treated the subject clearly and thoroughly. What

parents should tell their children, when and how they should tell

it, what psychological and moral dangers they must avoid in

giving sex instruction, what questions they must expect--these

and many other pertinent problems are discussed in detail and

answered in a simple and sensible manner.

In propounding the method to be followed and the expressions to

be employed for imparting sex information, Father Sattler has

avoided two extremes which could easily spoil the instruction: on

the one hand, vague and unsatisfying statements which are likely

to arouse undue curiosity, and on the other hand, vivid and

stimulating descriptions that may be a proximate occasion of sin

to youthful hearers. Parents who follow the plan suggested in

this book will do more than give their children all the knowledge

they need at the appropriate time. They will also impart it in a

calm and natural way that causes no emotional shock but rather

instills into the minds of their boys and girls a spirit of

respect and reverence for the sexual power whereby human beings

can co-operate with God toward the propagation of citizens for

the kingdom of heaven.

Father Sattler bases his teachings on the rules laid down by the

Catholic Church for the sex training of the young, and

particularly on the directions given by two of our recent Popes,

Pius XI and Pius XII. He emphasizes the important fact that

innocence (which is most desirable) is very different from

ignorance (which may be a grave menace to the innocence of

adolescents in this godless age). And he consistently applies the

accepted principles of Catholic theology to the many concrete

cases which constitute a very practical feature of this book.

In the questions and discussion aids which are found at the end

of each chapter Father Sattler has made a distinctively valuable

pedagogical contribution. Parents who give serious thought to

these problems will find their understanding of the text

clarified and co-ordinated. The benefit is greatly increased when

a group of parents discuss these points frankly and honestly. It

should likewise be noted that this book will also help teachers

to discover and fulfill their function in chastity education as

delegates and helpers in what is essentially a parental duty.

Although much that is contained in this book could be utilized

with profit by persons of any religious creed, the book is

intended primarily for Catholic parents. The Catholic Church is

fully aware that the faith and loyalty of her members can be best

assured when they possess an intelligent and logical grasp of the

Church's teachings. For this reason, the Confraternity of

Christian Doctrine approves this work as an outstanding

contribution toward promoting a better understanding of Catholic

teaching and toward inspiring both parents and children to

practice fervently the glorious virtue of chastity, to which the

Son of God attached the sublime promise: "Blessed are the clean

of heart, for they shall see God."


Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology Catholic University of





Did a faint glimmer of hope spring up in your mind as you took

this book down from the shelf or out of its wrapper? Did you say,

perhaps: "At last, a book on sex education for ordinary parents,

and not for teachers or for the children themselves"? Or were you

rather skeptical: "Another book on sex education? I wonder

whether this one will really help?" Yes, Dad or Mother, this book

is really for you. It is not directed at you like a command or a

sermon, but it's an answer to your own demand. The Parent-

Educator Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine,

under a barrage of appeals from parents, asked the author to

attempt this work. Not only is this book written for you and at

your demand, but, to a large extent, it was written by you, since

nearly every practical hint in its pages has come from parents

themselves. The author has merely supplied the scientific

framework, and the emotional, moral and religious setting within

which your practical ideas have been or can be utilized.

Have you hesitated to educate your children in matters of sex? If

so, has your indecision arisen from the constant disputes of the

specialists? (For example, "Bathe young children of both sexes

together." "No, don't do that!"--"Tell them all the facts at

once, and early." "It is best to tell them the facts gradually."-

-"Give them a birds-and-bees story." "You'll only confuse them if

you do!"--"Always use medical terms." "Don't use medical terms.")

We are hopeful that this book will enable you

to judge the value of such statements and choose the safe and

correct procedure in your home.

Have you shrunk from your duty because it seemed to demand

specialized training? Too long have you been the whipping posts

of the specialists. Logically, they are likely to say that you no

longer have the right to bear children. By scathing criticism and

technical language, the specialists have persuaded many a parent

to give the child's body entirely to doctors, his mind to

teachers, his emotions and character to psychiatrists. Such a

parent will not make a move without consulting a trained person.

This is foolish because common sense is still one of the best

ways to approach reality. Specialists certainly have their value

in helping you to bring up your children. You learn about hygiene

from a doctor, or you call him in when you meet an insurmountable

problem like a broken leg. But when your child skins his knee,

you yourself are a "general practitioner" of medicine. In the

same way, with the help of this book you can make yourself a

general practitioner of sex education. You need a specialist only

for insoluble cases.

Have your own experiences in this matter of sex education puzzled

you? Do you think you received too little, or too much, sex

education? Do you feel that the pagan surroundings in which your

child must live demand special helps which you are not qualified

to give? This volume will help you form some definite answers to

these questions.

Lastly, do you fear that your sex instruction might endanger your

children's chastity instead of protecting it? We hope that these

pages will give you a confidence which, tempered with caution,

will fit you to judge what to say and what to do.

To make the best use of the ideas within these covers, we suggest

that you discuss them with others. We have in mind Parent-

Educator Discussion Clubs, Cana Clubs, Parent-Teacher

Associations, and similar groups, especially if both men and

women are included in them. If you do not belong to such a group,

or cannot form one, at least try to discuss the material with

your husband or wife.

Discussion is valuable for many reasons. First, it will make you

familiar with the correct words. If you can clearly and chastely

express yourself on sex to some adult, you will find it easier to

express yourself to your children. Second, such discussions will

create an attitude of calmness and a sensible confidence in your

own common sense and abilities. Third, discussion will help make

difficult points clear. If two or more people thrash out the

meaning of a paragraph, they can more easily avoid

misunderstanding it. Fourth, the sexes think and feel

differently. Indeed, the experience of maturing sexually is to

some extent different for every man and woman. If all pool their

information, they will understand their boys and girls better and

will more neatly adapt their helps to the needs of each age and

sex. Fifth, parents on the same footing in society will find

common problems arising, for example, problems concerning dating,

dress, curfew, etc. Common action will be more effective in

bringing about sensible reforms. And last, discussion in groups

will convince you that, despite many individual differences, the

experiences of parents are remarkably similar. Such a conviction

will relieve you of a number of needless worries.

The questions added at the end of each chapter will facilitate

discussion. But beware! The questions are not of the usual sort.

They will not only ask you what you have learned from the

chapter, but they will also propose problems for solution.

Sometimes solutions will be suggested and sometimes not. The wish

is to stimulate your Catholic observation, judgment, and

reasonable action. Should these questions seem too numerous,

check those you think most important before you discuss a

chapter. If several people of your group check the same five or

six questions, they are the important questions for you.

The length and detail of this book might tempt you to throw up

your hands in despair because there seems to be so much to

remember. But in fact there is very little. The book is long

because there are so many false ideas on sex education to be

refuted. Once this has been done, and you have absorbed the right

sane and healthy attitudes, you need memorize only a few facts, a

few terms, and a few moral principles--four, to be exact. Surely,

any grade school graduate is capable of understanding and using

the ideas in these pages.

Though written for parents, and indeed, because written for

parents, this volume should also be of value for teachers and

priests. The material contained here will enable them to support

and help parents in their duty of sex education. The various

chapters will also aid teachers and priests to find their own

place when and if it becomes necessary to supplement parental

work, or perhaps to supply parental omissions. BUT, ABOVE ALL,



That your mind may be at rest concerning the reliability of this

work, it should be mentioned that it has been subjected to a

double ecclesiastical censorship, and has received the approval,

besides, of a wide variety of experts: two Catholic teachers in

public schools, three lay-religious teachers in Catholic high

schools, three nuns, all experienced teachers, two doctors, two

moral theologians, two psychiatrists, a psychiatrist-philosopher,

a pastor of some twenty-five years' experience, a successful

counselor of adolescents, three experienced parish missionaries,

a sociologist of some renown in the field of marriage, and some

ten married couples with children of various ages. It also has

the full approbation of the national Confraternity of Christian










Martyred for Her Love of

Chastity and Modesty




There is scarcely a field in which the terms are so unsettled as

in the field of sex education. For one thing, these terms have

many shades of meaning, which often vary with the person using

them. Again, some of the words are long and cumbersome; yet in

many cases we must use these technical words if we are not to use

the vulgar words.

The best thing, then, is to begin at the beginning by learning

the expressions and the meanings we shall need.



This is a "scare word" in much of modern speech and writing. To

most people it means the bodily differences between male and

female and the intense pleasure associated with the organs of

sex. This latter is called sex pleasure, or venereal pleasure. It

is unfortunate that the word "sex" has become associated so

exclusively with the act of sexual union. (Sexual union is the

act by which children are begotten; also called the marital act,

marital intercourse, coitus, or sexual relations.) Actually, an

individual is a member of his sex in every fiber of his being,

not only in those physical organs by which he differs from the

other sex. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman, in thinking,

reasoning, feeling, emotions, and in bodily characteristics. The

true meaning of sex is this: the God-given character of being

male or female. The physical differences are an indication of a

complete difference between the sexes in every sphere, for the

sexes could not be more different than they are and remain

members of the human race.

The word "intercourse" has come to signify the act of sexual

union. When coupled with the word "marital" or "conjugal,"

scarcely any other meaning is accepted by the modern mind. It

should mean mutual exchange, communication, fellowship. Even

marital intercourse should mean the whole common life, the give-

and-take of husband and wife in married life, and not merely

their physical relations.



If, taken strictly, "sex" means the character of being male or

female, then "sex education" should mean the education of a boy

to be a man and of a girl to be a woman. "Sex instruction" should

mean the imparting of those facts which a man or woman should

know. As a matter of fact, in popular usage, these phrases do not

mean that. Even "education" and "instruction" are not definite

terms. Many people use one for the other, but strictly speaking,

instruction means imparting knowledge. A boy is instructed in

history or mathematics. Education means the systematic

cultivation of all the natural powers of a person. It means not

only information, but training. A child is educated when he has

all the information, attitudes, religious and moral training, and

emotional growth that he should have at his level of development.

Instruction may stop at any age. Education can and should

continue for life.

To get down to our topic--what is sex education? As stated above,

the term should mean the developing of a boy to full manhood and

of a girl to full womanhood. It is too bad that we cannot use the

term in that sense, but if we did, we would not be understood.

For our purpose, then, sex education will mean the full training

of boys and girls to enable them to meet and solve the problems

that arise in connection with the instinct of procreation. It

includes the necessary instruction in the "facts of life," but it

goes far beyond that. Good sex education includes training in

attitudes toward this problem, the teaching of religious and

moral principles, safeguarding the emotional approaches, as well

as many other, lesser things; all of which will provide a mature

outlook on the so-called sexual problem.

A boy or girl who knows all the "facts of life" is instructed in

sex, but is he or she educated? Does the boy or girl know when

the sexual functions are to be exercised? Do they know what is

right or wrong concerning sex? Have they learned self-control?

How does the growing girl feel about motherhood? Does the boy

look upon the girl merely as a source of physical pleasure, or as

a future mother, companion and helpmate? The correct answers to

these and a hundred other questions will indicate whether one is

educated in this matter. Mere instruction on the "facts of life"

may take but a few minutes. Sex education takes the whole

lifetime of the child from its earliest years up to maturity.



Ultimately, sex education means training in the virtues which

regulate the sexual appetite. These virtues are chastity and

modesty. What is chastity? "It is," says Davis, "the moral virtue

that controls in the married, and altogether excludes in the

unmarried, all voluntary expression of the appetite for venereal

pleasure."[1] All voluntary expression, let us repeat, whether in

thought, desire or act.

Chastity is to be practiced by every human being. Married people

sometimes think that, since only religious take a "vow of

chastity," the married cannot possess this virtue. On the

contrary, there is a law of chastity for married people,

regulating their use of venereal pleasure, and therefore a virtue

of chastity that they must practice. Priests and religious bind

themselves to practice virginal chastity, that is, to avoid all

voluntary venereal pleasure in thought, desire and action.

Husbands and wives must practice the chastity of their state;

that is, they must avoid all acts, desires and thoughts contrary

to the rights of marriage. For an individual to remain chaste

throughout life means that he abstains from all willful sexual

activity while he remains unmarried; and that in marriage he uses

his sexual functions without sin.

It is common to speak of purity as identical with chastity; and

though, strictly speaking, we may use the term "purity" in

reference to other than sexual matters, we shall accept the

identity here. The vice opposed to chastity, or purity, is called

unchastity or, more commonly, impurity.



Many people confuse purity or chastity with modesty. There is a

relation between them, but one is not the other. Modesty is the

hedge which surrounds and protects chastity. "Modesty is the

virtue which controls those acts which, though not evil in

themselves, may induce in oneself or in others an incitement to

lust or venereal pleasure" (ibid.). For example, an impure

thought would be the voluntary imagination of oneself enjoying

illicit venereal pleasure. An immodest thought might be the image

of the nude form of a person of the other sex. A scanty bathing

suit would be immodest dress; it could not rightly be called

impure. A caress could be an immodest action because it might

cause impure feelings. Fornication (sexual intercourse between

unmarried persons) or masturbation (indulging in complete sexual

pleasure alone) are impure, or unchaste, acts.

Both chastity and modesty come under the Sixth and Ninth

Commandments. Deliberate unchaste acts are always mortal sins.

Immodest acts may be mortal, venial, or no sin at all.[2]

These distinctions will be fully clarified in our treatment of

the moral principles concerning sex (Chapters VII and VIII).



A young child is both ignorant and innocent of many things. He is

ignorant of these things because he lacks knowledge of them. He

is innocent because he is free from the taint of evil or personal

sin. In its strictest sense, innocence means freedom from the

personal experience of evil or sin. Now, a child may be ignorant

of many things in the sexual sphere and yet be far from innocent.

He may not know all the purposes of his body, yet he may have

contracted an evil habit which he knows is sinful; for example,

masturbation. On the other hand, he may be far from ignorant and

yet innocent. He may know the essential "facts of life" and still

remain pure.

Though ignorance of many facts may help in early life to

safeguard a child's innocence, after a certain time ignorance is,

if anything, a danger to his innocence. For example, if at the

end of grade school a boy were still ignorant of the holy purpose

of his sexual organs, his innocence would certainly be

endangered. Such a boy might be led into evil habits without

realizing it until they became almost too strong to be overcome.

Therefore a child should not be kept ignorant of a reasonable

amount of sex knowledge in accordance with his age. This

knowledge is good and concerns a good thing, because sexual

things are good; indeed, they are holy, since they are created by


On the other hand, it may be said in general that a child should

be ignorant of evil as long as is reasonably possible. We mean by

this that he should not have even a theoretical knowledge of

sexual sins until such knowledge is needful for him. St. Thomas

warns us that too much consideration of vile things distracts us

from good thoughts, and because of our fallen human nature,

thoughts of evil may captivate our wills.[3] Despite this danger,

however, some theoretical knowledge of evil is progressively

necessary exactly in order that a growing youth, by building up

his defenses against evil, may maintain his innocence.

This discussion about innocence and two kinds of ignorance can

best be illustrated from the story of the Annunciation (Luke

1:26-38). Our Blessed Lady was certainly innocent of all sin.

Probably, she was also ignorant of sexual crimes and abuses.

Nevertheless, her understanding of the angel's message, and her

question--"How shall this happen, since I do not know man?"--show

that she knew the ordinary sexual facts of procreation,

conception and birth. According to tradition, at the time of the

Annunciation Our Lady was between fourteen and sixteen years of




We must not confuse knowledge of certain sexual words with

genuine knowledge. Many children can use very "knowing" terms

which nevertheless cloak a startling ignorance. Sometimes a child

will speak knowingly, but only in order to learn more without

asking a direct question. Parents must learn to judge what is

behind such words. They are the only ones who can. Adolescents

are anxious never to admit to their companions that they are in

the dark on the subject of sex. Some even pretend to a lack of

innocence; it is considered "smart" to lay claim to great sins in

this regard. This makes it very difficult for the inquiring

adolescent to know what is right and good. Therefore, parents

must be extremely watchful and intelligent in guiding them.



The modern world has an odd approach to life. So many people live

their lives in compartments. They speak of religious life, home

life, business life, and even sex life, as if these various

spheres were boxed-off areas of activity without relationship to

one another. To many, religion has come to mean going to church

on Sunday, and nothing more. How often have you heard it said

that religion has no place in politics, no place in business?

Again, medicine has been largely divorced from morality. Law has

become impersonal and often takes little account of human

factors. Sex has become a department of life, a series of

personal experiments cut off from everything else, at times not

even connected with marriage. Very few people have really tried

to integrate their living into a unified pattern.

Many an educator has accepted this error. He is like a chemist

before his row of bottles. He uses, let us say, two drops of

mathematics, three of history, three of geography, two of

English, one drop of religion, and three drops of sex

instruction. No wonder the mixture at times becomes explosive!

There is no plan or order in such education; no unity, in which

every part of life has its proper relation to every other part.

This holds above all for sex education. Sex is not a special

subject to be taught at a special place or at a special time. It

is true that in this book we are making a study of this one side

of life. But that is for the instruction of parents and teachers.

We must warn against the temptation to try to teach "sex" as a

particular "branch of knowledge" to a child. Such an effort could

well be disastrous. It cannot be repeated too often that mature

education on sexual matters is only one fiber in the fabric of


If sex education is made an isolated process, we shall never

succeed in educating the child to a chaste life. The reason is

simple. There is scarcely a stronger impulse in human beings than

the sexual impulse. Our fallen nature, under the curse of

original sin, tends downward; and children, besides, have the

weakness of childhood. If sex is singled out for separate study

by a child, his attention is focused, without any sort of

protective balance, upon his most passionate impulses. The result

can only be unwholesome curiosity, dangerous imaginings,

passionate stirrings, and ultimately, complete loss of self-

control. Therefore, though we are concentrating on the principles

of sex education in this book, IN THE ACTUAL INSTRUCTION OF






The purpose of Christian sex education is to train to chaste

living. This involves two important aims which Christian parents

must constantly keep in mind:

1. Children must be taught how to be absolutely virginal until

marriage, or for life if their vocation is to the celibate


2. Children must be educated in such a way that they may properly

and chastely exercise their powers of procreation if and when

they marry.

These two aims of sex education are not contradictory; in fact,

they are the two halves of the only proper kind of sex education.

The best preparation for a chaste marriage is a chaste unmarried

life. Yet any teaching that makes the child unfit for either

state is wrong. If a prudish or shamefaced or what may be called

a "dirty" approach is used on (or permitted to be adopted by) the

child, then marriage will be degraded and the child will not grow

up to become a fit husband or wife, father or mother. If an open,

brash, "I-tell-my-child-everything" attitude is adopted, then the

child may be endangered in his premarital or lifetime purity.



As you read this book, you will again and again meet problems

which might be approached from either of two completely opposite

attitudes. A common-sense, middle course will invariably be the

proper approach. The teaching of the Catholic Church never

satisfies the extremists.

In her doctrines on property and labor, she is attacked by both

Communists and extreme capitalists. In matters of sex and

chastity she does not satisfy the fleshly who want all knowledge

to be imparted from the beginning, because she is mindful of the

spirit and of man's fallen nature. She does not satisfy the

puritans who believe in ignoring the subject, because she knows

that the body is good and holy. She remembers that man is not all

soul nor all body; that the two elements are essentially united

to make up his being.

A sensible middle course is necessary for instructions on modesty

of dress and of the eyes, for the proper attitude toward romantic

love, for training the emotions, and for a hundred other things.

In your own doubts, always try to steer a middle course. If you

are in this middle path between extremes, you are usually in the




Today realism is often taken to mean emphasis on the brutal,

harsh, disgusting things of life. The term "realistic" is applied

to a novel if it describes vulgar (and usually sexual) affairs.

This is false realism. On the other hand, there is a false

romanticism or idealism that refuses to face certain realities at

all. In sex education, both false realism and false romanticism

are to be condemned. The only sane approach is to be found in

true and forthright realism, which faces the fact that there are

both good and evil in life and that every human being should

recognize them both and be able to do something about them.

Realism does not consist in ignoring the pageant of suffering....

Nor does it consist in merely noting it with however artistic or

journalistic an eye for the grimmest and most revolting details.

Realism consists in accepting personal responsibility as the only

realistic way of setting out to do something about it.[5]

Thus we must see and judge life as it is--a mixture of the bright

and the dark, of the happy and the sad, of the laborious and the

pleasurable, full of temptations to be faced and of victories to

be won.

In sex matters, it is not realistic to ignore the facts of

temptation, sin, or even perversion, nor to gloss them over as if

there were no such things. Nor is it realistic to make the bad

seem good or the good bad. It is realistic only to recognize both

evil and good and to realize one's responsibilities.

You who are parents must be realistic with your children. Your

child is capable of both evil and good. He has the same sexual

temptations, the same problems, the same chances for victory,

that you had and that all children have. He or she can sin! Teach

your children to be realistic. Teach them that there is both pain

and pleasure in life; that life is a struggle, but a worthwhile

struggle; that sex presents problems that must be met and solved;

that marriage is an adventure, a test, a challenge to manhood and

womanhood. In other words, your children must be taught to face

both good and bad in life without allowing either to absorb all

their attention. One who has eyes for only the good or the bad,

for only the romance or only the trials, is unprepared for life

as it is. Neurotics are those who cannot face the real order of

things, which includes both the pleasant and the unpleasant. We

do not mean that the child's natural romanticism should be

stifled; but the child should be made aware of the difficulties

it will have to face in life



1. Does the word "sex" refer only to the organs which distinguish

the male and female body? What is sex in its wide, general

meaning? Use these words correctly in sentences expressing some

phase of sexual information: procreation, venereal, relations,

intercourse, marital, male, female, coitus. How many of these

words can you use in sentences not applying to venereal acts?

(You should be able to use all but three; in doubt, consult a


2. What is the difference between instruction and education? In

your youth, were you well educated in chastity? Could you have

been instructed without being educated, or educated without being


Will the meaning of "sex" and "education" make any difference

when you discuss the problem of "sex education in the schools"

with non-Catholics? Suppose that, to them, sex education means

teaching physiology and facts about venereal disease? Suppose it

means what you mean, would it make any difference in your


4. What is chastity? Modesty? What is the difference between

them? Is there any connection between them? Would you say that

current forms of immodesty in dress cause impurity? As a married

person, would you take the view that people become accustomed to

what they see and hear in this matter, so that it no longer

affects them? Does that hold for adolescents?

5. What is the difference between innocence and ignorance?

6. Why is too much knowledge of sin dangerous? Does this give you

any twinge of conscience concerning the types of newspapers and

magazines in your home?

7. Have you ever met the kind of person who boasts about evil

things seen or done even though he may never have had these

experiences at all? Do not adolescents frequently pretend to know

all about sex, when they are actually trying to find out? Do you

take for granted that a child who uses knowing terms concerning

sex really knows what he is talking about?

8. What is the dual purpose of Christian sex education? Can good

sex education ever be made a separate branch of study? Give

reasons for your answers.

9. What constitutes a realistic approach to the problems of life?

If it views both good and bad, what other element is part of a

realistic approach? (Recognition and acceptance of

responsibility.) Recent wars have shown us three kinds of

soldiers. The first kind enlisted with exaggerated and glowing

imaginings of the glory and romance of saving their country. The

second kind thought only of the sorrow of leaving home and the

danger of being wounded or killed. In general, both these types

made poor soldiers, and many of them ended in hospital wards for

neurotics. The good soldier was the man who, while not ignoring

the possible glory involved, knew that war is a messy business,

but who recognized his duty and was determined to do it well.

What are three similar approaches to marriage; to parenthood?



1. A child can be ignorant and not innocent.

2. A child can be innocent and not ignorant.

3. As far as possible, a young child should be ignorant of sexual

sin and crime.

4. A child should be ignorant of all sexual facts.

5. Chastity and modesty are two words for the same thing.

6. A married person can never be chaste.

7. A person living an active married life is not virginal.

8. Immodesty is always a mortal sin.

9. Sex education should be taught as study.

10. Sex education should be woven into the child's general


11. A policy of complete silence is the correct approach to sex


12. A policy of complete frankness is the best approach to sex


13. Realism means being concerned chiefly with evil in life.

Answers: 1--T, 2--T, 3--T, 4--F, 5--F, 6--F, 7--T, 8--F, 9--F,

10--T, 11--F, 12--F, 13--F.




1. Davis, Henry, S.J., "Moral and Pastoral Theology" (Sheed and

Ward, New York), 11, p. 172. Here and elsewhere this work is

quoted with Permission of the Publisher.

2. Taken strictly, only an act which is judged to be sinful is

immodest. An act which is usually immodest, but which might be

justified in certain circumstances, is not in those circumstances

against modesty.

3. Cf. Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 81, a. 8; q. 82. a. 3, ad 1.

4. Celibacy is the state of being unmarried. Virginity is the

intentional achievement of abstaining from voluntary venereal

pleasure. This achievement may be for a time, for example, until

marriage, or for life in which case it is called perfect

virginity. Cf. Aertnys, J.-Damen, C. A. "Theologia Moralis"

(Marietti, Turin, 1950), 1, ## 594-595.

5. Luce, Clare Boothe, "The Real Reason," in "McCall's Magazine"

February, 1947, p. 117. Quoted with permission of the publisher.




Exactly what is the attitude of the Church on sex education? Many

people, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, say that the Church

favors dark ignorance. Others, though they know that this is

false, wonder that the Church has not come out with more definite

statements on the matter. The dissatisfaction of both sides is

due to our American tendency to see things only in black or

white. Most Americans rarely make distinctions; they are either

for or against a program 100 percent. The Church, on the other

hand, is more cautious and examines a program from all sides, and

then approves or disapproves with qualifications. The truth of

the matter is that the Catholic Church is against the wrong kind

of sex education. Toward wholesome sex education she is not

merely neutral, she strongly approves! To make this clear, we

must glance briefly at some papal pronouncements. We will

consider the condemnations of false sex education first, and then

go on to consider the approval of correct chastity education.



Pope Pius XI, in his encyclical "On the Christian Education of

Youth," says:

"Another very grave danger is that naturalism which nowadays

invades the field of education in that most delicate matter of

purity of morals. Far too common is the error of those who with

dangerous assurance and under an ugly term propagate a so-called

sex education, falsely imagining they can forearm youths against

the dangers of sensuality by means purely natural, such as a

foolhardy initiation and precautionary instruction for all

indiscriminately, even in public; and worse still, by exposing

them at an early age to the occasions in order to accustom them,

so it is argued, and as it were to harden them against such


"In this extremely delicate matter, if, all things considered,

some private instruction is found necessary and opportune, from

those who hold from God the commission to teach and who have the

grace of state, every precaution must be taken."[1]

Here Pius XI is not condemning sex education but means purely

natural" (and hence not all natural means); "foolhardy

initiation"; initiation which is "indiscriminate," that is, not

adapted to the needs of the individual and of each sex. He points

out that initiation and precautionary instruction (not proper

education) are worse if given "even in public." He condemns any

effort to harden children by exposing them to temptation. There

is a vast difference between condemning such false education and

condemning all sex education.[2]

Many modern educators still believe, as the Pope points out, that

such false education can prevent sin. They maintain that full

knowledge and frequent association with temptation will dull the

inclination to evil. Experience abundantly proves that this is

not so.

Pope Pius XI also condemns some of the modern forms of

preparation for marriage in his encyclical "On Christian


". . . Such wholesome instruction and religious training in

regard to Christian marriage will be quite different from that

exaggerated physiological education by means of which, in these

times of ours, some reformers of married life make pretense of

helping those joined in wedlock, laying much stress on these

physiological matters, in which is learned rather the art of

sinning in a subtle way than the virtue of living chastely."

Here he condemns exaggerated physiological education, not all

physiological education for the married.

There is one statement of Pius XI above all others that many

persons misinterpret:

"Hence it is of the highest importance that a good father, while

discussing with his son a matter so delicate, be well on his

guard and not descend to details, nor refer to the various ways

in which this infernal hydra destroys with its poison so large a

portion of the world; otherwise it may happen that instead of

extinguishing this fire, he unwittingly stirs or kindles it in

the simple and tender heart of the child ("On the Christian

Education of Youth")."

Some have thought that this forbids the instructor to give the

child any physiological information, or to tell him in what the

marital act consists. This is not true. Parents should avoid

telling the child about the different sins that can be committed

against sexual morality and about the circumstances and details

of the marriage act. Nevertheless, "explicit and clear

information about the essential character of marital intercourse

is not a detail but the very substance of what the parent is

setting out to give. The details which the parent is advised to

avoid . . . refer to the circumstances accompanying the action."[3]

Therefore the instructor of children must avoid telling the child

1) about all possible sins of impurity, and 2) about all the

attendant details or the exact method of performing the marriage

act, until such information is necessary. However, at the proper

time he may tell the child the precise nature of the marriage




What has the Catholic Church to say in favor of sex education?

1. Pope Pius XI says that such education must be integrated into

the education of the whole person, a person raised to the

supernatural level:

"In fact it must never be forgotten that the subject of Christian

education is man whole and entire, soul united to body in unity

of nature, with all his faculties, natural and supernatural, such

as right reason and revelation show him to be; man, therefore,

fallen from his original estate, but redeemed by Christ and

restored to the supernatural condition of adopted son of God,

though without the preternatural privileges of bodily immortality

or perfect control of appetite. There remain therefore in human

nature the effects of original sin, the chief of which are

weakness of will and disorderly inclinations.... Hence every form

of pedagogic naturalism which in any way excludes or weakens

supernatural Christian formation in the teaching of youth, is

false" ("On the Christian Education of Youth").

2. The Church gives an outline of Christian education to


"Accordingly special care is to be paid to the complete, solid,

and continuous religious instruction of the youth of both sexes;

awakening in them a high regard and desire for, and a love of,

the angelical virtue; teaching them as a matter of supreme

importance to be persevering in prayer, to make assiduous use of

the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist, to honor the

holy purity of the Blessed Virgin Mother with filial devotion,

and to commit themselves unreservedly to her protection, teaching

them moreover carefully to avoid dangerous reading, indecent

scenic performances, wrong conversations and all other occasions

of sin. Consequently, works which have recently been written and

published, even by certain Catholic authors, advocating a new

method of procedure, are in no wise to be approved."[5]

This statement of the Holy Office does not exclude proper sex

information, but it insists on the absolutely necessary

supernatural basis of Christian education in the matter of

purity, together with a realistic approach to original and

personal sin and the dangerous occasions of sin.[6]

3. Finally, Pope Pius XII, carefully watching over the families

of the world, and mindful of the excessive concern with sex

education among modern parents, addressed this clear and

magnificent statement to the Women of Catholic Action,

representing all the dioceses of Italy, on the feast of Christ

the King, October 26, 1941. Here you will find both a

justification and an outline of Christian chastity education

(subtitles ours):

Hygiene and Morality:

"Many of the moral characteristics which see in the youth or the

man owe their origin to the manner and circumstances of his first

upbringing in infancy: purely organic habits contracted at that

time may later prove a serious obstacle to the spiritual life of

the soul. And so you will make it your special care in the

treatment of your child to observe the prescriptions of a perfect

hygiene, so that when it comes to the use of reason its bodily

organs and faculties will be healthy and robust and free from

distorted tendencies."

Education to Self-Control:

". . . From that early age a loving look, a warning word, must

teach the child not to yield to all its impressions, and as

reason dawns, it must learn to discriminate and to master the

vagaries of its sensations; in a word, under the guidance and

admonition of the mother it must begin the work of its own


Understanding and Reasoned Discipline:

"Study the child in his tender age. If you know him well you will

educate him well; you will not misconceive his character; you

will come to understand him, knowing when to give way and when to

be firm; a naturally good disposition does not fall to the lot of

all the sons of men."


"Train the minds of your children. Do not give them wrong ideas

or wrong reasons for things: whatever their questions may be, do

not answer them with evasions or untrue statements, which their

minds rarely accept, but take occasion from them lovingly and

patiently to train their minds, which want only to open to the

truth and to grasp it with the first ingenuous gropings of their

reasoning and reflective powers...."

Adolescence and Sexual Stirring

Modesty: of Dress, of Action, of Eyes



Love of Purity

Gaining Confidence

Anticipating Questions

Parents and Sex Information


Less Danger

Evil Sources

". . . But the day will come when the childish heart will feel

new impulses stirring within it; new desires will disturb the

serenity of those early years. In that time of trial, Christian

mothers, remember that to train the heart means to train the will

to resist the attacks of evil and the insidious temptations of

passion; during that period of transition from the unconscious

purity of infancy to the triumphant purity of adolescence you

have a task of the highest importance to fulfill. You have to

prepare your sons and daughters so that they may pass with

unfaltering step, like those who pick their way among serpents,

through that time of crisis and physical change; and pass through

it without losing anything of the joy of innocence, preserving

intact that natural instinct of modesty with which Providence has

girt them as a check upon wayward passions. That sense of

modesty, which in its spontaneous abhorrence from the impure is

akin to the sense of religion, is made of little account in these

days; but you, mothers, will take care that they do not lose it

through indecency in dress or self-adornment, through unbecoming

familiarities or immoral spectacles; on the contrary you will

seek to make it more delicate and alert, more up right and

sincere. You will keep a watchful eye on their steps; you will

not suffer the whiteness of their souls to be stained and

contaminated by corrupt and corrupting company; you will inspire

them with a high esteem and jealous love for purity, advising

them to commend themselves to the sure and motherly protection of

the Immaculate Virgin. Finally, with the discretion of a mother

and a teacher, and thanks to the openhearted confidence with

which you have been able to inspire your children, you will not

fail to watch for and to discern the moment in which certain

unspoken questions have occurred to their minds and are troubling

their senses. It will then be your duty to your daughters, the

father's duty to your sons, carefully and delicately to unveil

the truth as far as it appears necessary; to give a prudent, true

and Christian answer to those questions, and set their minds at

rest. If imparted by the lips of Christian parents at the proper

time, in the proper measure, and with the proper precautions, the

revelation of the mysterious and marvelous laws of life will be

received by them with reverence and gratitude, and will enlighten

their minds with far less danger than if they learned them

haphazard, from some unpleasant shock, from secret conversations,

through information received from over-sophisticated companions,

or from clandestine reading, the more dangerous and pernicious as

secrecy inflames the imagination and troubles the senses. Your

words if they are wise and discreet, will prove a safeguard and a

warning in the midst of the temptations and the corruption which

surround them, 'because foreseen an arrow comes more slowly.'"[7]

We have presented this statement almost in its entirety in order

to convince parents of the stand of the Church on sex education

of the right kind. Pius XII talks about hygiene, organic habits

in infancy, education in modesty, answering questions truthfully,

even anticipating questions, and forestalling smutty information

on the matter of purity. This quotation is really an outline of

the book you are reading. Study it carefully.

A later statement of Pope Pius XII bears on these matters also.

On July 24, 1949, the Pope addressed the women of Italian

Catholic Action on matters concerning the Family and Youth. Among

other worthwhile things he stressed this admonition: "Educate

youth in purity. Help youth when an explaining word of advice and

guidance is necessary. Do not forget that a good education must

embrace the whole of life and in this sphere especially the habit

of self-control is the best formation."[8]

Finally, a very recent address of the Pope to a group of French

fathers concerned this same subject, of chastity education. In

the wide publicity accorded this talk by both the Catholic and

the secular press, the impression was given that His Holiness was

attacking any and all such education. Of course this was not the

case. The Holy Father's statements were so forceful that we feel

it an obligation to record them, at least in part (italics ours):

". . . No attempt to influence public opinion ought to be either

disdained or neglected.

"There is one field in which this education of public opinion,

and its correction, has become necessary with tragic urgency. In

this field public opinion has been perverted by propaganda that

one would not hesitate to call deadly, despite the fact that it

comes this time from Catholic sources and seeks to influence

Catholics, and even though those who disseminate it do not appear

to suspect that they are unknowingly deluded by the spirit of


"We are speaking here of the writings, books and articles

touching on sexual instruction which today often achieve enormous

sales and flood the whole world, engulfing children, submerging

the rising generation, and disturbing engaged and newly married


"With all the seriousness, attention and dignity the subject

requires, the Church has dealt with the question of instruction

in this matter to the extent counseled or demanded by the normal

physical and psychological development of the adolescent and by

individual cases arising from varying special circumstances....

"This propaganda [of sex education] still threatens Catholics

with a double scourge, not to use a stronger term. In the first

place, it exaggerates beyond all measure the importance and scope

of the sexual element in life. Let us grant that these authors,

from a purely theoretical point of view, still remain within the

limits of Catholic morality; it is nonetheless true that their

manner of explaining sexual life is of such a nature as to give

it, in the mind of the average reader and in his practical

judgment, the meaning and value of an end in itself. It makes him

lose sight of the true original end of marriage, which is the

procreation and education of children, and of the grave duty of

married persons toward this end, which the writings about which

we are speaking leave too much in the shade.

"Secondly, this so-called literature seems to take no account of

the general experience of yesterday, today and always, an

experience founded on nature which proves that, in moral training

neither instruction nor initiation offers any advantage of

itself. On the contrary, it is seriously unhealthy and

prejudicial unless closely bound to constant discipline, vigorous

mastery of oneself, and above all, the use of supernatural

forces--prayer and the Sacraments. All Catholic teachers worthy

of their name and mission are well aware of the preponderant role

of supernatural forces in the sanctification of man, be he young

or old, bachelor or married. Of these supernatural forces

scarcely a word is whispered in the literature of which we speak:

they are usually passed over in silence.

"The very principles of sexual education and questions related to

it, which were so wisely brought forth by Our predecessor Pius XI

in his encyclical "Divini Illius Magistri," are swept aside--sad

sign of the times--with a wave of the hand or with a smile. Pius

XI, they say, wrote that twenty years ago for his times. We have

gone ahead since then."[9]


We have no way of knowing which works Pius XII was referring to

in this address. We may presume he had in mind especially some

writings in French, since he was speaking to French parents. We

can be sure, however, by careful evaluation of his statements

that the Pope refers to works: (1) which are written by

Catholics; (2) which make of sexual activity an end itself, or

which leave in the shade the nature of marriage and its purpose;

(3) which do not show proper understanding of the necessity of

strong self-discipline, and of frequentation of the Sacraments;

and (4) which ignore Pope Pius XI's directions in the encyclical

we have already quoted under its English title, "On the Christian

Education of Youth."

The careless reader might infer that His Holiness is attacking

all information concerning the nature of the facts of life. This

is not so. He tells us that the Church has dealt with such

instruction so far as it is needed by the physical and

psychological development of the adolescent, or demanded by

special individual circumstances. The preceding quotations in

this chapter bear this out in the Pope's own words. True, he says

that initiation is of no avail in itself, and that it can be

harmful; but he adds a strong "unless"--"unless closely bound to

constant discipline, etc."

The author humbly submits to the reader that the present work

does not fall under the papal strictures.

This book does not exaggerate the importance of sex in life; on

the contrary, it insists that sex is but one fiber in the total

human personality. Sexuality is not treated as an end in itself.

Constantly these pages repeat: "Sexual actions are sacred to the

married state"; and insist on the vocation of marriage and

parenthood with which sex is inextricably bound up. Above all,

the pitfall of naturalism has been avoided. Throughout have been

stressed the practices of Christian character-building, self-

restraint, asceticism, and the frequentation of the Sacraments.

The four chapters on religious and moral formation outweigh the

physical and psychological chapters in both length and

exhaustiveness of treatment; moreover, these four chapters supply

the real outline, or "frame of reference," of the entire book.

Lastly, the directions of Pope Pius XI have been enshrined in the

very first paragraphs of the present chapter.

As you read through the remainder of this book, please refer back

constantly to these papal pronouncements, so that you too will

avoid the errors and excesses against which His Holiness issues

so grave a warning.

There are many more interesting and helpful statements available,

but enough have been given to represent the Church's position on

this matter. From here on every word of this book will be

directed toward explaining the principles of sex education and

their application to practical problems.



1. Does the Church condemn sex education? Your answer should

start: "It depends on what you mean by sex education...."

2. Can you list any dangers in the approach through means "purely

natural"? through "precautionary instruction for all

indiscriminately, even in public"? Does this forbid all

precautionary instruction? Will exposure to temptation harden

people to it?

3. Who are "those who hold the commission from God to teach and

have the grace of state"? (Save your answer for future reference

in Chapter III.)

4. Is every kind of physiological instruction forbidden to

married persons or persons about to be married? What kind is


5. What two things are forbidden by the statement of the Pope

that the parent "should. . . not descend to details, nor refer to

the various ways this infernal hydra destroys. . . so large a

portion of the world"?

6. Why is the Church so anxious for the use of positive

supernatural helps and a positive approach to purity?

7. Pick out the sentences and phrases which seem most important

in the statement of Pope Pius XII to mothers. Discuss them.

8. Why is the Pope's statement so valuable? (Consider the grace

given to him as head of the Church, his concern for the good of

all; his expert advisers, etc.)




1. Here and elsewhere in this book the encyclicals "On The

Christian Education of Youth" and "On Christian Marriage," and

other pronouncements of Pope Pius XI, as well as those of the

present Pontiff, are cited in the official N.C.W.C. translations,

with the permission of the publisher.

2. For a fuller interpretation of these passages cf. Kirsch,

Felix M., O.F.M. Cap., "Sex Education and Training in Chastity"

(Benziger Brothers, New York, 1930), pp. xvi-xx.

3. Mahoney, Canon E. J., in the "Clergy Review," London, March

1947 (XXVII) p. 194. Quoted with permission of the publisher.

4. Those who are interested in the scientific analysis of

official statements may wish to consult: King, J. Leycester, S.

J., "Sex Enlightenment and The Catholic" (Burns Oates and

Washbourne, London, 1945); also the "Ecclesiastical Review,"

June, 1931 (LXXXIV), p. 601, and October 1931 (LXXXV), pp. 392-

395; and the "Clergy Review," March, 1947 (XXVII), pp. 193-194.

5. Decree of the Holy Office, March 21, 1931 (privately


6. Cf. comment in "Periodica," 1931, pp. 243-244.

7. Translation entitled "Guiding Christ's Little Ones" (N.C.W.C.,

Washington, D.C., 1942).

8. "Catholic Action," September, 1949, p. 20. This and all

N.C.W.C. material is quoted with permission of the publisher.

9. N.C.W.C. News Service Release, September 28, 1951.







The parents have the primary right and the duty to educate their

children. Since, as we have shown, sex education is merely a part

of general education, the primary right and duty of parents

extends also to sex education.

Pope Pius XI states, in the encyclical "On the Christian

Education of Youth":

"The family therefore holds directly from the Creator the mission

and hence the right to educate the offspring, a right inalienable

because inseparably joined to the strict obligation, a right

anterior to any right whatever of civil society and of the State,

and therefore inviolable on the part of any power on earth....

The wisdom of the Church in this matter is expressed with

precision and clearness in the Code of Canon Law, Canon 1113:

'Parents are under a grave obligation to see to the religious and

moral education of their children, as well as to their physical

and civil training, as far as they can....'"




Parents above all others have the commission from God to teach

children. They also have the special graces of their state. One

of the graces they receive with the Sacrament of Matrimony is the

supernatural help to educate their children. If parents feel that

they are not prepared to meet their obligations in the matter of

sex education, it is their duty to prepare themselves. The author

has yet to meet the father or mother who could not supply their

children's needs if they made an effort. A great deal of

schooling is not necessary, though it may be helpful. The

requirements are a small but correct vocabulary, a sensible and

Christian attitude, and an understanding of principles and of

children. Pope Pius XII is very explicit on the duty of parents

to be educators, and on their duty to prepare themselves for this


"We need not delay to remind you how important and how necessary

is this work of education in the home, and how grave a mother's

obligation not to neglect it or perform it with indifference....

This obligation [is] the first of their duties as Christian

mothers, and . . . a task in which none can fully take their

place. But it is not enough to be conscious of an obligation and

to have the desire to discharge it; it is necessary also to

render oneself capable of discharging it competently.[1]

Some parents shirk the duty of chastity education for one of two

reasons. They do not know the correct words to use, or they feel

such an emotional disturbance over the subject that they cannot

bring themselves to talk to their children about it.[2]

Few technical words are required--fewer by far than are included

in this study. Wrong attitudes are more difficult to correct, but

they can be overcome with effort. As a matter of fact, however,

parents are educating their children whether they intend to or

not. Children imbibe their parents' attitudes toward politics,

race relations, honesty, patriotism, and so on. Attitudes on sex

are no exception to this generally acknowledged fact. The minds,

attitudes, and moral habits of children are plastic. They can be

shaped in almost the same way as wax is shaped in molds. If the

mold supplied in the home is good, their formation will be good.

But if parents have no definite ideas on this matter, no definite

mold to give, their children will be shaped poorly. Positive

education forms the child; negative education allows the child to

be formed by someone else. Therefore, either your child will

adopt your attitude (whether of shamefaced silence, brash

frankness, or wholesome reverence) or he will go elsewhere for

his formation. He may receive it from playmates, random (and

often evil) reading, older meddlers, movies, etc. And what he

does not learn from these sources he may learn from actual


One sometimes hears parents say: "My children do not need any

instruction from me. They learn all they need to know from the

movies, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, etc." This do-

nothing attitude is disastrous. Even if children did learn the

important facts of life from such sources, are they wholesome

sources? It is not so much the learning of the physiological

facts that matters, but rather the children's attitudes and

judgments on these facts.

It is our opinion, however, that children and adolescents do not

get correct information even from these sources. They are merely

inspired to try to find out what is behind the things that seem

to tell them so much. Their curiosity is stirred. Their appetites

begin to trouble them even though they do not know what it is all

about. They observe that near-nudity is common; that immodesty in

dress is widely held to be necessary for "glamour" and

popularity; they come to think that love consists in mere bodily

attraction and emotional romance. Some adolescents start to

practice the love-making techniques they see on the screen. The

very fact that children are faced with all these influences makes

it imperative that parents engage in positive education on all

phases of chastity and modesty.

There are two things, above all others, which parents must do in

the face of the pagan atmosphere in which their children live.

First, they must constantly observe and judge the influences that

affect their children. If they do not, they will find themselves

adopting some of the world's false attitudes. The eminent

philosopher Dr. Yves Simon expresses the opinion that the

constant impact of propaganda and advertising on uncritical minds

acts like a blackjack. After a time, such propaganda can make men

slaves more effectively than the lash.[3] Second, parents must

gradually teach their children to judge these influences. This

does not mean that parents should at once point out to their

children all the evils in the world, for this might stir up

passion unnecessarily. At first, their teaching should be of such

a kind that the child will apply it unconsciously to what he sees

and hears. Then, in later adolescence, boys and girls may well be

taught to pass accurate and explicit judgments on these


As a last incentive for parents to assume this important task,

let them consider the following facts. In a study of 2,000

Catholic boys in Catholic high schools (and therefore presumably

under the best possible influence), it was found that unwholesome

sources of sex information outnumbered wholesome sources three to

one. When brought to bear, many of the wholesome sources were as

much as six years too late.[4] These figures are conservative.

Other authors put the unwholesome sources much higher. There can

be no doubt, then, that the chastity of children depends on the

education given them by their parents. This education is a

serious and primary obligation of parents.



It may happen that parents are not equipped to give the proper

instruction in sex, and that before they can prepare themselves

to do so, some such instruction is needed by their children. In

such a case, the parents must choose a substitute or delegate.

They may choose a priest or nun, the family doctor, a nurse, a

relative who is qualified, a school teacher. These substitutes

cannot completely supply for the parents in sex education, though

they may supply for one or the other sex instruction (for

example, at the age of 12 or 14). After all, the parent knows the

child better than anyone else, and has a continuous contact with


Besides, each of the delegates listed suffers under several

disadvantages. The doctor or nurse tends to be too physiological

and medical. The priest or nun may find it difficult to win the

confidence of the child because of their position of authority.

All substitutes are hampered by lack of time and the difficulty

of sufficiently understanding the child's background. Certainly,

a mother with five children has many more opportunities to gain

knowledge of her children and win their confidence than a school

teacher with 40 children, or a priest who must care for 1,000.

However, when it is really necessary for the good of the child,

any one of these substitutes may give the needed instruction.

Parents, priests and teachers, both lay and religious, all have a

"commission to teach and a grace of state."[5]

The Priest in the Confessional

It has sometimes been said that sex instruction can best be

accomplished by the priest in the confessional. There are many

reasons why this opinion is false. First of all, the priest very

often has no opportunity to instruct until sin, or even a habit

of sin, is brought to his attention. Then it is so late that his

instruction in the confessional can be merely corrective. Second,

there is the time element; the priest cannot risk the child's

resentment at being detained too long, or the child's fear of

drawing the attention of his companions or parents waiting

outside. Third, the confessional is dark, so that the priest

cannot see and be guided by the reactions of the child. Fourth,

even were instruction attempted in the confessional, so much

would have to be given at one time that a great deal of it would

be missed by the child, or immediately forgotten. For these

reasons and many others, it is the author's opinion that the only

effective sex instruction the priest can give in the confessional

is that concerning the morality of certain acts. He can do much

remedial work, but little of a positive nature.[6]

Outside the confessional, of course, the priest may be very

helpful. His work in the school and in personal interviews is of

great assistance in these matters. Some adolescents prefer to

talk over their sexual problems with a priest because his

celibate life gives him a more objective and impersonal view of

the whole realm of chastity, in or out of marriage.[7]


Tacit and Express Delegation

It is not necessary that parents expressly choose those who

substitute for them in giving sex instructions. If the parents

have not won the confidence of the child in this matter, they

will not know when he is in need of help. Teachers are assistants

to the parents in the work of educating children, and there is no

reason why they may not give a certain amount of sex instruction

to their charges according to individual needs. (They should

never attempt this, it goes without saying, unless they are

reasonably sure that the child needs some instruction, and that

he is not getting it at home.)

This holds, in fact, for all qualified persons who are

spontaneously approached by a child. Such approach does not

necessarily mean that the child asks a pointblank question; he

may merely give various indirect indications, references, etc.,

which hint of his need. It is right to answer his appeal, for the

reason that the parents may be presumed to be reasonably willing

to have the child's needs met by a really competent instructor.

In the case of a child and a close Catholic relative or Catholic

teacher, the parents' willingness would seem unquestionable. Such

willingness could hardly be presumed in the case of persons more

casually connected with the child.

Note, however, that the individual who undertakes such a task

assumes serious responsibilities. He must not merely feel

capable. There are too many who undertake to instruct children

when they are less qualified than the children themselves. They

must be reasonably assured of their ability chastely to educate

or instruct a child.

One who has mastered the contents of this book or a similar work

may consider himself qualified. But even doctors or nurses, if

they merely know the physiology of sex but have not formed proper

attitudes for themselves, are not capable of educating others.

There should be a dependable norm for the Catholic doctor, nurse,

social worker, or school teacher who may read this work. Those

who are in a position to gain the confidence of the child, who

are properly qualified in language, Catholic principles and

attitudes, whom the child spontaneously approaches, may, upon

realizing the need of the child and its lack of instruction at

home, reasonably presume the consent of the parents to give some

instruction. This instruction may supplement parental education

or even supply for it if necessary.

No parents who read the section above should use it as an excuse

for not educating their own children in this matter. At the very

best, instructors other than parents make poor substitutes for

the work of the home. Most of them have no strict obligation to

undertake the task, while the parents have such an obligation.

Besides, as will be repeatedly pointed out, education in this

matter should take in the whole growing life of the child. The

parents alone are in contact with the child over the whole



A group of parents will do well to become acquainted with a

Catholic doctor, nurse, psychiatrist, child specialist, etc.,

whom they can consult if special problems arise. Such

consultation might be necessary in the case of a child who reacts

wrongly to instruction, or who contracts a bad habit, for

example, masturbation. The specialists will be helpful, but they

should be Catholic if at all possible. We do not mean merely

specialists who are Catholic, but truly Catholic specialists,

that is, those who practice their profession according to

Catholic moral principles. Priests can frequently help in

directing parents to such doctors, etc.



Both mother and father have the obligation of educating their

child to a chaste life. They are meant to be of mutual help, in

this problem as in all others. In actual instruction, the father

is obviously the "natural" one for the boys, the mother for the

girls. However, it will be found at times that the mother is the

better instructor for both sons and daughters until puberty or

beyond. (This age varies with individuals, but is usually

considered to be about 14 for boys and 12 for girls.)

No father should interpret what is said here as freeing him from

responsibility in the sex education of his children. A good norm

is: Whichever parent is asked, should answer.



1. Who has the right to educate a child? Who has the duty? Would

the willful omission of this duty constitute a serious sin?

2. Why are parents alone in a position to give really adequate

sex education?

3. Who or what is actually forming the mind of your children on

sexual matters: You? The school? Your children's friends?

Magazines? Comic books? Obscene pictures? Have you ever attempted

to find out?

4. As an exercise in judgment, pick up any secular magazine and

turn to a modern love story. Read it. Is the heroine's physical

beauty described in excessive detail? Are passionate scenes

presented? Does the author linger on such detail? Is there one

incident in which the heroine disrobes or appears in a bathing

suit? If so, has the illustrator selected this one (perhaps

passing) incident for his illustration? Has the incident any real

connection with the story? If not, why do you think it was

introduced? Do hero and heroine marry within two weeks or less?

Is divorce involved? Is there any mention of parenthood or

children? Granting even that one or another story of this kind

might be harmless, could a steady diet of such reading be

healthy? In the same magazine count the advertisements. How many

say in every line: "Romance, glamour, passion, can be had if you

buy, wear, use, this product"?

Consider this cynical quotation from a story in a popular

magazine: "Burlesque isn't dead, it's only been transferred to

magazine illustrations." Would you consider this statement true?

Judge the last movie you saw in the light of its effect: (1) on

young children; (2) on adolescents. Will these influences be the

ones that educate your children? How can you combat them?

5. If you have adolescent girls, do you face any problems in

persuading them to choose modest costumes, bathing suits etc.? If

so, has their judgment been warped by their surroundings? How can

you help them to judge what is modest?

6. Can anyone but a father or mother really supply all parental

instruction? In cases of necessity who may supplement the work of


7. Should the father or the mother be the one to instruct the

children in sex?




1. "Guiding Christ's Little Ones," p. 2.

2. Cf. Fleege, Urban H., "Self-Revelation of the Adolescent Boy"

(Bruce, Milwaukee, 1945), p. 275.

3. "The Nature and Function of Authority" (Marquette University

Press, Milwaukee, 1940), pp. 55 ff.

4. Cf. Fleege, op. cit., pp. 272-274, 276.

5. Cf. also, Kirsch, op. cit., p. 164.

6. Further reasons against instruction in the confessional can be

found in the Code of Canon Law, Canon 888, 2, cf. also the

Private Response of the Sacred Office, May 16, 1943, in regard to

treating these matters in the confessional.

7. Cf. Kirsch, op. cit., pp. 116, 163: Fleege, op. cit.. pp. 276-







Many people are surprised to hear that sex education must be

gradual. They think of fulfilling this task in one "heart-to-

heart talk." Popular literature has confirmed this error by

referring to the "birds and bees" lecture that parents are to

give their children. This is against good common sense, for no

child learns anything completely in one lesson. When a child of

six asks what makes the train go, do you try to explain all the

mechanical working of a steam engine? No, you answer simply,

"Steam," and let it go at that. Again, the same subjects, to a

large degree, are taught in grade school, high school, and

college, simply because human beings learn gradually. The process

is the same for sex education, but with an added reason. The

child's sexual passions must not be awakened too soon. It must

always be remembered that:

"There remain . . . in human nature the effects of original sin,

chief of which are weakness of will and disorderly


It is foolish to try to teach the young child some things, such

as higher mathematics, because he will not be able to grasp them.

It is foolish to teach him the facts about sex too soon, not only

because his understanding is weak, but because he may learn

enough to experiment with his own passions. Do not object that

this premature awakening is impossible. Statistics are to hand

that would make you shudder.



Another reason for making sex education a gradual process is the

danger of shocking a child. The nature of emotional shock must be

understood. A shock is produced by a sudden and disagreeable

surprise. We are shocked, for example, at the unexpected

announcement of a good friend's death. We are not shocked at a

pleasant surprise, though we may be amazed. Again, if a

disagreeable fact comes upon us not suddenly, but gradually, we

may be saddened, but we are not shocked. To take examples: we are

shocked when a well-mannered child suddenly and convincingly

cries, "I hate you"; we are pleasantly amazed when a moderately

talented child suddenly takes all honors; we are saddened at a

child who sins seriously, for to anyone who realizes the weakness

of human nature, sin, however disagreeable, can never be a


Now, shock for a child in sexual matters usually has the two

elements, of sudden surprise over a disagreeable fact. For

example, it happened once that a boy of nine, totally unprepared,

came upon a picture series in a doctor's book explaining a

Caesarian birth. Naturally, he thought it the only method of

birth. He was shocked at the sudden "knowledge" that his mother

had to go through a terrible operation to give him life. If the

instruction and education of a child are gradual, there will be

no surprise, and the disagreeableness will be lessened. (The

specific approach for eliminating any disagreeable effect of such

information will be treated later.)

A still further reason for gradual education is the nature of the

child's questions and curiosity. A child's first questions are

ontological, not sexual. By this is meant that the child is

interested in the world of things that exist, especially in

living things. He is not sexually preoccupied. He is not

searching for pleasure, nor is he interested in the mechanics of

generation. He simply wants to know what things are, why they

exist, and where they came from. Later on he will become curious

about bodily mechanisms and pleasures. Naturally, then, you

answer the questions that interest him and no more. A young child

may be interested enough to ask where the new baby came from, but

he or she will not ordinarily be concerned with how it got out,

or how it came to be there in the first place. Therefore you

instruct a child simply in the order of its need.



The general rule of "privacy" for sex education applies chiefly

to instruction on the intimate facts about sex, and to those

portions of the child's training that are liable to be the more

stimulating, such as warnings on venereal disease, explanations

on how to act in a bathroom, and cautions against sinful actions.

This does not mean that every child must always be instructed in

such things individually, though frequently that is the best

method. "Private" here means that instruction must be adapted to

the personal needs of each child. Children in a family within a

certain age range may often be instructed together.

Private instruction is important for two reasons: first, because

of the child's psychological make-up; and second, because of the

impossibility of meeting the needs of individuals in group


It must be understood that sexual instruction is liable to be

stirring if presented vividly, or if several persons are present,

or if it is given to a group of both sexes. Anyone who has ever

talked to boys or girls on the subject, even in the most general

terms, will bear this out. One who has gained a boy's or girl's

confidence can talk to the child alone very easily. But an

instructor who addresses a group of both boys and girls on

anything pertaining to sex can almost feel the tension among


Of course broader educational points can be made to a group

consisting of both sexes. This is the function of the school.

General right attitudes toward marriage and parenthood can be

fostered by the use of examples from history and literature, by

analyzing the home life of foreign peoples, by suggestions in

home economics and manual training classes and in religion

courses. The priest can and should preach on the larger moral

problems pertaining to chastity, matrimony, vocation, etc.

However, intimate facts and delicate personal adjustments must

always be left for private interviews. The common moral

principles can be taught in the school, but the personal

applications should be made in the home, in the confessional, or

in other person-to-person contacts.

Mothers and fathers should create occasions when their children

can talk to them of all their problems, not only the sex problem.

If that is the practice in a home, sex problems will be easily

proposed. The hour when the children are taking or being given a

bath offers a good opportunity for some instruction to those who

are very young. There are other made-to-order occasions, as when

the mother is helping a child to dress, or combing its hair, or

doing a chore with the help of the child. Hikes, fishing jaunts,

co-operation in a hobby, even lesson time, all provide good

occasions for a father to talk over problems with his son. No

matter how busy or how large a household, opportunities can be

found for those brief private chats that are so valuable a means

of education in all spheres.



Parents are sometimes amazed to learn that repetition is needed

in sex education and instruction. They think that once the

inevitable questions are asked and answered, their troubles are

at an end. Children forget; sometimes, indeed, their minds are

distracted even while you are instructing them. Children learn

few things "all at once." Did your child learn the multiplication

table at one sitting? Was a single lesson enough to teach it

obedience, or honesty, or any virtue? Of course not. Sex

education is no different. Convictions and habits are built up

only over a long period of time. It requires many admonitions and

instructions, backed by constant good example, to make a mature

person out of your child. If he comes to you with a question on

sex that you answered before and shows no recollection of the

answer, it may actually be a good sign. It may mean that the

child is not mulling too much over these matters; and it also

shows that the child has such confidence in you that he is not

worrying that needed knowledge will be withheld. Only if the

child returns frequently and at brief intervals with questions

about sex, or if there is some indication that he is overly

anxious, will it be necessary to caution him about too much

thought on the subject.

There may come a time when your child needs a review of all that

you have said over a long period. This is natural, and you should

not be surprised at it. It seems to the writer that this is about

the only time when a complete booklet will be useful for a boy or

girl. For those of the age of, say, 15 or 16, a good booklet may

put into final order the instructions you have given over a

period of years. The same booklet, however, might be dangerous if

you have avoided all previous informal education. Should you

decide to give such a book to your child, first read it yourself

to find out whether, in your judgment, it fits that child's need.


If sex education is to be gradual, private, repeated and

reviewed, then it will take a long time. It should be spread over

a lifetime, from birth through maturity. Education will continue

for a lifetime, but parental duties will be over or nearly over

by the time one's child is about 18. The truth must be told the

child at every age, but not always all the truth. Bits of

knowledge should fit themselves into the child's mind so

imperceptibly that he will not notice how much he is learning. If

a child is trained in this way, then when the time of full

enlightenment arrives, the information will seem natural,

unspectacular, and even "old stuff."

It would be well if we lived in a society in which children could

reach maturity, and find it economically possible to marry at an

earlier age. In such a society, mature sex education could be

reached by the age of 17 and marriage soon afterward. The world

in which we actually live creates sex interest and problems at an

early age and yet makes impossible the normal solution of such

problems by an early marriage. That is why we state that sex

education should last from 3 to 18. Adjustment to problems

arising from that point until marriage is a special field that

needs more attention from Catholic writers.




Everyone will agree that education should meet the needs of each

individual, and enable him to meet and solve successfully the

problems of real life. However, it is difficult to judge what is

the proper time for certain instructions For example, generally

speaking, a boy should have definite information shortly before

his first seminal emission; a girl, shortly before her first

menstruation. But when will this happen to a particular child?

You cannot foresee the exact time. Therefore, the child should be

prepared in a general way in advance, so that when the time comes

he or she will recall something of what has been said and have

confidence enough to come back and ask for a more complete

explanation. In other words, one instruction will be given before

the need arises, another afterward. The first instruction will

not be fully understood because there is no experience behind it.

After the first experience, a more complete instruction can be

given with a better chance of understanding.


Precisely When?

This is a difficult question to answer. There are seldom two

children of the same physical constitution in the same family.

One authority states that most girls experience their first

menstruation at the age of 13 years and 9 months, and that most

boys experience seminal emission for the first time at about 14

years and 6 months. Yet no hard-and-fast date can be set down.

There are many preliminary signs of puberty. When the youngsters

begin to grow rapidly out of their clothes, when the boy's voice

begins to change and he shows signs of a mustache, when the

girl's breasts begin to develop and her figure changes from

angles to curves, puberty is fast approaching. Certainly, when

the mother notes a stain on the child's bed clothing or pajamas,

the full instructions for puberty should be given.

When should the preliminary instruction be given? A good norm is,

about 2 years before the age of puberty: thus, about the eleventh

year for the girl and the twelfth for the boy. However, there is

one fact of modern life that may make it necessary to give a boy

or girl an even earlier instruction on bodily organs and changes.

Children talk a great deal among themselves. Various studies

which have been made concerning their first knowledge of the

sexual mechanism, show this. According to Fleege,[2] 68 percent of

the boys studied received enlightenment from companions in the

seventh grade, and most girls learn the facts about sex in the

sixth grade. It therefore seems safe to recommend that the first

rather complete instruction be given to boys entering the seventh

grade, and to girls entering the sixth.

Someone may say: "Well, if some learn even earlier, then we

should give an earlier instruction to all." The answer is, that

in dealing with human things we cannot prepare for every possible

problem. If some children learn at 7, should we teach them all at

6? No; the dangers attached to premature enlightenment by parents

outweigh the chances of the child's being informed from other

sources at an early age. Moreover, the danger can be greatly

lessened where the parents so win the confidence of the child

that he will come to them if he receives any sex information

elsewhere. If, however, the child has actually received

information from unwholesome sources, correct information must be

imparted at once.

The twofold instruction spoken of above--that is, both before and

after the need has declared itself--applies to other things

besides seminal emission and menstruation. Such occasions are:

the first appearance of attraction to the opposite sex; the first

temptations against purity; the more difficult dangers when the

adolescent goes off to work, or to college, or into nursing

training; the dangers in boy-and-girl relationships; and finally,

the beginning of company-keeping.

Forewarned is forearmed. Yet the forewarning must not take the

form of vivid imaginative descriptions. Instead, this preliminary

instruction should be general and more or less technical in

terminology, and should appeal to the reason rather than to the

imagination. It should be such that when, but only when, a

temptation or bodily reaction is experienced, it will be

recognized for what it is. Then the second and more complete

instruction will be in order.



1. List several common-sense reasons why sex education should be

gradual. What two elements enter into shock? Do you think both

elements can be eliminated in sex education? Could they be at

least softened?

2. What does the element of privacy mean in Christian sex

education? Why should personal adjustments be private? Must each

and every element of sex education be imparted in private? From

the material contained in this and the previous chapter, what

reasons must be opposed to formal sex education in the school?

3. Is it sufficient to take a child aside for just one talk on

the whole subject of sex? Why are repetition and review

necessary? Draw some parallels from other problems in life (for

example, preparing for an examination, making a retreat, checking

over your financial standing, etc.).

4. Try to formulate some answers to a child's first curious

questions about babies. Save your ideas for comparison with what

you will learn in Chapter XI.

5. At what time in a child's life should some instruction on

sexual facts certainly be given? Can a definite time be assigned

that applies equally to all?

6. What factors might make it necessary to give a child certain

information earlier than the general norms indicate?

7. Discuss this quotation: "Talks should be held in strict

secrecy between father and son or mother and daughter. They will

definitely be justified and directly beneficial for they will

correspond to the natural awakening of sex in the young person.

At this time, such conversations cannot be harmful, since parents

and children already understand that the subject is secret and

important and must be discussed to obtain benefits which,

remaining intimate, will equally be real.... Such talks must also

cover sex hygiene and particularly questions of sexual morality."

Do you think this quotation must be one from a Catholic source?

As a matter of fact it is a verbatim translation of a directive

of the Soviet government on sex education![3] Can you believe that

this comes from a government which once advocated the most frank

forms of sexual initiation? Will the knowledge of this about-face

after years of experience make you wary of sex education

proposals in the schools? Why?




1. Pius XI, "On the Christian Education of Youth."

2. Op. cit., p. 276.

3. Cf. "U.S. News and World Report" (independent weekly news

magazine, Washington, D.C.), July 22, 1949, p. 26: "Russia Takes

a New Line on Sex." Quoted with permission of the copyright







What should be contained in a complete Catholic education on sex?

It is hard to separate the elements of sex education from general

education; and this is exactly the reason why sex education

itself should not be separated from general education. However,

for purposes of study we shall attempt to outline the content of

Catholic education to chastity. The remainder of the book is

concerned with this content material.

Catholic sex education should be religious, moral, emotional,

psychological and physiological, and in that order of importance.

It should also embrace warnings of danger and give a remote and

proximate preparation for marriage. It is difficult to separate

these elements. Indeed, just as sex education should not be

separated from general education, so each of these elements of

sex education should not be separated from the others. It is a

natural thing to blend them together. For example, who would wish

to separate the noble emotion of real love from the religious

fact that in marriage husband and wife symbolize the union of

Christ with His Church?

It is necessary, moreover, to take special care never to separate

physiological information from an emotional, ethical or religious

viewpoint. Never say, "This organ is called this, and is used in

this way." Indicate the moral meaning of its use, or the wonder

of the power of procreation, or parallel the information with the

Hail Mary, etc.



So much of our religion affects our outlook on sex that there is

room here to sketch out only the most important truths and

attitudes. You are placed on this earth to know, love and serve

God. You are not here primarily to be a dictator, to make money,

or have fun. You know and love God by your intellect and will,

and supernaturally by the virtues of faith, hope and charity. How

do you serve Him? You serve God by keeping His laws and by

performing the duties of your state in life to the best of your

ability. It makes no difference what position you hold, whether

president or porter; it makes no difference what your state of

life is, married, single, or vowed to God's service. You can only

reach God by carrying out your particular duties to the best of

your ability according to His law.



There are three general states or vocations in life: the conjugal

or married state, the state of virginity in the world, and the

state of virginity in a religious order or the priesthood.



If we forget for a moment the circumstances affecting this or

that individual, and examine the states of life in themselves,

virginity is the higher state when embraced for a supernatural

reason. Speaking of a father's duty toward an unmarried daughter,

St. Paul says: "He who gives his virgin in marriage does well,

and he who does not give her does better" (1 Cor. 7:38). Notice

that St. Paul says virginity is better--he does not say marriage

is sinful! In fact, he denies that strongly: "If thou takest a

wife, thou hast not sinned. And if a virgin marries, she has not

sinned" (1 Cor. 7:28). His distinction is between what is good

and what is better.

Why is virginity better? The state of virginity makes it possible

for the individual to love God more directly without distraction

(cf. 1 Cor. 7:25-35). Virginity gives a person an opportunity to

sacrifice himself by completely overcoming the drive of bodily

passion. This state is a more difficult life in many ways, and if

chosen out of love of God, is more meritorious. When consecrated

by the vows of religion, virginity becomes even more noble.

However, if a man or woman were to embrace celibacy or virginity

for merely selfish motives, to avoid responsibility, to have ease

and comfort, etc., his or her virginity would be far less noble

than marriage. St. Augustine states this pungently:

"Virginity is not honored because it is virginity, but because it

is dedicated to God!"[1]


Clerical and Cloistered Virginity

How many thousands of young men and women have gone into the

priesthood and cloister to serve God and neighbor with all their

strength! They are the silent heroes of every age in history.

They have bound up the spiritual and physical wounds of mankind.

They have brought sinful men back to God. Throughout the

centuries they have been for human society the nurses, the

educators, the librarians, the experimental farmers, the

scientists and inventors, as well as the mystics and

contemplatives. Their contribution to the good of man can never

be measured in terms of dollars and cents, for without their

efforts culture and Christian civilization itself might be dead.

Priests and religious give the lie to the pagan claim, heard so

often, that continence is impossible, or if possible, fruitless.

Such men and women give fully of their lives, and ask only "food

and sufficient clothing, with these . . . [they are] content" (1

Tim. 6:8). Here is a worthy vocation in life, a career that

cannot be equaled by any worldly calling.


Virginity in the World

Virginity, as has been said, is a state of life possible not only

in the cloister but also outside it. Many of our young people are

following this state in the world with a very holy purpose. Many

nurses, social workers, doctors, teachers and hundreds of others

have voluntarily embraced virginity to devote themselves to their

work and through their work to God. If anyone doubts the worth of

such a sacrifice, let him consult Pope Pius XII's statement in

"Women's Duties in Social and Political Life."[2]



The third noble state of life is the conjugal state. "Marriage is

the lawful contract between man and woman by which is given and

accepted the exclusive and perpetual right to those mutual bodily

functions which are naturally apt to generate offspring."[3] Stated

in these cold words, marriage does not seem to mean much. But for

baptized Christians, it is far more. Christ has raised this

natural contract to the dignity and holiness of a sacrament.

Through it He grants to the spouses all the graces needed for

their heavy duties, and He renders their contract, already

permanent by natural law, absolutely unbreakable in life. As He

Himself says: "Now they are no longer two, but one flesh. What

therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder" (Mark

10:8-9). The wonderful and uniquely personal thing about this

sacrament is that the bride and groom are the ministers of it.

The priest does not confer the sacrament, he is merely the

official witness at the ceremony. Husband and wife confer the

sacrament on each other with all its graces. Not only do they

give each other their bodies and their lives, but they also give

to each other the sacrament from which come the graces needed to

perform their duties. By performing these duties properly, they

gain heaven. In the Sacrament of Matrimony, therefore, there are

only three actors: a man, a woman, and--no, not a priest but--




Sex acts are sacred and reserved to the married. Though the human

sexual functions are indeed physical, and similar to those of

animals (note we say similar, not the same by any means), a man

and woman co-operate not merely in the production of a body, but

toward the creation of a human person, who has a soul. It is God

alone who produces the soul; but parents are co-creators with Him

in bringing the whole person into existence. The human child is

not a little animal that merely eats and drinks and grows up to

reproduce his kind. He is a person: a being of tremendous worth.

He thinks, he wills, he loves, he becomes responsible for his

acts. He can know and love God, and with supernatural help he can

reach heaven; that is, he can attain such a state of perfection

that he is able to participate in the Life of God.

A human being is valuable--so valuable that God Himself saw fit

to unite a human nature with His divine nature in the Person of

Christ. If a human person is sacred as a result of such

consecration by God, then the act by which he is produced, the

sexual act of husband and wife, is sacred and holy; because if an

effect is holy, its cause must be holy.

The highest appreciation the non-Christian can have of marriage

is that it builds up the human race. The desire to perfect the

human race by bringing children into the world, and by bringing

them to the highest perfection is very noble. Yet how much more

noble it is to have the vocation of building up the Mystical Body

of Christ, to help extend Christ's holy Body, the Church, to the

ends of the earth!

"The humblest of laboring men should regard his home life as an

apostolate out of which Church and nation may draw the priests,

missionaries and apostles they need. For the basic ideal of

family life is to "multiply the number of the elect." Let this be

brought home to the working classes, for they in particular are

equal to the acts of generosity, devotion and self-denial which

such an ideal demands. And it is the proper development of the

worker's family life in accordance with this ideal that must be

kept in mind when facing questions such as the living wage, the

housing problem, married women workers, and that of supply and

demand in economics; and also in fighting the liberalism and

individualism, and the "statism," collectivism, and materialistic

nationalism which are its enemies. Family life inspired by this

high ideal affords a proper basis for the decent education and

moral training of the young. It gives a truly supernatural

foundation to their courtships and their friendships, which alone

is able to withstand the teaching and morals of modern


The nobility of marriage is further shown by the fact that St.

Paul uses the union of husband and wife as a miniature or symbol

of the mystical union of Christ with His Church (Eph. 5:22-32):

"Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord; because a

husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is head of the


"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the

Church.... He who loves his own wife, loves himself. For no one

ever hated his own flesh; on the contrary he nourishes and

cherishes it, as Christ also does the Church (because we are

members of His body, made from His flesh and from His bones).

"'For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and

cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh.'

"This is a great mystery--I mean in reference to Christ and to

the Church."



For many moderns, the purposes of marriage are the gratification

and pleasure of the couple. Children, when they are thought of,

come last in their plans. We sometimes wonder whether such

couples ever desire children except as an expression of their own

selfishness. In any event, their wish for children never rises

above the merely natural level. Some want a boy or girl, not for

the child's sake, but for their own. They want someone to love,

and someone to show off. They want the pleasure of association

with the child, perhaps even some companionship in their old age-

-a few children are a good investment! So long as their comfort,

freedom or pleasure is not hindered, they will have a few--and

only a few. They feel no sense of vocation to raise a family for


This attitude is very incomplete. Few of those who have it would

admit it even to themselves, for in many cases it is unconscious.

Nevertheless, the fact is there. True, all the joys they wish

from their children can be justly sought, but such happiness

should be a result of their vocation as parents, not the prime

purpose of their married lives.

How different is the Catholic concept! The first purpose of

marriage is children. To beget and educate children is a career

that should stimulate work and sacrifice. The second purpose of

marriage is mutual love, help and service, not only in bodily and

temporal needs, but also in spiritual things. Married Christians

must seek God together. The last, but by no means unimportant,

purpose is to provide a legitimate and holy outlet for

concupiscence. We must not lose sight of the order of purposes

within the marriage state.



Why all this material on states of life when we are speaking of

sex education? Is it not a digression? No. Sexual acts and sexual

pleasure are reserved for the married. (This should be repeated

again and again.) If this is true, then a mature outlook on the

use of sex depends on one's choice of a state of life. Once the

individual has finally chosen, that state is the way to heaven

for him. All discussion concerning the relative value of the

different states in life ceases when that decision is made, for

in the concrete, the best vocation for each person is the one to

which he is called.[5] Obviously then, a part of sex education is

an understanding of states in life. We can never integrate

attitudes on sex into our lives until we understand where sexual

activity belongs.


The Child and Vocation

All three states of life should be frequently presented to the

child for consideration. He should be told that he is free to

choose the married state, virginity in the world, or virginity in

the cloister or in the priesthood. Since each state is a vocation

from God, the child should be taught, at least by his tenth year,

to pray for guidance in his choice of vocation. The choice may

not be finally made until many years later, but it should be

considered early. This consideration need not be presented to the

child in so many words, but he should always know and feel that

there are three states of life from which he must freely choose.


Nature of a Call

Vocation, often named a "calling," should not be explained to the

child as an inner voice which clearly indicates God's will.

Rather, it shows itself by inclination, circumstances, ability,

and, in religious or priestly vocation, by the acceptance or

rejection of religious or ecclesiastical superiors.

Parents should teach these facts many times in word, but even

more often by example. It should be the expressed desire of every

family that God grant the grace of a religious or priestly

vocation to one of the children. Without exerting personal

pressure of any kind, mother and father should speak of the

happiness it would give them if God granted this grace. They

should always be reverent, admiring and devoted toward priests

and nuns, who, with all their human faults, are God's special


Toward those who live virginal lives in the world, parents should

show admiration rather than pity. A girl or boy who remains

unmarried to care for a family which has lost father or mother,

should be respected and honored. A nurse, teacher or social

worker, or anyone who consecrates a virginal life to real service

of God and men, demands reverence and respect, not commiseration,

or worse, cynical humor.

The sacredness of marriage should be continually expressed before

the children, even though one or the other has clearly indicated

a call to the virginal life. After all, religious and priests do

not and should not despise marriage. It is a wholesome and good

state which they have "traded in" for something better. A mature

outlook on marriage is necessary for everyone. Marriage is noble!

Teach your children by word and example that you married for love

of each other and of children. Show reverence and love for each

other, respect and esteem to other parents. Show that you

consider your sacrifices worthwhile. As a means of teaching the

sacredness of marriage, we suggest that you take the children to

Wedding Masses and explain their beauty and deep meaning.

Your children are romantic. It is well, indeed, to show them the

romance of all three states in life. Do not hide the difficulties

of any state, but point out its value compared to the price that

is paid. Hundreds of ways will suggest themselves to you.

Storytelling from the Lives of the Saints (married saints, too!)

will provide many such opportunities.



1. Should sex education be separated from general education? Why

not? Do you give a special education in honesty, truthfulness?

Should the divisions of sex education be separated in teaching?

Can you teach the religious first, the moral second, etc.?

2. A watch is made by a watchmaker to keep time. Who made man and

for what purpose? How does man accomplish that purpose? What

happens to a watch when it no longer keeps time? What happens to

a man when he comes to the end of his life without reaching his


3. What is a state of life? How many states are there? Which is

the best? Why? Are the others evil? Which is the really right one

for you? Discuss your reasons thoroughly.

4. Does a state in life have anything to do with sex education?

Could you ever build a valid code of sexual morals without

reference to God, and to state in life?

5. What are God's purposes for marriage? Is the order of purposes

important? Why?

6. Is it not true that some parents have a few children for

merely selfish reasons? What is the ideal of Christian parents?

Discuss this verbatim report of a radio question addressed by one

child to a panel of other children:[6]

Questioner: "I want a dog but my mother won't let me have one."

Answer: "You don't use the right strategy. Ask her for a baby

brother--then I'm sure she'll settle for a dog."

7. Is a vocation an inner voice? What is it? How is it made


8. Do you give good example of respect toward all three callings?

Is "old maid" frequent in your vocabulary? Can it be rightly

applied to the unmarried by choice? Is virginity valuable in

itself? Explain.

9. Do you really believe marriage is a career? Why is it a holy

state? Do you ever indicate how happy you would be to see one of

your children a priest or a nun? Would you be happy?

10. How would you use the beauty of a Wedding Mass to explain the

nobility of marriage?




1. "On Virgins," chapter 8.

2. Paulist Press, New York, 1945.

3. Davis, op. cit., Vol. IV, p. 53.

4. Canon Cardijn, "The Spirit of the Y.C.W." (Catholic Truth

Society, Toronto, 1940), pp. 13-14. Quoted with permission of the


5. This does not mean that once a choice has been made it cannot

be changed. Up until the time of ordination, final vows, or

wedding day, the decision may be revoked. This holds also for the

state of virginity in the world. Mature decision may change an

early attraction to any one state. Adolescents should not be

accused of fickleness if they change their minds as they grow


6. "Little Miffed Moppets," "Reader's Digest," September, 1949,

p. 47. Quoted with permission of the publisher.








When once the meaning of vocation is known, the value of the body

will become clear. The whole body is holy and sacred because God

made it, because it is a cell of the Body of Christ, and a

dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Modesty can easily be taught with the following religious

background. After all, we clothe all the things we reverence. We

cover the Tabernacle and the Ciborium with a veil. A priest

brings the consecrated Chalice to the altar concealed under a

beautiful liturgical covering. His consecrated body is clothed

with vestments. In the same way, and with similar sentiments, the

body should always be decently, and as far as is reasonably

possible, appropriately clothed. It is holy. Let young people be

taught this. Their natural desire for self-adornment can be

consecrated and ennobled by the idea of showing reverence for

their body, with its generative powers.

The sexual powers, far from being the least worthy, are among the

most wonderful. Even among the marvelous bodily functions,

certainly that one is unique which helps bring a human person

into existence.

Our English words for the sex organs are not very satisfactory.

"Genitals" is a technical term. "Private parts" sounds like a "No

Trespassing" sign; it is correct, but very negative. The best

word is a Latin one, "verenda." It means "the parts worthy of

reverence." Besides the notion of reverence, the word has a tone

of "modesty," indicating that these parts should be covered, and

also a note of quiet fear, since they may so easily trick one

into sin. If ever you doubt your own or your child's attitude,

ask yourself whether you consider sexual organs as "verenda": as

good and holy, a sacred trust from God to be used according to

His laws.

Though sexual acts are beautiful and holy in marriage, they are

shameful and vicious outside it. Just as it would be blasphemous

and sacrilegious for a young man to pretend to say Mass or hear

confessions before his Ordination, so it is unholy for a young

man to use his body before marriage as a married person does.

Does this sound farfetched? Read St. Paul's condemnation of

impurity as an injustice, a sacrilege and a profanation (1 Cor.


"Now the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the

Lord for the body....

"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?

"Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of

a harlot?

"By no means!

"Or do you not know that he who cleaves to a harlot, becomes one

body with her? 'For the two,' it [Scripture] says, 'shall be one


"But he who cleaves to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee


"Every [other] sin that a man commits is outside the body, but

the immoral man sins against his own body.

"Or do you not know that your members are the temple of the Holy

Spirit, who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are

not your own?

"For you have been bought at a great price.

"Glorify God and bear Him in your body."

These words are startlingly strong, but they state truths

inspired by God Himself.

This same reverence should extend to the bodies of others, for

the following reasons:

First, they too are (at least possible) members of the Mystical

Body of Christ and temples of the Holy Spirit.

Second, St. Thomas notes that any love for an external thing is

selfish. A man, for example, who loves only food, is selfish. He

wishes his own pleasure and nothing else. Therefore, if a man or

woman desires a body, which is an external thing, and has no

regard for the soul, his or her love is selfish. Since love is

between persons, and persons are made of both soul and body, real

love can never consider the body alone.

Finally, true love demands such reverence, for love demands that

a man or woman do everything that is good for the beloved. To

real love, death and torment mean nothing so long as the beloved

one is benefited. Now, though it is true that sexual acts are the

highest physical expression of love when used in marriage,

nevertheless, when they occur outside of marriage such acts are

really acts of hatred because the one who suggests them is really

willing to see his beloved punished in hell.



Once we understand all these facts, we cannot help loving

chastity. It is a glorious virtue, a lily among thorns, which can

be won only by hard work. It is a positive virtue, as is clear in

the lives of Our Lady and our Lord. Some moderns have the idea

that purity is a weak, effeminate thing, and that lust alone is

virile! (Notice the movie advertisements: "lusty," "sparkling,"

etc.) No, impurity is the weak, cowardly thing, that slinks off

into a dark corner to enjoy its forbidden fruits. Let Chesterton

show us how we should answer those who think purity is weak and




I am sorry, old dear, if I hurt you,

No doubt it is all very nice,

With the lilies and languors of virtue

And the raptures and roses of vice.

But the notion impels me to anger

That vice is all rapture for me,

And if you think virtue is languor



Natural Reasons for Purity

There are many good natural reasons for purity, but they are very

weak compared to the vision of vocation and the holiness of the

body, which we have shown you. Nevertheless, natural reasons are

good reasons, and should be given along with the more religious

instruction. Premarital chastity is very helpful toward a happy

marriage, even on the most natural level.[2] The joys of

parenthood, the realization of one's duty to humanity, perfect

expression of married love, and a hundred other considerations

demand chastity both before and during marriage. Most of these

natural considerations will be dealt with in the chapters on

emotion and psychology.

All this discussion about the religious and natural concept of

sex and marriage--all these reasons, both positive and negative--

would be sufficient to insure chastity in our youth, if (and it

is a big IF) there were no original sin! Chesterton remarks that

any man willing to see must perceive that there is a taint of

some kind in human nature. Man, with all his ideals, hopes and

plans, which are good and noble, frequently acts contrary to his

own clear idea of what is right and wrong. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

has declared that the realization of the fact of original sin is

more necessary today than of any other doctrine. He has reason to

say this. In one questionnaire, only 67 percent of Protestant

ministers and 13 percent of students for the Protestant ministry

held the doctrine of original sin! (Incidentally, only 9 percent

of the students believed in a devil.)


What Is It?

In paradise, Adam and Eve did not obey God's command. Because of

their sin they lost sanctifying grace, the right to heaven, and

their special gifts; they became subject to death, to suffering,

to ignorance, and to a strong inclination to evil. On account of

Adam's sin, we, his descendants, come into the world deprived of

sanctifying grace, and inherit all his punishments. This sin in

us is called original sin.

The most disconcerting of its effects is an inborn contrariness

in us. We, who are made for God, tend away from Him. We, who are

made to be good and virtuous, tend away from the very good we

should pursue. Original sin in us has left our will toward true

moral good weakened, and our inclinations disordered, rebellious

and violent. We find it hard to keep the simplest resolution for

a single day. We find that if we do not strenuously fix our aim

on God and on virtuous acts, and beg His aid to achieve them, we

are soon full of shameful evil. St. Paul has put it exactly (Rom.

7:22-23, 15):

For I am delighted with the law of God according

to the inner man,

But I see another law in my members, warring against

the law of my mind

and making me a prisoner to the law of sin that is in

my members. is not what I wish that I do, but what I hate, that

I do.

Who has not experienced this warring of members which St. Paul

describes? Yet how many of us attempt to live without taking this

natural flaw into account!


Natural Means

The presence of this flaw is the reason why the Church and the

Popes are so strong in condemning merely natural means for

preserving chastity. However good the natural methods, they are

not strong enough to combat humanity's inborn weakness. As Pius

XI says, the encyclical "On the Christian Education of Youth":

". . . Every form of pedagogic naturalism which in way excludes

or weakens supernatural Christian formation in the teaching of

youth, is false."[3]

The realization of the impact of original sin is also the reason

why we, as Catholics, must oppose so much of the "sex education"

that is proposed for public schools. Such sex information is

given on the assumption that human nature is completely good

without any help from God, and that instruction or information

can never be harmful. Some educators believe that once young

people know all about the physiology and the emotional content of

sexual relations, and also the danger of venereal disease, they

will live chaste lives. Experience proves over and over again

that this simply is not true.[4] The most recent non-Catholic

thinkers on the problem have begun to abandon such ideas and now

support a broader idea of "sex education" which is not quite so

far from our Catholic one.[5]


Original Sin and Sex

More people are betrayed into sins by ignorance of their weak

human nature than by any other single factor. They feel

confident, strong, captains of their fate. They dally with all

sorts of temptations, relying on their natural powers alone to

keep them from lying, theft and lust. They refuse to admit that

their own worst enemy is within. When they read of fantastic

evils, the sadistic cruelties of the recent war, and the

staggering sex crimes of our day, they label the criminals as

"insane." They are fools! Though crimes of this nature have been

committed by the insane, most crimes are committed by normal

people who have deliberately placed themselves in a series of

situations in which their unfortified wills succumb. We all have

within us the seeds of every kind of sin, and only the most

realistic precautions can save us. The sexual passions are the

most difficult tendencies to control, and original sin creates

more havoc in that realm than in any other. This fact demands

that we study and adopt correct attitudes toward sexual sin.


Parents' Attitudes

Parents must realize the struggle that their children face

through late childhood and adolescence. They must not ignore, nor

must they be horrified by, the fact that their children can be

tempted or can sin. When their children are maturing sexually,

parents should be sympathetic and helpful. They should recall

their own difficulties and prepare themselves to help their

children. Parents should not show horror or fly into a rage if a

child falls or even develops a habit of sin. They must try to

imitate our Lord, who condemned the sin but helped the sinner.

These statements take it for granted that the child will come to

you for help. This in turn presupposes that the child has

confidence in you. If these things are not true in your case,

there is little you can do but pray and show yourself willing to

aid. You can and must correct external acts, but a child will

probably resent any intrusion into his internal affairs.


Children's Attitudes

Children must be taught that goodness will not come without

effort. As with so many things, they learn this more easily from

experience than from words. The child must learn self-control in

all things, with gradual application to purity and modesty as

needed. Therefore, sensible parents will repress temper tantrums,

selfishness, excessive softness and comfort, choice of only the

pleasing foods, and so on. The child will thus learn that he may

not do, say, read and see whatever he wishes in life. A child

should also learn that not all duties in life are agreeable and

pleasant, yet that by the "hard work" of duty he obtains

worthwhile things. Purity is one of these virtues most

worthwhile. It is important also that moderation be taught in all

things that give pleasure, especially bodily pleasure. There is a

weighty reason behind such moderation. Man is not on earth for

pleasure, but pleasure is given him to smooth out the road a

little. If pleasure is made the purpose of life, no one can be

chaste. If pleasure is the goal of life, no one will reach



Discipline and Mortification

Well-ordered home life demands discipline in many matters. Such

home discipline should prepare the way for the practice of

chastity, which also demands discipline particularly in the realm

of thought and imagination. This mental discipline is taught

better by direction than by repression. If a child is expected to

apply himself diligently to his studies without daydreaming; to

perform duties suitable to his age; to stick to a job until it is

finished--he will learn this necessary discipline of thought and


Mortification should also be a commonplace in the Catholic home.

Friday abstinence, little Lenten mortifications, and tiny

voluntary sacrifices offered to God, develop a self-control in

the child which will carry over for life. When St. Therese, the

Little Flower of Jesus, was but five years old, she carried a

tiny "counting rosary" to number her mortifications during the

day. Though they may well omit her method of counting, children

certainly need her kind of sensible and mild mortification.


Motive--Love of God

A child should be given all possible good motives for sacrifice,

mortification and self-control. He or she should learn self-

control in order to become manly or womanly, to please mother or

father, to be generous to others, to show love for others, to win

friends, etc. The chief motive, however, should always be love of

God. Sacrifice for love of God is the greatest experience in a

human life and this motive is surprisingly strong in even the

tiniest tot. To foster and feed it, teach your children the part

God has played in their existence, redemption, and hope of

heaven. Kindle love in their hearts for the Infant in the manger,

for the Boy Jesus in Nazareth, for the weary Teacher who was not

too busy to cure little children or to play with and caress them.

Stir their ardor for a Hero who did not shrink from pouring out

His blood as satisfaction for their sins. Challenge them to

follow a Leader who has shown them the way to heaven. With a

burning and personal love for Jesus Christ as He is made real to

them in all the details of His life and passion, children will

not find it so difficult to be mortified and self-controlled.

Indeed, once inflamed by this love, they may easily outdistance

their parents.





Since evil tendencies are so strong within us, everyone should be

accustomed to pray for help in every temptation. Training

children in prayer is discussed in many booklets on education in

the home. Here we shall merely point out the connection of prayer

and chastity. Anyone who has faced difficulties in regard to

purity will testify that daily prayer has helped tremendously.

Three "Hail Marys" for purity, on rising and before going to bed,

are very powerful. Little aspirations in times of temptation are

lifesavers. Such a prayer in times of temptation, if only the

utterance of the names of Jesus and Mary, has a double effect: it

shows clearly that one is not consenting to the disturbing

temptation, and it draws down God's grace to help combat the evil



Our Lady

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin as our Model of Purity should

flourish in every home. Thousands of men and women, both saints

and ordinary folk, testify to the power of her name in

temptations against purity. If you want your children to be

chaste through life, do not omit this important family devotion

to Our Lady. In matters of sex information, it is particularly

helpful to connect the "facts of life" to events in our Blessed

Mother's life; for example, the idea of pregnancy and the period

of gestation can be shown by pointing out the nine months between

March 25, the Annunciation, and December 25, Christmas; or

between December 8, the Immaculate Conception, and September 8,

the birthday of Our Lady. Such an example for the facts of life

gives a religious and emotional setting to the information which

will help prevent undesirable effects on the child.


The Sacraments--Penance and Holy Communion

Though all the sacraments give the graces needed for our daily

lives, Penance and Holy Eucharist give the most frequently

accessible support to chastity. All Catholics should cling to the

regular and frequent reception of these two sacraments. To this

end children should acquire the habit of weekly Confession, and

weekly or even daily Holy Communion, since the success of their

struggle for chastity depends largely on the early acquisition of

this holy practice. Young people will walk safely through the

pitfalls of modern temptation if they keep close to these sources

of grace. Besides all this, should a child contract a habit of

impurity, weekly Confession and Communion is a "must" if that

habit is to be broken.

The sacraments may well be approached as a family affair, since

the parents' example is everything in this matter. If children

are urged to go to Confession and Holy Communion, to pray, and to

make sacrifices while their parents do none of these things, they

will unconsciously conclude that all this is "kid stuff," to be

discarded as soon as they reach maturity. Let the mother take the

younger children to Confession in the afternoon, and the father

go with the adolescents in the evening. Why not a family

Communion from time to time? Why not a family Communion breakfast

for the family feasts, anniversaries and birthdays or on the

Sundays following them? In all this, let the sentiment be

natural, unaffected; children are the first to notice insincerity

in parents.


A Caution

Some cautions in connection with Confession and Communion should

be laid down, however. First, make sure that everyone is free to

go or not! Again, never act suspicious if the child spends some

time in the confessional. Lastly, never question him about what

he said there. If the child wishes to go to Confession alone, by

all means let him! He may wish to spend some time in the

confessional for a good reason, or no serious reason at all, but

he should be free. Similarly, there should be no scolding if the

child does not go to Communion on a certain day. He may even be

instructed that he may deliberately break his fast to avoid going

to Communion with the rest, if he feels that he should not go. If

a child should break his fast, do not be suspicious. It may have

been accidental, or it may have been deliberate in order to

prevent a "bad" Communion. In either case there is no call to

probe for the child's reason. Your reaction to the information

given shortly before Mass, "Mother, I ate something when I was

downstairs a few minutes ago!"[6] should be: "Too bad, dear--you

can't go to Communion today. You can go some other time." Briefly

then, though the habit of frequent approach to the sacraments

should be formed by family custom, no personal pressure of any

kind should be brought to bear. Family members should be expected

to be virtuous and regular at the sacraments, but they should not

be forced, on any given occasion, to approach the confessional,

or receive Communion. Any fear of outside pressure or

interference might lead them to approach these sacraments

sacrilegiously--a sad effect of misguided zeal.

It is well to advise a child to choose a regular confessor,

particularly if there is question of deciding a religious

vocation, of curing scrupulosity, or of correcting a sinful

habit. On the other hand, it is also a good idea to explain the

wisdom of approaching a strange confessor whenever shame might

prevent complete candor with a confessor the child knows. Here,

as in the occasions described above, a child's freedom is




The value of several other sacraments should be pointed up in

connection with Christian chastity. Matrimony and Holy Orders

give graces needed to preserve the chastity of those states in

life, and all who receive them have a right to the graces

attached to them. There is no room for discussion of these

sacraments here. Confirmation, however, demands more attention.

This is the sacrament of Christian maturity, of Christian

strength and fortitude. It is the sacrament that gives us the

courage to confess our Faith in word and in deed. Whenever an

appeal is made to the virility of our young men and the

womanliness of our young women, emphasis should be placed on this

sacrament, and particularly when modern customs attack purity or

modesty. It is extremely difficult for young people to swim

against the stream. Yet, when it comes to the question of

"everybody does it" in dating, dress, etc., Catholics simply must

be different if such customs are sinful or dangerous.

Confirmation is the sacrament designed by Christ to enable

Catholics to be different in such cases. The graces of

Confirmation must be used, and strengthened by prayer.

Soldiers of Christ are inducted by the Sacrament of Confirmation.

They even may be said to have a special uniform--the uniform of

modesty and purity of morals.



1. Why is the body, all of it, holy? How can you engender

reverence for it in children? Should we not reverence the bodies

of others also? Have you ever read anything stronger than St.

Paul's condemnation of impurity?

2. Are our Hollywood actors and actresses helping this reverence

by their glorification of the body?

3. We know you will not be able to use the Latin word "verenda,"

but isn't it a good test for proper attitudes? Can you think of

or invent a similar English one? How would you teach this

reverence by referring to clothing?

4. Discuss methods of teaching love for purity in a positive way.

Is purity a virile thing? Or is it more virile to be "lusty" in

the sense of "full of lust"? Are the generative functions a

sacred, challenging trust?

5. What is original sin? What has it to do with education to

chastity? What is wrong with merely natural reasons as a defense

against impurity? As an argument against sex education in public

schools, a mother once said: "You cannot handle the topic in

school without morality; morality is impossible without religion;

you are forbidden to consider religion in the public schools.

Therefore, I submit that you may not give public sex

instruction." Is there any weak link in this chain of reasoning?

6. Do you think ignorance of the flaw in our nature is the cause

of many a downfall? Is it not true that we are all capable of the

most revolting crimes if we let down our defenses?

7. If children realize this flaw, should it make them cautious of

the snares to purity in life? Jerry, a boy of 16, sat alone till

the wee hours of the morning with Anna, a girl the same age.

Granting no evil intention in either of them, should their

knowledge of original sin have prohibited this?

8. What is the best motive for virtuous acts? Does this preclude

lesser motives?

9. What are the chief means of obtaining supernatural help? From

your own experience, did these means help you? Why should there

be a great deal of freedom in approaching the sacraments? Discuss

ways and means of making religious helps a part of family living.

10. What are some good aspirations for times of temptation

against chastity? What is the double advantage of quick prayer in

times of stress?

11. Are your children encouraged to little private

mortifications? Do you lead the way in this? Discuss some

possible opportunities of mortification--at table, in family

games, in sharing toys, in not choosing the best of everything,

in giving in to others, etc. Are you honestly convinced of the

value of mortification?

12. Why do we say that Holy Communion from early years gives us

our only hope for the purity of youth? Have there ever been worse

snares to purity than today?

13. After our brief exposition, have you learned a new respect

for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Matrimony? Discuss your

reactions together.




1. Ward, Maisie, "Gilbert Keith Chesterton" (Sheed and Ward, New

York, 1943), p. 613. Quoted with permission of the copyright


2. One has only to glance through the book, "Sexual Disorders" by

Dr. Max Huhner (F. H. Davis, Philadelphia, 1941), to be convinced

of this. Cf. also, Bertocci, Peter A., "The Human Venture in Love

Sex and Marriage" (Association Press, New York, 1951).

3. Natural helps which do not exclude the supernatural are not,

of course, condemned.

4. Cf. "Psychologic Aspects of Sex Education," in the U. S. Armed

Forces Medical Journal, Supplement, July-August, 1951.

5. Cf. Gruenberg, Benjamin C., "How Can We Teach about Sex?",

Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 122, New York, Public Affairs

Committee, Inc., 1946.

6. The Church's law of fasting before Holy Communion now requires

us to fast three hours from food and alcoholic drinks and one

hour from non-alcoholic drinks before Communion. The drinking of

water is permitted at any time before Communion.






Catholics who have had any religious training at all usually know

a great deal about ethics or morals. They know what is right or

wrong, and the conditions in which it is right and wrong. For

example, Catholics well know that stealing is wrong. They know,

however, that the amount taken and the wealth or poverty of the

person from whom it is taken, changes the degree of guilt; they

know, too, that to take food if one is actually starving, is not

sinful at all. Practicing Catholics know about the obligations of

Mass on Sunday, of abstinence on Friday, and the conditions under

which these obligations do not bind. And so on with many other


However, a large number of Catholics are very hazy about the

principles of sex morality both in and out of marriage. It is our

contention that all Catholics should know these principles and at

least the general application of them to their own lives. To know

this much will not make you a moral theologian, for there will

still be many cases that require the judgment of a skilled

confessor. When you study the principles set down here, be

assured that you can learn them and apply them. They are no more

difficult than any of the other moral principles by which you

guide your daily lives.



The child, and particularly the adolescent, should gradually

learn the principles of right and wrong in sexual matters.

Children are growing to adult life, and they must be trained

little by little to meet difficulties, to judge and act for

themselves. They cannot, and if they could, they should not, run

to Mother and Dad in every moral problem they will encounter. It

is nothing short of criminal to be the conscience of a child

throughout his whole growing life. He must eventually face his

fate alone. When the time comes, he should be able to do so. Any

training (or lack of it) which sends a child out into the

temptations of our modern world without ability to judge for

himself, is responsible either for many sexual sins, or for a

neurotic, scrupulous mind unfit for a life of decision. A child

must be weaned in all spheres so that he may gradually become

independent. This is true for moral living as well as for

physical and emotional living.



Some people think that scrupulosity is a sign of virtue. If by

scrupulosity were meant attention to the elimination of venial

sins and even of the slightest deliberate faults, this would be

true. But scrupulosity does not mean that. Scrupulosity is a

state in which a person is disturbed about sin when there is no

fault at all, or in which he is no longer able to judge what is

serious, what is light, or what is not sinful in any degree. He

is forever worrying about being in the state of grace, about

whether all his sins were told in Confession, etc. Such an

unbalanced attitude is a defect, not a virtue. It may indicate

unruly pride; at the very least it usually means that the

individual is too self-centered. A woman is an excellent

housekeeper if she attends carefully to order and cleanliness in

the home. If, however, she considers a footmark equivalent to a

cyclone of disorder; if she continually dusts the same piece of

furniture to "make sure" it is dusted; if she cannot be certain

that she has cleaned the room properly and insists on going over

it again and again--then she is a fair example of the way a

scrupulous person torments himself in moral matters.

In the realm of purity, attention to venial sin or to dangerous

occasions, is a healthy sign of virtue. But if one thinks that

slight faults are serious; if one can never make up one's mind

whether an act is mortal or venial or neither; if one is

continually worrying about whether he committed a sin or not; if

he goes over and over the same matter and never really reaches a

conclusion; or if he concludes that a doubtful action is a mortal

sin "just to be safe"--then he is scrupulous. Such scrupulosity

(except in the rare case where it is allowed by God as a trial)

is unhealthy and does positive harm to one's spiritual life.

God does not demand absolute certainty in our acts. He demands

only that we give the same reasonable care to the morality of our

acts that we give to any other important matter. If we act on a

prudent judgment, if we confess our sins as far as we honestly

can, we have fulfilled His law. A case of scrupulosity demands a

skilled confessor who will create in the penitent an ability (at

least finally) to make a decision about an act and to follow it

out without worrying and seesawing from yes to no. The lack of

this ability in some people is one reason why we insist on your

knowing the moral principles. They will enable you to reach

decisions and act!


Will They Understand?

Many people may object that a child will not understand these

moral principles. We admit that he will not fully understand

them, for all the possibilities of application cannot, and

indeed, should not, be made. Yet, children do not fully

understand other things they are taught. They learn the catechism

without full understanding, and gradually "fill in" as they grow

older. They should learn these moral principles and their

application in the same way.


When Should They Learn Them?

Your children should learn these principles as they need them.

This means that general principles of modesty should be known in

early years, between 6 and 10. By the time that sexual pleasure

is at hand, they should know all the principles. This means that

when the "facts of life" are taught, the moral principles must

also be taught. Certainly in our modern times, every boy and girl

14 years of age should know these principles and be able to apply

them to the ordinary dangers they meet.



A person commits a serious, or mortal, sin only when he (1)

breaks a moral law in a serious matter, (2) does so knowingly and

consciously, and (3) chooses the action with full and free

consent of his will. Therefore, if he doesn't realize the serious

nature of what he is doing, if he is not free, or if he does not

really give consent with his will, the action is at most venially

sinful. For example, if John, aged 3, handles his genitals, he

commits no sin because he can have no idea such an action could

be wrong. May, aged 10, who accidentally discovers masturbation,

probably commits no sin the first time for the same reason. Both

must be corrected, however. John should be corrected lightly with

the same emphasis given to a correction for sucking his thumb.

Someone must speak seriously to May and tell her that she did an

act which was sinful, even though she did not realize it and was

not guilty at the time. Such correction is necessary because a

habit of this sort is easily formed, and a tremendous struggle

may be needed to break it.


Delight and Pleasure

Pleasure is something that resides in the body. It is there, for

the most part, without our desiring it. For example, perfume

smells pleasant whether we wish it to do so or not. Velvet or fur

feels agreeable to the touch whether we consent to the feeling or

not. In these cases, however, we can usually get away from the

source of the pleasure if we so will. This is not always true of

venereal, or sexual, pleasure. At times, it comes against one's

will. But it must not be delighted in with the will; that is, it

must not be wished, wanted, caused, approved, or deliberately

enjoyed outside of marriage. This is very important. At times,

sexual pleasure, particularly in the male, arises from no

apparent cause. At other times, when there is a cause, the

individual has a lawful reason for continuing the actions which

have incidentally brought about this pleasure. Sin lies in

willful consent or deliberate delight, not necessarily in the

mere experience of bodily pleasure.



With these preliminaries out of the way, let us consider the

moral principles for all who are not married. There are four such

principles and they cover every possible case, though they may be

difficult to apply to some particular case without the help of a

confessor. Two principles concern impurity and two concern

immodesty. Those concerning impurity will be treated in this

chapter, those concerning immodesty will be studied in the

following one.

1. To bring about deliberately even the slightest venereal

pleasure, alone or with someone else, or to delight in it with

the will if it is accidentally aroused, is always a mortal sin.

If you do not like this phrasing, here is the same principle in

simpler language, though it is not so complete: It is a mortal

sin to seek, to or to take willful delight in sexual pleasure (or

real pleasure, or sexual excitement), whether such pleasure is

complete or incomplete.

Notice that this principle holds for all sins of impurity,

whether committed alone or with another of either sex. It places

responsibility on the individual. As soon as he experiences this

impure pleasure, which should not be confused with any other

bodily feeling, he must refuse consent. This is best done by the

recitation of a prayer.

What is venereal or sexual pleasure? It is that physical or

bodily pleasure which accompanies the excitation of the sexual

organs. The pleasure is in those organs. In the male it begins

with a stiffening of the penis (called erection) and is completed

by a series of nervous impulses (called orgasm) with, after

puberty, the ejaculation of semen. In the female this pleasure is

more diffused for it begins with a stiffening or swelling of the

breasts and genital regions, together with a slight vaginal

discharge. It is completed by a keen pleasurable commotion in the

genital region (called orgasm or "satisfaction") which relieves

the tension of passion and is accompanied by a greater flow of

vaginal fluid. Orgasm alone is considered complete pleasure,

while all strictly sexual pleasure short of orgasm is considered

incomplete pleasure. For the unmarried, both complete and

incomplete pleasure are mortal sins if the will approves, though

the first is of a more serious kind than the second, and each

must be confessed as a different kind of sin.

Venereal pleasure must be distinguished, however, from other

bodily feelings which are not in themselves sinful. The thrill of

a first kiss in adolescence, the intense excitement that comes

with a wild roller-coaster ride, the feeling of contentment that

lovers experience in each other's company, the tightening in the

abdomen when fear is present, the emotion of shame at being

caught in some disgrace, the feeling of a blush, are not venereal

feelings. We mention this because many youngsters, particularly

boys, experience their first sexual awakening in connection with

some other emotion.[1] Some adolescents have mistaken a wild fear

at some vivid, immodest picture or imagination for sexual

pleasure! If they come to you, carefully separate the two, so

that no habits of association will be formed. Otherwise, it is

possible that an individual may come to be sexually excited

whenever he has any one of these other physical feelings.

Obviously, all this should not be taught the child at an early

age. There is the danger that he might experiment to find out

what this pleasure is. Yet, once the child has reached the age of

puberty, he or she may begin to experience these stings of the

flesh, and must be taught to apply this principle. At first it

will be enough to say: "Being impure is a serious sin." Later,

you can add: "Deliberately to enjoy sexual pleasure is a serious

sin." If they must know what sexual pleasure is, tell them it is

the pleasure that arises in the generative organs (or private

parts, or whatever term you wish to use). Or it may be defined as

the peculiar sensation or which comes when the sex organs are

seriously excited.



Let us apply the first principle to some concrete cases.

1. A boy finds that in sliding down a banister, or in riding a

bicycle, he becomes sexually excited. He rejects the pleasure and

immediately starts on a ball game. He has not sinned, for he has

not willed or consented to the pleasure that accidentally arose.

(If he has said a brief prayer, he is doubly certain. One cannot

really pray and sin mortally at the same time.)

2. A girl indulges in romantic daydreams in order to arouse a

slight sexual thrill. She sins mortally, because the pleasure is

deliberately sought. If she starts to daydream without evil

intention, then finds herself becoming excited and at once

rejects the pleasure, she has not sinned, she has only been

tempted. (Not sufficient reflection or consent.)

3. A boy and girl on a date seek all the sexual thrills they can

obtain without "going the limit." They both sin mortally, even

though one of them, as a matter of fact, experienced no pleasure

at all! Their intention was bad. If the pleasure of either was

complete, that fact must be confessed, since complete pleasure or

"satisfaction" is a different kind of sin than incomplete lust.

4. A boy awakens at night from a "sexy" dream accompanied by a

seminal emission. He immediately says a prayer, rolls over, and

goes to sleep. He has not sinned. If he consents while fully

awake, he sins seriously. But if he is only half awake, even

though he seems to consent, or even stimulates it by actions, his

sin is at most venial; for though the matter is serious, his

consent and deliberation were vague and incomplete.

This principle must not be put before the child in all its

possible applications; remember what we have said about ignorance

of evil. There is no reason, however, why the boy of 12 and the

girl a year younger (or children still younger, if circumstances

require it) should not memorize this principle with the others

still to be discussed in one of its forms. Application should

come as needed. The first application will probably come at the

first seminal emission or menstruation.[2] Adolescents, especially

on their first dates, will need other applications; company-

keepers will need more. Those who go out to work or into special

dangers will need still further applications. Do not try to

anticipate all possibilities. The advantage of this principle

lies in the fact that all sins of lust, even perversions of which

I could wish my readers were ignorant, will be guarded against.


principle is a yardstick which fits every case. Should the

individual meet a temptation of an unusual sort, he will be

prepared to apply this principle and make a proper decision.

CAUTION: To this instruction always add that sex pleasure is

sacred and normal in marriage and that temptations, imaginings,

and spontaneous sex arousal are not abnormal in growing young

people. They are a sign of approaching maturity. Make clear that

all young people face this problem. To the boy, explain the

purpose of nocturnal pollutions (cf. Chapter XI of this book).

This occurrence is natural and normal to all males. It need not

occasion the faintest worry to the young man who wills to remain

pure (cf. ibid., pp. 126-127, on emotion in connection with these


2. Desires and Thoughts: Deliberately to desire or wish forbidden

sexual pleasure is a mortal sin, even though no bodily pleasure


To think with willful approval or mental satisfaction of impurity

of any kind is a mortal sin even though no physical pleasure


These two principles, on Desire and Thought, may be phrased

together in simpler fashion: Wanting to perform an impure action,

or thinking with approval of anyone being impure, is a mortal


Clearly, desiring an evil is a sin of the same kind as the evil

desired, for God demands that we love His order as well as keep

it. If we were to desire something against His plan, we would

show that we do not love His will for us, and we would

immediately open ourselves to the next step--that of violating it

in action. In reference to chastity, our Lord makes this limpidly

clear: "I say to you that anyone who so much as looks with lust

at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart"

(Matt. 5:28).

The sin of "bad" or impure thoughts consists in taking delight

with the will in the imagination or thought of sinful actions,

whether these actions are one's own or another's. This does not

mean that one may not think of impurity in general or in

particular, granted that the will does not approve it. If all

thoughts of impurity were sinful, no one could read this book, or

learn sexual facts, or listen to warnings from the pulpit, or

even read an examination of conscience! For a thought to be

strictly impure it must be a deliberate picturing of someone

(most frequently, of course, the picturer will involve himself)

enjoying forbidden sex pleasure, with the will definitely

approving the action with its forbidden element. Notice, however,

that many thoughts which might not be "bad" thoughts in this

strict sense (that is, there is no approval of the impurity) can

easily be immodest thoughts (that is, of such a nature as to

stimulate sexual passion). These will be considered in the next


Most thoughts and desires have more the nature of temptation than

of sin; for no matter how long a vivid imagination lasts, it is

not sinful until approved by the will. There is, however, a

certain natural inclination to such thoughts. When an impure idea

or desire arises unbidden, there is a first, almost compelling

impulse toward it. After all, sexual pleasure is a natural good

in itself, and it is attractive. This first impulse is not

sinful. It is only when one's will gives the go-ahead signal that

the desire or thought becomes sinful.

Applying this principle on desire and thought, we give three


1. A young man deliberately desires to sin with a young woman,

though he makes no effort to do so for fear of social

consequences. He sins mortally.

2. A young woman daydreams with approving delight of venereal

pleasure with a man. She does not go so far as desiring actually

to accomplish it, nor does she take any positive action to cause

personal pleasure. She nevertheless sins mortally.

3. A young man realizes the pleasures of married life. He desires

some day to enjoy them in marriage. He commits no sin of impurity

in such a thought, because what he desires in marriage is lawful

there, though his thought might be immodest. When such a thought

would be sinfully immodest will be explained in the next chapter.



1. Is it right to decide all moral questions for a child? When

should children learn the moral principles concerning chastity

and modesty? Do you think it a good idea to make them memorize

these even without understanding?

2. What are the conditions for a serious sin? Propose some cases

in explaining your answer.

3. Give some examples of "natural" scrupulosity. (The individual

who felt the key turn in the lock, yet worries about whether he

locked the door; the woman who can't sleep because she fears she

left the light on or the water running, even though she checked

before going to bed; etc.) Is scrupulosity ever spiritually

beneficial? Does God demand that, before acting, we be as certain

of the morality of our act as of our own existence? Is it

possible to be scrupulous over sex education? (I caused them to

sin. I didn't. Etc., etc.) Will this make it difficult to

continue? What does common sense tell you of all these practical

matters? (After cautious consideration, act reasonably and leave

the rest to God.)

4. Solve this case: Jack, aged 16, observes in a postcard rack

some pictures which are obscene or nearly obscene. He doesn't

realize the fact, and walks by thinking of them. After a minute

or two he says to himself, "Wait a minute, those things are

immodest pictures!" Has he sinned so far, even granting the

pictures were seriously stimulating? Why or why not?

5. What is the difference between delight (or joy) and pleasure?

(Delight or joy is in the will, pleasure is in the senses.)

6. Define chastity (see Chapter I). Can you state the first moral

principle of unmarried chastity in one of its two forms? (see p.

91). Define sexual or venereal pleasure (see three forms of

definition on pp. 92 and 93). Discuss the cases on pp. 93-94, 97,

and try to prepare other cases for solution. Consult a priest if

you cannot solve them.

7. Give one form of the second principle on thought and desire.

What is the important idea in an impure thought? (Thinking with

willing approval.) Bring forward some applications of this moral


8. Is desire for venereal pleasure always a serious sin? Give one

case when it is not. (Desire for it in marriage.) Did you know

previously that the first impulse toward something implying

venereal pleasure is not in itself sinful? Will knowledge of this

fact prevent worry?




1. Cf. Ramsey, Glenn V., "The Sexual Development of Boys," in the

"American Journal of Psychology," April, 1943, pp. 222-223, 232.

2. Menstruation has no direct connection with sexual pleasure for

menstruation and sexual pleasure may take place apart from each

other. The appearance of menstruation, however, is usually a good

indication that sexual pleasure is possible to a girl. It may

only appear later, but the lesson should be learned at this time

if it has not already been learned, or before this if the child

has stumbled upon self-stimulation (self-abuse, or masturbation).








The two principles in the preceding chapter refer to impurity in

its strict sense; that is, to the willing enjoyment of unlawful

sexual pleasure, in action, desire or thought. The principles

explained in this chapter apply to immodesty; that is, they apply

to those actions which, though indifferent in themselves, may be

causes of illicit sexual pleasure in oneself or others. Such

actions may be sinful in various degrees or not at all sinful; it

depends on, first, the danger of consent to the consequent

pleasure; second, the degree of connection with sexual pleasure;

and third, the reason for performing such actions. Since these

conditions vary with each person and with each action, the

application of the principles concerning immodesty is difficult.

Yet in spite of this difficulty, every person can and should have

an understanding of the principles sufficient for his own

personal needs in ordinary cases. Extraordinary cases should be

referred to a confessor.

The Third Principle of sexual morality, then, considers actions

which, though neither good nor bad in themselves, may arouse even

unwanted sexual pleasure in oneself. The Fourth Principle

considers similar actions which may arouse lust of any kind or

even unwanted sexual pleasure in others.

3. Granted that the danger of consent to any venereal pleasure

which might be aroused, is remote--Principle I--any deliberate

thought, imagination, reading, look, touch, or anything else

which may arouse sexual feelings is a mortal or venial sin, or no

sin at all, depending on the degree of sexual stirring such acts

cause in proportion to the reason for acting.

This principle is not so involved as it looks. Let us consider it

phrase by phrase. Danger of consent must be remote; that is, an

individual must know (usually from experience) that in certain

thoughts, reading, etc., he rarely consents to any physical

pleasure. If a person knows he usually consents to the sexual

pleasure arising from a look, touch, etc., he must avoid it

(Principle I). For him, it is a proximate occasion of sin, and

such close dangers of sinful consent must be avoided. However, an

occasional fall does not necessarily imply that a proximate

occasion of sin is present.

Even though danger of consent is slight, any action which of its

nature leads to even unwilled sexual pleasure is sinful, if done

without a good reason. It is a serious sin if the action is

closely connected with this pleasure and there is little or no

reasonable motive for doing it; for example, intimate touches

between adolescents. It is a venial sin if the action is only

slightly connected with sex pleasure and there is hardly any

reason for the action; for example, for a boy to look at the

picture of an immodestly clad girl deliberately but without evil

intention. It is no sin at all if the action is not ordinarily

connected with such pleasure; for example, the boy who

experiences the pleasure while riding a bicycle; or if there is a

reason which outweighs the danger of such physical pleasure; for

example, a doctor treating women. Therefore, two things must be

checked in this principle of immodesty. First, the connection of

the act in question with venereal pleasure. Second, the reason

for doing it. Naturally the closer the connection, the greater

the reason needed if the action is to be blameless.


The Connection of the Act with Sex Pleasure

The connection of any act with sex pleasure depends, in turn, on

two conditions: the sensibility of the individual concerned, and

the nature of the act. Each individual gradually finds out what

affects him, and must refrain accordingly. In cases where acts

stimulate him which are not ordinarily connected with sex

pleasure, for example, a boy riding a bicycle, a boy looking at

another boy in a bathing suit, or a girl at another girl, etc.,

these should ordinarily be simply ignored.

The stimulating nature of different acts depends on what is done

and to whom it is directed. An act directed to one of the

opposite sex is usually more stimulating than the same act toward

one's own sex. A passionate kiss is different from a brotherly

kiss, and so on. Some acts are very stimulating because they are

the ordinary preliminaries to the act of sexual mating. If one

has no right to the marital act (that is, is not married), he has

no right to the preliminaries. Such preliminaries are: passionate

kisses and embraces, "heavy" petting, touching the private parts

of the body, etc.[1]

Other acts are only slightly stimulating; for example, a light

embrace or kiss. Granted that consent is not given to any

accidental sex pleasure, these are venial sins if done without a

good reason.

To give you some norms by which to judge, a series of acts is

listed below. Those of the first group are considered seriously

sinful for the ordinary person, if done without a justifying


1. Deliberately looking at a person of the opposite sex entirely

or almost nude. Looking at really obscene pictures or

illustrations (unless very briefly).

2. Touching the private parts of the bodies of the same or

opposite sex, deliberately and/or lingeringly.

3. Attending highly suggestive or indecent movies, plays,

burlesque, etc.

4. Petting and kissing which are passionate or pro-longed.

5. Suggestive or immoral dancing.

6. Holding obscene thoughts in the mind. Note the difference from

impure thoughts, explained above (Principle II in preceding


7. Telling or listening to extremely immoral and suggestive


The following actions are ordinarily venial sins unless justified

by a sufficient reason:

1. Immodest looks at the opposite sex (for example, in a bathing

attire) in a passing way or from curiosity or frivolity.

2. Embraces, kissing, "light" petting, indulged in for short

periods or out of levity. (Ordinary kissing games belong here, as

also many teen-age activities that cause parents and superiors a

good deal of worry.)

3. Telling lightly suggestive stories or reading them.

4. Suggestive thoughts entertained for a brief time, listening to

"dirty jokes" for the humorous element, etc.


The Reason

In determining what might be a good reason for these acts, it

must be kept in mind that the reason must be proportionate to the

effect. A doctor must do many things in his study and profession

which may cause venereal pleasure. This is also true for nurses,

educators, social workers, and many others. Again, a child must

learn some sexual matters as he grows older, despite the fact

that this knowledge may be stimulating. Moreover, recreational

reading excuses the excitation that might arise from some of the

pictures seen in the ordinary magazine, or the scenes described

in ordinary stories or books. The most that can be laid down as a

norm is this: acts of such a nature as to cause satisfaction or

near-satisfaction demand a very serious reason to justify them.

Acts which only slightly arouse the passions may be done for a

lesser reason. Remember, however, that all this holds only

deliberate delight in the venereal pleasure which might arise.

We shall put this in schema form to make it easy to remember:

1. Acts which of their nature may lead to sexual pleasure depend:

a) on the excitability of the individual;

b) on the stimulating nature of the act and the person to whom it

is directed.

2. These acts, done without a good reason are:

a) mortally sinful if they are of such a nature as to arouse

complete or nearly complete pleasure;

b) venially sinful if they are of a nature to arouse only slight

sexual pleasure.

3. A sufficient reason may justify them, always PROVIDED THERE IS

NO SERIOUS DANGER OF CONSENT to the pleasure which may arise.

Let us try to apply this principle to concrete cases.

1. Dr. A. studies anatomy and treats women in his practice.

Occasionally, the nature of his actions causes complete or nearly

complete pleasure, to which he refuses consent. Does he sin?

a) From his own nature, and from what he does, he is seriously


b) The action would be a mortal sin without a reason, but

c) his vocation of curing human ills gives him a sufficient

reason. He commits no sin.

2. Mary B. is a mature art student who has progressed so far

that, in order to continue, she must study the nude form. She is

frequently excited, but refuses consent. She commits no sin.

3. Joan B., her younger sister, aged 17, is also a budding

artist. She decides to study the nude with her sister. She too

experiences serious excitation to which she refuses consent. She

sins mortally if there is no reason at this stage to study the

nude, venially if there is a reason but it is used a little too


4. Joe, a boy of 14, finds that in bathing he experiences slight

sexual pleasure (no consent). He commits no sin. If he touches

himself out of curiosity, venial sin is committed.

5. Sadie, aged 15, reads through a picture magazine which has a

number of "lightly clad" illustrations. Out of curiosity she

looks at them deliberately, with a light venereal pleasure to

which she does not consent. She commits a venial sin.

6. Jack, 17, and Mae, 16, go to a Friday night dance. Though the

dances are not suggestive, they both experience some sexual

pleasure, to which they refuse to consent. No sin! Ordinary

dancing is a legitimate form of recreation.

7. Henry, 17, and Isabelle, 16, go out on a date. They indulge in

extensive petting, saying that they want to express affection and

protesting to themselves that they do not want the sex pleasure

resulting. They sin mortally. There is no good reason for these

stimulating acts, which are the normal preliminaries of the

marriage act.

8. Mike, 21, and Josephine, 20, are to be married in three

months. They are very frequently alone; they like to walk arm-in-

arm, to hold hands, to embrace on meeting and kiss at parting.

Josephine likes to rest her head on Mike's shoulder, and he likes

to put his arm around her waist. Sometimes they experience some

sexual pleasure, but they do not seek it, being determined to

reserve these pleasures for their marriage. They commit no sin at

all. They have every right to express decent love. If, however,

they indulge in passionate kissing, embracing and petting, they

sin seriously, no less than Henry and Isabelle above. About two

weeks before their wedding, both Mike and Josephine read an

important book on the duties of marriage. Some of the necessary

information violently excites them, against their will. They

commit no sin. They are obtaining necessary knowledge.

9. Sylvester, aged 16, finds himself excited on all sorts of

occasions. He is excited when he sees a girl take out a compact,

or walk along the street in modest dress, when he rides his bike,

when wrestling in the school gym, when swimming with boys his

age, etc., etc. He should ignore all this. He cannot go through

life with eyes closed, nor can he be expected to live as a

hermit. Sylvester may be suffering from some psychological or

moral problem. He should consult a priest. Parents will do well

to suggest this to him.

10. Marie experiences sexual arousal in the dressing room with

the other girls, against her will. She should learn not to be too

curious, but should not be worried about seeing the bodies of

those of her own sex. Even if her curiosity is a bit excessive,

it is at most a venial sin.

11. Jim, aged 14, has been concerned with sexual curiosity and

temptations for some time, and his dad is straightening things

out. During the instruction Jim experiences excitation. Must he

stop his father? No, he is obtaining necessary information and

training. He must, of course, refuse consent to the sexual


12. Bill, aged 10, is sick, and his sickness demands that he

expose himself to his parents, nurse and doctor. Trained in

modesty, Bill is shy about this. His shyness, however, is so

severe that he becomes anxious and worried. He should be quietly

told that this is false modesty and that no fault whatsoever is


We think this principle is now quite clear. It is the one that is

most frequently to be applied in daily life. We would chance the

statement that most thoughts and a large portion of the actions

which worry adolescents are immodest (leading to lust) rather

than impure (actually lustful thoughts and acts). Most of the

movies and the pictures in newspapers and magazines that disturb

them, can be judged on this principle. We can venture further and

say that a large percentage of the actions which cause concern

are at most venial sins. Help these adolescents form a clear

conscience in these matters!

If any person in the above circumstances becomes worried about

consent, he can settle his doubt in either of two ways. First, he

can ask himself whether he whispers a brief prayer when such

feelings arise, for no one can pray for God's help and sin

mortally at the same time. Secondly, if he is wise, he will leave

off even legitimate activities occasionally just to show himself,

and God, that he does not do these things in order to enjoy

sexual pleasure, but for the good reason he has.

It is easy to see that this principle will depend a great deal on

the degree of passion in the nature of each person; and this

itself will vary as the person grows older. The rough

applications of the principle must be worked out by each one for

himself. Such applications, especially at first, should be

presented to a confessor for approval. A penitent's knowledge of

this principle will help the confessor tremendously, and will

help the penitent understand the confessor's decision. However,

one must take care not to apply one's own norms to others. It is

quite possible that others are more, or less, excitable than




The Fourth Moral Principle considers the danger of causing lust

or sexual pleasure in others: Any deliberate action which may

arouse sex pleasure, whether voluntary or involuntary, in

another, is a mortal or venial sin, or no sin at all, depending

on the sexually stimulating nature of the action in proportion to

the reason for acting. Or we might phrase it thus: Any deliberate

action which might cause, or help, another person to sin (on

Principles One, Two or Three) is a mortal or venial sin or no sin

at all, depending on the amount of danger in proportion to the

reason for acting.

Before discussing this principle we take it for granted that

there is no evil intention. If a person really desires to stir

lust in another, his intention is evil and he sins seriously even

though he does not succeed in his purpose. A girl, for example,

who would wear a "French bathing suit" in order to stir lustful

attention would sin seriously even though, as a matter of fact,

her appearance inspired only disgust. She would sin just as

seriously in intention if she donned a formless raincoat with the

purpose of causing lust. Even modest attire does not change an

evil purpose. Anyone who has such an evil intention knows he is

sinning, without the application of this principle.

Granting that there is no evil intention in our actions, this

Fourth Principle holds because we have obligations to our

neighbor. We may not do as we please if what we do is a danger to

his soul's salvation. Acts which endanger the spiritual life of

another are acts of scandal, and are forbidden because love for

our neighbor demands that we do not induce or help him to sin.

This principle especially concerns modesty in dress, and those

actions which are done in company with others. As we did in the

Third Principle, we must consider here the connection of an

action with the arousal of lust or sexual pleasure in another and

the reason for performing the action.


The Connection of the Action with Sexual Pleasure

The actions which might cause sins of impurity or immodesty in

another are sufficiently indicated in the list above (pp. 103-

104). That is, it is sinful to cause, or help, a person to sin by

violating any of the preceding three moral principles. Therefore,

if it would be sinful for John to look at obscene pictures (Third

Principle), it would be equally sinful for Joseph to give such

pictures to John. If heavy petting is seriously sinful for George

(Third Principle), it would be equally sinful for Mary to permit

such indecencies (Fourth Principle) even though she could

honestly say that the actions did not stir her passions. Again,

if listening to "dirty jokes" for the humor is venially sinful

for James, telling him such jokes is also a venial sin. In other

words, if a person's action is so stimulating as to be rather

certain to arouse lust in someone else (Principle I or II), or

even full involuntary sexual pleasure (Principle III), that

action is a mortal sin (Principle IV) unless there is some

serious reason to excuse it. If the action is but slightly

tempting, it is a venial sin, unless some adequate reason is

present. To understand why this is true, consult the portion of

this work which considers the psychology of sexual arousal (pp.



Those Who May Be Scandalized

It is especially important to consider the various groups of

people who might be tempted by one's actions to sin. The first

group comprises those who are looking for opportunities to sin.

Such people are scandalized by others in the same way as the

Pharisees of old. They blame others for giving them the occasion

of sinning, despite the fact that they are searching for the

occasions. No one has any obligation to avoid giving

opportunities to such people. They must solve their own problems.

For example, should a young man look with obvious lust on a young

woman even though her dress and actions are conventionally

modest, she has no obligation to change her manner of dress or


The second group is composed of ordinary people who try to live a

chaste life. Divine charity obliges us to avoid giving them

occasions for sin. Therefore, any action which would bring some

well-intentioned person to sin, or to grave danger of sin, would

itself be sinful. For example, it would ordinarily be a serious

sin to tell a luridly obscene story to any normal unmarried

person. The last group includes those who, however well-

intentioned, are weak regarding their observance of the Sixth

Commandment. This group is composed of children, adolescents, and

any others who are known to be especially liable to sin.

Extraordinary precautions must be taken with this group. For

example, it would be seriously sinful to take a 14-year-old boy

to an indecent movie, even though the presentation would not

greatly disturb an adult. Again, once a boy or girl knows that

some action will stir lust in his or her partner on a date, the

performance of that action will be sinful unless a real reason

exists which excuses it.


The Justifying Reason

The reason which might justify otherwise immodest acts must be in

proportion to the effect. It would take a weighty reason to

justify a very stimulating action, a lesser reason to justify a

less stimulating one. For example, ordinarily it would be at most

venially sinful to give a slightly off-color book to a friend.

However, if one is asked for the book, the avoidance of a quarrel

might be a sufficiently justifying reason. Such a reason,

however, would not justify the loan of the book to an adolescent.

Again, it would be mortally sinful for a young woman to appear

nude before a man; not at all sinful for her to do so before a

doctor for necessary treatment or examination. To make these

things clear for the Fourth Principle, we shall summarize them in

schema form just as we did for Principle III:

1. Acts which might lead another to sin (according the First,

Second or Third Principles) depend:

a) on the stimulating nature of the act;

b) on the excitability of the individual concerned (Pharasaical,

ordinary, or weak).

2. These acts, performed without a good reason, are:

a) mortally sinful if they are such as to lead, or help, another

to sin mortally (by violating any of the first three principles);

b) venially sinful if they are such as to lead him to venial sin.

3. A sufficient reason may justify these actions, provided THERE




1. Kate, a young woman, prepares for bed each evening with lights

on and blinds up. Her room faces the homes opposite, where she

knows several teen-age boys live with their parents. She insists

she has no evil intentions. Does she sin?

a) Her actions are certainly stimulating to any male onlooker,

and the individuals concerned are ordinary flesh-and-blood young

men, that is, certainly excitable in this case.

b) There can be no justifying reason. It would take but a moment

to pull the blinds or to turn off the light. Kate sins mortally.

2. Mrs. B. has suddenly been asked by her 14-year-old son all

about the facts of human generation. She knows her answers may be

dangerous, but, taking what precautions she can, she replies

frankly and fully to all his questions. Does she sin?

a) Her words may be stimulating because of the nature of the

subject, and her boy is in the weak class.

b) She has a perfectly justifying reason. If she loses this

opportunity, he may obtain his information from evil sources. She

does not sin, and should not worry. Indeed she is performing an

act of virtue, one of her parental duties.

3. Maureen, aged 17, fancies herself the "desirable" clinging-

vine type. She wears the extreme in evening dress and swim suits.

She "melts" over her date, allowing little room between the two

in his car. She experiences no passion herself, and claims she

merely wishes to indicate her friendship for him. If she realizes

what her actions are doing to her escort (and she should be made

to realize it), she sins seriously because the stimulation of her

attire and actions have no justifying reasons.

4. Leonard, aged 21, possesses some pin-ups which however are not

of an extremely vile nature. He shows them to his friends of the

same age. Does he sin? Since there is some danger here, though

hardly serious danger, he sins venially unless he has some

proportionate reason. If he should show them to his excitable

younger brother, he would come closer to serious sin.

5. Lydia is an attractive girl of 17. Her uncle, the big, bluff

type, always gives her a hearty hug when he passes and indulges

in other slaps, pats, etc. Lydia sometimes suspects that all this

is not in fun. Does she sin in allowing the familiarities?

Granting that Lydia does not encourage these things, she does not

sin because she has a sufficient reason: his relationship to her,

the presence of other members of the family, the scene which

would be created if she "stood on her dignity," etc. Perhaps some

older person would do well to show disapproval.

6. Mary, aged 19, likes and wears dresses which, while not

excessively revealing, are of the more extreme fashion. Her sin

is probably only venial. If she had a good reason--for example,

if it were really impossible to get more modest dresses--she

would be excused.

7. Jim, aged 16, indulges in antics in the nude while in the

dressing room with other boys. He has no evil intention of

stirring passions. There are younger boys present and also (he

knows) some who are more excitable than he. He sins mortally or

venially, depending on how much he realizes the danger into which

he is thrusting the others.

8. Dolores, while her dress is by no means immodest, is careless

about knee-crossing, her method of walking, her swirling dancing,

etc. She knows the boys are looking on with some glee. She sins

mortally or venially, depending on the degree of immodesty in her

acts. She has no excuse for ignoring the proprieties. If she did

these things deliberately to stir passion, it would be serious


9. Joe knows that some of his friends are rather excitable in sex

matters. Yet, in the boys' dressing room, he does not hesitate to

undress before them. He commits no fault. He cannot avoid every

possibility, and they have the obligation to guard themselves or

to develop the proper attitude.

10. Lil plays basketball on a Catholic high school team. Their

gym dress is approved. Despite that she wonders about some of the

gallery, and she decides to quit the team. She need not do so,

since she has no obligation to avoid being the object of such

eyes. They must look to themselves.

There are many more problems on this principle. Some will be

found in the discussion aids. You will probably have many

problems yourself. Try to apply the principle and check your

applications with others.



Many people have said that the Church teaches a double moral

standard, one for men and another for women. This is not true.

The four moral principles above apply in their full force to both

sexes. Lust is a serious sin in either sex and demands the same

expiation before God's seat of justice. However, because of the

different constitutions of the sexes, certain difficulties are

stronger in one sex than in the other and need more care. Men

usually have more difficulty and must be more guarded regarding

chastity in the strict sense and in modesty of eyes and touch.

Women must give more attention to the whole field of modesty,

particularly modesty concerning others. In the long run the

difficulties of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments come out about

even. If boys and girls will feel responsible for each other,

there will be far less trouble in this field which has so the

modern mind.



Why do the Four Moral Principles in these two chapters point out

what is sinful? Because venereal pleasure is for the married

alone. Therefore, outside of marriage, to enjoy such pleasure,

desire it, think with approval of it as present, or take a chance

on causing it, is a sin Let us explain this by an example from

the Fifth Commandment. No one may take a life unjustly.


it is a sin to shoot a man (including yourself). It is a sin to

desire to shoot him, or to delight in his murder. It is also

sinful to chance shooting a man without a justifying reason. You

may have every right to hunt for squirrels, but not in a city

park on Sunday afternoon when all the strollers are there, for

then, if your stray bullet kills a man, you are responsible. You

might however, shoot at an escaped tiger on the city streets even

though a wild shot might hurt someone. In this case, you have a

reason (saving others) for allowing this to happen against your

will. It is the same with sexual pleasure outside of marriage.

You may not enjoy it, desire it, or think of it as present. You

may not, without a good reason, do anything that might cause it

even involuntarily in yourself or others.

This chapter is perhaps the most difficult in the entire book.

And yet it is probably the most important because the matter it

contains is so little understood by Catholics and non-Catholics

alike. However, it is not so very hard. Here is a re-statement of

the principles you have learned:

3. To take a chance of producing sexual pleasure in oneself

without a reason is mortal or venial depending on how close the

chance is. A reason may excuse from all sin or make a serious

matter light.

4. To chance causing lust or unwanted sexual pleasure in another

without a reason is mortal or venial, or no sin at all, depending

on what is done. A good reason may excuse from all sin or make a

serious matter light.

Throughout this chapter we have been concerned with judging the

sinfulness of actions. One word remains to be said. There is the

chance that some reader may think, "Oh, I can allow this to

happen, it is only a venial sin!" True, it may be only a venial

sin, but that too is an offense against God which should be

avoided as far as is humanly possible. Besides that, we should

not be content with avoiding sin, but should strive earnestly to

practice virtue. Therefore, let adolescents fully understand

these moral principles, and grasp the differences that have been

laid down; but once they know them, let them face resolutely

forward and determine to pursue virtue and not be content with

merely the minimum--avoiding mortal sin. The good automobile

driver should be able to gauge exactly the number of inches

between his speeding car and a precipice; but he remains a safe

driver only when he keeps as far from the precipice as possible.



1. Jack and Jill, both 16, go for a hike with their "gang." When

lunch is being prepared, Jack takes a choice morsel and is just

about to eat it when Jill snatches it from him and runs. He gives

chase, catches her, and engages in a tussle to get it back. As he

does so, he experiences some sexual pleasure to which he gives an

emphatic "No!" He continues the tussle and finally triumphs. Has

he sinned? Should this experience give him a warning for the

future? In a similar case afterward, could he do the same without

sin? Would it be better not to do so?

2. Kathy is beautiful. A contest is being staged for Miss

Squeedunk of 19--, with attractive prizes. She decides to enter.

The contestants will, of course, wear bathing suits. May she

enter? (Consider the process: line-up, parade, onlookers, judges,

elimination, measuring tapes, etc.) Does she sin if she enters?

If so, how seriously?

3. Mazie wants to be a photographer's model. The pictures will be

published in popular magazines. Modeling will entail various

kinds of undress and posing for pin-up pictures. May she take the

job? Suppose she can get a job modeling clothing which really

clothes, and only an occasional job of the other kind will turn

up. Will that make any difference?

4. John, aged 14, decides to get a look into the girls' dressing

room at the gym. He knows he should not do so and he expects to

get quite a sexual thrill. Yet he sees nothing to excite him as

there are individual dressing compartments. Does he sin? How

seriously? (Mortally: Principle 1.)

5. Marjorie wants to be a majorette in her high school band. May

she? Discuss the implications in the usual dress for such a


6. Dick and Charlotte are acrobatic dancers. The normal amount of

clothing interferes with their work. May they continue in this as

a profession? Should there be some norms in this matter? Are

there, in fact, any such norms? Does the intention of these

dancers (or aerialists, circus performers, etc.), to show skill

rather than exhibit bodies, make a difference? (Yes.)

7. James, aged 17, goes to a theater which has a stage

presentation in addition to the movie. Some of the jokes are

indecent and one or two of the dances suggestive. Must he leave?

Might it be better to leave? Discuss the proper procedure if he

may remain.

8. Joanne, aged 20, is advised by her doctor to get some sun. She

dons a very brief costume and climbs to the roof, which seems

safe from prying eyes. After some time she notices a head in the

distance which has managed by elaborate effort to obtain a view

of the "scenery." Must she give up her sun-bathing?

9. Henry, aged 16, goes to a public high school. After school

some of the boys gather to tell various suggestive jokes. Henry

occasionally is forced by circumstances to listen and cannot help

laughing (after all, they are funny). They are very stimulating,

but he rejects any incipient venereal pleasure. Does he sin? On

another occasion he deliberately listens and joins in. Again he

rejects the pleasure. Does he sin this time? He finds out after a

while that these stories linger in his mind and cause temptation

to which he sometimes gives consent. If he listens by choice, is

he responsible for these temptations? Must he consider the

stories an occasion of sin which he must avoid?

10. Elaine, aged 17, has an illness which demands a thorough

physical examination. May she present herself to a male doctor?

(You know the answer is "Yes," but apply the Principle to

discover the reason for your answer.)

11. Ruth plays basketball with a team which wears an acceptably

modest uniform. Yet she plays to draw the eyes of the gallery. If

she only wants to be "attractive," does she sin? If she wants to

stir lustful attention, does she sin?

NOTE: In each case, tell what principle is involved, in your

opinion, and go through it point by point. Please do not jump to

conclusions from your general knowledge! Go back to the cases

proposed in the text of this chapter and apply your norms to them

detail by detail.



1. What is modesty?

2. Phrase Principle III in one of its three forms.

3. Decide this case on the Principle: Bill, aged 16, looks

through the New York Times Magazine Section. There are numerous

underwear advertisements. Bill looks at them curiously. He

experiences a very light sexual thrill to which he does not

consent. Does he sin mortally? Venially? Not at all? Why?

(Remember the procedure: What is done? What is its connection

with unwanted venereal pleasure for this person? What is the


4. What teen-age activities that seem immodest worry you? Try to

apply the yardstick of this Third Principle to them.

5. What is Principle IV? Why should we take care not to cause

lust or sex pleasure in others? Have we any obligations to them?

6. Discuss immodesty in dress. In our modern costumes, just what

is immodest in your opinion (that is, tending to arouse lust or

venereal pleasure in an ordinary person)? Concrete cases will

come to mind. Discuss them and try to arrive at a decision. Is

immodesty in dress the only difficulty which comes under this

principle? What about touches, storytelling, etc.?

7. Must every occasion of sin to another be avoided in one's

actions? There are three kinds of people: the weak, the ordinary,

and the ill-intentioned. Which ones must you safeguard?

8. Does your last answer indicate any obligations toward children

and adolescents (weak)? Will this curtail activity which, though

not ordinarily scandalous, might cause scandal in children? Does

this make the divisions of the Legion of Decency movie list

reasonable? Does scandal mean shocked surprise or does it mean

inducement to sin? (Fourth Principle.)

9. Do Catholics defend a double standard of morality? Why does

it, at times, appear that they do?

10. Is our example from the Fifth Commandment a good parallel for

the Sixth? Do you understand now why our moral standard is so





1. Many non-Catholic writers are now recognizing these facts, and

urging young people to avoid such actions as being cheap and only

imitations of true marital love. They argue that: (1) Heavy

petting teases the emotions without satisfying them, thus making

self-control more difficult, (2) Petting is properly a prelude to

the marital act; (3) It is selfish since it is done for the

thrill, not for love; (4) It breaks down reserve; (5) It cheapens

personality; (6) Many half-experiences make the next temptation

greater. Cf. Edson, "Love, Courtship and Marriage" (American

Social Hygiene Association, New York, 1933).






The modern usage of the words "emotion" and "passion" is rather

vague, so we shall give our own definitions. The sexual or

venereal reaction is not what is meant here by emotion. That

reaction we shall always term "sexual passion." Thus (as will be

explained in the psychological section), the physical passion of

sex is an automatic reflex action similar to the secretion of

saliva or the mechanism of a blush. Emotion, in our sense, has

little or nothing to do with sexual pleasure. Emotion is best

explained by the word "feeling." It is how we feel about or react

to a problem or person, whether this be a feeling of pride,

content, anxiety, worry, joy, fear, or a hundred others. Emotions

have a physical basis; they are felt in the body. They may be

accompanied by sexual passion, but one is not the other. St.

Thomas numbers desire, love, joy, fear, hate, sadness, despair,

anger, etc., among the emotions. We may add to the list feelings

of exhilaration, anticipation, shame, jealousy, envy, worry,

anxiety, loathing, etc. Consequently, for a parent to have the

correct emotional outlook on marriage, sex, and the duty of sex

education, is to have habitually the correct feeling toward these

things. To give a child the correct emotional outlook on sex and

marriage is to give him the right feelings toward them.



It is difficult to list the correct emotions toward this problem

without repeating many things already mentioned. We have paused

at nearly every point to indicate the correct emotional attitude.

However, it may be helpful to list in this section, for

additional emphasis, some of the more important emotions.

Parents should feel joyful responsibility for the correct sex

education of their children; joyful because the successful

meeting of this obligation will bring genuine happiness to

themselves and their children. This sense of responsibility

should not beget despair, worry, or excessive anxiety.[1] Face the

duty confident that you can perform it with a little preparation,

good common sense, and of course, the help of prayer. Try to

manifest this sureness to your child. This you will succeed in

doing if you courageously answer each question. When it is

impossible to satisfy your child's needs immediately, at least

show a willingness to satisfy them later by looking up the matter

in the meantime. Be kind, patient, and even long-suffering with

your child's problems. While not demanding confidences (the

child, and particularly the adolescent, wants a corner of his

personality to himself), try to invite such confidence by a calm

sympathy with all his problems. Show, above all, that you are

never afraid of a problem even though time or circumstance may

force you to put it off temporarily. Your approach should be

frank, sincere, matter-of-fact, and without any indication of

shame, disgust or distaste. If carried out sympathetically, good

chastity education will prove a bond of intimacy between parent

and child, will bring a great deal of satisfaction to both, and

will help mature the character of all concerned.


Emotion and Children's Sins

Should your children fall into some sexual sin, show sadness, but

not shock. Encourage them to sorrow and Confession, and show your

confidence in their ability to remain chaste. Compassion and

sympathy are the chief emotions called for in this case. Refer

back to Chapter VI, p. 77, for a very important section on

emotions and children's sins.


Emotion toward Their Temptations

Show your children that you recognize the struggle they may be

facing at any one time and that you are "rooting on the

sidelines" for them. Never show surprise that your teen-agers are

struggling with "bad thoughts." Help them! Be ready (but not

"trigger happy") with good advice. Above all, never laugh at

their problems as though these were unimportant. To your

children, they are very important. You may laugh with your

children, showing them there is no need for worry, but never at




To engender in your children the correct emotional attitudes

toward the body, sex, marriage and parenthood, you must yourself

have the correct attitudes, because tone of voice and many

unconscious acts do more to educate children than mere words. If

you have any wrong attitude, try to change it, or at least avoid

giving it to your children. What we have to say in the following

pages should be a guide not only for children's emotions but

also, in general, for parents' emotions.


Attitude toward the Body

A good Catholic should respect his body because it was created by

God. Every part of it is good! Since the body is good, to be

happy in the possession of a healthy, beautiful or handsome body

is well within the bounds of Christian modesty for boys and

girls, and reasonable adornment is not only permissible but

laudable. Such natural pride should be spiritualized, since the

body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and a member of the Body of

Christ. On the other hand, it is silly and a waste of time to

complain about the stings of the flesh as some young people do.

After all, temptation is a challenge, a test. Young people should

be more proud of passing that test than of making the football

team, leading the class, or being Queen of the May. Because they

have accepted that challenge, they ought to resent the activities

of those who hold up the impure and lustful as models.


Attitude toward One's Own Sex

Boys should be glad to be boys, and girls should be glad to be

girls. No good of any kind can come from wishing the opposite.

Boys should strive to be virile and masculine in the true sense

of manliness. Girls should be proud of their womanly virtues and

feminine traits. Neither sex should envy the other because

neither sex is, in reality, superior to the other. Though we must

defend the right of a father to be the head of the family, each

sex has its own proper superiorities. The sexes are not opposed

to each other, nor are they in a contest for supremacy. They are

complementary, and fill out each other's needs. They fit together

in every respect, like the right and left hand. It is a parental

duty to indicate, by word and example, the qualities which make a

masculine man and a feminine woman. Members of each sex should

learn to take in stride their bodily and psychological

difficulties (menstruation, muscular weakness, and temptation to

immodesty in dress for the girl; seminal emission, physical

temptation, and temptation to immodesty of the eyes for the boy).

These are a challenge to virtue and self-control.

For each sex there should always be a sense of modesty and

reserve even among themselves. Dressing rooms are always places

where Catholics are recognized as such. There should, however, be

no feeling of shame in these places. True shame should only be

connected with sins of impurity or immodesty. A girl should feel

ashamed to appear on a beach in immodest attire; a boy should be

ashamed of a frankly "roving" eye; but neither sex should be

ashamed of dressing or undressing among themselves, when



Attitude toward Sexuality

The proper emotional attitude toward the sexual functions and

their possible holy use in marriage is well summed up in two

words, reverent wonder. The sexual powers are a trust from God,

something to be treasured, something to cause wonder at His

goodness, something to be carefully guarded and used ever

according to His law--in marriage only (cf. Chapter VI, pp. 69-

70). Since they provide the possibility of the highest physical

expression of human love; since, by their use, one can co-operate

with God Himself in bringing forth children for His kingdom--

these powers can only be received with awe and a determination to

preserve them inviolate at all costs. For this reason, shame,

hate, loathing or disgust must never be associated with sexual

acts in marriage. At the opposite extreme, there should be no

"smutty," lustful anticipation. Through parental instruction, the

child and adolescent should never be given the idea that the

sexual union is a dirty, shameful business, a defiling kind of

"fun," an act of forbidden pleasure somehow justified in

marriage. The child should be imbued with this attitude: "When

and if I marry, such sacred pleasure will be mine as a reward for

a virtuous act. Until then I am determined, with God's help, to

remain virginal." A normal, unimaginative anticipation should be

as natural as to say: "When I am twenty-one I may vote," and

"When I am old enough I may smoke."

"Especially in the realm of purity does reverence play a specific

role. Purity essentially involves a reverent attitude toward the

mystery of love between man and woman, a consciousness that the

sphere of sex is a realm which should be approached only with a

special sanction of God, which should fill us with awe. Purity is

incompatible with a general arrogant attitude toward being,

whether it assumes a frivolous, cynical character or a blunt,

smug familiarity with the mystery of the cosmos.

Purity demands respect for the beloved, respect for his body,

respect for the great mysterious union of two souls in one flesh,

respect for the mystery of the becoming of a new human being.

In education for purity, the role of the general attitude of

reverence cannot be overestimated. We cannot expect of a young

man a right attitude in the domain of sex if we neglect the

education of reverence in general."[3]


Attitude toward Temptation and Sin

Once our youth have appreciated the positive beauty and value of

sexuality, it will be easier for them to avoid violent fear of

sexual temptation. Excessive fear of temptation tends to fix the

mind on what is to be avoided, which would certainly be an

unhealthy state of affairs. However, there may well be a

reasonable fear of offending God, of losing the treasure of

virginity, and hence fear of the temptation which may cause the

fall. A quiet fear of this sort is healthy because it helps one

to avoid the danger. To this quiet fear it is proper to add a

sensible confidence in God, who does not allow temptation above

our strength, and who gives us help to overcome it if we ask Him

(cf. 1 Cor. 10:13). Many adolescents become very anxious about

the new feelings and imaginations they experience. They fear that

they are different from their comrades, and believe, at times,

that they are born wicked because of such unbidden thoughts and

feelings. In some cases, a boy (or girl) might consider the

possibility of having gone insane! Young people will breathe a

sigh of relief when you explain how normal and universal are

these experiences at their age. Should they wonder why these new

disturbances occur, it is well to explain the glandular changes

in their bodies and the psychological changes in their minds

which are but indications of their rapidly approaching maturity

(cf. Chapters X and XI). With this background of information,

boys and girls will soon learn to face these temptations calmly,

with the determination to remain chaste, and with confidence in

their own good will and God's help. To prevent both excessive

worry and sudden lapses into sin due to surprise temptations,

give them either of these two cautions as mottoes: "Don't look

for trouble, but don't be surprised when it comes," or "Be ready

but not anxious."

Neither a single sin nor a habit of sin should cause despair. An

individual fall should make one sorrowful but a great deal more

wise. A fall indicates one's weakness and points out where the

danger is to be faced and avoided. Never let a child think his

sin is unforgivable, or is too evil to confess. Every sin and

every evil habit can be forgiven and conquered with courage and

trust in God. Though one should be ashamed of sin, the shame must

not make it impossible to confess the sin and conquer it in the


A very good attitude for a child to have in matters of purity and

modesty is a willing obedience to confessors and parents, even

without complete understanding of the reasons. Regarding

obedience, parents have a double problem. They must teach

obedience and yet give reasons. In the beginning, a child must be

taught simply to obey. He is too young to understand an

explanation. Gradually reasons must be given. The child must

understand that parents always have a reason, even if it is not

given at the time. He must learn to obey: first, from habit;

second, for the reason given; third, from the fact that there is

a reason even if it is not given or understood. A youngster who

demands a reason should be answered if possible. If the reason

will not be understood, obedience must nevertheless be exacted.

Beware, however, of giving a command from mere whim. Always have

a reason. As the years go on, more and more reasons must be

given, for the child must eventually learn to take over his own


A great delicacy is needed in dealing with adolescents. The

adolescent needs to practice some obedience. He will even desire

it. Yet, at the same time, he wants more freedom to judge for

himself. Therefore, keep the reins but handle them lightly. You

should be able to free him from restraint by 18, if you have

given enough reasons to enable him to judge for himself, at least

with advice and counsel.


Attitudes toward the Other Sex

The relations between the sexes ought to be characterized by

mutual enjoyment, liking and respect. Chivalry, responsibility,

courtesy, together with a sensible caution and reasonable

modesty, should mark all their meetings and fun together. All

boys and girls must feel responsible for the purity of their

friends of the other sex. To have an enjoyable evening without

endangering one another, should be a challenge they willingly

accept. Such an enjoyable and sinless evening can easily be had

if young people plan the date or party in advance. In this

planning, parents can help by their suggestions for fun, by

occasionally offering their services as cook, and by their "in

and out" presence at any gathering. Above all, they must make

their children's friends welcome in their home.[4]

Young people occasionally face the problem of "following the

crowd." If an evil suggestion is made, they dare not show their

distaste or shame at the very thought. As St. Augustine remarks,

Catholics are sometimes "ashamed of being ashamed."[5] This would

be false shame. On occasion, Catholics must show that they are

different. It is high time that they began to set Christian

patterns in their own groups instead of mimicking the paganism

around them. Parents must encourage these Christian patterns more



Attitude toward Marriage

Frivolous ideas of marriage should never be expressed in the

family circle. This does not exclude humorous jokes on the

difficulties of marriage, for how could anyone manage the rough

spots without a sense of humor? Nevertheless, marriage is a lofty

and serious affair, a noble state of life, and should be treated

as such.

It is quite appropriate to discuss some important family matters

in the children's presence. The seriousness of discussion and

care in arriving at a decision will make it clear that marriage

is a weighty undertaking. Again, there is no reason why family

secrets may not be discussed before the children. Children love a

secret and will be willing to keep one entrusted to them--

especially if they have been well trained in internal discipline

from the beginning. If they fail, they should be punished for

their disloyalty to the family. There are indeed "sacred and

intimate things which belong to family life, and are but

sparingly shared with others."[6] Incidentally, one of these sacred

things is the expected arrival of a new baby.

Almost all of married life is lived in the presence of the

children. Hence, all the expressions of love between husband and

wife must not be given in their absence. On the other hand, gushy

sentimentality is equally out of place. Affection cannot be

"acted out" for children, it must be real and unassuming. The

tone of voice means more than the words. Children clearly

perceive artificial tones for what they are--sheer pretense. Each

parent must examine himself to see how much sentiment he can in

reality express for his partner. After such examination, honest

and unassuming ritual should be incorporated into all home life:

a kiss before going to work and upon returning, courtesy,

respect, politeness between husband and wife, etc. The father

should definitely assume his role as head and ruler of the

household. The mother, on her part, ought to exemplify and assert

her place as "queen of hearts" in the home (cf. encyclical "On

Christian Marriage").

It is wise to try to avoid quarrels, or to hide them from the

children. Yet few households give enough privacy for private

discussions of this sort. Moreover, should the disagreement arise

before the children, the solution should also take place in their

presence. By this solution we do not mean a sentimental "patching

up." If both husband and wife have been at fault, there ought to

be a mutual and honest giving in. If one alone is guilty, an

honest admission and apology are in order. It may be hard to step

off the pedestal before your children, to show that you are of

common clay. Yet they will learn to respect you all the more as a

humble and brave person, since only a coward refuses to admit an

obvious fault. From such give and take, children will absorb

valuable lessons for later life.

When the attitudes listed in this section are present in a home,

children will absorb them easily, and will need scarcely any

formal instruction on the sacred and noble character of



Attitude toward Parenthood

Granted that no other vocation has been chosen, parenthood should

be pleasantly anticipated by both boys and girls. When parental

example is on the above bases, children will certainly deem it a

beautiful and wonderful vocation to have children, to love and

nourish them, to help them unfold their personalities, and to

build up in them strong Christian characters.

The Girl's Attitude: Every girl, as Pius XII beautifully reminds

us, should desire to be a mother, either in fact or in spirit.[7]

However, this desire must be realistic, for it is as disastrous

to have a wholly romantic picture as to have a wholly grim one.

Tremendous fear of the burden and danger of giving birth to and

raising a family should be as much avoided as idyllic pictures of

the beauties and consolations of motherhood unmixed with trials.

As part of their training for this probable future role, girls

should be taught to bear patiently the inconveniences of

menstruation. It is a small payment for their wonderful

development and function. All references to the "curse of Eve"

and the "plague of women" are out of place (cf. Maura Laverty,

op. cit., p. 63). Girls should not ordinarily be allowed to plead

sickness during the time of menstruation unless, of course, the

reaction is severe (in which case it might be wise to consult a


Toward having children, the best and most realistic attitude is

that pointed out by Christ Himself: "A woman about to give birth

has sorrow, because her hour has come. But when she has brought

forth the child, she no longer remembers the anguish for her joy

that a man is born into the world" (Jn. 16:21). To accentuate the

pains without the joy or the joy without the pains is equally

unrealistic. The labor of travail is worthwhile, hard work: this

describes the proper attitude toward childbirth.

Some modern doctors insist that fear of pain creates all the more

pain.[8] Though many mothers may be skeptical of such medical

opinion, it has been shown that the pain of childbirth is

definitely less if recognized and faced. What pain there is may

well be made a sacrifice of expiation for sin, and of prayer for

the child. A young mother who anticipated, and had a very

difficult delivery (and who for medical reasons could not be

anaesthetized), resolved to offer her pain for the souls in

purgatory. Though she admitted she was not very brave at the

time, who will say that her initial offering of sacrifice was not

received? Confidence in modern medical care should eliminate most

of the fears of childbirth. More women by far die while pleasure-

driving in automobiles than while bringing new life into the


Proper attitudes should similarly be engendered toward the

nursing of infants. Children, especially the younger ones, should

not be forbidden to see mother breast-feeding the baby. Moderns

are accustomed to all kinds of immodesty, yet are prudish in

their view of this beautiful act. A curious inversion of values

indeed! A mother should be proud of her duty and function. It

should never be considered disgusting or shameful. Many doctors

are returning to the age-old conviction: all factors being

favorable, no bottle or formula can take the place of a healthy

mother's milk.[9]

In all these matters the example of the mother is everything.

When she is "expecting," she should be proud and joyful, and all

the family should rejoice in the family "secret." Her noble,

happy, realistic attitude, not only toward giving birth but

toward all the duties of motherhood, has more influence than any

words she may use.

The Boy's Attitude: The attitude of an adolescent boy toward

parenthood should be that it is a joy and a responsibility. He

should know that women suffer pain at childbirth, and that this

is normal. But he must not have the idea that a husband should

regard such pangs in a coldly indifferent light, nor on the other

hand feel guilty and remorseful about them. If his early training

causes him to say when he becomes a father, "I'll never allow

this to happen to my darling again," it has given him a false

view of marriage. Here, too, parental example is paramount. The

love, care, respect and consideration a boy has seen his father

show toward his pregnant mother mean much more than words. Again,

if a father evidences joy in his children, really assists in

raising them, takes part in the life of the family, and gives

evidences of his careful planning for all, his boys will learn,

from their earliest years, the correct attitude toward

parenthood. Too many men look on their children as necessary

nuisances which their long-suffering wives should control, quiet,

and send to bed early. Fathers are parents too! They have the

obligation to head their families in all things, including child-




1. Is passion the same as emotion? Are emotions good in

themselves? (Yes.) When is an emotion bad? (When it is not the

one which correctly fits the situation.) Can emotions be

controlled? Can correct emotions be learned? Give examples.

2. What emotions or feelings would you say this book has given

you toward the duty of sex education? Do they correspond to the

ones we have listed as necessary?

3. Should you demand confidences from your children? Why, or why

not? Would it be a good idea to tell one child's confidences to

the rest of the family? To your husband or wife? Discuss this


4. What circumstances may be used as a reason to defer sex

instruction or education? (Lack of privacy, too busy, etc.)

Should this delay be long?

5. How do you react to a discovery of sin in your child? How

should you react? Are you surprised at temptation in yourself or

others? Give some concrete cases of "laughing at" and "laughing

with" children in their problems.

6. Is it wise to follow up suspicion based on good grounds? Give

some example of founded and unfounded suspicions.

7. Do you believe that adolescence is a period for "sowing wild

oats" and that nothing can be done about it?

8. Is the body evil? Good? Half and half? Can one be born bad? Is

self-adornment unchristian? Why? Why should not a girl wish that

she were a boy? (Boys seldom desire to be girls.)

9. Is one sex inferior to the other? Discuss this. List the

superiorities of each sex side by side. Do you find the same

number in each? Is each quality of equal value?

10. How, concretely, should your boy or girl act in a dressing


11. What common-sense attitude should characterize a boy's or

girl's outlook on sexual things in marriage? What are some

prevalent false notions? Can you add to our list?

12. Is fear always bad? (No!) What kind is? What kind is not?

Does violent fear fix temptation? Can you corroborate this from

personal experience?

13. How can we use failure to our own advantage? Do you believe

this statement, "In education, mistakes are almost as important

as success"? Do teachers correct and return papers? Has this any

value? Does it suggest the value of correcting behavior, manners,

and morals? Is it enough to point out with a check mark what is

wrong, or must reasons and helps be added?

14. Is one child different from another? Are there both

resemblances and differences? Will it help a child to understand


15. Is there any sin which cannot be forgiven, if one has the

proper dispositions?

16. Has obedience any connection with chastity? Should obedience

or reasons come first? Should they come together? Or sometimes

one, sometimes the other? Are there laws which even adults must

obey though they may not understand the reasons? Will it help a

child to understand this?

17. What two words crystallize a proper approach to the opposite

sex? (Responsibility and respect.)

18. Must a Catholic at times be different? How can you answer an

objection like this: "But all the kids at school are Catholic and

they are doing it!" (Are all doing it? Are they Catholic in doing

it?) Do you think parents could organize to prevent this

indiscriminate "following the crowd"? (Apply this to beach and

sports wear for girls and boys, late hours, dating, etc.)

19. A girl of 16 observed her father ogling women on the beach.

He turned to her and said. "If you ever wear a bathing suit like

that, I'll kill you." Why was she bewildered? Which was more

powerful, his example or his words? Will she obey him?

20. Is marriage a serious vocation? Do your actions prove your

convictions? Do you agree that quarrels can be kept from

children? Can this be done perfectly?

21. Are there family secrets? Would you punish the child who

blurted out your monthly income? Would you punish him for talking

about his bodily functions except in necessity? About a new baby

still months off? Should you?

22. Will it help a girl to face the difficulties of motherhood if

you tell her, "Mother went down to death's door for you"? What is

a realistic approach to motherhood? Is embarrassment at obvious

pregnancy healthy? Should an expectant mother refuse to be seen

in her "condition"? (What a word!) A little girl of 10 was asked,

"Wouldn't you like to continue school and be a nurse, or teacher,

or career girl"? "No," she answered, "I want to be a mother." Is

this a healthy or unhealthy attitude?

23. What is a healthy attitude toward fatherhood? Are many

fathers refusing to be parents today?




1. Throughout this chapter each suitable or unsuitable emotion

will be printed in italics. After reading the somewhat involved

presentation you need only glance over the italicized words to

see which emotions are desirable and which are to be avoided in

each case.

2. For the way to use comradely laughter, cf. a beautiful sex

instruction reported by Maura Laverty in "Never No More"

(Longmans Green, New York, 1942), pp. 61 ff. This instruction is

worth study for emotions, words, and the wise thought behind it.

3. Von Hildebrand, Dietrich, "The Role of Reverence in

Education," in "Lumen Vitae," 1949 (IV), p. 636. Quoted with

permission of the publisher.

4. For further helpful suggestions, cf. Lord, Daniel, S.J., "Some

Notes for the Guidance of Parents" (The Queen's Work, St. Louis,


5. "Confessions of St. Augustine" (Sheed and Ward, New York,

1943), 11, 9, p. 37.

6. King, op. cit., p. 23.

7. Cf. "Women's Duties in Social and Political Life," Paulist

Press, New York, 1945.

8. Cf. Read, Grantly Dick, "Childbirth without Fear," Harper and

Brothers, New York, 1946.

9. Cf. Rice, Frederick W., M.D., "The Function of Lactation," in

"The Family Today" (N.C.W.C. Press, Washington, D.C., 1944), pp.

96ff., also Carrel, Alexis, "Breast-feeding for Babies," in

"Reader's Digest" (June, 1939); and Newton, Niles, "Breast-

feeding--Psychological Aspects," in "Child-Family Digest" (New

Orleans, La., January, 1952), pp. 56 ff.

10. For attitudes toward children, cf.: "A Mother Looks at Birth

Control" (The Queen's Work, St. Louis, 1947); "Are Women a Lost

Sex?" in the "Luguorian Magazine" (October, 1947), pp. 433 ff.;

"Parenthood" (The Queen's Work, St. Louis, 1946); Nutting,

Willis, "Parents Are Teachers" (Liturgical Press, Collegeville,

Minn., 1949).




Our division between psychological and emotional factors is

merely arbitrary. Emotion refers to feeling about things, whereas

psychology, in our sense, refers to an understanding of how the

human being reacts in various situations connected with sexual

facts. In the previous chapter we explained the proper emotional

attitudes toward these problems. In this chapter we shall

consider the origin and control of sexual passion, the psychology

of love, the psychology of discipline, and the psychology of




In general, sexual passion or venereal pleasure: (1) arises from

a stimulus of touch, sight, smell, imagination, or any

combination of these; (2) arises more quickly in the boy than in

the girl, and usually from a different combination of

circumstances. Of course, experiences vary almost infinitely,

depending on the individuals concerned and the circumstances

involved. We list here merely the generally accepted outlines. An

individual must not be considered abnormal merely because he does

not conform to this composite picture.

Because of our fallen and perverse inclinations sexual feelings

are not under the direct control of the will. Sexual passion is

an automatic reaction that arises when certain mental or physical

stimuli are applied. The reactions are similar to the workings of

the digestive organs. The sizzle and aroma of a broiling steak

will cause feelings of hunger in a man who was not hungry a

moment before. In the same way, romantic imaginations, pictures

of nudity, remembered images of beaches, movies and plays,

suggestive conversation, ogling eyes, caresses, loving embraces,

handling of one's own or another's body, passionate kisses, etc.,

will ordinarily cause the beginnings of venereal pleasure.

Since this reaction is automatic, the only way to control it is

to cut off its source. No individual can validly protest that he

"does not want the pleasure," if without any reason he continues

the act which directly brings it on. He cannot will the cause and

protest the effect[1] Therefore, imagination, touch, sight,

hearing, or anything potentially immodest must be controlled.

Children should first be taught to control (not suppress!) their

imagination. Then they should absorb a spontaneous modesty in

dress and action. As they grow older, they should learn the

connection of immodest acts with the danger of arousing passion.

In this way they will acquire that enlightened self-control which

purity presupposes.


How To Control the Imagination

It is not enough to say to a child, "Now, you ought to control

your imagination." The child must be shown how. Images cannot be

forced from the mind. Such an attempt will but fix the image more

firmly. As an example, imagine a beautiful diamond ring before

your eyes. Now keep saying, "I do not want to think of a diamond

ring. Ring, away from my mind!" Do you see how the ring remains

central in your effort? To eliminate the picture of the ring, you

might concentrate on a golden orchid to harmonize with your mauve

dress (or, if you are a man, imagine a pin-stripe double-breasted

blue suit). The ring is gone. Only by substituting a vivid and

detailed image of something equally, or more, attractive can an

undesirable image be changed. Therefore, to help change an image,

remember this motto: "Details carve an image." When we tell a

child to think of something else, we speak wisely; but "something

else" is too vague. The best way to introduce a new image is by

minute visualization, the more detailed the better. No one who

likes a "banana split" can have an immodest image in his mind if

he can see his favorite confection down to the brown dots on the

bananas! Since all children and adolescents are skilled (though

they may not admit it) at make-believe, give them a definite

subject of equal or greater attraction and the disturbing images

will disappear.

Opportunities for teaching imagination control can be found in

nightmare and "can't sleep" difficulties by showing the child how

to go off to sleep thinking of something else. First, wake the

child completely (for if he is only half awake, his mental slant

will return him to the same dream); then suggest a topic for

make-believe or imagination control: "Remember that trip we made

to New York last year? Remember how you liked that ferry ride?

What did you like about it? Now go off to sleep planning how you

would use that ferry just for yourself!" A picnic trip, amusement

park, window-shopping jaunt, can all be used. In a similar way,

help him when he discovers difficulty with study, distractions in

prayer, etc. Here, of course, the imagination should be

stimulated in the direction of an activity away from it.

Some young people have special images upon which they call in

times of temptation: planning of a model airplane, boatbuilding,

dressmaking, devising electrical contraptions or photographic

equipment, etc. Some play out mentally a game of ball, tennis or

chess. It is, then, easy to see the advantage of an absorbing

hobby. There is a similar advantage in games and toys which

demand ingenuity. As a matter of fact, we do too much for

children, for modern toys are over-perfect mechanically, and even

childhood games are now cut and dried. Few, if any of them, leave

room for inventiveness. Modern recreation for adolescents too

frequently fails in this respect. Too many young people today

listen to TV, the radio, watch movies or ball games, and go

places to be entertained. They do not know how to be active.

Sports or other interests should be encouraged in which they can

be moderately successful and which demand effort of body and

mind, such as tennis, swimming, volley ball, baseball, football,

basketball, ping-pong, badminton, boxing, music, hiking, skiing--

in short, anything in which they can become engrossed bodily,

mentally and imaginatively.

We should like to point out here the need not only for hobbies

but also for truly intellectual pursuits which are not mere side

lines. Modern American culture tends to regard the day's work,

whether supporting a family or going to school, as time lost from

more worthwhile pursuits, which to many are recreation and

hobbies. Yet each one's daily work, no matter how humble, should

be engrossing and interesting. It will become interesting when

one sees it as a whole without excessive concentration on the

trials and difficulties. In the same way, school work should be

interesting for children, and parents should encourage this

interest. If a young person really enjoyed the study of religion,

history, sociology, good literature, languages, sciences,

psychology or mathematics (all of which could be enjoyable were

adults ready to provide an encouraging background), that youth

would have little time or inclination for forbidden romancings,

and would hardly ever choose sexual topics to fill the silences

in social meetings. Indeed, there would be no silences! In

struggling to encourage intellectual and cultural pursuits,

parents may seem to wage an ever-losing battle with their

environment; yet the slightest gain will bear fruit in happiness

and contentment for their children.


Venereal Motions and Physical Condition

Sexual feeling is liable to arise, even spontaneously, if the

general physical condition is either very high or very low. If

one is fresh, pleasantly relaxed, full of vitality, and has

nothing to do, or, on the other hand, is markedly weary or even

exhausted, sexual motion may arise unbidden. Consequently,

moderation is demanded in the activities of the young. As a

general rule, children should be reasonably tired at bedtime from

a busy interesting day, not from sheer boredom. Adolescents, too,

should be busy but not dropping from exhaustion. For these and

other reasons, late hours should be forbidden. Every adolescent

needs at least eight hours of sleep and should have them.

Moderation in cleanliness, luxury, etc., is also important. Beds

should not be too soft, nor covering too warm. Clothing should

not be too tight or caressing, food too rich, furniture too

luxurious, baths too hot. Again, a dirty, sticky body may lead to

temptation, while on the other hand a fanatically well-cared-for

body, effeminately clean, may likewise be a danger. In these as

in most other things, a common-sense, middle course is best.

It happens, though rarely, that a child experiences almost

continual sexual reactions through no fault of his own. In such a

case, the help of a competent physician should be sought

immediately, since the condition probably has a physical cause

which can be corrected.

When unbidden physical temptation arises, forcible attempts to

conquer it will rarely be successful. Rather, teach the child to

change position, loosen tight clothing, go for a brisk walk, etc.

Thus, natural energy will be directed into proper healthy

channels and drained from this sexual preoccupation.


Cycle of Temptation

Whether the devil is responsible, or whether the fact is founded

in our human nature, there seems to be a cycle or rhythm in

temptations. For several weeks they may come in avalanches. Then,

for a week or two, there will be comparative quiet. We think the

battle is over, and sigh with relief. But no! The devil seems to

leave off in this way just so we will drop our defenses and be

caught by the next barrage. After the lull comes a fresh storm.

We see from this that vigilance, prayer, and caution about the

occasions of sin should continue. In time of peace, prepare for

war! If prayer and alertness are steadily maintained, the

temptations will gradually be conquered. But if, in times of

quiet, chances are taken with dangerous reading, etc., when the

temptation returns, its force may be too great for us.



Boys are more tempted to physical pleasure (in imagination and

reality), whereas girls are rather attracted to the romantic.

Boys naturally tend to be active, to look, to caress, to take the

initiative. Girls are naturally receptive. They desire to be

attractive, to draw loving glances and attention, to be embraced,

etc. A knowledge of this difference of reaction in the sexes is

of great importance for adolescents. Boys must learn to guard

their eyes, to control their active tendencies, to beware of

familiarities, to restrain their bent to quick sexual excitement.

Girls should avoid daring dress, excessively romantic love

stories, the use of wrong means to gain attention, and they

should restrain their desire for caresses.

On dates, each partner should feel responsible for the other. A

caress that would be carelessly welcomed by a girl is likely to

kindle a fire of passion in the boy. She should understand this;

and also, she should know that once her passions are aroused she

may possibly have less control than the boy. On the other hand,

the boy should understand that a girl's welcome reception of a

caress or embrace does not necessarily indicate desire for sexual

pleasure on her part. It is true that responsibility for sins on

dates is usually about equal, for the boy should have restrained

his active tendencies and the girl her passive ones. Yet, because

of her slower reactions which provide time for weighing the

consequences of her acts, a girl will find that she can be in

command of any situation, provided she has chosen a reasonably

upright boy for her partner. The members of each sex will find

that, although different things must be guarded against by each,

the necessary quantity of restraint, self-control and

mortification is about equal for both.

Understanding this difference of masculine and feminine reactions

will be of value to young people when they enter marriage. The

masculine nature seeks quick physical satisfaction, the feminine

nature demands prolonged marks and expressions of love. The very

knowledge they have used to prevent sin before marriage, can be

rightly used to help express their love in marriage.



It is necessary to dwell for a moment on the various kinds of

immodesty which are to be seen on all sides. Examples include

pin-ups, "cheesecake" and "billboard art," excessively scanty

swimming, dancing or sport costumes. These kinds of immodesty are

found both in real life and in pictures, whether drawn, painted,

photographed or moving.[2] There is no doubt that adolescents find

this fashion of nudity or near-nudity a great source of conflict.

Their Catholic instinct and training warn them of the danger of

such costumes, and yet it is difficult to act against the pagan

manners of the times. It is a great help to them to have

practiced modesty from an early age, and it is also helpful for

them to understand why these immodesties are wrong.

First of all, it is hardly deniable that the sight of the female

breast and thigh, whether in reality or pictured, is sexually

stimulating to the ordinary male. The stimulation is greater if

these parts of the body are lightly veiled, artistically

accentuated, or if the clothing seems about to fall off. "Art"

can hardly be urged as a justification, because many editors,

columnists, story writers, and night-club owners frankly admit

this appeal to the lower passions.[3] Some authorities hold this

body worship responsible for many marital difficulties and even

for marital infidelity. Now, if this costuming or lack of it is

sexually stimulating, it is more or less sinful to indulge in it;

that is, generally speaking, it is more or less sinful to look at

such pictures or appear in such costumes, depending on the

circumstances (cf. Moral Principles III and IV).

However, it is sometimes difficult to understand why these things

are sexually stimulating. If the body is good, why must we hide

it in clothing? It might seem that, as long as the sexual organs

themselves are covered, further precautions are unnecessary. The

answer is this: Sexual stimulation involves more than the sexual

organs themselves. Certain bodily zones are involved in the acts

preliminary to a marriage embrace. The male is naturally

attracted to see and touch these regions. The female is naturally

attracted to be seen and touched. Living as they do in the midst

of what may be called a cult of nudity, adolescents (particularly

girls) do not realize the sexual implications of this undress.

For their own good, therefore, it is necessary to make them

understand it.

Lifelong training in a reasonable and reasoned modesty of eyes,

touch, and dress is necessary for all. For the young child,

modesty of dress should mean remaining covered at all times

except in necessity, for example, at bath times, sickness,

inspection by parents, etc. Modesty of eyes should mean not

inspecting the bodies of others. Modesty of touch should mean

"hands off" the private parts of self or others. At first, the

reason for these practices can be based on desire for one's own

privacy and respect for the privacy of others. Later the Third

and Fourth Moral Principles can be given in a general way; that

is, it is forbidden to chance sexual stimulation in oneself or

another without some good and sufficient reason. Finally, if and

when an adolescent refuses to recognize the danger to himself or

another (the latter is sometimes more difficult to see), parents

must indicate the reason behind training in modesty. "These

attractive parts of the body are used in the preliminaries of the

marriage act (or, the act from which children come). Since you

are not married, you have no right to either the marriage act or

to the preliminaries. So be sensible, guard your eyes, refuse to

follow the fashion of nudity, of petting, passionate kissing,

etc., for all these things have the same reasons against them."

Movies cause difficulty not only by setting up models of immodest

dress, but also by portraying the passionate kiss. Usually this

portrayal is not too dangerous to view as long as the onlookers

do not identify themselves with the actors. However, what is seen

on the screen is often imitated in real life. Many teen-agers try

out the "technique" learned from the screen on their next date.

Then, of course, their purity is endangered.[4]



Even among Catholics, the most amazing ideas of love's true

nature exist. Some think that love is automatic and inevitable.

In their opinion, once a person "falls in love," nothing can be

done about it. Should a non-Catholic, or a divorced person, or a

drunkard be the object of that love, it was nevertheless so

destined. For such people, love is caught like a contagious

disease. Similarly, many think that once love is felt, any

expression of it, whether moral or not, is perfectly legitimate.[5]

People very commonly hold these opinions because they identify

romantic love with all love. Though they speak of parental love

and divine love, few consider these "real love" since the

romantic element is lacking.

Love can exist on the level of reason and will, the emotional or

romantic level, and the physical level or that of sexual passion.

Conjugal love should comprise all three levels in a combination

which may vary from couple to couple and from circumstance to

circumstance. However, in its simplest sense, love is merely the

desire of something good. When a person desires something good

for himself, he loves with the love of concupiscence, a love

which can easily degenerate into greedy selfishness. When he

desires that good for someone else, he loves with the love of

benevolence, a more noble well-wishing purified of all self-

interest. It should be obvious that marriage must rest on a

mutual love of well-wishing. Marriage experts all agree that

selfishness is the greatest enemy of happiness in marriage.[6]

Now, strong emotional or romantic feelings may accompany either

the love of concupiscence or the love of benevolence; just as

physical passion can accompany either. But neither the romantic

feelings nor the passion must be considered the basis of true


Why? First of all, when emotion or passion is made the desired

good, love soon fades, because neither emotion nor passion is

under complete control of the lovers. When emotion and passion

die, and die they will from time to time as their object becomes

an accustomed one, there is nothing else to love! And secondly,

love based only on emotion and passion is naturally selfish

because the thrill of emotion or the sexual pleasure is the

object of desire. The lover naturally wants it for himself, and

it is extremely difficult to desire these thrills for his beloved

unless he loves for some other reason! On what, then, can true

love be based? It can be based only on the real or potential

qualities of the beloved person. Once a lover recognizes his

beloved as a person who is agreeable, lovable, full of good

qualities with more to be developed; once the lover is willing to

sacrifice himself, to give all of himself to the beloved, then

and then only can he claim to love with nobility. When his main

concern is the entire good of his beloved (both spiritual and

physical), then romance and physical desire may (and should)

embroider and complete the love.

The emergence of the love upon which marriage may safely be

based, does not follow any set pattern. In some cases, romance or

physical desire may precede love of a person. Occasionally

physical desire is long delayed. Whatever the pattern for rising

love, it is always important that the mind guide the heart, that

reason guide the will, that clear vision guide the feelings.

Hence it is imperative to caution the adolescent lest he identify

his love of romance with love of the person who may cause the

romantic feelings. A bobby-soxer's swoon at the sight of a curly

head or the sound of a husky voice is not love.[7]


In Love with Love

In this connection, St. Augustine offers a penetrating analysis

which may help to explain some thoughtless sins.[8] Young people

feel very much the need of love even before realizing what it

really is. They are "in love with love." They are so anxious to

experience this adult emotion that they often try out whatever

popular opinion considers it to be: if it is sexual liberty,

petting or kissing, then they experiment with these means in the

attempt to discover this thing that everyone talks about.

Occasionally they go even further, despite their better judgment,

simply under the force of romantic propaganda. The results are of

course as ashes in their mouths, for physical love can only bring

real joy when subordinated to higher spiritual values, and when

used according to God's law, in marriage. Natural law and moral

law both come from God; they cannot be in opposition to each


Young men and women must understand that there is sufficient time

to discover the fullness of conjugal love in marriage, and that

they will but blunt this holy love if they try to find it too

soon. The time of adolescence is the time to grow up. The happy

experiences of meeting other boys and girls, and of learning the

arts of social life, must not be sacrificed to an eagerness for

present enjoyment of every possible thrill.



There are several steps of attraction between the sexes, all of

them on the emotional level. They are, a general attraction to

the other sex, a particular attraction to an individual, and

lastly, a physical attraction.

On reaching puberty, boys and girls are surprised and sometimes

alarmed to find themselves attracted to each other whereas a few

months before they were repelled. Girls realize with amazement

that they are attracted to older boys, and that they themselves

feel shy and afraid! Explain to girls that they mature earlier

(though boys catch up later); and also that their shyness is due

to discomfort in a new situation and to a natural modesty which

urges caution. Neither boys nor girls should be teased concerning

this new awareness, nor, on the other hand, treated with all

sorts of solemn warnings. It is best to show that this change is

perfectly natural. Kindly fun in the family circle is permissible

as long as it does not degenerate into the sort of joking that is

very hard on its victim. Any funmaking should involve and express

pride that a son or daughter is growing up. If warnings are

necessary, always add that the attraction to the opposite sex is

natural at their age and to be expected. From this time on,

meetings of adolescents for outings and fun together should be

not so much hindered as supervised.

Attraction to a particular person will then follow. Personal

attraction is usually felt for someone who complements a boy or

girl emotionally and intellectually. The two "get along"

together. This emotional, personal attraction may grow to the

proportions of a "puppy love" affair. A first crush of this kind

should usually be ignored. The youth will grow out of it rather

quickly. Only if the person involved is of dubious character

should steps be taken--and then with the greatest delicacy, for

the adolescent may resent interference. At a later date, such an

emotional or romantic attachment will be a prelude to marriage.

Even in that case, the attachment must be guided by intellect and

will. If the person who is the object of such emotion is of poor

character or marriage is impossible for a long time to come, the

individual must "fall out of love." Should the romance continue

without any possibility of marriage, it will almost certainly

lead to sin. The remedy is the usual one of removing the cause:

not seeing the person, getting rid of keepsakes, pictures, etc.,

and busying the mind about other things. Generally speaking, it

is possible to "fall out of love" even when romantic attachment

is involved.

Physical or venereal attraction may come at any time, with or

without love or romantic attraction. It has its proper place in

marriage, but unfortunately does not always stay there. Both the

married and the unmarried must be careful of physical attraction

to others.[9]



Discipline is most difficult to describe. It is the training of

the character of a child. The objective of discipline is to

develop the child's moral fiber so that he can gradually stand

alone as an integrated personality with all his appetites and

desires under proper control. Discipline is interior and

exterior. Interior discipline is simply self-control which keeps

all activity directed to the goal of life. Exterior discipline

means the external controls which gradually bring about interior


To form interior discipline or self-control, it is necessary to

give the child the best of good example and all possible good

motives, natural and supernatural--from the motive of becoming

mature to that of acting for love of God. For example, a child

should learn control of his tendency to blurt out all the family

secrets. This he can do only if he has the example of his parents

who keep his little secrets. Further, he needs the motives of

loyalty to family; of desire to be sufficiently "grown-up" to be

trusted with a secret; and ultimately, of loyalty to God.

For a child to absorb such high motives, however, takes time.

Therefore, until such internal discipline is learned, parents

must help along with exterior discipline: they must be good

disciplinarians. This does not mean to be strict and severe, as

so many believe. "A good disciplinarian is one who can influence

a group (or even one person) to keep themselves in order."[10]

How can parents influence their children to keep themselves in

order? Besides good example and the constant inculcation of good

motives, they must use the external helps of reward and




Many parents are afraid to use reward to teach virtue because

they feel it is an attempt to pay a child for acting virtuously.

This is a mistake. True, we should not attempt to pay for virtue,

but payment and reward are quite distinct. Payment is giving an

agreed amount for a proportionate effort. For example, some

parents pay a child a certain sum of money weekly for washing

dishes (most authorities are against such a practice). Reward,

however, is not proportionate to the action (it may be greater or

less), and it is not agreed upon beforehand. As an instance of

the wise use of reward, consider this incident. A father noticed

a torn-up comic book in his young son's wastebasket. When he

questioned the youngster, he found that the booklet was discarded

because the pictures were immodest. Very much impressed, the

father immediately purchased a beautiful child's book which his

son had long desired, as a palpable reward for the virtuous


Virtue is its own reward, in the sense that any really virtuous

action is a perfection and when one is conscious of the

perfection he feels bigger and more a man or woman. But children

do not experience this so easily, and the difficulty of

triumphing over their passions, such as anger or desire for fun,

seems at times to outweigh the satisfaction of virtue. Hence,

parents must implement the interior satisfaction with wise

material rewards and also with praise and social approval or


Honest praise is a powerful reward, which unfortunately is not

used sufficiently by parents to encourage virtue. Too often we

take goodness for granted and notice only the faults. A little

girl had been trying to be good all day, and when it was time for

bed, her mother found her in tears. When questioned, the tot

replied: "Well, haven't I been pretty good today?" What a world

of difference a few words of praise would have made!

Virtue does not receive, either in the family or in society at

large, the honor which is its due. Our modern world honors power

and success, but gives little recognition to honesty, purity and

modesty. How much easier it would be for us if we were to give

our youth real models of purity and modesty, by granting honor to

those who practice real virtue.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to praise purity in a child,

simply because purity is non-activity so far as observable

phenomena are concerned. But certainly the praise of pure persons

in history and among the child's list of acquaintances can be

used to insinuate good habits into a child's soul. Praise is more

effective in the realm of modesty, which is observable. If we

praise the child for modesty of eyes, of dress, of choice of

entertainment, a great deal of real self-control will ensue. For

example, to praise a girl for the wise choice of a modest yet

attractive dress, or a boy for his careful check of the Legion of

Decency ratings before going to a movie, will greatly increase

the practice of modesty. Luckily, honor is gradually being given

to attractive modesty. Teen-age girls and boys are joining a

Sodality program called the Fighting Sixty-ninth (for the Sixth

and Ninth Commandments). This program gives social approval to

modesty of costume, and indeed brings social pressures to bear.

The program has a slogan--S D S--Supply the Demand for the

Supply. Once fashion designers found a demand for modest

clothing, a demand the teen-agers themselves supplied through

their own fashion shows, they were quite willing to meet the

market with suitable clothing.

Rewards are an extremely powerful added incentive to purity and

modesty, and parents will do well to use sensible material

rewards, and also sincere praise and honor, to help the growth of

their children in virtue.



St. Thomas indicates three reasons for punishment.[11] the first

reason uses punishment to prevent an individual from harming

himself, even though he does not. or cannot, recognize the

danger. Thus, we punish a baby when he reaches for the fire or a

hot stove, toaster, etc., deter him from doing what will hurt

him. In the same way, we might slap the hands of a child who

plays with his genitals lest he develop a dangerous habit.

However, such punishment should not be severe or "adult size." If

it is naughty for a child to suck his thumb, it naughty to play

with these organs, and no more so.

Secondly, punishment is used to induce correct action through

fear, so that a good habit is formed. Once this done, the good

reasons behind the action can gradually be substituted as a

motive instead of the fear. This of course demands that the

reasons for the good action be explained. How often we all have

learned in this way! Recall the wholesome punishment you received

for disobedience, sauciness, lying, etc., which helped you learn

obedience, truthfulness, respect, and all that you knew was right

and just. This kind of punishment, with reasons, should be given

for immodesty, or any dangerous action which might involve

someone else. For example, a youngster of 7 who disobeys your

command to remain covered, should be punished. He will learn the

habit of modesty even though he will only later fully understand

the reasons.

Retribution is the third reason for punishment. Strict justice

demands that every sin or crime be matched with the precise

amount of punishment due, either in this life or in the next.

Now, perfect justice will be administered in the next life by

God's judgment. In this life we cannot, and indeed should not,

try to match every fault with the exact measure of punishment due

for it. Should we attempt such strict justice, we would be liable

to excessive severity and rigidity. Justice tempered with mercy

must be the norm here below.

Nevertheless, a fault cannot be ignored. A child's own good

demands that almost every fault bring some punishment. We cannot

let him "get away with it" because he must learn that crime does

not pay, even in this life. This reason for punishment should be

used, for example, when a child realizes his fault and is sorry,

and yet needs some corrective measure to impress the matter on

his mind. Some penalty should be imposed, though it may be

lightened or even lifted after a brief time. This is the kind of

punishment which properly fits the attitude of "this hurts me

more than it hurts you."

Punishment must be consistent. If children are punished for one

act and unpunished (or worse, smilingly indulged!) for another of

the same kind, they make no progress in judging right from wrong.

The younger the child, the more swift, immediate, and brief

should be the punishment. A young child's mind will find no

connection between the fault and a punishment given long after

ward, and he will be bewildered, not helped. Since the young

child lives almost wholly in the present moment a long punishment

will seem like a lifetime. As the child grows into puberty and

adolescence, slower, more remote, or longer punishments may be

given, indicating that the parent has considered the matter and

calmly judged it as it is. Such deliberation will also indicate

that the axe inevitably falls sooner or later for wrongdoing.


Punishment and the Sixth Commandment

All three reasons for punishment may be used for external faults

against purity or modesty, but overly harsh punishments are out

of order for several reasons. First undue attention may be drawn

to these matters long before a child is able to understand the

nature of his "crime." As an example, were a child of 7 to be

violently spanked in horrified anger at some childish indecency,

his mind might be "fixed" in tremendous fear on a matter he does

not fully understand. Try always to match the punishment to his

understanding and guilt. Secondly, overly harsh punishments might

drive the sin underground. Since impurity can be such an

individual and personal thing, severe punishment might merely

force the sin from an open position where it could be corrected

to a hidden level where you will never discover it.

Two cautions are imperative. Rarely if ever should physical

punishment be used for personal impurity (masturbation, or any of

the individual acts listed under the First Moral Principle). In

the child's mind, physical punishment might become associated

with the impurity and the association could perhaps grow into

some perversion. Secondly, never send a child to bed for a fault

of this kind. To do this might be to send him right into the sin

you are trying to correct, because he is not tired and has

nothing to occupy his mind except his crime and its punishment.

This would certainly be dangerous. Correct the child, punish him

with deprivations if you think it prudent; but above all be

sympathetic, pointing out the spiritual and natural reasons for

purity and also the helps necessary to attain it.



We cannot attempt in these few pages to give you the whole

adolescent psychology. Even the specialists are not too certain

of their position and much research is still needed.[12] However, a

few important statements about sexual troubles in adolescence

must be made.

First, sexual development is by no means the lone problem of

adolescence, nor is it, in itself, the chief problem. If it were

the only problem, it would be relatively easy to handle. It looms

so large because of the continual stress laid upon it in popular

literature and because the adolescent himself, in trying to cope

with the problems of his development, tends to fasten his mind on

his rapidly changing body as the source of his difficulties.

Frequently, however, sexual imaginings and even masturbation are

symptoms of other problems rather than problems in themselves.

When this is the case we waste time and energy (to say nothing of

doing positive harm) if we treat the symptom and do not find the


Moral warnings and instruction are necessary, but they are not

the only remedies to be applied.

Growing up to be a mature adult is the chief problem of

adolescence, for adolescence is a time of in-between. The

individual feels he is no longer a child, and yet he is not grown

up. He wants to take his place among adults and yet feels

inadequate to the task. He is attempting to push away all

parental props, to take his first steps alone and unaided; and at

the same time he feels the need of his parents more than ever. He

is beginning to look around and see the world and its problems

for the first time. Getting along in a social world has taken on

new importance, and many a youngster wonders whether he is secure

in the esteem of his friends or even of his parents.

Occasionally, a sexual experiment at this age is really an

attempt to prove "maturity" to himself or others. It results from

fear of being "just a kid."

Adjustment to the fresh, bewildering, turbulent, changing reality

of the world is made even more difficult by the fact that the

adolescent himself is changing rapidly. Not only does the world

about him seem to change every day, but his point of view is

changing as fast. His body alters and grows rapidly. He hasn't

the muscular coordination he had a short time before. He is

suddenly clumsy. His emotional capacity is growing along with his

ability to grasp and penetrate the meaning of things. He hardly

wakes on two consecutive days feeling he is the same individual.

Picture someone trying to keep his balance in a room when the

walls and floors are moving, while his legs have lost their

responsiveness to his brain. This gives a fair image of the

plight of the adolescent, who cannot feel confident of either the

world around him or himself.

Though this is a difficult time (which we all have experienced,

even if we have since forgotten it), it is not so bad if there is

a chance of successful adjustment. Here is where parents count. A

word of honest praise now and then, with less criticism and

faultfinding, will help. A boy or girl who finds every effort

regarded as clumsy, silly, foolish, and far short of the mark,

soon gets discouraged, gives up the attempt, and takes refuge in

daydreams. Lessen your demands for a while. Instead of expecting

a top scholastic record, be satisfied and appreciative if only a

few points are gained. Instead of demanding perfect behavior and

manners, show appreciation of an honest effort in the right

direction, even though you make it clear that there is more to be

done. Never, at this time, let a desired perfection be the enemy

of even a slight actual advance.



Daydreams are part of adolescent growth, and yet they can be very

dangerous. If daydreams are an approach to real plans for the

future, they are a part of the healthy romanticism of youth, and

hence are good. A boy who dreams of the day when he will be a

priest, a lawyer, a builder, the father of a family--a boy who

makes resolutions and plans and tries to put them into practice--

is using his dreams profitably, though he will hardly reach the

heights of success of which he dreams. This holds also for a girl

who dreams of the sisterhood, of motherhood, nursing, and a

hundred other careers or triumphs. If, however, the daydreams are

wild and built of stuff far too thin for reality, they are a real

peril. The dream which puts the dreamer on a pedestal with all

the world in adulation at his feet, is unhealthy. It is merely a

refuge from the reality which the adolescent has failed to meet.

Here is the norm: If a dream has a connection with a reasonable

possibility, it is good; if it is outside the realm of

possibility, it is dangerous. If a boy of good athletic ability

dreams of being a Big League Pitcher, his dream will do no harm

even though he ends up still an amateur. But if his dreams are of

himself as an ambidextrous pitcher who cannot lose a game, or a

home run specialist who bats 1.000 his first season, his dream is

unhealthy. (Don't laugh; this is a daydream in which a boy of

poor athletic ability actually indulged!)

Dangerous as the wild daydream is in itself, there is a greater

danger involved: that it will wander into the field of romantic

love. This holds particularly for girls, though it is true of

both sexes. Such romantic day dreams may degenerate into

imaginings of sexual triumph and the wildest obscenities. They

may even lead to masturbation.

Sexual imaginations and sexual excesses may, therefore, have

either of two causes. First, they may be sought for themselves;

that is, simply for the pleasure involved. This problem can be

attacked directly: by explaining what is wrong in such daydreams

and actions, by making clear the challenge to self-control, and

by urging the religious helps, as indicated above.

The second reason is the impulse to take refuge from reality. An

adolescent may indulge in sexuality and evil imaginings, not for

themselves (indeed, often with distaste), but because these

things give him a dream-world in which he cannot be a failure.

This must be met indirectly, by making sure the adolescent knows

he is loved and appreciated at home and among his friends. To

tell this to an adolescent is not sufficient, he must experience

it. He must be shown.

The adolescent attempting to build an adult personality will, of

course, scarcely ever indicate the precise nature of his

imaginings. To do so would be to lose what little self-respect

they have given him. The most that parents can do is to try,

without prying, to understand the youngster's problem. A parent

must be willing to help or to stand on the side lines till

needed. Try to keep the 13-to-17-year-olds occupied. Prevent

their mooning about and daydreaming, but do this indirectly

because scolding will not help. Be cautious of stressing the note

of blame, and search for acts you can genuinely praise. If a

problem of personal sexuality (masturbation or obscene

imagination) is brought to you, use both the above methods.

Indicate the sin, why it is wrong, and the methods of overcoming

it. Then point out that daydreaming is harmful because it is a

flight from reality. Urge the boy or girl to possible, or

probable, successful efforts. Finally, make sure that they are

successful in something! They need only a firm place to anchor

their maturing personalities. Try to provide it. We admit that

our sketch of the teen years is very inclusively drawn. Few

adolescents go through every stage of the complete turmoil we

have described. Yet all adolescents have some of the difficulties

enumerated, to a greater or lesser degree. We merely point these

things out so that you will have some understanding of them.

Frequently an adolescent will go through these stages without

help, and will hardly remember them later.[13]



1. How does passion rise? Is its origin the same for each sex? Is

it directly under control of the will? How can it be controlled?

How can one change an image? Discuss some methods you have used

in this or other fields.

2. What is wrong with passive recreation? (It calls into activity

little if any vital power.) What is the value of hobbies,

intellectual pursuits, etc.?

3. Has physical condition anything to do with venereal pleasure?

What is a good position on the subject of bodily cleanliness?

4. Have you experienced cyclic temptations in this or other

spheres? Does our explanation help? Do you think it would help

boys and girls? What is the difference between sexual reaction in

boys and girls? How can this knowledge help them?

5. What is wrong with semi-nudity on stage, screen, in magazine

pictures, etc.? Does it give any sexual information? Can you do

anything to correct these evils alone? With others?

6. What is love? Is physical or romantic attraction necessary for

it? Does modern literature think so? Is it true that youth is "in

love with love"?

7. Did you ever realize that there are three kinds of attraction

between the sexes? Does this knowledge present some worries about

your children? Should it?

8. Discuss ways and means of using reward, praise and honor to

inculcate purity and modesty. What is your reaction to this

book's analysis of punishment? Are you of the opinion that

punishment is outmoded as an educational force? Do you believe in

frequent corporal punishment? Moderate? None at all? Why?

9. Joe, a boy of 16, went with a group to a girl's house. He

arrived home at three A. M. Confronted by his anxious parents, he

admitted that the gang had left at eleven and he had stayed on

alone until the young lady's parents returned from a trip. When

his mother protested on grounds of propriety, he retorted, "Oh,

you have an evil mind." His angry father immediately punished him

by confiscating a new rifle, his choicest possession. Both

parents mentioned the incident to Joe's married brothers and

sisters, each of whom took him aside to talk things over. Analyze

this case from the point of view of punishment. Granted he

committed no sins of impurity or immodesty, should he have felt

some doubts about such a situation? Did he have any obligation to

this girl's reputation? Does original sin have any place in the

discussion? At his age, should he have known better, aside from

specific warnings from his parents? Was the punishment too

severe? Granted he did not think his action wrong, should he have

been punished anyhow?

10. Is your justice toward your children mixed with mercy? Are

your actions consistent? Is physical punishment useful in curbing

impurity? Immodesty?

11. Is the chief problem of adolescence the sexual one? Should

adolescence be the time for a special campaign on chastity? Must

sexual troubles, temptations, etc., always be treated directly?

12. Despite their tendency to keep to themselves, do you think

adolescents will accept help?[14]

13. Is there any danger in daydreams? In what kind?

14. Propose some methods of giving security to an adolescent

without being false to yourself and to the child (that is,

methods of praising where praise is due, without lowering

reasonable standards). Discuss them.




1. For exceptions and conditions, cf. Principles III and IV in

the Moral Section, Chapter VIII.

2. Immodesty of dress may mean other things besides scantiness of

attire. Clothing which covers the body adequately may be immodest

if its design draws attention to certain parts of the body, or if

it is very tight.

3. Cf. "The Picture Magazines," in "Harper's," July, 1943, pp.

159 ff.; "Footnote on Sex," in "Harper's," March, 1946, pp. 212

ff.; "So This Is Cheesecake," in "Popular Photography," February,

1946, pp. 34 ff.; "Is It Anyone We Know?" in "Harper's," June,

1946, pp. 496ff.

4. Cf. Fleege, op. cit., pp. 250-258.

5. Cf. ibid., p. 294.

6. Cf. Mace, David, "Marriage Counseling" (J. A. Churchill,

London, 1948), pp. 117-118.

7. For a further analysis of the nature of love, cf. Farrell,


O.P., "A Companion to the Summa" (Sheed and Ward, New York,

1940), Vol. III, pp. 61 ff.

8. Cf. op. cit., Book 3, chapter 1, p, 41.

9. For this whole section on attraction, falling in and out of

love, etc., cf. Kelly, Gerald, S.J., "Modern Youth and Chastity"

(The Queen's Work, St. Louis, 1941), pp. 14 28, 39-41.

10. Copeland, Norman C., "Psychology of the Soldier" (Military

Service Publishing Co., Harrisburg, 1942), p. 36. Quoted with

permission of the publisher.

11. "Summa Theologica," II-II, q. 108, a. 4.

12. We urge those who are interested in this subject to read:

Schneiders, Alexander A., "Personality Development and Adjustment

in Adolescence" (Bruce, Milwaukee, 1960),

13. To appreciate these difficulties as they affect boys, consult

Fleege, op. cit., chapters 16 and 17.

14. Cf. ibid., pp. 62-90.




When one picks up a modern non-Catholic pamphlet on sex

education, one becomes concerned at the greatly detailed

physiological instruction. One such text, for example,[1] is

supposedly written to be given piecemeal to a child from his

earliest years until about 8. In it, the young child learns the

words: egg, ovary, embryo, placenta, sperm, penis, scrotum,

vulva, uterus, breasts, nipples, fetus, navel. He learns also the

process of birth and the precise nature of sexual intercourse,

and is exposed to a rather complete diagram of female sexual


One wonders why all this detail is necessary. Many intelligent

grown-ups would be unable to identify all these terms, and still

they manage to live reasonably complete lives. It seems senseless

to preoccupy a child with all this information at such an early

age. We do not see the same space and terminology given to the

explanation of digestion, hearing, sight, walking, or any other

bodily function. Yet everyone is expected to use these various

faculties and to control them according to the moral law. Besides

all this, such emphasis on any bodily function is unhealthy.

Hypochondriacs are born of an excessive consciousness of the

heart, stomach, muscles, etc. When such attention is given to a

function which is excessively attractive to the passions, it is

even worse. Therefore, let us have a great deal of discretion in

discussing this matter of anatomy and physiology.[2]

Many modern authors on these subjects advance two reasons for

their insistence on detailed technical information. First, they

seem convinced that technical terminology will obviate most

emotional urges. Secondly, they think that an early and complete

knowledge of sex will prevent unwholesome curiosity, and will of

itself engender the virtue of chastity. Each of these reasons

embodies some truth, but they are not completely valid as they


Technical terms may indeed help to prevent emotion in discussion

simply because they do not so easily bring up the corresponding

mental images; for example, if we speak of the duodenum, we can

easily discuss the intestine without imagining it pictorially. In

sexual matters, correct terms have further value because the only

other words are either vulgar, obscene or childish. If the vulgar

terms are used, images and evil thoughts are liable to follow. If

the childish terms are used, adults or adolescents will be

embarrassed at the limitation of their vocabulary when precise

reference is needed later. Nevertheless, technical words do not,

of themselves, prevent sexual passion or evil thoughts and

desires. Sin may be committed with technical as well as with non-

technical knowledge, for images may be called up even by the

technical terms, and sinful action may accompany scientific


Curiosity is, indeed, somewhat allayed by scientific terms and a

reasonable knowledge imparted in due time. A girl who is

instructed in the sixth grade in a general way about the origin

of life will consider the first conversations she hears from her

companions "old stuff." She will also realize immediately some of

the false ideas they have because she knows she has been given it

"straight" by her parents and can obtain more information when

she asks. The mystery is to a large extent gone. Yet this

knowledge will hardly prevent her reading or re-reading a

"doctor's book" if one is at hand, simply because curiosity in

matters of sex is never completely satisfied. Nor will curiosity

of the eyes be satisfied by mere knowledge of sexual organs. If

it were, "sexy" advertisements would have long since disappeared,

because one illustration tells as much as a hundred. Lastly,

virtue is not created by knowledge, simply because virtue is not

a matter of mind but of will. Knowledge of sexual apparatus may

help in understanding the matters with which chastity is

concerned, and in realizing why the virtue is important; but to

build that virtue, the exercise of the will is needed.



Admitting that the arguments just given have only partial value,

it seems better nevertheless to teach the child the correct names

from the beginning in so far as names are necessary. These words

are no more difficult for him than "spinach" or "asparagus," and

there is an advantage in the child's becoming familiar with them

before he can associate them with an emotion or passion. They

enable him to express his needs to a doctor, parent, nurse or

priest, simply and correctly from the start. Many adults are

still at a loss for words when consulting a doctor because they

do not know the words, or if they know them, have not learned to

use them without embarrassment. Yet how much more embarrassing

are their substitutes!

For all these reasons we think every male child should know:

penis, scrotum, buttocks, navel, anus, urine, urinate, bowels,

and bowel movement. Every female child should know: vulva,

breasts, and the rest as above beginning with buttocks. If there

is any necessity to speak of the sexual organs of the other sex,

then the correct terms (penis, scrotum; vulva, breasts) should be

used. We do not say that all the sexual knowledge connected with

these terms should be given, but only that if there is any need

to refer to the organs the correct terms may be used from the

beginning. This is quite different from that strictly sexual

education described on the preceding page.

However, some people may feel uncomfortable and even ashamed to

use this technical language. Some may even find it impossible.

This is so true that we fear many a parent will say: "I cannot

use such words with my children; I will not attempt it.

Therefore, someone else must educate my children in sexual

matters." For this reason we insist that terminology is not

absolutely necessary. Use any words you find natural--nursery

terms, or even "home-made" words--so long as you give your

children the basic information and train them in virtue. The

norm, then, is this: If you are a person who can easily use

"navel" instead of "belly-button," then try to use the terms

listed above; if you find the second word easier--then use any

terms at all, for you must remember that words are but

instruments of meaning. Precise terminology is only incidental to

good sex education.


How Much Should Be Known?

Even for the married or about-to-be-married, a doctor's

physiological knowledge is never really necessary. It may be

useful and interesting for highly educated young people or

married persons, but can be dispensed with even by them. Do you

know what the epididymis, is, or the Graafian follicle? If you

do, does it make much difference in your grappling with real

life? Yet, these terms appear in many sex education booklets by

non-Catholics even for children and adolescents!


Physiology Courses

There is no objection to courses in physiology which include the

physiology of sexual functions, in the last year of high school,

as long as they give no more emphasis to sexual organs than they

give to other parts of the body. (Such a course should, however,

be given separately to boys and girls.) Our reason for this

position is that physiology is an accepted branch of human

knowledge for that age. To omit the physiology of sexual organs

from such a course might only draw unwholesome attention to them.

Any dangers which might arise can be taken care of by due

caution, an impersonal, objective, scientific approach and an

application of the Third and Fourth Moral Principles in Chapter

VIII. As is obvious, parents should not be expected to give

children a formal course in physiology. Nor is there any need of

a course of sexual physiology in grade school. Digestive,

respiratory and sensitive functions are more than enough to keep

young children busy and interested.

The following pages will attempt to give an outline: first, of

the maximum information that, under any circumstances, parents

can be expected to give their children; second, of the minimum

that is needed for a reasonably complete sex education; and

third, of the facts that are needed at various particular age

levels. Before beginning it can be said that there is no

particular value in anatomical charts for the education of

children. Leave them to the medical or physiological classroom,

for you certainly do not use charts for training in elimination,

walking or speaking. Why use them here?



The male organs of reproduction are mostly external. Two organs

of the male are chiefly concerned in reproduction, the testicles

or testes, and the penis. The testes are two small glands

suspended in a sack (scrotum) from the trunk of the body between

the thighs. They produce the sperm or seed which, when united to

the egg produced in the organs of the female, develops into the

body of a child. As the seed is produced, it is led through a

number of canals or ducts and then stored until finally

forcefully ejected (this is called ejaculation) through the

penis. This happens in the marital act or during sleep. During

sexual stimulation, the penis becomes erect and firm (this is

called erection) for penetration into the vagina of the female

where the seed is deposited. This act of penetration is called

intercourse, coitus, coition, or the marital act. The penis is

the chief source of sexual or venereal pleasure in the male. Any

spontaneous movement or stiffening (erection) of this organ is

usually an indication of the beginning of sexual pleasure and

should be checked (except when properly to be used in marriage)

by prayer, by exercise, by change of position, by diverting the

mind, etc. Complete pleasure, with ejaculation of seed, is called

orgasm. Deliberate orgasm is permissible only in a lawful

marriage act. If intentional and alone, it is called self-

satisfaction, self-abuse, pollution, or masturbation.

The loss of seed during the night without fault is called

involuntary seminal emission, nocturnal pollution, loss of seed,

or simply loss. This reaction merely expels the excess store of

seed. Sexual dreams frequently, and quite naturally, accompany

it, and an individual may recall that he brought it about by the

use of his hands during sleep or the semi-conscious state before

awakening fully. Nevertheless, neither reaction, dreams, nor the

touches should cause the faintest disturbance if they are beyond

the control of mind and will. If an adolescent wakens during the

emission, though he should refuse voluntary delight in the

pleasure and stop any action that may be causing it, he has no

obligation of attempting to prevent the emission. Of course, to

cause this emission by any means (self-abuse or masturbation) is

sinful; but neither self-abuse nor nocturnal emission is a "loss

of manhood" in any physical sense. Yet self-abuse is definitely a

spiritual loss, in the sense of loss of manly self-control, and

the loss of sanctifying grace by mortal sin.



In the female, we may speak of internal and external sexual

organs, though the truly reproductive organs are all internal.

The external organs are the breasts and vulva. The internal are

the ovaries, tubes, womb (or uterus), and vagina. The breasts

after puberty become more firm and large and are especially

designed by God to give the precise milk needed for a baby. The

vulva is merely the term given to that portion surrounding the

passage to the internal organs of reproduction.

The ovaries are two organs within the body which, after puberty,

alternately produce one egg cell (ovum) each lunar (28-day)

month. This tiny egg goes through a tube, is prepared for a

meeting with the seed from the male (called conception), and goes

finally into the womb (uterus). Meantime, the womb is preparing

its lining for a possible pregnancy. If this does not take place,

the egg is rejected with all this special preparatory material.

This is called menstruation (menses, or monthlies), and it

usually lasts several days. However, should conception take

place, a baby begins to form, first in the tube, then passing to

the uterus, where it is nourished. This tiny organism is first

called an embryo, and later, when more mature, a fetus. It takes

about nine months for a baby. to develop in the womb, after which

it is delivered through the vagina with considerable pain

(labor). Up to the time of birth, a baby is attached to the

mother at its navel or umbilicus.

The vagina is also the place which the male organ (penis)

penetrates when depositing the seed. Just within the vulva and in

the vagina are to be found the chief sources of female sexual

pleasure in the marital act. Whenever the vulva regions and

vagina begin to swell and exude a fluid, it is an indication of

the beginning of sexual or venereal pleasure. This pleasure can

increase to a climax or a series of climaxes followed by a very

pleasurable relaxation of the muscles involved. This complete

pleasure is called orgasm. Deliberately to bring about this

pleasure by any means, outside of a lawful marriage act, is

seriously sinful. If alone, this sin is called self-abuse or


A girl should be instructed about menstruation in advance so that

no emotional disturbance (fear, shock, etc.) will arise. She

should be told of its purpose and normality, and also that it is

a sign of her maturity. If in taking care of herself some

venereal pleasure should arise, she must simply ignore it and

refuse voluntarily to enjoy it (Moral Principle III). Before

menstruation, or certainly at the first one, every mother should

explain the correct hygienic procedure.[3]

Probably girls of 17 or over should know more about birth, for

example, the kinds and frequency of labor pains, the process of

birth, and so on. In the days when the home was also the

birthplace, the older girls were expected to assist, and so

learned most of these things. Now that hospitals are the usual

place of birth, there is little opportunity to acquire this

information. Certainly, a young married woman should be well

instructed in these matters before her first pregnancy. Perhaps

such instruction can be safely left until then.


How Much Should Each Sex Know of the Other?

The whole process of reproduction should be known by each sex at

least by the time of maturity (18 as an outside limit), though of

course it must be learned gradually. First, each child should

know the names of its external organs (breasts, vulva; penis,

scrotum). If there is any necessity or occasion to refer to

sexual differences at an early age, the correct names may be

used. Then, gradually, each fact should slip into place. Though

no absolute order can be laid down, since the needs of each child

will vary, the following list of words indicates the usual order

of learning the various facts of reproduction:

For the boy: Names of his external genitals (those of girls if

occasion requires); origin of baby; purpose of breasts, womb,

conception, egg (ovaries), seed (testes, nocturnal pollution),

delivery, labor, vagina, intercourse (menstruation). The words in

parenthesis indicate knowledge that may be dispensed with.

For the girl: Names of her external organs (those of boys if

occasion requires); origin of baby, breasts and purpose, womb,

conception, egg (ovaries), menstruation, seed (testes), delivery,

labor, vagina, intercourse, penis. In giving these lists we do

not necessarily mean that the words must be learned, but the

facts behind them should be. The main thing is to put the ideas


These lists may be disputed or rearranged to meet any particular

needs, but it seems to be the usual order of learning the gradual

answers to the fundamental questions a child asks.



The essential "facts of life" can be phrased very simply in four


1. There is a substance (life-giving liquid, material, etc.) in a

man (seed) and a substance in a woman (egg) which, when united by

a marriage embrace, may become a child. Menstruation and seminal

emission are an indication of such power in each sex.

2. The marital embrace consists in a union of bodies for which

the sex organs are designed. In this union the seed of the man is

placed deep within the body of the woman. The pleasure connected

with this act is a very intense one which God uses as a reward

and inducement for the propagation of the human race.

3. The new baby develops for about nine months within the

mother's body and is delivered through the vagina, the passage

through which the seed originally traveled.

4. After birth, the baby is normally fed (nursed) at the mother's


Look through the preceding section with all its terminology. Is

there any more information than is given in these four

statements? We do not believe that any doctor, with all his

detailed knowledge, can add any more "facts."



There are really only five fundamental questions on sexual

matters that children ask, and they are asked from only four

basic points of view. If parents know simple answers to each of

these questions and understand the child's approaches in

proposing the questions, there is no reason why they cannot

easily give the necessary information. The fundamental questions

are these:

1. What are the bodily differences between boys and girls and

why? (Sexual differences)

2. Where does the baby come from? (Origin of life, Pregnancy)

3. How does the baby get out? (Childbirth)

4. What is the new experience of puberty? ( a) Menstruation; b)

Seminal emission; c) Sexual arousal or excitement)

5. How did the baby get there in the first place? (Sexual


The virtue of chastity is concerned only with questions 4 b) and

c), and 5. That is, it is concerned only with the ruling of

sexual pleasure, experienced alone or with someone else.

Therefore, these are the only questions that might cause anxiety.

The subjects of questions 1, 2 and 3--pregnancy, childbirth,

labor and nursing-after all do not directly pertain to the Sixth

and Ninth Commandments; to venereal pleasure or sexual

intercourse. They are not venereal activity, but its results. In

explaining them to a child, therefore, try to prevent thoughts of

venereal pleasure both in your mind and in his. Any temptation

for the child that might arise from your answers to questions 1,

2 and 3 can arise only from a too vivid consideration of anatomy,

which may be easily prevented by not emphasizing places in the

body or raising graphic images of the body.

The four basic approaches to the above questions are the


1. The ontological approach. This is the point of view of the

younger child, who is interested in origins, beginnings, causes,

and not in the mechanics or pleasures of generation. He is

awakening to a mysterious and beautiful world on which he wants

information, and so arise the hundreds of "why" or "where"

questions; for example, "Where did you get the twins, Mommy?"

From this approach the child usually asks only questions 1 and 2.

Rarely does he ask the others; and if he should, remember his

reason for asking--just to discover the origins of things.

2. The mechanical approach. This is the approach of children just

before adolescence (for example, from 9 to 12). Children of this

age want to know something of how the body works and also the

simple fact (and not the details) of sexual mating.[4] From this

approach, the questions will be 1, 2, 3, 5; usually not 4. Even

question 5 is asked for mechanical and not pleasurable reasons.

Despite the fact that question 4 is not usually asked, at this

age parents should take the opportunity to prepare their

youngsters for their first seminal emission or menstruation.

3. The personal approach. This is the approach of early

adolescence (13 to 15). It is the point of view created by worry

and anxiety over new feelings, new troubles, the awakening of

self, and the first disturbing attraction to the other sex. The

question which demands an answer is 4. If the earlier approaches

have already been taken care of, this one will not be very hard.

Since the child is trying to get some certainty, to get a grip on

himself, he is frequently not too concerned about the function of

the other sex. He is interested only in getting himself

straightened out, in understanding and getting accustomed to

these new sensations.

4. The social approach. This is the long, gradual approach from

middle to late adolescence. Having made some adjustments in

understanding himself, the adolescent begins to look toward

social contacts with the other sex. As a result, he now wishes to

obtain the sexual knowledge concerning relations with others.

There are really no new questions, but only a re-ordering of

information. The characteristic is curiosity about the functions

of the other sex. (For example, the use of sanitary pads, why a

girl gets "sick," the use of an athletic supporter, etc.)

Though each basic approach may demand a brief review of the

previous instruction, it is during this last phase that review

and consolidation of the facts, attitudes, moral and religious

principles, are most needed. It seems to us that this is the only

place in which a pamphlet might be helpful for the youngster to




Some suggestions are in order, to enable you to answer these

questions. You are reminded, however, that the suggestions are

not final, nor necessarily in the progressive order in which the

child will ask. You must vary the questions and the order to meet

the needs of each child, according to his age and the approach

that he uses.

Q. 1. What are the bodily differences between boys and girls, and


A. a) Allow the children below 6 to be present at the bath of the

youngest. Casually mention that God makes little boys different

from little girls, and that they grow up to be men and women.

Take care also that they know that there are only two kinds of

people, for occasionally children wonder whether there are not

more than two kinds. Take care also that the younger children do

not think their little brother or sister deformed because of

these sexual differences.

b) Bathe young children (5 or less) together, commenting only if


c) In connection with the later question concerning the marital

act, explain that the male organ fits into the female organ of

reproduction. (Cf. the answers to Q. 5.)

Q. 2. Where did the baby come from?

A. a) God sent us the baby.

b) From a little nest, bower, garden, jewel box, room, etc.,

beneath Mother's heart.

c) From the place beneath Mother's heart called the "womb."

(Explanation of the Hail Mary.)

d) From the organ in Mother's abdomen called the "womb" or


e) This information plus a little explanation regarding ovaries,

etc., either in connection with the puberty instruction, or


Q. 3. How does the baby get out?

A. a) God places an opening in Mother's body which enlarges to

let the baby out.

b) There is a channel, canal or hallway which opens to let the

baby through.

c) The baby comes out of a kind of bodily door, or like a train

through a tunnel.

d) This opening is in the lower part of the body trunk, in front.

e) It is the same passage (or hallway) through which the seed

passes (or is deposited or placed). (In connection with puberty


Q. 4. What is menstruation?

A. a) After a time a girl becomes mature, and develops into a

young woman. This brings with it a new experience. You see, a

girl has within her an egg cell, which can become a baby. Each

month this egg and all the material that might be needed to

nourish a baby within her, is cast off by the system. This matter

also has some blood in it, and the process lasts several days.

Don't be alarmed when this happens to you, for it is a sign that

you are at last growing up to be a young woman. When this happens

come to me, and I will explain further and tell you what to do.

b) The same, plus brief information concerning the contribution

of the male element.

c) Add some general ideas of how the male contribution is made.

(Cf. 1 c and answers to Q. 5.)

Q. 5. How did the baby get there?

A. a) God put him there.

b) The love of Mother and Daddy, blessed by God, put him there.

c) There is a substance in the bodies of mothers and fathers

which together make the baby. This substance in fathers is called

the seed and in mothers the egg.

d) An intimate (or deep) union of the parents' bodies is needed

to form the body of a child by bringing the seed and the egg

together. Remember that the parents are working with God, sharing

His work of creation.

e) According to God's plan, the father and mother share in the

production of a human body. That is why certain parts of a man's

body are different from a woman's. (These different parts are

called sexual parts.) They contain the seeds of life. It is by

their union that the two seeds (or seed and egg) join together to

grow into the body of a child.

f) The father's cells are placed deep within the body of the

mother so they can move upward in search of an egg cell. (This is

sexual union.)

g) A virgin (speak of Our Lady) is a woman who has not had the

bodily relations with a man which lead to her becoming a mother

(or, which lead to the birth of a child).

h) By a marital (or marriage) embrace, the seed is placed within

the body of a wife by her husband.

i) The seed which joins the egg to form a baby is placed in an

opening in the body of a woman.

j) Marital intercourse means the entrance of the private organ of

a man into the private organ of a woman, and a flow of seed from

the man's body into the woman's.

k) In marital intercourse, the penis of the male enters the

vagina of the woman and deposits the semen (seed) there.



Parents all ask: "When shall I give each piece of information?"

After reading so many pages, you will know there is no definite

answer. Each child has its own needs. He should get his answer

when he needs it, no sooner, no later. However, a few norms may

be laid down:

1. A child should always know truly where the baby comes from.

Whenever that question is asked, it should be answered. The

thought that a baby is in a nest beneath the mother's heart will

hardly create venereal pleasure. How baby gets out is another

question. One may answer: "Doctor takes care of that." "There is

an opening that enlarges to let baby out." "God provides an

opening," etc. There seems to be no reason why they should know

more; yet if they are further "enlightened" by playmates, always

tell them the truth!

2. At entrance to the sixth grade for girls, and seventh for

boys, the minimum facts (p. 182) should be given, minus the

details of the marital embrace, for it is enough if they know

some kind of bodily union is involved. The instruction at this

time should center on preparing them for their first menstruation

period or seminal emission.

3. At puberty, the first seminal emission or menstruation, the

same facts may be given with the emphasis on their own

experiences rather than on those of the opposite sex. They have

enough to do if they are to meet and conquer the first stirrings

of the flesh.

4. About the age of 16, a more complete review may be in order,

with some direction toward the opposite sex and possible future

marriage. If a booklet will help, it is in order here, but first

read it yourself to see whether it is of value for this child.

5. By the age of 18, both sexes may safely know all that is

contained in the complete outline above (pp. 177-181). At this

age they should know nearly all they are going to know for life,

except the concrete, practical, physical adjustments they will

need for their own marriages. If their physiology course contains

the necessary facts, there is no need for parents to make certain

they have the complete information.



By this time you know that we do not believe anyone can tell you

the "hows." No book or booklet seems satisfactory, simply because

the instructors and children are different in every case. There

are no universal formulas, but we can list a few helps:

1. In physiology, use the word "you" as seldom as possible. Make

the instruction impersonal. If you talk of "men and women,"

"husband and wife," rather than "Mother and Dad," when explaining

strictly sexual activity, the child will understand you and

embarrassment will be avoided for all. A boy knows he is going to

be a man, and a girl knows she is going to be a woman, but that

seems ages off to both. Sex privileges should be made to seem

equally in the distant future, for sexual acts are for the

married alone. Youth will make the personal application as


2. It is always easier to handle the problem of sex information

if the child asks the questions as they come to him. But a child

may not ask questions. What then? To begin with, you must, if

possible, find out why the child does not question you. This can

happen for a number of reasons.

First, the child may not have confidence in you. In that case,

you can do little but attempt to create confidence. or direct the

child to someone he does trust.

Secondly, a child may not be interested. Then leave him alone!

Perhaps you might give him a few leading sentences from time to

time, but don't force information on him.

Lastly, a child may be afraid to ask, either because he fears you

will but confirm the disgusting stories he has already heard, or

because he vaguely realizes the obligations connected with sex

and is afraid to face them.

On discovering the first reason, give him the true, beautiful and

religious explanation, leading into it with some such phrases as:

"I suppose you have heard the boys discussing these things. I'm

sorry you heard it that way. It is so false a picture," etc. If

you discover the second reason, try over a period of months to

bring the child to face his responsibilities at least

sufficiently to help him meet the crisis of each stage, for

example, puberty, adolescence, etc.; even, should it be

necessary, "sit him down and give it to him straight."

In all cases of this kind, if you are forced to ask such leading

questions as: "Do you know where babies come from?", etc., do not

take, "Yes," for an answer. Youngsters in these circumstances

will almost always answer "Yes." In many cases they could truly

answer "No," for they do not really know enough to understand the

question! Your child may know something, but is it correct

knowledge? In such a case, you can return: "Well, then, you know

that babies come from their mothers bodies," etc., etc.

3. The coming of a new baby is an opportunity. Some mothers allow

their young children to feel the stirrings of life in their

abdomen. Can you think of a good reason for forbidding this?

4. Give your older girls the care of the babies--the bathing and

changing. They learn the double lesson of anatomical differences

and child care.

5. Take examples from the world around as they present themselves

in the life of a child. Nan, in "Never No More," already quoted,

used the damming of a stream to explain the preparatory function

in the uterus and the resulting menstruation (p. 62). She used

sowing of seed in farming to explain "the father's part" (p. 64).

Incidentally, the instruction described in this novel, though not

entirely complete, is adequate despite the fact that it does not

use a single physical term other than "seed."

6. At the end of every instruction, especially if it is lengthy,

give the child a thought or an occupation which will take his

mind away from the subject. (But do not be too obvious about it!)

If, for any reason, a sex instruction is needed near bedtime,

make sure there is some other thought to dream about.

7. If a child seems anxious about an experience of pleasure in

the sexual organs, tell him: "That pleasure is to be used only in

marriage. There it is good and holy." He will begin to see the

reason for it, where it is right and where wrong. Never let a boy

or girl think that sex pleasure is always and everywhere sinful.

8. The proper names for their external sex organs can be easily

learned at bath time. Merely say: "Wash your vulva carefully,"

etc. No direct reference should be made such as "This is the

penis and is used...."

9. As mentioned above, very young children of both sexes may be

bathed together. Without realizing it, they will familiarize

themselves with sex differences. Of course they will forget this,

but some vague impressions will remain which will make later

instruction easier. It may seem difficult to discontinue this

mixed bathing, but it should be done and can in fact be done

easily. As the older child goes to school at the age of 6, simply

make it a point to bathe the younger ones alone during school

time. Some object to this practice of mixed bathing, on the

grounds that children should not do now what they will later be

forbidden to do. There is some reason behind this objection, and

since our recommendation is not absolute, you may judge for

yourself. However, it would seem to us to be more helpful, and

the objection is not completely valid because a young child is

not so easily tempted, and modesty is not an absolute but a

relative affair. Indeed, there are times when adults may appear

disrobed before others, even of the other sex; for example,

before a doctor.

10. A question arises about teaching sex from flowers, birds,

bees, and animals. We insist that questions which the child may

ask about them should be answered. Yet it seems clear to us that

these facts of plant and animal reproduction should not be used

to teach about human reproduction. Even married people

occasionally have wrong notions from their observation of

animals. However, as a broader setting, knowledge of animal

reproduction may be of help in understanding human reproduction.

Some suggest that, when a chicken is being cleaned, eggs within

the body be shown to children as an example. They also recommend

having pets (love birds, dogs, rabbits, etc.) which children can

observe. We are not at all opposed to their being interested in

pets and asking questions about them; yet the answers should only

indicate reference to the pets, not to human reproduction. Some

children know a great deal about animals and do not transfer it

at all. "Facts of human life" will still be needed. Besides all

this, pets are not human, do not "love" in the human sense, and

are not governed by moral and religious principles.

It has also been recommended that children be given an occasion

to observe animals in sexual acts and in labor. We do not think

this advisable. Should children notice these things without their

attention being directed to them, be prudent, because a great

deal of delicacy is required. Do not snatch them away hurriedly

or guiltily lest they become all the more curious. Perhaps it

might be better to ignore the whole situation if it cannot be

avoided. This is a problem worthy of discussion.

11. Always be casual, unashamed, frank, sincere and reverent in

giving sex instruction. Even an unintentional mistake in

instruction (too soon, too detailed) will do little harm if

confidence is not shattered.

12. Never give a fact without a correct attitude, religious,

moral or emotional. Every sex instruction should be correlated

with some part of God's plan, the supernatural purposes of sex,

etc. For instance, use the Hail Mary ("womb"); the Angelus ("and

she conceived"); the Immaculate Conception; the nine months' time

from Annunciation, March 25, to Christmas; and from December 8

(Immaculate Conception) to September 8 (Nativity of Our Lady);

the Virginity of Mary; the Annunciation story, "I do not know


13. Rarely take a child aside for sex instruction. Introduce the

facts when needed--while washing dishes, on a hike, working

together, etc. Only a really pressing problem which needs serious

attention, such as sin or great difficulty in temptation, will

demand a special session. In such a case, an adolescent will

appreciate your more serious and formal approach, because you are

complimenting him by treating him as an adult.

14. Our insistence on true answers does not mean that information

may not be refused on occasion. Some adolescents will ask

questions until they have all the information which you as

married people possess. If questions go beyond the need of the

individual, withhold the answers and explain why; that is, the

danger to purity outweighs the advantage of the knowledge. Every

child should know (and act according to the knowledge) that not

all things about any subject can be investigated or are worth

investigating at one time. Let adolescents learn due prudence in

questioning. Though you need not scold them when they fail in

this respect, indicate the present danger of some facts which can

be better understood later. The norm for proper questions is the

Third Moral Principle, whereas the norm for prudent answers is

the Fourth.

15. Many people fear the danger of shocking a child by sexual

information. We have indicated the nature of shock above (Chapter

IV, p. 46), and have shown how shock can be avoided by a gradual

approach and a reverent attitude. Should it occur, do not worry

about it. A "pardon me" will usually suffice because each one

knows that no family member wishes to wound or shock another.

Wait until the shock has abated, then apologize and return to the

subject as cautiously as necessary.

16. In general, sexual instruction of boys should be quite

different from that given to girls, which fact demands an

understanding of their emotional natures. First, girls like a

lovingly romantic, beautiful approach, while boys are apt to want

to "get down to brass tacks." Secondly, boys will have more

difficulty with personal purity than will girls. Consequently,

with a boy, approach the problem as quickly and easily as

possible. Don't build up lengthily before you slip the idea

across, and ordinarily avoid prefacing your remarks by, "Now, I'm

going to tell you about sex." If you keep telling him you are

going to tell him, you may stir up his passions. He knows

something of what you are going to say and the suspense will be

too great. On the other hand, girls need a smoother, longer

approach to avoid shock. Consequently, examples of mother love

and other things pertaining to the idealistic side of sex, should

be injected. Also, for the girls, the approach may well be less

specific on physical pleasure. In general, then (depending always

on the individual), less approach is needed for the boy, but more

specific information; for the girl, more approach and less

specific information.

Whatever you think of this hint, you will at least agree that an

identical instruction should not be given to both sexes. Compare,

for example, the two completely different models in Bruckner's

"How To Give Sex Instruction."[6] Contrast with them the nearly

identical ones for boys and girls in Juergens' "Fundamental Talks

on Purity," already cited.

17. Try always to see things with the child's mind. Put yourself

in his place, at his age, with his temperament. Then you will

understand his questions and give satisfactory answers. If you

don't know what his questions mean to him, find out indirectly

first. Counter his questions with another: "What makes you ask

that?" "What do you mean?" Otherwise, you will err as a mother

once did who gave her child a whole detailed heart-to-heart talk

when he asked, "Where did I come from?" She did not try to find

out what the question meant. After the full explanation of the

process of generation, the child sighed in bewilderment: "All

that! And Jimmy only came from Brooklyn!"

18. Should a youngster burst in on you with some crude and

unprintable four-letter word, be careful! Your first impulse will

be to wash his mouth out with soap, and explain nothing--a sad

mistake. First, find out if he knows what the word means. If he

does, tell him the acceptable term or terms and explain that the

one he used has an obscene, vulgar and disgusting tone and is

never used by chaste people. If the youngster does not know the

meaning of this word, merely explain its vulgarity in a general

way and forbid it. Should this expedient merely create itching

curiosity, explain all as in the first case.



1. Michael, a boy of 12, while at the zoo, noticed two small

animals in coitus. He went over to his dad and asked, "What are

they doing?" His dad said, "Oh, just fooling around!"

What would you have answered with all that crowd surrounding you?

How would this be: "They do that when they want puppies (kittens,

young, little ones, etc.). I'll tell you about it some time."

Later the father could explain that a fluid passes from the male

to female and this produces the little ones.

If a 6-year-old asked the above question, answer: "Shows they are

in love, it's a hug of affection"; or, "That's the way they show


2. Pat, aged 5, said: "Mommy went to the hospital fat and came

back thin. Why?" Suggested answer: "Well, she brought fat little

Joe back with her. You see, babies grow inside of mothers just as

if they were in a nest. They are kept warm and safe until they're

big enough to come out and have you play with them."

3. Jean, aged 4: "Why didn't Mommy go to the hospital to have a

baby this Christmas; she did last year?"

Suggestion: "It wouldn't be much fun if everyone had a birthday

at the same time, would it?" (Notice that this question is not at

all concerned with sex, and the answer recognizes that not every

question along these lines demands a "facts of life" reply.)

4. George, aged 7: "Mom, how can you tell Aunt Belle is going to

the hospital in two months? She's kind of fat, but she looks all

right to me."

Suggestion: Tell George that Aunt Belle is going to have a baby.

Explain that the baby in its nest takes nine months to grow, so

the mother knows about when it is ready to be born; she can feel

its weight and even its stirring. Recall St. John Baptist's "leap

of joy" in Elizabeth's womb when Mary came with Jesus in her


5. Joan, aged 4: "Mommy, what's being born?"

Suggestion: "It's being let out of the mother's nest" (when child

already knows about womb).

6. Ellen, aged 6 1/2, in a rush: "Mother, did I come out of your


Suggestion: "Well, Ellen, all little girls come out of their

mothers' stomachs." (Why not merely "Yes"? Because that leaves

things on a too personal basis. "All little girls" is better.)

Ellen: "Well, how do they get out?"

Suggestion: "Mothers go to hospitals to have babies. Doctors know

a lot more than we do. They take care of that." Or, "God places

an opening in mothers' bodies which enlarges to let the baby


7. Marie, aged 14, had just experienced her first menstruation.

She was terrified, since she had not been prepared for it. She

went to her mother, who calmed her and explained matters. After

telling her methods of caring for herself, she added: "And now be

doubly careful with men. You are old enough to have a baby now."

Marie knew having a baby out of marriage was a sin, so for months

she was afraid to come within six feet of a man! What was wrong

with this instruction? Try phrasing one yourself. Should not some

idea of a bodily union have been indicated, however vaguely?

8. Joe, aged 15, was called aside by his uncomfortable father for

a heart-to-heart talk. "Well, Joe, I suppose you know all about

where babies come from?" "Gulp, ye-es," answered Joe. "Well,

then, there's no need to talk. Just be careful and pure. You're

growing up to be a man now."

Did Joe's "yes" indicate knowledge? How would you go about it?

9. Jack, aged 13, awoke one night to find himself experiencing

his first seminal emission. He was greatly frightened by this

experience. How would you reassure him and explain? Shouldn't he

have been sufficiently prepared at least to recognize this

reaction when it came?

10. Mae, a mother, was obviously pregnant. Her 5 1/2-year-old

son, Don, starting asking questions.

Don: "Mother, why is your stomach so big?"

Mae: "We are going to have a baby. It is growing beneath my

heart. It was a tiny seed and is now getting bigger."

Don: "How did the seed get there?"

Mae: "It was planted there."

Don: "Who planted it there?" Mae: "Daddy did." Don: "How, etc.?"

Should this mother have gone so far with a child of this age?

Would it not have been better to stop at the word "heart" in her

first answer? Would it not have been better to answer, "God put

it there," and let the matter drop? This mother gave no caution,

so Don blurted out the news to his friends. Should it have been a

family secret? Can children keep secrets?

11. Don't be surprised if you do not get complete agreement in

your discussions. These cases demand prudent decisions, and

prudent decisions cannot be absolutely and universally certain. A

majority decision should give a good norm. You have learned much

if you have learned ease in discussion, and the choice of good

words. At times your particular personality or your knowledge of

your own child in certain circumstances will make your decision

different from that of others. But if you are always in

disagreement with the majority, be cautious; there may be

something that should be corrected in your point of view.



1. Does technical terminology stifle sexual temptation? Does it

satisfy curiosity? Does virtue always flow from knowledge?

2. What conclusions have you drawn concerning teaching your

children the correct names from the beginning? Is a great deal of

physiological knowledge needed by married people? Should sexual

physiology be omitted from high school physiology courses? Give


3. Without looking at our outline, try to phrase a reasonably

complete instruction on the "facts of life." Discuss it with the

others in your group. Then compare it with our outline.

4. What are the five basic questions of a child? The four basic

approaches? Is this division really helpful? Try to phrase

answers in your own words.

5. What should you do if the child does not ask questions?

6. Why is it important to indicate to a child that there is place

where sexual pleasure is right and holy?

7. Why is it important to use totally different instructions for

boys and girls?

8. Bring up all the problems you have already faced with your

children and try to analyze them in the light of what you have

learned. If there are any problems which do not seem to be

answered in this chapter, please send them to the author in care

of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.

9. After you have discussed the suggestions in this chapter,

compare your solutions with the following instruction which was

composed by a group of Cana Couples using the same material as is

contained in this book.





How does a baby come into the world? Let's see....

God made some things all by Himself--as when He made the world,

with the sun and moon and stars, the flowers and the trees and

the animals. So also, when God made the first two people, Adam

and Eve, He made them all by Himself, and nobody helped Him.

But God did something wonderful for those first two people: He

let them help Him make their children. And ever since that time,

God has let men and women help Him to bring children into the

world. God was very good to do this, for He didn't need the help

of people; He could have made all children the way He made Adam

and Eve, without anybody's help. But because God loves people and

wants to make them happy and proud to be His partner, He lets

them help Him in the wonderful work of making a child. Just

think, if God had let people help Him make the world, with the

sky and the sun and the trees, how proud and happy they would

feel to be God's partners! But God does even more than this....

He lets people help Him make babies, who will live forever in

heaven with God long after the world has ended.

So you see, it takes three to make a baby: the father, the

mother, and God. If any one of them is missing, there is no baby

. . . all three have to join in. What do the father and mother

do? They make the baby's body. And what does God do? He makes the

baby's soul, that gives it its life.

How do the father and mother make the baby's body? Let me tell

you. First of all, I must tell you that the baby's body is made

from two tiny living things like seeds, called cells. One of

these little cells is in the body of the father, and the other

little cell is in the body of the mother.

Now, inside the mother's body there is a little room, called the

womb (a pat will indicate the place). This little room in the

mother is going to be the baby's home for about the first nine

months of its life. (Mary had a little room like this in her

body, too, and that's where Jesus lived for the first nine months

of His life. Remember the words of the Hail Mary, "Blessed is the

fruit of thy womb"? These words tell about this little room in

Mary's body.)

The mother's cell is in this room; the father's cell comes into

this room and meets the mother's cell, and then these two little

cells join together and become one cell. This is called

conception. When the two cells join together, God puts a soul

there with life . . . and that is the beginning of a baby.

But how does the cell of the father get into that little room in

the mother, where her cell is? Well, there is a little opening in

the mother's body, right below her stomach; this opening is like

a little hallway or passage going to that room in her body. Now

the father has a part of his body like a little tube; when this

tube enters the hallway of the mother, the father's cell passes

through this tube into the mother's hallway, keeps on going until

it comes into the little room of the mother, where her cell is

waiting. As I told you, these two little cells then join together

and become one, and God gives it a soul with life . . . and a

tiny baby has started to live.[7]

(Jesus, too, lived in such a little room in the body of the

Blessed Virgin Mary before He was born. But only Mary helped God

make Jesus' body . . . no human father helped God to do this--

just Mary and God. That's why we call Mary "the Virgin Mother.")

So you see, the baby is very tiny when it first begins to live in

its mother, in that little room which is its first home. It lives

there for about nine months, and during that time it grows and

becomes bigger, and its mother becomes rounder, until finally the

baby is ready to be born. During these nine months the mother

often thinks about her baby and loves it, hoping for the day when

it will be born and she can hold it in her arms. The daddy, too,

looks forward to the baby's coming, and watches over the mother

during this time, because he loves the baby which he helped to

make. Also God watches over the mother and baby, for He, too,

loves the baby to which He gave life.

How does the baby come out of the mother and be born? It is very

simple. The baby, who has been in the little room of the mother,

now comes through that same hallway, which can stretch enough to

let the baby through--and the baby is very little anyhow! Usually

the mother goes to a hospital, where a doctor helps the baby to

be born, and takes care of the mother.

When the baby is born, it is put into its mother's arms right

away. Both she and the daddy look down with great joy and

happiness at the little child that God has given them. The baby

belongs to both of them, and it also belongs to God . . . really,

God gave them this baby to take care of for Him, so that some day

it could come to Him in heaven. The daddy and mother gladly take

care of it for God, because they love the baby and because they

also love God.

At first, when the baby is very small, it can't eat all the

things you eat. It is so little and weak that it needs special

food. This special food is the milk in the mother's breasts,

which the baby gets when the mother nurses it. Wasn't God good to

think of everything for the baby?

But God doesn't only want to give life to the baby's body so that

it can live on earth; He also wants to give a very special life

to its soul, so that the baby can live in heaven after it dies.

So, a short time after the baby is born, it is taken to church

and is baptized by a priest. Through this Baptism God gives His

life to the baby's soul, so that it can live with Him in heaven.

This special life of the soul is called God's grace. From the day

it's baptized, the baby is a child of God and belongs to God's


God wants people to help Him make children; but only when they

are married, because a child needs a home where the father and

mother will take care of it. If people just had children without

getting married and making a home, the children would have no

home and nobody to look after them, and give them the love they

need. Wouldn't it be horrible if little boys and girls didn't

have mothers and fathers to love them as they grow up? So, you

see, for people to have children without being married would be

very wrong and a big sin.

Don't you think that it's very wonderful how a baby comes into

the world? It is all done through love. A man and a woman love

each other very much, and want to be together all their lives. So

they get married. But they also want others to have their love

and happiness. So they have babies. The daddy and mother know

that some day their babies will go to heaven and be happy forever

with God . . . and that's really the main reason why they want

babies. If your daddy and mother hadn't had you, you wouldn't be

here now, and you wouldn't be able to get to heaven. Do you see

how much they loved you?

Some day God may let you help Him, and you will be the daddy

(mother) of lovely babies. So you see that we all come from God

at the beginning of our lives, and we all go back to God at the

end of our lives, to be happy forever. God surely does love us!




1. Faegre, Marion L., "Your Own Story," University of Minnesota

Press Minneapolis, 1943.

2. Cf. Cabot, Richard, M. D., "Christianity and Sex," Macmillan,

New York. 1938.

3. The companies that sell the various articles also have

literature which will facilitate the mother's explanation (e.g.,

Personal Products Corporation, Milltown, New Jersey).

4. Cf. Strain, Frances Bruce, "New Patterns in Sex Teaching"

(Appleton-Century. New York. 1934) pp. 139, 186.

5. Cf. Juergens, Sylvester P., S.M., "Fundamental Talks on

Purity" Bruce, Milwaukee, 1941.

6. The Queen's Work, St. Louis, 1937.

7. To prevent confusion and vulgar ideas, it may be helpful to

explain that the two functions of voiding and of generation,

while using the same external bodily outlets, are entirely

distinct functions, with entirely different internal channels

which cannot function at the same time.




Though we might prefer to have our children ignorant as long as

possible of all evil, and especially of the evils of impurity,

ignorance can become, after a certain age, a trap for the unwary.

In our modern pagan surroundings, with the allurements to sexual

pleasure painted on all sides, due warning must anticipate the

chief dangers at each step of the child's development. It would

certainly be criminal to allow a child or an adolescent to fall

into dangers he is not prepared for.

Now, though warnings should be sufficiently accurate to enable a

child to recognize a danger when it comes, they should not be so

detailed as to create the very peril we wish to avoid. After the

first more general admonitions, a road must be left open for

further questions and further instructions when more particular

dangers are met.

The obligation of pointing out the dangers to purity rests

chiefly on the shoulders of parents, for they are responsible for

the spiritual as well as the bodily welfare of their children.

However, both priests and teachers have the obligation to extend

and complete these warnings because they too have serious

responsibility for the moral welfare of their charges. Pope Pius

XII, in "Guiding Christ's Little Ones," points out the value of

these precautions when he tells parents (p. 11):

"Your words, if they are wise and discreet, will prove a

safeguard and a warning in the midst of the temptations and

corruption which surround them 'because, foreseen, an arrow comes

more slowly.'"



A solid moral theologian gives us a good outline for this type of

instruction.[1] Here is a rough translation of what he says:

"Boys and girls should be cautiously instructed, whenever

occasion arises, on the morality of some acts and the immorality

of others; for example, that bodily needs may be met without sin,

despite the presence of involuntary pleasure, but that

unnecessary handling of the genitals is dangerous and more or

less sinful. Adolescents who go to high school, or into military

service, factories, offices, domestic service, nursing, etc.,

should be instructed about the chief perils to which their virtue

may be exposed. Particularly should they be told of the malice of

masturbation, fornication and adultery. It may not be necessary

that they know these words, but they must know the facts behind

them; that is, that venereal pleasure is sinful outside of

marriage, and that the marital act is a crime except between two

persons married to each other."

It is our conviction that parents are far more capable of judging

particular dangers than anyone else. They live in the world, work

in the factories and offices, hear the conversations, and see the

actions. It is their duty to note the evils and to give proper

warnings to their children. On our part, we shall list the chief

headings under which these dangers fall.



Venereal diseases are frequently the results of impurity, and

therefore we include them for brief notice in this chapter. The

danger of venereal disease is very real but cannot be depended

upon as a great deterrent to sexual sin. Few young people would

remain chaste were fear their only motive, for the allurements of

sexual experimentation would easily outweigh the fear. However,

since these diseases are so widespread, it is well to give

adequate instruction regarding them.

In the beginning, there is no need to point out the scourge of

venereal diseases directly. Merely teach the child to act with

proper care in public bathrooms and to avoid the common drinking

cup or towel. Luckily, our modern methods of hygiene have to a

large degree eliminated these means of spreading such diseases,

bur the precautions must be taught nonetheless. They will slip

easily into the child's training in general hygiene.[2] Later, the

nature of syphilis and gonorrhea may be calmly explained.

These are diseases chiefly of the sexual organs, and are

extremely painful and infectious. Either may cause sterility; or

the persons infected may produce diseased and defective children.

Syphilis may even progress so far as to cause insanity and death.

Only recently have there been advances dealing with these

scourges. At the present time, if they are detected early enough,

they may be cured, or at least rendered dormant and non-

infectious. Finally, adolescents in their late teens should be

told that these diseases are usually contracted by illicit sexual

intercourse. It is possible, of course, that they be contracted

in marriage, or by disregarding the laws of hygiene already

described. However, it must be stressed that there is practically

no danger to those persons who refrain from sexual relations

except with a healthy spouse, and who are reasonably trained in

the rules of commonsense hygiene.

Because venereal diseases may be contracted innocently in

marriage, it is wise to advise a physical examination of both

parties before marriage. There are many other advantages to the

practice. A willingness to have this physical examination is not

an admission of impurity, for such procedures ought to be

considered routine, a pledge of love and regard for a future





In Oneself

Teach children a routine in dressing and undressing which will

expose them as little and as briefly as is reasonably possible.

Teach them also to avoid too much curiosity about their own sex.

Though it will rarely be sinful to see the sexual organs of one's

own sex, there is some danger. Let them understand that once a

reasonable amount of knowledge is obtained, further curiosity is

dangerous, and that this type of curiosity will never be


Another danger is the unnecessary handling of the genitals, which

may induce masturbation. However, a word of caution. Some may

think that "necessary" means absolute necessity; that is, what is

required to remain alive! No, whatever is needful for

cleanliness, health, dressing, comfort, etc., is perfectly


Modesty of eyes as well as of touch is a "must" for Catholics

today. In this connection it is necessary to warn adolescents

about the evil effects of obscene, sexy and pornographic books,

magazines, photographs, movies, plays and burlesque shows. Show

them also the sinfulness in "necking" and "petting," etc., which

are so prominently featured in modern literature. Tell them

frankly what is sinful in such things.


With Others

One has obligations to others, whether of the same or opposite

sex. Teach children what these obligations are. Above all,

explain to adolescent girls what effect immodest dress and

behavior has upon men. Besides being a danger to others, lack of

modesty in this respect may cause misery to oneself--not all sex

crimes are entirely the fault of the aggressor! Again, in their

desire to be attractive, girls must not imitate sinful women. If

they dress and act as such, they have only themselves to blame if

they are accepted as such.


With Playmates

Tell children they are never to allow intimacies of touch by

their playmates. Keep a wary eye on children for some types of

games, for example, "playing doctor." Also be cautious about

trips to the bathroom in common. And finally, after babyhood, the

two sexes obviously should not be allowed to sleep in the same

room, or at least not in the same bed.



It should be an inviolable rule that your children should never

be alone, or go alone, with a stranger, whether man or woman. The

dangers of sexual perversion and worse are rampant. J. Edgar

Hoover says that this crime "is taking its toll at the rate of a

criminal assault every forty-three minutes day and night in the

United States."[4] This rule should hold from babyhood through

adolescence for both boys and girls. Any violation of obedience

in the matter should draw instant and severe punishment. If

necessary, tell the older children why. Many adolescents will not

heed such warnings without hearing the reasons.

To quote again from the Hoover article: "Parents should iterate

and reiterate that their children, boys or girls, should not

accept money or favors from strange men or women, and, above all,

should never get in a car with a stranger or visit a stranger's

home" (p. 104). Be consistent in this matter. If your child

should go along with someone who is a stranger to him and who

finally turns out to be an old friend, don't just smile! Despite

the happy outcome, the child has violated your rule. And if, on

the other hand, a child refuses a ride with strangers who happen

to be long-lost cousins, he should be commended, not laughed at!

In connection with the danger of perversion, be wide awake about

the places your children frequent. Local movie houses,

gymnasiums, playgrounds, bath houses, etc., are all possible

hunting grounds for perverts. Occasionally, even though rarely, a

gym instructor or instructress is at fault. Do not have ugly

suspicions without reason--but do not be too skeptical if your

child, perhaps without knowing how, tries to tell you that

something is wrong!



For the same reasons--that is--the possible dangers to personal

purity, dangers which may include perversion--do not allow late

hours to adolescents unless the circumstances are extraordinary.

In general, the only place for an adolescent after ten is bed!

Next, make sure that dances and get-togethers are under sound

auspices, and try to have the young people come and go in groups.

Then, recall that automobiles also bring dangers. Two or three

couples (boys in front seat, girls in back) are safer than single


Lastly, it may be necessary to indicate the brutal danger of

rape. We dislike to mention the fact, but it has been privately

estimated (from figures limited to reported crimes, not those

which have not come to light) that one in each 1,850 city women

under 30 in the United States is liable to rape within a year!

Does this frighten you? We hope it will, at least to the extent

of inducing you to take sensible precautions for your children's




Dangers unfortunately continue to exist in schools, particularly

high schools. Gyms, bathrooms and shower rooms furnish some

perils. Others are found in the jokes being told, and the crude

distortions of the "facts of life" going about. Still others are

found in the new interest in so-called "humor," and "spice"

magazines. Finally, both professional and non-professional

salesmen for these and other obscene devices are sometimes found

haunting the school grounds. Due warnings concerning these

dangers are in order.

Boarding schools also offer occasions for sin. Where (as is

mainly the case) such a school is only for boys, or only for

girls, the danger usually comes from a schoolmate of the same

sex. (Occasionally even a teacher or employee may be at fault.)

Such danger may possibly be greater in schools for girls, but it

exists almost equally in schools for boys. Since girls are by

nature given to emotional love, without realizing what it may

lead to, they are more easily betrayed. At any rate, it seems

necessary to warn both sexes against allowing any intimate touch.



You will easily recognize the dangers in places of employment:

the washrooms; the amorous employer; the paternal dispenser of

rides home, not-too-good books, etc. You will probably think of

more of these than we can name!

Secondly, it is also well to warn the young worker against the

invitation to a "good time." Let young men or women find out what

the "good time" is to consist of before accepting such an

invitation. If it is to be a mixed party of girls and boys, let

them find out what is to be done when the party meets. This need

for wariness about a "good time" holds especially for those in

military service. Chaplains have mentioned their conviction that

a number of young men have been betrayed into sirs because of

their ignorance of what a "good time" could mean, and their

"shame of being ashamed" when they found out.



In all of the above, it is difficult to say what is to be told

and what merely hinted. The decision will always be difficult in

any given case. Tell children enough so that they will recognize

the temptation, however vaguely, for what it is. If they know the

warning signals, they need not know the specific danger. Yet, if

they refuse to heed the warning signals, they must be told of the

danger. It cannot be too strongly stated that this is a serious

parental duty. Should an adolescent fall into sin because he

lacks sufficient knowledge of the pitfalls, his parents are




There can be no doubt that for centuries there have been devilish

snares laid to destroy the innocence of youth. St. Peter remarked

it when he said: "Be sober, be watchful! For your adversary the

devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking someone to devour"

(1 Peter 5:8). Pope Pius XII brings the observation up to date

when he tells parents: "You have to prepare your sons and

daughters so that they may pass with unfaltering step like those

who pick their way among serpents.[5] Therefore, parents must

point out these perils, and must frequently phrase their warnings

in "don'ts." On the other hand, however, an exclusively negative

set of rules can be harmful. If we stress the "don'ts" too much,

we are liable to create an impression that purity is a gray,

dull, crippling virtue which kills all the pleasure of life. Such

an idea would certainly be false, for purity, though delicate, is

a precious and joyful jewel which brings with it a content, peace

and happiness nothing can equal; whereas impurity brings only

gnawing discontent, disgust and dissatisfaction, despite the

sensual pleasures enjoyed.

Try, therefore, to give a positive tone to all your instructions.

Show the youngster the real value of purity first, and then your

"don'ts" will fall on receptive ears. Once a boy recognizes the

honor of holding a place on his school team, he will train. Once

a boy begins to esteem purity and wishes to remain chaste, he

will avoid the pitfalls. Teach adolescents how to regard this

treasure of bodily and mental purity. Show them what it will mean

to bring a pure body and mind into marriage. Indicate the peace

and strength they will find in a chaste life. Tell them about the

triumph Christ promised when He said: ". . . the kingdom of

heaven has been enduring violent assault, and the violent have

been seizing it by force" (Matt. 11:12).

Another error must be avoided in giving necessary warnings. Try

not to cause unwholesome fear whether of the traps or of sex

itself. At first sight the perils seem overwhelming, and a boy or

girl might prefer to be free of chastity's burdensome treasure.

It is true that no one can remain chaste except with God's help.

Yet that help can be had for the asking. Again, the value of the

generative powers is so great that it easily outweighs the burden

of self-control. Hence, teach your children this holy wisdom:

"And as I knew that I could not otherwise be continent, except

God gave it, and this also was a point of wisdom, to know whose

gift it was: I went to the Lord and besought Him, and said with

my whole heart: . . . Give me wisdom" (Wis. 8:21; 9:4).

Show them also St. Peter's confidence in divine providence, when

he added this encouragement to the dreadful warning mentioned

above: "Resist him [the devil], steadfast in the faith. . . . The

God of all grace . . . will Himself, after we have suffered a

little while, perfect, strengthen and establish us" (1 Peter 5:9-


Positive attitudes toward the dangers to purity can best be

summed up in the following motto:

Caution, not fear!

Confidence in God, not despair!

Love for purity, not distaste.



1. George, a boy of 16, worked after school in the mailing

department of a large brokerage firm. As he went in a cab to the

post office one day, the cab driver (about 40) asked George and

another boy to go out with him and another man for a "good time"

when their day's work was through. George refused on the ground

that his mother would worry if he was not home by seven.

Suppose this were George's only reason, would that have

outweighed the lure of an evening at an amusement park? Should

George have suspected other plans? How would you warn your son in

going to work on a similar job?

2. Joe, a boy of 14, accepted a ride home from a strange man. His

mother told him not to do it again, saying, "Some men are worse

than bad women, Joe." Did she say too much? Would you have

courage to say the same?

3. Louise, a girl of 17, by an unforeseen set of circumstances

was forced to come home alone on a streetcar at midnight. During

the ride an older man kept eyeing her. As she got off at her

transfer stop, he did too. Louise ran to the transfer place a

block away. She felt safe only when she saw a group of people

waiting for the second car.

Was she wise to run? Even granting that the man had no evil

intentions, did Louise do well to play safe?

4. Mary, aged 16, was at a dance under the auspices of her C.Y.O.

group. There she met a clean-cut boy, older than she, who

eventually offered her a ride home in his father's car. She

refused upon some pretext, and left later with a group of girls.

The same boy drove up with another boy and offered the group a

ride home. He opened the back door in invitation. Despite her

reluctance, and with some protest, Mary got in with the other

girls, and all got out together later. Did Mary do right in her

first refusal? In her final acceptance? Did the boy's honest

voice, his offer to the group, his offer of the back seat to

them, the fact that he went to a Catholic high school, make any

difference? Would Mary have been wise to continue the ride after

the other girls got out? How would you have acted in her place?

How would you advise your daughter?

5. Delia, aged 14, was in her first year of high school. She knew

she was a rather pretty girl. The gym teacher tried frequently to

have one girl or another stay behind after class, and seemed to

prefer Delia. She later confessed that she did a lot of dodging

to avoid this. An effort to tell her mother that something seemed

wrong, she didn't know what, brought no response. The other girls

frequently talked of this among themselves, but did not know what

to do about it. Eventually one mother was awakened to activity,

and the gym teacher passed on to other fields.

Would you have been as slow as Delia's mother? What would you

have done? What and how much would you have told Delia?

6. John and Jim, aged 8 and 9, forced a girl of 7 to play

"doctors' games" with them which involved nearly complete

disrobing. Suppose John and Jim were your sons, what would you

say? Do? What would be your proportion between reasons and

punishment, if any?

7. Jean, aged 8, had taken a trolley ride to visit a friend.

While she was waiting for the return trip, a car drew up and a

man, who insisted he was her Uncle Jim, asked her to let him take

her home. She knew she had an Uncle Jim, and this man seemed to

know where she lived. She accepted the offer. It turned out that

he was her uncle. Yet her mother spanked her soundly for

disobedience to her mother's previous instructions, and gave her

uncle quite a talking to.

Did Jean's mother act correctly? Would you have been so severe?

Would a milder punishment have been justified because of the

happy outcome? Suppose it had not been her Uncle Jim? How should

Jean have answered her uncle?

8. Jack, 18, is going into the Army for his military training. Of

what would your last man-to-man talk consist? Would the words

"prostitute," "pin-up," "house of ill fame," "obscene pictures,"

or their equivalents, come up? If you were in either of the last

two wars, would your own experiences help? Would it have made it

any easier if your dad had given you such warnings?

9. Lulu, aged 17, likes to be attractive, and goes in for style

and paint. Her intentions are not in the least evil, but she

follows the latest fashions in every department. She notices that

the boys stare from time to time, and finally she is

"propositioned." Lulu responds with an indignant refusal. Should

Lulu, in the calm aftermath, wonder whether she might have been

at least partly responsible for the evil suggestion?

10. John, aged 13, went to boarding school. An older boy "went

over" him with his hands. John had never experienced any sexual

urges before, and did not experience any now. In his ignorance

(not innocence!) he got the idea that this older boy must be an

agent of the school doctor. Yet he was vaguely uneasy. Thinking

it over worried him and he consulted a priest. (This happened!)

Could such a thing happen to your boy? Had his parents told him

to "come up fighting" if any companion attempted such a thing,

would John have been saved this serious experience? Though, as a

matter of fact, no evil came of it, so far as John was concerned,

could his purity have been endangered for life?



1. List the dangers which, from your own experience, you think

are to be met in each of these places; schools, nursing homes,

factories, offices, dance halls, taverns, military camps etc.

Discuss methods of warning an adolescent of them (a) seriously,

and (b) without creating neurotic fears.

2. Try to phrase for each age level simple warnings concerning

the venereal diseases. Discuss methods of inculcating hygienic

habits in public lavatories.

3. What dangers in personal immodesty do you think your children

might meet? In immodesty with others, playmates elders?

4. What are the chief arguments against purity which are

circulating among teen-agers? ("Everybody does it." "It's all

right if you are in love with the girl." "Try things out first

before you get married," etc.) Are these arguments dangers in

themselves? How can you refute them?

5. What discussions are going the rounds about the pre-marital

use of contraceptives? How can you face this danger?

6. Is your own home safe for your children? Do you get the

scandal newspapers? What kinds of books, magazines and papers are

lying around? What about the comic books your children are

reading? Are all reasonable proprieties observed between your

sons and daughters?

7. As a result of this section on warnings, will you suspect

every stranger who smiles or talks to your baby? On the other

hand, do you think it unfortunate that your child is not more

friendly with everyone? Is there room for a common-sense middle

course here?




1. Aertnys-Damen, Op. cit., I, # 496, q. 2.

2. Hygiene is simply the science and practice of health

preservation. When one avoids disease by the practice of

cleanliness, antisepsis, etc., he is practicing the art of

Personal hygiene.

3. Further information on this whole subject will be found in

"The Venereal Diseases," by Thurman B. Rice, American Medical

Association, Chicago, 1939.

4. See the "American Magazine" for July, 1947, p. 32: "How Safe

Is Your Daughter?" Quoted with permission of the publisher.

5. Guiding Christ's Little Ones, p. 9.




Mature attitudes toward marriage are recognized to be a modern

need. Indeed, many secular universities have been so impressed by

the fact that they have introduced both regular and extension

courses on marriage and family life (for example, the University

of California has a course, "Youth and Marriage Today," in

University Extension). The need is great because there is so

little evidence of family life in modern culture;[1] and few people

really consider marriage an institution for the begetting and

raising of children, though they may pay lip service to that

ideal. At the present time, the concept of marriage is

concentrated on "romantic love," physical beauty, sexual

attraction, and emotional appeal, which elements are featured in

magazines, movies, radio and stage plays. For women, marriage is

placed in opposition to a "career," as though motherhood were not

a really worthwhile calling.

In generations past, there was no need for special emphasis on

marriage and family life. Even though their ideas may

occasionally have been erroneous, parents knew family life,

practiced it, and passed it along to their children. On their

side, children experienced family life and were prepared by such

living to found their own families. In our age, the "small"

family, and the tremendous (conscious or unconscious) propaganda

against the meaning of marriage, has destroyed this older

education; and even many Catholics, though they live (at times

unwillingly) under Catholic principles, have unconsciously

accepted these false attitudes. Therefore, today there is a

special need of preparation for marriage, and indeed it is high

time our Catholic schools and colleges also took up this

important work.[2] All Catholic children need a mature and

Christian attitude toward marriage.



Most of your children will marry, and even those who will choose

the celibate life should do so freely, after at least considering

marriage. They can neither marry in a holy manner, nor sacrifice

this holy state for the more holy one of consecrated virginity,

unless they value matrimony as adult Christians should. In

addition, it is our contention that even those of either sex who

will surely become religious or priests should have this full

formation in the home. In the first place, unless they become

contemplatives, a large part of their lives will be spent in

advising married people and in protecting the family. If they

teach, they must educate by far the greater majority of their

pupils for a solid family life. Therefore, it should not be left

to their advanced education to give religious and priests an

appreciation of the true value of Christian marriage. This they

should have from their earliest years.[3]



Large portions of this book have been concerned with proper

attitudes and remote preparation for marriage; for example,

Chapter V, pp. 57 ff., Vocations; Chapter IX, pp. 126 ff.,

Emotional Attitudes toward Body, Marriage, Parenthood. Here we

shall add a few other things which young people should know and

realize thoroughly as a remote preparation for possible marriage.



At the turn of the century it was unusual to have even a single

acquaintance who was divorced. Now there is scarcely a locality

in which a person can live without meeting several divorced

people. Our divorce rate has soared until there is now one new

divorce for every three new marriages, and the rate shows little

sign of any notable decline.

Young people should not take this state of affairs for granted.

They must learn that, though a separation may be allowed for a

good reason (and with the permission of the bishop), the divorce

of persons truly married, giving them freedom to remarry, is

against God's law for all. Christ said: "What God has joined

together, let no man put asunder" (Matt. 19:6). The Church is

waging a lone and almost losing battle for this divine law.

Simply, validly married people who divorce and "remarry" are not

married. Though their consciences may not bother them,

objectively and really they are living in adulterous unions, and

pleasing phrases should not be allowed to cover up this sad state

of affairs. ("Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so were married yesterday after

recent divorces"; or, "Married: John S. and Mary D., at Reno, she

for the third, he for the fourth time." Married?) Let adolescents

learn to judge these adulterous unions for what they are.

Try also to prevent in your children any tendency to worship

Hollywood stars. If they like the acting of an individual and can

separate that aspect from his personal life, no harm will be

done. Yet the "lives and loves" (very many loves!) of some

Hollywood stars are held up as models to our young people, though

very few such "lives and loves" will bear close examination, much

less imitation. This may apply even to some nominally Catholic

stars. Therefore, insist that your children judge this public

scandal in its true light. Silence on these subjects is criminal!

This same clear gaze must be turned toward the unions of

Catholics who go through ceremonies before a minister or justice

of the peace. The statement, "In the eyes of the Church they are

not married," should not mean (as it does to some Catholics) that

the Church merely withholds its blessing from what is in fact a

real marriage. For Catholics, the eyes of the Church are the eyes

of God. Catholics who attempt such civil unions are as much in a

state of sin as Catholics who live together without a ceremony of

any kind. This may seem strong language, but it is nevertheless

the truth, and it should be known by all, to counteract the

effect of the loose talk, and even looser thinking, of some

Catholics. If our adolescents live in the midst of such thinking,

with little or no counter-education at home, can we be surprised

if they should ignore clear warnings from the pulpit and Catholic




What Chesterton called "no birth and less control," is a very

popular subject for conversation and dispute. In spite of this,

many Catholic parents hesitate to mention it. We admit it would

be better if it could be ignored, but silence leaves the field

open to the advocates of this pernicious thing. There is, of

course, no need to indicate to adolescents the methods of

contraception. They should, however, know that it is

intrinsically evil and never allowed for any reason whatsoever.

Let them clearly understand Pius XI (encyclical "On Christian


"Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by

nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it

deliberately frustrate its natural power and purpose sin against

nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically


Mere argument is not enough to prevent this sin in the marriages

of your children, for we live in an age which does not reason but

acts on "feeling." If, however, children are imbued with a love

of marriage as a vocation, if they love children, if they feel

the desire to raise up lovers of God, if they want to increase

the Mystical Body of Christ on earth, the attacks of pagans will

hardly touch them. Indeed, against these ideas what motives can

the pagans offer? They argue that parents should be free from the

burden of children; that carrying a child causes loss of

"figure"; that the economic sacrifice of raising a family is too

difficult; that the health of a mother is destroyed by

childbearing. To these selfish arguments, they add the pressure

of cynical laughter, which is often the most effective of all

since most people fear to appear foolish in the eyes of others,

no matter how wrong those others may be.

Now, freedom from children is hardly a blessing for a married

couple. Freedom for what? Golf and bridge? Children give purpose

and aim to an otherwise aimless life. Economic sacrifices are

real, indeed, but more than repaid by the joy of loving children,

who are certainly worth every sigh. Again, the argument from

health tricks many into sin although, generally speaking,

childbearing is physically beneficial and refusal of motherhood

is both mentally and physically harmful to most married women.[4]

The few cases in which this is not true can be handled by

continence, whether absolute or periodic The rest of the

arguments and pressures should be beneath the notice of any

reasonable person, and certainly of no value for a militant


As a last word against birth control, remind your children that,

once chosen, marriage is the vocation or means by which they must

get to heaven. A man and wife who continually live in the state

of mortal sin, cannot hope for the blessing of God on themselves

or on their family, and hence cannot reach heaven. Nor can they

urge that they are so much "in love" that they cannot refrain

from this sin. A true lover could never ask his beloved to go to

hell with him!



Divorce, invalid marriages, contraception, are evils which must

be attacked; but even more important than this warfare against

the family's foes is the positive inculcation of family living.

This depends chiefly on parental example. Thus, parents should

show their mutual need of each other and their satisfaction in

being together. Actually, it may be helpful at times to point out

what each does for the family, lest the children come to take

things for granted. For instance, if for any reason one parent is

absent because of sickness or business, drive the lesson home by

pointing out the void that is left while he or she is necessarily


Give children duties to perform in the family circle. A happy,

busy, useful home life teaches children more of family life than

they will ever learn from books[5] All the girls should have an

opportunity to cook, sew, wash, iron, clean, and plan home

decoration. The boys, too, should learn to contribute. Let them

help with repair jobs, painting, washing and drying dishes, etc.

It is a sad commentary on home life when we must teach cooking

(even fundamentals like boiling eggs) and elementary carpentry in


There is no better way of learning the true nature of marriage

than a study, or at least a reading, of Pius XI's encyclical "On

Christian Marriage," already cited so often. If this seems too

heavy for adolescents, we suggest the correspondence course "This

Is a Great Sacrament," the first ten lessons of which can be had

by anyone 17 years of age or older.[6]



Early in adolescence boys and girls will begin to show interest

in each other. This can and should be an innocent and joyful

discovery of the different nature of each sex and how it

complements the other. Young people can learn about the real

qualities of men and women, and real living, and by so doing,

they are remotely preparing for marriage. Therefore, let them

invite their friends home. If you have trained your children

well, they will choose only morally decent companions, and will

never bring home anyone of whom they need be ashamed. Do not

object that your home is too small. We know of a family with

eleven children in a six-room house which always manages to have

its parlor free for the children's friends! Again, if you have a

cellar, get the youngsters to whitewash it, paint the floor,

etc., and let them dig up an old record player. Youths are seldom

critical of furnishings and they will learn how to enjoy

themselves at a minimum of expense. By these means you will

provide your adolescents with a safe place in which to grow; and

your occasional presence (never suspicious!) will be a reasonable

check on any dangerous tendencies.



There is one particular danger in modern youth activities, and

this is the too early pairing off. If "going steady" merely means

that your daughter is sure of an escort every Friday night to a

dance, there is little danger. But danger does arise when this

pairing off takes on the aspect of real company-keeping with a

view to marriage. If, as an example, a girl of 17 goes out almost

every night for a month or more with the same person and spends

most of the evenings alone with him without any real hope of

marrying, she needs considerable counsel. In the face of popular

adolescent approval of such customs, it is hard to oppose it.

First use roundabout reasons: neglect of study, lack of sleep,

the missing of so many other interesting persons, etc. If no

change is shown, forbid the "going steady." Why? Because it is a

mortal sin to indulge in real company-keeping without intending

to marry or without being able to consider marriage for a long

time.[7] Surely it is dangerous to purity for two people who are

attracted to each other to be continually and frequently alone

together. To enter into such an occasion of sin without a

sufficient reason, is sinful in itself.



Company-keeping can be said to start when a young man and woman

begin to pair off with the idea of finding out whether they could

make a success of marriage together. Those keeping company have

no more "rights" to immodest actions than any other unmarried

people, and they must safeguard themselves against the

temptations to which their growing attraction may give rise. For

this reason, too long a period of courtship should be avoided.

Yet what might be "too long" in any one case is difficult to

determine. A good norm, aside from particular circumstances, is

this: real courtship should not last less than six months (so

they can really learn to know each other) nor more than a year.

Parents still have duties in this matter! A simple warning,

caution, etc., will, however, frequently have to suffice. Since

these children have grown nearly to maturity, they will resent

interference, and indirect methods will perhaps be most




Long before an engagement, the qualities of a future partner

should be taken into consideration. What are they?



Catholics are forbidden to marry non-Catholics except for very

grave reasons and then only when there is no danger to the faith

of the Catholic party, and when there is certainty that all the

children will be baptized and raised as Catholics.[8] This law

forbidding mixed marriages can be dispensed with for only a few

reasons. The only good reasons which are found in ordinary cases

are these: for the woman, that she is past the age when she is

likely to have another chance; for either, that it is difficult

to find a Catholic partner or there is real hope of conversion of

the non-Catholic party. There are indeed other reasons, but they

are rarely found (for example, the situation of a widow with

children). True, the Church gives dispensations more frequently

than the presence of legitimate reasons might indicate, but the

parties themselves cannot use her reasons. Briefly, the Church

often dispenses for fear that if she does not, the parties will

contract a civil marriage and live together in sin! Consequently,

because it is wrong to demand a dispensation without a good

reason (being "in love" is not of itself a good reason), it is

wrong to begin real company-keeping with a view to marriage

without at that time having a reason for a dispensation.[9] If it

is a mortal sin to do this, it is the duty of Catholics to make

sure they have contacts among Catholics, and to avoid romantic

attachments to non-Catholics. St. Paul says: "Do not bear the

yoke [of marriage] with unbelievers" (2 Cor. 6:14). Though this

had reference at the time to marriages with pagans, it is still

generally applicable to all mixed marriages.

Aside from the Church's prohibition, the facts themselves show

that mixed marriages usually do not work, and always are a

hazard. Many non-Catholics are beginning to see that two people

cannot make a success of life if their major interest, their

religion, is different.[10] In a survey reported in Newsweek,[11] Dr.

Leiffer, a Methodist, states: ". . . in numerous families the

tension [of religious difference] continued to be acute even

after twenty years of marriage." Such an argument is only from

the vantage point of temporal happiness--how much more forceful

the argument from that of eternal happiness! There cannot be true

spiritual unity of husband and wife when the non-Catholic party

does not believe in or participate in the religion of his spouse,

the Catholic home practices, education of the children, First

Communion, Confirmation, etc. Something will always be lacking,

for the non-Catholic will feel "left out," and the family will

miss his active participation. Furthermore, no non-Catholic sect

prohibits divorce or birth control. How can there be complete

giving of each other, or real moral agreement, if there is

disagreement on these two fundamental matters? Lest any non-

Catholic partner in mixed marriage take all this as a mere

personal affront, let us ask this question: "Granting you have

made a reasonable success of your marriage, is it not true that

religious differences have made it difficult for you to obtain

perfect marital union of mind and heart with your spouse?" We are

convinced that your answer must be, "Yes, it has been difficult."

From all this it should be clear that it is the serious duty of

Catholic parents to instill in their children the obligation of

choosing a Catholic partner in marriage. It should be a

fundamental ideal for Catholic young people. In looking forward

to marriage, no other possibility should be envisioned.[12]


Moral Character

Imbue your children with the idea of choosing as a marriage

partner a person of upright morality, for few succeed in

reforming their partners after the wedding ceremony. This is

especially true regarding sexual sins, drunkenness or dishonesty.

If either or both partners have sinned habitually in these ways,

it is unlikely that immoral conduct will be avoided during or

even in marriage. This is another reason for caution during

company-keeping. If the future partners cannot keep chaste before

marriage, they will hardly keep chaste in marriage. This is not

merely a Catholic opinion. Non-Catholic studies have indicated

that a breakdown of chastity before marriage leads to mutual

contempt, suspicion and mistrust; and surely a marriage cannot

last long if suspicion holds sway.



Future spouses should have similar likes and dislikes over a wide

held, but not necessarily identical interests, for this would

make a dull life. Compatibility means that they have the same

ideas of what is right, proper, polite, etc., and that all their

interests fit reasonably together. This holds for wealth level,

intellectual level, and so on. Though stories of successful

marriages between rich and poor, intelligent and mediocre,

refined and brusque, are frequent, the actual chances of success

in these cases are low. "Marry your own" is a worthwhile motto in

every sphere.



Physical maturity is naturally expected in those who marry, but

mental and emotional maturity is equally needed and less often

possessed. Many modern works have pointed out that emotional

immaturity is almost a characteristic of the American nation.[13]

Now, unless two people are adult in their approach to reality,

they will find it difficult, if not impossible, to make a success

of marriage. Sulking, childish traits, lack of decisiveness,

inability to give and take, wreck many marriages. One of the best

tests for maturity is this: Can a person make clear, considered

decisions, carry them out, and take the consequences without

excessive fear or worry, whether the outcome is good or bad? The

answer must be, "Yes," before one can rate a person mature.


Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is frequently denied consideration, despite the

fact that many marriages are unhappy as a result. By physical

fitness is meant normal robustness of body to bear the burdens of

family demands. This does not mean that athletes alone may safely

marry, nor that the unhealthy must not marry. It means that each

one must weigh the matter well before deciding on marriage with

one not normally healthy. It means that a young man should ask

himself whether he is equal to the task of supporting a family,

and a young woman should ask herself whether she can bear

children without great danger. They must also discuss these

questions with each other. If they agree to marry, despite

adverse indications, at least let them have their eyes wide open

to the sacrifices for life that such disabilities may entail. One

of the sacrifices demanded might be the practice of continence

for long periods.


Physical Attraction

The modern mind places this quality first and considers that

unless two people violently desire each other, they make a

mistake in marrying. But in fact physical desire is the least

important element, for a successful marriage must be built on

deeper foundations than attraction of body. As long as persons

are not repelled by each other, their physical attraction can

usually be developed to meet all the demands of marriage.

Physical attraction is important, of course, and that there

should be some desire. Yet, if marriage is based on this sole

qualification, it is doomed to failure. "A marriage based on sex

attraction alone carries in itself, from the beginning, the germ

of destruction," says Allers.[14] This is easily seen when we

recall that sex satisfaction is essentially selfish; it is a

"getting." A marriage based on sexual pleasure cannot endure

because real marriage is a "giving," not a "getting," and it is

only in giving that the partners may hope for a return.

Parents must give their children an eye for the right qualities

in a prospective marriage partner. As in all education, they can

do this best by giving the example of their own happiness in

marriage. Secondly, parents should teach their children to come

to them for advice; and this, in turn, must be given cautiously,

with an effort to make them judge correctly for themselves. Try

to judge, and help your sons and daughters to judge, the person

concerned objectively. Point out the faults and difficulties, but

let them make the decision. In discussing such matters, try to

eliminate a mere dislike or bias and prejudice which has no real

foundation. Tone of voice, color of hair, manner of dress, origin

outside of one's "set," etc., make no difference unless these

indicate some other more basic and objectionable trait.



1. Should there be many more courses in marriage and family life

in our Catholic high schools and colleges? Are the Popes'

condemnations of sex instruction in public against this? What

might some of the courses include? Do you believe it is true that

past generations learned these things without formal instruction?

What do you think of the statement that all should have mature

attitudes on marriage?

2. Do you find that your thinking on divorce and "remarriage" has

slipped into a pagan groove? Discuss some of the recent arguments

for birth control which you have heard. Will it not be even

harder for the next generation (your children) to withstand such

propaganda? What can you do about it? About the conditions that

make the arguments seem plausible?

3. Is there real family life in your home? Or is your home merely

a hotel, a place to sleep and eat? Does your family have frequent

recreation together? Discuss methods by which each family member

can make contributions to home life. Have you ever read anything

on Christian marriage and family life? Would it make any

difference in your education if you had? May we suggest some


4. Discuss methods of control in boy--girl relationships without

dampening them. Do you have the problem of "steadies" with your

adolescents? What is their mind on this matter? How can you

control this indirectly? When would you make a positive


5. What is company-keeping? Are any "liberties" allowed? What

means can young people use to remain chaste? How can you teach

those means to your children without seeming to intrude? Discuss

what might be a too long courtship. Give examples.

6. Do you believe that falling in love is something over which

one has no control? Is the question, "What kind of father (or

mother) will he (or she) make for my children?" in any way

improper? Would some people consider it so? Why? Is it not a

healthier approach than questions of glamour and bodily beauty?

Do you think that young people fall in love today too easily?

7. What is wrong with a mixed marriage? Did you know it was

sinful to keep company with a non-Catholic without a reason for a

dispensation? Do your children know? Do you realize how

unflattering is the reason for many of the dispensations granted?

(That is, fear that the couple will merely go through a civil

ceremony and live together.) Have you ever heard St. Paul's

prohibition before? Do you think the fundamental difference of

opinion on divorce and birth control is a source of much

unhappiness and sin in mixed marriages?

8. Do you believe people change their characters in marriage? Can

you recall any examples of individuals who have not "changed

their spots" despite the fond hopes of their spouses? Is it

possible, on the contrary, to progress in virtue together?

9. List some common interests that bind marriages more firmly;

some interests which tend to break them. (Are you a golf-widow; a

bridge-widower?) How might people help overcome these problems?

10. What is maturity? What is a good yardstick for it? Do you

agree that there are many childish personalities walking about in

adult bodies? How would you help your children grow to emotional

maturity? (Demand that they make decisions. Refuse to protect

them from the consequences of their acts. Give them

responsibilities according to their age and hold them strictly

accountable. Allow them a reasonable field for freedom of choice-

-clothes, recreation, studytime.)

11. Is it true that sexual desire is essentially selfish? Can you

think of any young couples who are successfully and happily

married though they seem to lack worldly "sex appeal"?

12. What is advice? Is it "telling people what to do"? Or is it

helping them to decide for themselves? Do your children come to

you for advice? Why or why not? If they do not ask help, could it

be that you are no longer a close friend?




1. Cf. Sorokin, Pitirim A., "The Crisis of Our Age" (Dutton, New

York, 1941), chapter V.

2. Cf. Walsh, George A., "The Religious Need of Modern Youth

Marriage Preparation," in the "Catholic High School Quarterly

Bulletin" IV (April, 1946), pp. 3-5. Since this chapter was

written, a number of fine high school programs have come to the

attention of the author; e.g. Sister M. Annetta's "The Christian

Family Living Series," W. H. Sadlier Inc., New York, 1952.

Excellent courses are now given in most Catholic colleges and

good texts are available from a number of Catholic publishers.

4. Cf. McCann, Frederick John, "Contraception: A Common Cause of

Disease" (Central Bureau Press, St. Louis, 1946), pp. 34-38.

5. Cf. "Family with Nine Kids," in the "Ladies' Home Journal,"

March and April, 1946.

6. Published by the Catholic Centre, Ottawa University, 1 Stewart

Street, Ottawa 2, Canada.

8. Cf. Code of Canon Law, Canons 1060, 1061, 1070.

9. Cf. Aertnys-Damen, loc. cit.

10. Cf. Adams-Packard, "How To Pick a Mate" (Dutton, New York,

1946) pp. 139-146; Evelyn Millis Duval, "Building Your Marriage"

(Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 113, Public Affairs Committee, New

York, 946).

11. January 31, 1949, p. 64. Quoted with permission of the


12. Cf. Lord, Daniel A., S.J., "Marry Your Own," The Queen's Work

St. Louis; Carroll, T., "Mixing Your Marriage?" Liturgical Press,

Collegeville, Minn.; Miller, D.F., "Can Mixed Marriages Be

Happy?" Liguorian Pamphlets, Liguori, Mo.

13. Cf. Strecker, Edward A., "Their Mothers' Son," J.B.

Lippincott, New York, 1946 "What's Wrong with American Mothers?"

in the "Saturday Evening Post," October 26, 1946, "The American

Character," in "Life Magazine," August 18, 1947.

14. "Sex Psychology in Education" (Herder, St. Louis, 1937), p.

259. Quoted with permission of the publisher.

15. For example, the encyclical "On Christian Marriage"; also

"Life Together," by Wingfield Hope, Sheed and Ward, 1944.




Once a couple has agreed on marriage, and if any impediments

exist they have been cared for, there are still some points on

which a son or daughter should be instructed by a parent.[1]



It is not enough for a young couple to enter marriage with a mere

knowledge of the fact of marital intercourse. They should also be

instructed in sufficient time about their practical sexual

adjustments in marriage. Though by no means the most important

consideration in marriage, a satisfactory sexual life is one

important basis for marital happiness. It is unfortunate that

some think this matter comes by instinct. There are, indeed,

urges of instinct; but methods in this as in all matters can be

learned in but two ways, either by experience or by instruction.

The first is hazardous because a brutal first experience may be

the ultimate cause of marital disaster. Such disillusioning

experience could be caused by so little a thing as forgetting the

different rapidity of sexual reaction in the two sexes. Therefore

it would seem that some instruction is necessary.

A couple can obtain their information from a wholesome or an

unwholesome source. Now, parents are, or should be, a wholesome

source, but if they do not give this necessary help, the young

persons will be driven to ask advice from possibly erroneous or

even sinful sources. From these they may learn "rather the art of

sinning in a subtle way than the virtue of living chastely"

(encyclical "On Christian Marriage"). It is imperative, then,

that the father (or perhaps an elder married brother) give this

proper instruction to the bridegroom, and the mother or an elder

married sister to the young bride, even though such intimate

instruction might seem most embarrassing. If parents cannot or

will not give this information, they should at least send the

young persons to a Catholic doctor or nurse.


In Person or Booklet?

Some think that a booklet would be better since it lends itself

to calm reading and repetition. Its very impersonality precludes

too much danger of sin (remember that the morality for the

unmarried binds engaged people). Others think that personal

instruction is better, since, if it is given simply and

reverently, reverent attitudes will be adopted from the attitude

of the adviser. It is difficult to arrive at a decision. It seems

to make little difference as long as the facts are learned in a

proper emotional atmosphere. If a booklet is decided on, one can

usually be obtained from a doctor or marriage counselor.


How Much Information?

There is no need for tremendous detail or a vivid description of

sexual pleasure. Marital intimacies are attractive enough in

themselves, unless early training has made them seem disgusting

or shameful. The instruction should be sufficient to indicate

what to expect, yet not so detailed as to give a formula or

blueprint which is to be unvaried in its use. There is no need

for anyone to live this or any other department of his life "by

the book," and some joy of discovery and spontaneity should be

left to the couple. Nevertheless, enough must be explained to

allow the young couple to approach their first sexual experience

calmly and with some measure of confidence and knowledge. Each

partner should know well what is expected by, and what to expect

of, the other. Above all, each should learn consideration for the

different nature of the opposite sex (the male, passionate and

active; the female, slow of response, demanding loving acts,

etc.). It may also be well to add that physical delight cannot be

expected to be perfect at the first encounter. In this and other

spheres, marriage is a process of lifelong learning. A couple

will need time for perfect adjustment in both bodily and

spiritual spheres.



Some say that detailed physical information should not precede

marriage by more than one or two days. On the other hand, since a

modern marriage does not seem a leisurely thing, and the last few

days are one flurry of external preparation, it seems sensible to

give the information earlier. Information given a week or two

before will enable the spouses to accustom themselves to the

ideas, and to become calm about them. Obviously this information

should be given in private, and never to both parties together.

If any doubts arise concerning the morality of this instruction,

apply the moral principles for modesty as listed in Chapter VIII,

that is: though information of this nature is stimulating to the

passions, there is a necessary reason for knowing the simple

facts; one may, therefore, legitimately acquire this knowledge

while being careful not to consent to any physical pleasure which

might arise involuntarily.


More Physiology?

A more complete physiology may be very useful to the couple at

this time, though not absolutely necessary. Perhaps this can be

better left to their early married life. Many young married

people are curious as to what goes on within them especially

during pregnancy. They have every right to know if they wish. Yet

there is danger in procuring many of the secular books

advertised, for some are coarse or even immoral. At the very

least, most books will have one chapter approving contraception.

Fortunately there are a number of good Catholic texts which will

provide this information. Parents may encourage the young couple

to complete the final chapters of "This Is a Great Sacrament." A

new text for the use of individuals, couples, or groups has been

issued by the Family Life Bureau of the National Catholic Welfare

Conference. Entitled "Together in Christ," it is also available

as a correspondence course. Other Catholic works suitable for use

in pre-marital instruction are listed in the bibliography.



Chastity (remember our definition?) is still to be observed in

marriage, though it has different principles of application,

which are as follows:

1. Since marriage is a contract, and the contract is concerned

with acts of procreation, each party has equal rights to the

marriage act. To refuse the other his marital rights, except for

a serious reason (for example, sickness, danger of miscarriage,

etc.) is a mortal sin. When in doubt, a confessor should be


2. Neither may stimulate himself or partner to full satisfaction

out of connection with a properly completed marriage act.

3. Birth control (a popular and false name for contraception or

Onanism) is always a serious sin, which no reason whatsoever will


4. Continence, whether periodic (the so-called "Rhythm") or

total, may be practiced under the following definite conditions:

a) The practice must be freely undertaken by mutual consent; b)

There must be no serious danger of unchastity or loss of conjugal

love in either party as a result of the practice; c) There must

be a positive and good reason for adopting the practice. The

presence or absence of these conditions should be decided with

the help of a confessor.[2]

5. No sexual thought or desire may be deliberately directed to a

third person without serious sin.

6. All else which is reasonable and agreeable to both persons, is

allowed. Thoughts, desires, kisses and embraces, though rightly

considered immodest before marriage, are allowable so long as

none of the above principles are violated (especially the




It may be well to note again that marital acts between spouses in

accordance with the above principles are virtuous! The virtue of

justice is exercised in giving a partner his rights. The virtue

of chastity is exercised in using sexual acts according to God's

law. The virtue of love is exercised in making these acts

expressions of love. If the partner is really loved

supernaturally, that is, in and for God, the act is one of

supernatural charity. If the partners are in the state of grace

and acting with proper intention, their acts are supernaturally

meritorious. It is obvious therefore, that there is no

impropriety in going to Communion after the use of the marriage

rights. If the act is not sinful in any way, if it is indeed

virtuous it cannot be out of place to approach the Holy Table




Despite the clear truths stated above, there is danger that the

marriage act will be performed for mere animal pleasure, and

result in excess and abuse. Just as pleasures of taste may be

abused by overindulgence, so may legitimate sexual pleasures.

Surely marriage is no place for sexual orgies, and nature herself

penalizes for overindulgence in the sexual as in the other

appetites. Excess will dull the mind, make it unfit for nobler

pursuits (for example, thought, prayer, love on a higher plane),

and will even kill the sexual pleasures themselves. Also, too

frequent sex satisfaction but whets the appetite and makes

continence (when and if necessary) exceedingly difficult to

practice. Therefore,

". . . Let husband and wife resolve: . . . to use the rights

given them by marriage in a way that will always be Christian and

sacred, more especially in the first years of wedlock, so that

should there be need of continence afterward, custom will have

made it easier for each to preserve it" (encyclical "On Christian


Many occasions will arise demanding restraint and continence.

Indeed, from time to time as much self-control is needed in

marriage as before; for once an individual learns sexual delight,

it is hard to remain continent at various necessary times. For

instance, before and after childbirth, continence is imperative.

Again, business trips which cause a necessary separation, long

serious illness, and other occasions may demand prolonged self-

control. Unless the spouses have practiced restraint, they will

find it difficult, if not impossible, to observe this continence.

Remember that a sin during this time adds the malice of

unfaithfulness to the impurity committed.


Christian Asceticism

Modern writers stress the beauty and goodness of the marital act,

and this is as it should be. Yet some Catholics have followed

suit to such a degree that there is danger of losing the ideal of

Christian asceticism, since there is room for Christian

asceticism in this as in every pleasure (and other pleasures are

good too!). Let St. Paul give the norm (1 Cor. 7:5):

Do not deprive each other {of marital pleasures), except perhaps

by consent, for a time, that you may give yourselves to prayer;

and return together again lest Satan tempt you because you lack


Such asceticism will engender self-control, prevent brutish

excess, and make a Christian life more holy. During times of

penance (Lent, Advent), such abstinence might well be used by the

spouses to declare before God that they do not "give themselves

to their lust" (Tobias 6:17), but exercise their rights and

accept the joy that ensues, out of love of God, His law,

children, and each other. Note, however, St. Paul's conditions,

"by consent," "for a time," and the reason--a spiritual one!

Neither partner may adopt an "ascetical" restraint at the expense

of the other or for a selfish reason. What might be excess, or in

what an acceptable Christian asceticism might consist, must be

decided by the spouses together.



The young married couple should be taught what to do in case of a

miscarriage. Since it is possible that a living soul is there,

conditional Baptism should be conferred by husband or wife in the

following manner: if the fetus can be found, the sac in which it

is encased should be slit and the whole dipped up and down in

warm water while saying the words: "If thou art living, I baptize

thee in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy

Ghost." The aborted fetus should be buried in consecrated ground,

a task which, in a Catholic hospital, is always carried out. In

other cases the parents should get in touch with a Catholic

undertaker. (Cf. Healy, Mary Lanigan, "Baby in a Shoe Box,"

Catholic Information Society, New York.)



In modern life one can hardly avoid the propaganda for these two

crimes. First, therefore, the couple should know that directly to

bring about abortion is equivalent to murder and is punished by

excommunication from the Church.[3] Secondly, sterilization or

whatever is equivalent (severing any organ, etc.), is never

allowed except for the good of the body as such (for example,

when the organ is diseased). Fear of difficult pregnancy is not a

sufficient reason. Thus, any doctor's demand for an operation

during pregnancy, or for sterilization of any kind, should always

be referred to a priest for a moral (not medical) decision. The

matter is too involved to discuss here, though a Catholic doctor

or any doctor practicing in a Catholic hospital usually knows

what is permissible in such cases.

Though what has gone before should be known by every newlywed,

how much can be successfully given by parents is a question.

Perhaps giving them this brief chapter to read would suffice for

general moral cases while the practical physical adjustments can

be indicated separately by the parent or some other qualified

person, or by a booklet.

Please note that the last two chapters of this work though brief,

are packed with very important material. Each sentence could have

been expanded to a paragraph, each paragraph to a chapter, and a

whole book would scarcely do justice to these and some other

points space limitations have forced us to omit. Consider these

two chapters, then, as a minimum outline of the remote and

proximate preparations for marriage. Certainly, they are the

absolute minimum to be expected from Catholic parents.



1. Did you receive any practical instruction before your wedding?

Discuss the difficulties that young married people have because

they do not get such instruction. Would even the most vague

instruction be better than none? Who in your opinion, can best

give this information with the least emotional disturbance on

both sides?

2. Do you think people learn anything of a practical nature from

mere instinct (without any experience or instruction)? On the

other hand, haven't you seen booklets for young married people

which pretend to help them in marital adjustments but which you

know are erroneous? Could you bring yourself to give this

instruction simply and reverently? Would you prefer to give the

young person a booklet and thus wash your hands of a delicate

matter? Why?

3. How soon should the spouses be instructed before marriage?

Would the evening before be a time of calm instruction? Is

people's wonder about the physical processes within them,

legitimate curiosity?

4. Were you instructed in the morality given here? If not, would

such instruction have helped you? Do you think you have any

obligation to take needless worry from your children who are soon

to marry? Is there any impropriety in going to the Sacraments

after satisfying marital obligations?

5. What virtues are exercised in performing marital acts in a

holy manner? Did you ever think of them in that light before?

6. Why is restraint and self-control necessary? Are there not

many occasions for necessary self-control in married life?

7. Did you know how to baptize in case of a miscarriage? Explain

why it is important in this sad case.

8. Did you know that all who contribute to a direct abortion are

excommunicated? Why do you think the Church is so severe in this

matter? Do you think you could give the necessary moral

instruction to a young person about to be married? If not, how

would you remedy this lack?




1. We omit a discussion of impediments to matrimony because these

can easily be found elsewhere (for example, Connell, Francis J.,

C.SS.R., "Matrimony," Paulist Press, New York, 1940). The parish

priest, whom the couple should consult at least a month before

the ceremony, will discuss the possible impediments in the so-

called "pre-marital investigation."

2. Cf. Aertnys-Damen, op. cit., II, # 897.

3. Code of Canon Law, 2350, 1.




Parents, the many pages you have studied may seem long and

complex. At one time the author had all the information

compressed into forty pages, but he felt that many phases would

be overlooked if it were published in so brief a form. Time and

space have been given to some points, not so much because the

meaning demanded it, but simply to make certain that you would

think about them daily as Catholics. The subject is not by nature

very complex; but it is most important that you absorb the

principles--that is, take them in so deeply that they are there

unconsciously, to be used without effort. You are not asked to

attempt memorizing a schematic outline of the whole. However, do

memorize, in any of the forms given, the Four Moral Principles

for the unmarried. Memorize also the "facts of life" and some of

the simpler ways of stating them. With these in your memory, and

a healthy attitude developed by the study of this work, you will

be capable of giving sex education. Then you need refer to this

work (or others following it) only in case of a special problem.

For example, if a son or daughter is about to be married, that

will necessitate your rereading the last two chapters.

After spending so many weeks on this subject, your mind is

naturally filled with it, and perhaps you are now frightened by

your responsibilities and your awakened sense of the dangers

facing your children. Perhaps you have resolved to campaign for

purity in your children. Don't! Let this new knowledge fit in

with all the rest that you know of real life. All you need for

the duty of sex education or (now that you know better) education

for chastity, is Confidence, Caution and Common Sense. Let these

three "C's" be your motto. There has yet to exist a parent, with

or without education, who cannot meet his obligations in this

matter if only he keeps his feet firmly on real ground. Do not go

up in the air with worry; it will only make your task harder.

You may be disappointed that you have been given but one "model

of instruction." But the author continues to believe that models

are not satisfactory. However, a series of pamphlets for parents

on each important point are to follow this work. In the meantime,

the annotated list following will supply sufficient models if you

need them. Now you are in a position really to judge their value

and to select what is helpful.




Throughout this work there have been numerous references to books

and pamphlets on sex education. These should give sufficient

reading matter on particular points. It seems advisable, however,

to include an annotated list of works which may be of additional

help. Those marked with a single asterisk are especially

worthwhile. Those marked with double asterisks will give words

and methods of imparting sex knowledge and training. To the

author, there seems to be no satisfactory booklet from the

Catholic point of view on what to tell the very young child who

asks about sexual matters. However, the suggestions in this book

should be of assistance until the second book of this series is




1. ** Bruckner, P. J., "How To Give Sex Instruction." The Queen's

Work, 3115 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis 18, Mo., 1937 (P[1] 25c).

This text is perhaps the finest available. It gives one

instruction for boys and one for girls. It also supplies an

outline that may be followed when using your own words. It

contains an excellent series of principles. It omits, however,

the answers to one or two crucial questions.

2. ** Juergens, Sylvester P., "Fundamental Talks on Purity."

Bruce Publishing Company, 400 North Broadway, Milwaukee 1, Wis.,

1941 (P 75c). This is a good booklet, but it leans too heavily on

the animal kingdom and on physiology. Balanced with Father

Bruckner's pamphlet, however, it gives all necessary "facts of




3. ** A Catholic Woman Doctor, "Growing Up: A Book for Girls."

Benziger Bros., 6-8 Barclay St., New York 8, N. Y., 1946 (P 75c).

4. ** Pire, Lionel E., C.PP.S., "The Heart of a Young Man." F.

Pustet Co., 14 Barclay St., New York 8, N. Y., 1931 (P 40c).

These two booklets are longer than the first two mentioned but

are well worth reading.

5. ** Meyer, Fulgence, O.F.M., "Helps to Purity." St. Francis

Bookshop, 1618 Vine St., Cincinnati 10, Ohio, 1929 (B paper, 50c;

cloth, $1.00). To be read by the adolescent girl. Despite a

slightly stiff style, this booklet is excellent.

6. ** Meyer, Fulgence, O.F.M., "Safeguards of Chastity." St.

Francis Bookshop, 1929 (B paper, 50c; cloth, $1.00). For the

adolescent boy. Very good. Same recommendation as for the

previous booklet.

7. ** "Mother's Little Helper." Franciscan Herald Press, 1434 W.

51st St., Chicago 9, Ill., 1952 (P 50c). An instruction in three

parts which a mother might use with her daughter. A bit too

reserved and stilted, but might give some valuable helps.

8. ** "Listen, Son!" Franciscan Herald Press, 1952 (P 50c). An

instruction in three parts which a father might use as a model in

talking with his sons. Excellent in every way. The above six

titles may be given to the adolescent to read if necessary.

However, never give children any book on this subject, no matter

how well recommended, until you have read it to judge its

suitability for this child.



9. Sattler, Henry V., C.SS.R., "The Challenge of Chastity,"

Liguorian Pamphlets, Liguori, Mo., 1957 (P 10c). A positive

presentation of the virtue of chastity.

10. ** Miller, D. F., "How To Say "No" to Boy Friends." Liguorian

Pamphlets, Liguori, Mo., 1951 (P 5c). An excellent bit of

psychological retort to the question of kissing, petting, etc.

Can be given to the teen-ager to read.

11. Burnite, Alvena, "Tips for Teens," Bruce Publishing Co.,

Milwaukee, Wis., 1955 (B paper, $1.25). A smoothly written book

that teen-agers will like.

12. Donnelly, Antoinette, "Tips for Teeners." Catholic

Information Society, 214 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. (P 5c).

13. A Teen-ager, Teen Talks. Catholic Information Society (P 5c


No. 1--On Dress; No. 2--On Dates; No. 3--On Decency; No. 4--On

Drink; No. 5--On Magazines; No. 6--On Marriage; No. 7--On Movies;

No. 8-So You Think You've Grown Up? Written in racy teentalk,

these eight pamphlets will be very acceptable to teenagers of

both sexes, though they will appeal mostly to girls. They employ

both emotional and rational approaches.

14. * Kirsch, Felix M., O.F.M. Cap., "Training in Chastity." Our

Sunday Visitor Press, Huntington, Ind., 1951 (P 10c). A good

foundation in sexual morality for both sexes.

15. ** Haley, Joseph E., "Accent on Purity," Fides Publishers,

Notre Dame, Indiana, 1948 (B paper, 95c). This book is an

excellent Catholic work on the subject. Its chief virtue is its

very positive approach to the matter. The model instructions,

however, seem best adapted to more educated people.



16. ** Kelly, Gerald, S. J., "Modern Youth and Chastity." The

Queen's Work, St. Louis, Mo., 1941 (P 35c). Is without peer in

the treatment of sexual morality for both sexes. Gives just about

all the answers. Its one defect is that it is written for first-

year college men and women, thus making it a bit steep for the

ordinary person. It is suitable for those in the last year of

high school, but demands study, not mere reading.

17 Popenoe, Paul, "Building Sex into Your Life." American

Institute of Family Relations, 5287 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 27,

Calif. (P 25c). This pamphlet by a non-Catholic is more valuable

to parents than to teen-agers. It indicates the impact of modern

pagan sex propaganda and gives some of the best natural answers

for chastity. However, never use its arguments alone.

18. Dietz, Francis X., "What Catholic Girls Should Know about

Marriage." Fides Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1960 (B paper, 95c).

A text on marriage for high-school girls.

9. Schnepp, A. F., and G. J., "To God through Marriage." Bruce

Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1957 (B paper, $1.48). A high-

school text, mostly along sociological lines.

20. Stanford, Edward V., "Preparing for Marriage." Mentzer, Bush

and Co., 2210 South Parkway, Chicago 16, Ill., 1958 (B paper,

$1.50). A text for high-school boys.

21. Kelly, George A., "The Catholic Youth's Guide to Life and

Love." Random House, 457 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y., 1960 (B

$3.95). A fine presentation of the evolution of the teen-ager

through dating and courtship.

22. Schmiedeler, Edgar, O.S.B., "Looking toward Marriage." Family

Life Bureau, N.C.W.C., Washington, D.C., 1948 (P 50c). A good

high-school text that is now in its fifth edition.



23. ** "This Is a Great Sacrament." The Catholic Centre, Ottawa

University, 1 Stewart St., Ottawa 2, Canada ($7 per individual,

$10 per engaged couple; suitable loose-leaf binder container,

$1.50). This correspondence course is simple, practical, and

inspiring; it covers every angle of marriage from the wedding

ceremony to the problem of in-laws.

24. ** Sattler, Henry V., C.SS.R., ed., "Together in Christ: A

Preparation for Marriage." Family Life Bureau, National Catholic

Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C., 1960 (B $3.50). This is a

series of 11 booklets in a folder for those preparing immediately

for marriage. It is for use by groups or individuals, and is also

in preparation as a correspondence course.

25. Clarke, William R., O.P., ed., "One in Mind, One in Heart,

One in Affections." Providence College Press, Providence, Rhode

Island, 1956 (P 50c). A series of lectures to college students

preparing for marriage.

26. Cana Conference of Chicago, "Beginning Your Marriage" (P

50c). This pamphlet, treating chiefly the physical adjustments in

marriage, is for the soon-to-be-married and is available through

your local pastor.

27. Buetow, Harold A., "What Every Bride and Groom Should Know."

Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1958 (B paper, $1.25).

Contains a fine and understandable preparation for marriage.

28. O'Connor, John, "Preparation for Marriage and Family Life."

Paulist Press, 180 Varick St., New York, N. Y. (P 35c). A study

club outline with discussion questions.

29. Kelly, George A., "The Catholic Marriage Manual." Random

House, New York, N. Y., 1958 (B $4.95). An excellent manual to be

used by those preparing for marriage.

It contains a fine chapter by a medical man on the physical


30. Miller, Donald F., "Pre-Marriage Problems." Liguorian

Pamphlets, Liguori, Mo. (P 25c). Presents a solution to most of

the moral problems arising during courtship.

31. Lovasik, Lawrence G., S.V.D., "Clean Love in Courtship."

Radio Replies Press, 500 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn. (P 50c).

This contains an excellent analysis of the reasons for pre-

marital chastity and the problems inherent in preserving that


32. Meyer, Fulgence, O.F.M., "Plain Talks on Marriage." St.

Francis Bookshop, 1927 (B paper, 60c; cloth $1.00). A good book

but dated in language. Young people usually prefer a more modern


33. Hope, Wingfield, "Life Together." Sheed and Ward, 64

University Place, New York 3, N. Y., 1944 (B $2.75). A fine,

modern treatment of marriage based on Christian principles, of

particular value for those who need to re-Christianize their

approach to marriage.



34. * Pius XII, "Guiding Christ's Little Ones." National Catholic

Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C., 1942 (P 10c). An address

to mothers and teachers. One can find in it the complete

vindication of Catholic sex education.

35. Sattler, Henry V., C.SS.R., "Educating Parents to Sex

Instruction." Liguorian Pamphlets, Liguori, Mo., 1957 (P 25C).

Some fresh viewpoints on chastity education interwoven in the

schematic outline of "Parents, Children and the Facts of Life."

36. * Kirsch, Felix M., O.F.M. Cap., "Sex Education and Training

in Chastity." Benziger Bros., New York, N. Y., 1930. This book,

by a pioneer in presenting Catholic thought on this subject, is

exhaustive in its treatment, and thus rather heavy for the

average reader. Though out of print, it is still available in

many libraries.

37. * King, J. Leycester, S. J., "Sex Enlightenment and the

Catholic." Burns Oates and Washbourne, 28 Ashley Pl., London, S.

W. 1, England. Out of print, but is to be found in libraries. The

best rational defense of Catholic sex education available, this

is brief and pointed, but exacting reading.

38. * Allers, Rudolf, "Sex Psychology in Education." B. Herder

CO., 15-17 S. Broadway, St. Louis 2, Mo., 1937. Unfortunately out

of print. May be obtained in libraries. The finest book of its

kind, though rather difficult reading. However, the effort of

reading it will be amply repaid.

39. O'Brien, John A., ed., "Sex-Character Education." Our Sunday

Visitor Press, Huntington, Indiana, 1952 (B paper, $1.50). Father

O'Brien here gathers together a number of fine talks on chastity

and sex education.

40. Buckley, Joseph, "Christian Design for Sex." Fides

Publishers, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1952 (B $3.50). Though portions

of this work are a little too theological for parents, the

material will reward the study.

41. * Wilkin, Vincent, "The Image of God in Sex." Sheed and Ward,

New York, N. Y., 1955 (B $1.75). The theological background of

sexual differences.



42. Odenwald, Robert P., M.D. "How God Made You." P. J. Kenedy,

12 Barclay St., New York, N. Y., 1960 (B $2.50). A beautiful

picture book which parents can read with younger children.

43. * Fleege, Urban, "Self-Revelation of the Adolescent Boy."

Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1945. Helps toward

understanding the problems of the modern boy in every phase of

his life. It is a statistical and analytical survey of 2,000

Catholic high school boys. Out of print.

44. Knoebber, Sister Mildred, O.S.B., "Self-Revelation of the

Adolescent Girl." Bruce Publishing Co., 1936 (unfortunately out

of print; may be found in some libraries). Fleege gives the chief

findings as footnotes for comparison with his own.

45. Mission Helpers, "Vital Steps to Chastity." Mission Helpers

of the Sacred Heart, Towson, Md., 1960 (P $1.00). Newly revised

edition. Though this booklet is designed primarily to give a

lesson plan to teachers of each grade from 1 through 12, it is

also invaluable for parents.

46. * Lord, Daniel A., S. J., "Some Notes for the Guidance of

Parents." The Queen's Work, St. Louis, Mo., 1944 (B paper,

$1.50). This book is extremely valuable and should be in every

household. It treats many subjects besides sex, and you will find

it delightful reading, packed with practical aids. It will enable

you to integrate sex education into all your formation of your


47. * Lord, Daniel A., S. J., "Some Notes on the Guidance of

Youth." The Queen's Work, 1938 (B paper, $1.25). For youth

counselors, but parents will profit equally by reading it.

Recommended as highly as No. 45 above.

There are many more good Catholic texts which are not listed,

since too many might confuse you. Those marked above with a

single asterisk will give you plenty to do. Of those marked with

a double asterisk, at least one in each sex-age group (for

example, pre-adolescent, adolescent, older adolescent, etc.)

should be obtained by your study group.

There are some excellent works by non-Catholics. However none of

them can be recommended entirely, since the approach is natural

whereas we live in a supernatural order. Furthermore, many such

texts are erroneous on several points, notably on masturbation

and (in marriage) on birth prevention. With so much good Catholic

literature available, there is no necessity for anyone but a

research student to read the other.

For those who would like to give some sex instruction by indirect

methods, we suggest the following books. Almost any public

library has them:

48. Laverty, Maura, "Never No More." Longmans, Green, 119 W. 40th

St., New York, N. Y., 1942. A beautiful novel about a teen-ager.

Contains the excellent instruction on menstruation already

referred to in this book. Out of print, but available in


49. Daly, Maureen, "Seventeenth Summer." Dodd, Mead, 432 Park

Avenue South, New York, N. Y., 1942 (B $3.00; illustrated

edition, $3.75). This is a fine novel of a first love affair and

it indicates some of the temptations to be avoided. Has been

reprinted through the years since first being published.

50. Laverty, Maura, "No More Than Human." Longmans, Green, New

York, N. Y., 1944. The adventures of an 18-year-old girl as a

governess in Spain are detailed in this story. How the heroine

meets and overcomes several moral dangers forms the substance of

the narrative. Out of print, but available in libraries.

Similar works for boys and young men are less abundant,

unfortunately, but the following should be mentioned:

51. Goss, John, "Let's Take the Hard Road." The Cross Company,

Box 389, Kenosha, Wis., 1960 edition (B $3.95). This book for the

adolescent boy urges purity in connection with the building of

physical strength, capitalizing on the youth's interest in his

body build. May perhaps lay too much emphasis on this aspect. Yet

the focus of the book is on discipline and self-control.









and daydreams

and parents

and security

chief problem of

obedience in

psychology of

security and

sex in


and late hours

and love

and obedience

and punishment

and reward

and sex attraction

and steadies

and their meetings



on company-keeping

with non-Catholics

on rhythm

on virginity

on warnings of danger


on marriages based in sex only


how to give

to sex questions; cases

when to give


of motherhood

of need for sex education

of parenthood

of questions

of sex in marriage


over sex education

over sexual temptation


for this book


in children

sexual in marriage


over sex education

over sexual temptation


for this book


in children

sexual in marriage



judging influences

of children

to the body

to confession

to marriage

to obedience and sex

to one's own sex

to original sin

to other sex

to parenthood

of boys

of girls

to sexuality

to temptation and sin

of parents

to children's sins

to children's temptations

to sex ed.



growth of

kinds of





on being in love with love

on shame at being ashamed

on virginity


as occasion of sin


in miscarriage

in sex instruction


attitude toward



control, see Contraception


attitude to another's

attitude to one's own


approach to in sex instruction


to other sex

to own sex

to parenthood

meets girl

psychology of sexual arousal



Calling, see Vocation


on marriage

Caresses, active-passive

Cases for discussion

answering questions

immodesty in general

immodesty, personal

immodesty to others

impurity in action

impurity in desire and thought

warnings of danger


Character, moral

of future spouse

Charts, anatomical



love for

Wisdom on

see Purity


on contraception

on virtue


and sex morality

value of

Coition, coitus

see Intercourse

Communion, Holy

and chastity

and married persons


Pius XII


too early


of future spouse



and sin, and habit of sin

see Penance


and sex instruction



in ability to give sex ed.

in temptation

Confidences, children's


Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

approval of



in discipline

in rules regarding going with others




of erection


and sex ed.

and terminology

Dangers to purity

Hoover, J. Edgar on

Pius XII on


on chastity

on marriage

on modesty

Day-dreams in adolescence


Delegates for sex instruction








express and tacit

norm of


Delivery, see Birth

Desire, impure


and sex ed.


of imagination

Pius XII on

psychology of



object of

see Punishment, Reward


aids, explanation of

cases for, see Cases

necessity of


Doctor and sex ed.

Doctor's games

Dreams, sexual



family life


meaning of

object of

parents and

positive and negative

school and

see Sex education


on petting

Egg cell


of semen



idea of

see Attitudes


of other sex

Erection, sexual

Excommunication for abortion

Family life

courses in



Father and sex ed.

Fatherhood, attitude to


of childbirth

of sex ed., problems

of sin



of temptation





Sodality program


on sex formation among children

on sex information in confessional





approach to in sex instruction

attitudes to


breast feeding


other sex

own sex


meets boy

psychology of sex arousal

God, and sex

love of


Gradualness in sex ed.


and birth pangs

Happiness in being boy or girl

Hobbies and sex

Holy Communion and purity

Honor as reward


on sex dangers


definition of

Pius XII on



control of

sex passion and

Immodest acts



list of lightly

list of seriously




cases of

dangers of

in self

with others

definition of

justifying reasons

principles of

for self

with others

punishment and

why sinful

Impulse, sexual


and punishment

cases of

definition of

moral principles on




St. Paul on


Instruction, meaning

sex, see Sex

Intention, evil

Intercourse, marital

answer to questions on

Interests, intellectual and cultural

JESUS CHRIST, teaching of

on divorce

on marriage

on motherhood

on sins of desire

on violence and the Kingdom

Joy, see Delight

Kindness in sex ed.


on delegates for parents in sex instruction


how to correct in children


and sex education

at marriage

Law, Church (Canon)

on abortion

on mixed marriage

on parental rights

on sex information in the confessional

Length of sex ed. process


on mixed marriages


adolescents and

and purity

and reverence

and romantic day-dreams



expression of in marriage

falling out of

for externals

in love with

of benevolence

of concupiscence

of God as motive

pattern of growth

psychology of


true basis of


on realism


Tobias on

see Impurity


on sex instruction

Marital art, see Intercourse


and expression of love

chastity in

compatibility in

grace of state in


morality in

Pius XII on

propaganda against Christian

purposes of

romantic concept of

sex in

sex reactions in

sex reserved to

St. Paul on

vocation of

Marriage preparation


for whom


parents and

physical examination

qualities of partner




physical attraction

physical fitness


Mary and purity


Maturity and marriage

Menses, see Menstruation


attitude to

and parents

and sex pleasures

Military service

and occasions of sin



and clothing

of dress and honor

Pius XII on

sense of

training in

see Immodesty

Monthlies, see Menstruation

Morality, sexual

and children

double standard

in marriage

of action

of desire

of immodesty for self

of immodesty with others

of petting

of pictures

of seminal emission

of thought


principles in brief

reasons for


Mother and sex education

Motherhood, attitude to



Occasions of sin


"good-time" and

Holy Office on

military service

Pius XII on

schools and

St. Peter on

work and


on sex ed.

on sex in confession

Orders, Holy


Original sin

Pius XI on

see Sin




for children

for premarital information


and adolescents

and example of respect

and gaining confidence

and general education

and marriage preparation

and reasons for not giving sex ed.

and sex education


Pius XII on

and sex information before marriage

and teen-age parties

and warnings of danger

and watchfulness

delegates of

Passion, see Sex



on asceticism in marriage

on impurity

on marriage

on mixed marriage

on original sin

on virginity

Penance, Sacrament of

see Confession, Confessor



by elders

places of




on occasions of sin

on strength against sin



attraction of future spouse

condition and sex passion

examination before marriage

fitness of future spouse


and anatomical charts

and curiosity

and sex ed.

and terminology

before marriage

courses in

evaluation of

exaggerated knowledge of

maximum female

maximum male


order of knowledge

quantity of

reasons for

Pictures, immodest


on contraception

on naturalistic education

on parental obligation

on restraint in marriage

on sex ed.


on condemnation of false sex ed.

on parental obligation

on sex ed.

on warnings of danger

on women


idea of


complete, incomplete



see Masturbation

Positive attitudes



Pregnancy, see Gestation


of chastity and modesty

of healthy, beautiful body

of one's own sex

Priest and sex ed.

Propaganda for impurity



of adolescence

of discipline



of external stimulation

of love

of sex arousal

in boys and girls


and purity and modesty

consistency of

reasons for



dangers to

esteem for

natural reasons for

St. Paul on

see Chastity, Impurity

Purpose of man

Quarrels, family



basic approaches of


child's basic

reasons for not asking

see Answers




Relations, sexual, see Intercourse


and sex ed.

quality of future partner

Repetition in sex ed.

Responsibility, feeling of

for parenthood

for purity of others

for sex ed.



body and

for others

Pius XII on

Von Hildebrand on

Review in sex ed.



in temptation


Russia on sex ed.

Sacraments and chastity


Holy Communion

Holy Orders



Satisfaction, sexual

see also Masturbation, Orgasm


Schools as occasion of sin




Security in adolescence


Self-abuse, see Masturbation


Semen, see Seed

Seminal emission, see Pollution

Sentimentality in marriage






in marriage



shame and, see Shame


meaning of

morality of, see Morality

union, see Intercourse

Sex Education

approval of


condemnations of

Church and

meaning of


objective of

Office, Holy

parents and

physiology and

Pius XI on

Pius XII on

qualities of good

anticipating needs


long range




Russia on

specialists in

sources evil

sources good

vocations and

Sexes, complementary nature of

Sex Instruction


for engaged

meaning of


see Questions

Sex pleasure



control of


physical condition and

rise of

softness of life and


at being ashamed

sex education and

sex in marriage and

sexual sin and



on propaganda


fear of, see Fear

forgiveness of

habit of


occasions of, see Occasions

of immodesty

regarding others

regarding self

of impurity


desire, thought


effects of

purity and

sex and

serious conditions for


Sperm, see Seed

State of life

child and

sex ed., and


Sympathy and sex ed.



place in sex ed.

warnings and


Terms, sexual

Testes, Testicles


on evil

Thought, impure

Thrills, bodily


on lust


Pius XII on




pleasure, see Sex Pleasure



clerical, cloistered

in the world

value of


nature of call

see State of life


on reverence


Warnings of danger




on chastity


Work, as occasion of sin

Worry, and sex ed.