Ignatian Retreat Conferences


Veni Creator, Ave Maris Stella! Invoke St. Joseph, your angel guardian, and your patron saints.

"Spiritual Exercises for learning to conquer one’s self and regulating the whole of one’s life, without taking counsel of any disordered affection" – St. Ignatius

What has God prepared for you in retreat?

A retreat is a time for extra graces, an opportunity to gain great graces from God, graces, which are not available at any other time. God reserves His greatest graces for times when we are more available and responsive to them. Some are reserved for special feasts and solemnities, when Holy Mother Church celebrates the great mysteries of Our Lord’s life on earth. Some are reserved for special places. Holy Mary is our mother and great benefactress; but she has special sanctuaries, e.g., Lourdes or Fatima, to which she attaches her greatest blessings and miracles. The privilege of a retreat is to draw down upon us all the graces of God in their greatest plenitude. "Behold now is the acceptable time: behold now is the day of salvation" [2 Cor. 6, 2].

St. Bernard informs us that it is in retreat that God is always pleased to show His greatest mercies toward men. It was in retreat on Mt. Sinai that Moses received the tables of the law; it was in the retreat of Carmel that Elias received the double spirit which animated him; it was in the retreat of the desert that St. John the Baptist received the fullness of the Spirit of God; it was in retreat that the Apostles received the gifts of the Holy Ghost; it was in retreat that God converted the most illustrious penitents, that He raised up the most fervent apostles of the new law, that He inspired the founders of religious societies; it was in the retreat of Nazareth that Holy Mary became the Mother of God; and it may be said that all the life of Jesus Christ was a retreat.

Be assured that all the graces of God await you on this retreat.

Souls established in virtue need renewing. Your grace will be a renovation of your spiritual life and a rekindling of your fervour.

Souls divided in the service of God. You have now to detach your heart from creatures. "How long do you halt between two sides. If the Lord be God follow Him" [3 Kings 18, 21]. Your grace of retreat will be a grace of detachment.

Souls given to worldly pleasures. One who does not pray, or prays badly? You must return to yourself and to God. For you the grace of retreat will be one of recollection and prayer.

Souls struggling with long and violent temptations. You need strength to resist. "If you return and be quiet you shall be saved: in silence and hope shall your strength be" [Isaiah 30, 15]. For you the grace of retreat will be one of firmness and perseverance.

Are you a soul hardened in sin? Impenitent? A soul struck with blindness and harshness? You require all the graces of God, nothing less will do. This retreat offers them to you, the grace of light on your state, the enormity of your faults, on the greatness of your loss for eternity. A realisation of the judgements of God which await you. The grace of compunction. The grace of a firm resolution. The grace of a real and solid conversion.

This is what God offers you.

What does God ask from you in this retreat?

He demands two things of you, upon which depend all the graces of the retreat. À Recollection of Spirit and Á Perfect docility of heart. If you give God these to the very best of your ability you will benefit greatly from this retreat.

À Recollection of Spirit. You are in retreat to listen to God. "I will hear what the Lord God will speak within me" [Ps 84, 9]. But the voice of God only makes itself heard in the repose and silence of the soul. It is true that the voice of God, once it has penetrated the heart, becomes strong as the tempest and as loud as the thunder; but before that it is as weak as a light breath which scarcely agitates the air. It shrinks from noise and is silent amid agitation. God speaks softly, almost imperceptibly to souls.

"Fly the tumult of the world as much as you can; for treating of worldly affairs hinders very much, even if they are discoursed of with a simple intention. For we are quickly defiled and ensnared with vanity."

– Imitation of Christ

"Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord; and behold the Lord passeth, and a great and strong wind before the Lord overthrowing the mountains, and breaking the rocks in pieces. The Lord is not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake. The Lord is not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire. The Lord is not in the fire. And after the fire a whistling of gentle air… and behold a voice [3 Kings 19, 11 – 13].

The modern world drowns out this voice and who can hear it. We are retreating from the world precisely so that we can hear the voice of God. This week you are giving time only for your soul. That is why you are here. Retire into your heart with God, to meditate, to pray, to weep, to speak to the Lord and to listen to Him. You will not be alone when you are with Him. If you are deprived of the conversation of family and friends, you will enjoy that of the saints, of the angels, of Jesus Christ.

If you have brought a telephone, a word processor, a computer or anything of the sort with you, shut them off. Better, give them to me to remove the temptation. I will return them to you at the end of the retreat. We want both interior silence and exterior silence this week. You are away from the distractions of the world. Put them out of your mind. Do not worry about your home, your family, or your work. There is a time to worry about those things. This is not it. Now, you are going to worry only about your soul.

Á Perfect docility of heart. This comprises three things: fidelity to the rules, especially that of silence; application to the exercises; and obedience to all the movements of grace. Be afraid of refusing anything to God; however small the sacrifice may be, your conversion, your salvation may depend upon that little co-operation with God. A single word of the gospel converted St. Anthony; a word from a sermon converted St. Nicholas Tolentino; a fact of history, a reading a conversation, began the conversion of St. Augustine, of St. Ignatius, of St. Francis Xavier. God wants to change your heart. Most likely He will not do so until you make the proper sacrifice. We do not know which sacrifice this is, it may be a great sacrifice, or it may be a small sacrifice. Therefore, be generous and make every sacrifice God demands of you during this retreat.

Do not be afraid of being too generous with God. Do not be afraid of the sacrifices He may ask of you. Offer God what you can.

You are dust in the hand of God. During this retreat you want to see what kind of dust you are! Your soul at Baptism was spotless and pure, filled with grace and virtues. Now it is covered with sins and scars. Ask God to cure it and restore it to its former beauty.

Ask for Graces!

Understanding: Ask enlightenment.

Memory: Ask God to blot out the memory of the world. He will leave the memory of His mercies that you might bless Him and thank Him. Ask Him to leave the memory of your sins so that you may weep for them.

Heart: Lord, I offer thee my heart; change it by thy grace. "Create a clean heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" [Psalm 1, 12].

This is the time for essentials. How far are you from that relative perfection you should have? "Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." The permanent eternal truths are what we are interested in now. We do not care about things that pass with time. The problems of today, the situation in the world, the crisis in the Church, these things will pass. We are not interested in them now.

À Any exercise or use of your intellect, will, memory or imagination is a spiritual exercise. a ) Rid ourselves of all inordinate attachments; b ) seek and find the will of God in the disposition of our life.

Á Work at the meditations yourself! The retreat master cannot meditate for you!

bulletbullet Great reverence and respect with God. God is God. He is not your buddy.
bulletbullet The exercises have been shortened to five days.

Ä ** Don’t hold back. Do not be afraid of giving God too much. It is impossible. You belong to God, give yourself to Him.

bulletbullet If you are like a block of ice, something is wrong. Don’t go blindfolded, you need feedback. See one of the directors.

11** Mind your own business! Obtain the grace of the meditation. The grace might come during the coffee break. Whenever it comes you must be ready for it. All that is important is the present exercise.

12 Don’t cheat! Each meditation is a full 25 minutes. If you are tempted to cheat, do 26 or 27 minutes. You don’t have to succeed. God doesn’t ask that. He only asks that you do what you can.

13 Don’t let the devil talk you out of working. If he tempts you, after the meditation say a decade of the rosary.

  1. Ask the director before making any vows. They are serious things.
  2. A vocation is a calling from God. We cannot dictate them to each other.

16** Agere contra. We must fight against all inordinate attachments. If inordinately attracted to broccoli, we should have biscuits instead. Strive oppositely to your disordered affections. That is how you will conquer yourself.

17** See one of the priests each day. It is required.

20** SILENCE! Both interior and exterior silence is required. Do not ruin someone else’s retreat.

21** "Spiritual Exercises for learning to conquer one’s self and regulating the whole of one’s life, without taking counsel of any disordered affection."

Spiritual Exercises means it is work. As bodily exercise takes work, spiritual exercise also takes work. As athletes who train regularly can make great physical efforts with relative ease, so those who have developed their powers of soul can with greater ease exercise them. However, the souls of all of us are capable of great things. Every activity of the soul is a spiritual exercise. The powers of the soul, the memory, the intellect, the will, and the imagination will be exercised. During the retreat you need to use them all.

To conquer one’s self. That is why you are here. Today people do not want to conquer themselves: Shut off the TV! You cannot. Control your anger! You cannot. Control your diet! You cannot. There are many other things where we lack control. The first battle is against yourself. Once you conquer yourself, you are free. The heart goes one way; the head goes the other. You are divided. It is exactly the same when the wife, the heart of the family, and the husband, the head of the family are in opposition. Heart Head Wife Husband this is no good. The Intellect must control. The head must govern.

Regulate the whole of one’s life without taking account of any disordered affection.

Well-ordered means that we make use of creatures for the end for which they have been created and in the measure demanded by this end.

Ill-ordered means that we make use of creatures for an end for which they have not been made, or that we use them in a way other than that demanded by the Creator’s purpose, even though such a use may not be against the nature of the creature itself.

We want to act in everything according to the end for which God has created us, and in the measure demanded by Him. In this way, and this is the only way, we will fulfil God’s plan in our regard, arrive at the summit of perfection and lead well-ordered lives.

This is what makes you free. The intellect, in submission to the law of God judges, this is good or this is bad. The will naturally wants what is good. You either want or don’t want what the intellect provides for your consideration. Sometimes here there is warfare. The intellect tells me biscuits are bad for me. The will wants them anyway. The will only wants what is good. It is judging the biscuits from a different point of view than the intellect. I have a disordered affection for biscuits. Can I control myself? Can I regulate my life without taking account of this disordered affection? Can I refuse the biscuits? We are going to conquer ourselves this week! Those who have not conquered themselves are slaves. Today people prefer to be slaves. Once we conquer ourselves we will be truly free, perhaps for the first time.

  1. We need to have trust and confidence in each other. Be truthful when you speak to the priests and count on them to speak the truth to you.

Principle and Foundation #1

Principle: A fundamental truth or law as the basis for reasoning or action. We need to have some truths by which we govern our lives. Our generation does not believe this. A truth is something absolute and unchanging. For 200 years mankind has been rebelling against being governed my absolute principles. Freedom of speech reduces all truths to opinion. Political correctness is a reaction to free speech that says some opinions are not tolerable. Opinions are not solid. They cannot be foundations by which one can live. Society has become a floating mass. We wait a principle by which we can govern our lives.

Foundation: Deep and solid. We are not going to build on sand. St. Ignatius received this from the Blessed Virgin Mary herself. The end of man. Why did God make me? Everything else depends on this.

p. 12 "Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save His soul."

We need to be firmly convinced of this truth. This is the first principle for our intellect. The foundation is the basis for the whole spiritual edifice. If we are not convinced of this truth we will fail. We must regulate our life by this first principle. All the rest of the retreat is only a consequence of the principle and foundation. This first principle is true whether I believe it or not. If we are convinced of this truth we will have a successful retreat. If we are not we will be wasting our time.

In this exercise it is necessary to know thoroughly the end for which God created us. To resolve generously to make sacrifice of everything which can divert us from this end, and to look with indifference on everything but that which leads to it. And even to carry our heroism so far as to choose whatever brings us to it most rapidly and surely, be the cost ever so great.

Why did God make me? Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God! The object of our meditation today is to understand this truth. Why did God make me? We are not especially concerned with exciting gratitude to God for our creation. We want to see what our purpose, our end is. We want to look on the benefits of God as so many means for obtaining that end. Is this the end we have followed? Have we used creatures to help us to reach this end?

Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God! One hundred years ago you were nothing. Everything else around you existed. You did not! No one except for God thought of you. You were nothing. It is amidst nothingness that you would have had to been sought. You did not happen by chance! You are not an accident of some cosmic burp. Your parents did not give you existence. Mrs. Maccabee wisely told her sons: "No, it was not I who gave you mind and soul; it was the creator of the world" [2 Mach. 7, 22]. Did you cause yourself? When you were nothing, you were capable of nothing. Of course you did not cause yourself. Now you exist. You, exactly as you are. God planned every detail of you. He thought of you eternally! He created you at a particular time. He continually keeps you in existence. You have a body and a soul. Only God gave you existence.

The body we care for that always. It demands care. You eat, drink, sleep, and wash. The body will decompose. It will return to dust. Remember, man that thou art dust and onto dust thou shalt return! Your soul is eternal. It has no parts. It is not composed. It cannot decompose. The soul is capable of knowing many things. We can even know God, who is T . Thus, your soul has an T capacity to know. You can know God! It is a great gift. The soul is both finite and T . Finite in itself, infinite in its depths to know God! The animals cannot know God.

First Truth: God Made Me!

Consider the circumstances of your creation!

  1. God created you out of His pure love. He had no need of you. You are not necessary to His happiness. I have loved thee with an everlasting love (Jer. 31, 3).
  2. God determined from eternity to create you. You were nothing and God thought of you.
  3. God could have created millions of other creatures instead of you. They will forever remain in nothingness, because He chose you.
  4. God made you the noblest creature of the material creation. Your soul is in His image. You are different from the lower creatures. They are pre-programmed robots. They cannot choose what they are going to do. God gave you a free will. This is a dangerous thing. Liberty is not the right to choose between good and evil. This is a terrible abuse. God punishes evil. God rewards good. Therefore, we are not at liberty to choose evil.

    God created you for one reason: That you might be happy with Him forever. However, God does not force heaven upon us. He did not create your free will uselessly. He must give you a chance to use it.

  5. He continues His creation of you. Existence is a gift from God. He chose to give it to you, and now must continue to give it to you lest you return to nothingness.

Second Truth: I belong to God

I come from God; therefore I belong to God. God is my Creator therefore He is my Lord and Master. The workman has dominion over his product. God has dominion over me. Creation is a whole. We are different parts of a whole; we must each do our own duty to make creation work. We must do OUR duty. God loves each and every person differently. God is a racist. He is a sexist. He discriminates. Each of us must be malleable in the hands of God. God’s grace is always to do the duty that He has given you. You will be happiest by doing what God wants you to do. Either heaven or hell will be the result.

God will never replace you. We are not mass-produced! You have a role to fulfil in creation that no one else can do. If you fail, God changes the program and Creation as a whole works better. He only allows evil for a greater good. It turns out better for creation, but not better for the one who brought about the evil. Judas’ betrayal was not good for Judas. He sinned. He did not do his duty. God had a different plan. Judas’ betrayal brought about the Redemption of mankind. Where sin did abound grace did more abound.

Lord, What do you want me to do?

Praise, Reverence and Serve God!

The purpose of our life is to be happy here on earth doing the will of our Creator, and to be happy in heaven united to the one who satisfies all of our desires. We come from God, we are for God, and we go to God. God is in the beginning; God is in the middle, God at the end.

Praise: Praise God, not merely in words. This consists in offering ourselves completely, totally and without limits to the One who created us and Who is our Father. To give God homage, to adore Him and to praise Him: We do this especially by prayer. The first purpose of our prayer must be to praise the Holy Trinity. To give glory to God. To recognise His wisdom and infinite power. This is the work of the saints and angels in heaven. When you say the Glory Be, or when you genuflect, do you praise God?

Reverence: This is not the same as praise. To reverence is to recognise God’s supreme excellence. That God is above everything and everyone. To reverence God we must put ourselves in a position where we recognise that God has a supreme influence in our lives. We acknowledge that He is the beginning and end of all things. We submit to Him. We order our actions toward God. What I do is done for God.

Serve: This is more difficult. God has absolute dominion over us. That is why we serve Him. To serve Him with joy. To serve God with dedication. To serve God without complaining. To serve God my making yours His holy will.

These dispositions must be in every single man. Not only pious souls, not only Christians, every single man in history is created to praise, reverence and serve God. This must be done in God’s way, not your way. This is the only explanation for your existence. Men who refuse to accept this truth, which is the majority of mankind, cannot explain their existence. They don’t know why they are here! We have the answer. Do we put it into practice? How much of your life do you spend in praising, reverencing and serving God? Is your life an act of praise; of reverence; and of service of the Holy Trinity? This is the only work really worthy of us. How great is our soul! We will only realise in eternity what great gift God gave us by making us in His image. We are called to know God in a supernatural fashion, to love Him as He loves Himself.

Most Catholics do not have a spiritual life. They only go through the motions. Most pious Catholics only have a superficial spiritual life. We only scratch the surface of the depths of our soul. How miserable we our.

Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul.

Our beginning: God, Who has created us.

Our time on earth: praising, reverencing and serving God.

In the end: to save our soul.

We come from God, we belong to God, we will go back to God. Worldly souls cannot understand this. We have the answer to the most important question that can be asked and no one wants to hear. We should thank God that we are willing to hear these words. Thank God for giving us the grace of our Holy Catholic Faith, which enlightens the whole way of our life. Thank God for our baptism, which turned on the life of our soul. Our Faith and our Baptism enable us to understand these truths and see how to apply them to our lives. We can never be grateful enough for our baptism. Grateful that we are keeping our faith in this present storm. The Church was made by this God Who created us. The work of the Church is to preserve the work of God. It’s work is to teach every man to praise, reverence and serve God, so that they might save their souls.

God is eternal and does not change. The Church of God cannot change in fulfilling Her mission. The way that our ancestors praised, reverenced and served God is that same way that we must praise, reverence and serve Him. No one can change this.

If we can save our soul, then we can also lose it. How important is your soul? Hell exists, therefore your soul is very important. The reward for praising, reverencing and serving God on earth is heaven. God Himself is our reward. The alternative is Hell. Union with God or separation from God forever. Joy or suffering. These are the alternatives. Your soul is very important. Your whole life must be lived in a manner so that you might save your soul.

This truth, that man is created to praise, reverence and serve God, is the one that must govern your life. Are you convinced of this? You are dust in the hand of God. We want to see what kind of dust you are.


Principle and Foundation #2 [23, nos. 3-5]

  1. Introduction
    1. Welcome – Congratulations for coming. A great grace. God has called you here. He wants to speak to you here. It is an occasion for incredible graces, if you cooperate. It is like an insurance policy for eternity.
    2. Condition – You must follow the rules of the game!
      1. Silence – lips, mind, eyes (Johnny & blind man story?)
      2. Attend conferences, do meditations
      3. Consult priest/deacon daily
    3. Recap – We have not chosen our parents, our physical features, etc. It has all been determined by God. He too has determined our end, the reason for our existence. He created us for a purpose – our happiness in Heaven for all eternity. Nothing else matters.
  2. Preludes
    1. Mental image = the rat race. Look at the world from 10,000 ft. There is incessant motion, like an anthill. But where are people going, what are they doing? Unlike ants, they have been given free will and the opportunity to possess God in Heaven. Of all their actions, the only ones that count for anything are the ones that move them toward their goal. (Christopher Reeve story?)
    2. Grace = holy detachment & indifference, a willingness to accept any means that will bring me to my goal.
  3. Point 1 – Everything comes from God. God is infinitely good and created us to attain Heaven. è Everything on this earth was created to help us get to Heaven. Man is the crown of creation. Everything is for him. Everything is a Means. A means is like a bridge to help me progress from one point to another en route to my goal. Things can be means in three ways: a) Revealing God’s glory; b) Usefulness, need, pleasure; c) Occasion of sacrifice.
    What a consolation it is that God has created all to help us get to Heaven. There is only one goal that is important in life, yet everything in life can help us accomplish that goal! Salvation is easy!
  4. Point 2 – Proper use of means: Our only interest is to get to Heaven. Everything else does not matter. Hence, all of these means are only useful insofar as they help us to this end, no more, no less.
    Problem: God has established an order, the proper way of doing things. The means He provides us to save our souls are only good insofar as we use them for that end. Our tendency is use and appreciate the means only when they prove pleasing to us, not as they give glory to God. Otherwise, we avoid them, despise them, complain, etc. Also, we abuse means, causing them to lead us away from God and to damnation rather than salvation.
    Example: If we are on a decathlon, we do not continue to take the rope with us after we have climbed the mountain, or the canoe after we have crossed the river, etc. They slow us down, they are a burden, they hinder us from reaching our goal. So, too, if our food goes beyond nourishing our body so as to fixate our attention and interest, then it is getting in the way of us reaching heaven. Same with a woman, a drinking habit, etc. Men especially easily become attached to creatures and give them a value out of proportion with their real worth. We must learn to let go.
  5. Point 3 – Indifference: If we are serious about reaching our goal, if it means more to us than anything else, then we will welcome any and every means to reach that goal. Even more, we will want to use the best means available. e.g. A man in a hurry to reach Alaska, if given choice among boat, train, car, airplane, walking, etc. will choose quickest and best way, regardless of inconvenience. e.g. Merchant in Gospel wants the pearl of great price, salvation, and sells everything to obtain it. Martyrs gave up honor, family, house, & life itself.
    How valuable is the salvation of your soul? Are you willing to take the means, to pay the price necessary, to sell what you have? Which means are you going to choose to reach your end? They must be the best! Which are the best means? Those God has chosen for us. He is in control of all things and His Providence is directing our lives. We must be indifferent:
    Health vs. Sickness Riches vs. Poverty
    Honor vs. Dishonor Long life vs. Short Life
    Would I be willing to be blinded? to stub my toe? etc.
    Trust in God. Thank Him for everything that happens to you. e.g. weather. Everyone must endure crosses in this vale of tears. Either we accept them gladly – this makes us happy and draws us closer to God – or we fight them and God at the same time. Be in control. We must have dominion over ourselves, deciding issues according to our intellect, not according to our passions and senses. That is how animals behave.
  6. Colloquy – 1) Humble yourself and acknowledge your blindness in fighting trials. Thank God for His goodness toward you, in giving you all of these means, crosses and blessings. 2) Resolve to fight against ourselves, to overcome self-love & sensuality, to do whatever it takes to draw close to God, to attain salvation, to use violence even. 3) Write down your thoughts and resolutions, inspirations and graces.


Principle and Foundation #3


This principle and foundation has two principles and four conclusions. We have seen the two principles, now we need to be convinced of the conclusions following therefrom. Together they form the foundation for our spiritual life.


    1. Man is to make use of creatures insofar as they help him to attain his end
    2. He must rid himself of them insofar as they are a hindrance to him
    3. Therefore, we must make ourselves indifferent to all created things
    4. We should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honour to dishonour, etc.

Our one desire and choice should be what is more conducive to the end for which we are created.

Why is it difficult to praise, reverence and serve God? We have a fallen nature. Baptism does not take away all of the effects of Original Sin. Owing to our concupiscence we will always experience real difficulty in attaining our end. Our fallen nature has small attraction for the supernatural. Our sensuality continually urges us to use creatures in an ill-ordered way.

Indifference pertains to the will. It does not mean apathy. It is not an attitude that: I don’t care. It is the willed determination to use in every instance only that which is most conducive to our end. It implies an effective renunciation of all that is not God or that does not lead to God.

Ignatian Indifference does not mean to will nothing. Like a coiled spring the will retains all of its energy and waits to spring into action. It means deliberately not to will anything as long as God’s approval is not evident. It excludes preferences based on reasons other than the will of God.

À You are created for God!

Á All other things are created for you, to help you to return to God.

Therefore, nature is a tool for you. You must find God in the contemplation of other creatures. Everything can be used for your salvation, to help you to praise, reverence and serve God. Even the enemies of our soul, the world, the flesh and the devil are tools for our salvation.

À Motives for indifference as regards God

I belong to God and He has absolute dominion over me. He created me for a purpose. I am obliged to fulfil the purpose of my creation. Without this indifference I will act contrary to the will of God and withdraw myself from the dominion that He by rights has over me. I dispose of my affections according to my will, not according to His adorable will. I usurp the rights of God by deciding for myself what I want.

My faith and my reason teach me that God is so perfect that He ought to be loved above all things, and that nothing ought to be loved except for His sake. Without this indifference, how should I love God? How should I love creatures? I would love creatures for themselves, for the pleasures that I derive from them; soon, perhaps, I should love them above God Himself. Is not this the great disorder of my past life? Is it not the lack of this indifference that has almost destroyed the love of God in my heart?

God is my infinitely wise, infinitely good, infinitely powerful Father. He provides for me. He created me for Himself and never ceases to direct me toward my end. Can I fear that this providence is unwilling or unable to procure my good? Absolutely not! Without this indifference I upset the whole plan of this providence. Perhaps God has deprived me of health, honour, fortune, and pleasure; perhaps He has sent me sickness, poverty or tribulation. Is not what God wants best? God wants me to be happy forever with Him. He knows how I can most easily achieve that happiness.

Á Motives for Ignatian Indifference as regards myself

This indifference is required for me to acquire solid virtue. What is virtue, but the spirit of sacrifice? "If any man will come after me, let Him deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow Me" (Luke 9, 23). If there is not indifference there can be no spirit of sacrifice. There will not be any supernatural virtues. Natural virtues are not sufficient to merit salvation.

Without this indifference there is no true peace of heart. With this indifference, how content we are. "The Lord rules me, I shall want nothing." (Psalm 22, 1). This indifference brings true joy, even in the midst of tribulations.

Many perils threaten your salvation – perils from the world, perils from the devil, perils from yourself – from the imagination, the heart, the memory, the senses; perils from without – from friends, from business, from pleasure, from work, from solitude, from society. All these perils can be reduced to one – to the making a bad use of creatures. Force thyself to arrive at a perfect indifference and your salvation is assured. St. Paul gives us the example of the clay, which allows the potter to make whatever he wants out of it. Are you like clay in the hands of God? Or do you rebel against His designs? Raise your eyes higher. The angels take their delight in standing by the throne of God singing Holy, Holy, Holy, without end, or they will leave heaven to watch over one of us, and guide us through this life. Take the example of Jesus Christ, whose only nourishment was to do the will of God. "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me" (John 4, 34).

Man is at the certain of the material creation. The ancients considered the universe as a system of concentric circles, with man at the centre and God above all.

Natural World = the creation of God

Artificial World = the creation of man using the creation of God

Social World = areas where we relate with other people, e.g., family, work, school, the club…

Cultural World = whatever makes up our own civilisation, i.e., language, music, dance…

Supernatural World = prayer, the sacraments…

The whole universe is here, not so that we can praise, reverence and serve it, but so that we can use it to praise, reverence and serve God. "All other things on the face of the earth are created for man’s sake; to help him achieve the purpose for which he is created."

We cannot do anything without being in one of these worlds. They help us to go to God, or they make such a journey difficult or impossible, i.e., they help us to praise, reverence and serve God, or hinder us from doing so. This leads us directly to the first two conclusions of St. Ignatius. These conclusions necessarily follow from the principals.

    1. Man is to make use of creatures insofar as they help him to attain his end
    2. He must rid himself of them insofar as they are a hindrance to him

      These are the rules for the use of creatures. Everything is a step that can lead us to God or that can separate us from Him. A healthy spiritual life, the advice of our confessor; and the spiritual practices of a daily examination of conscience and an annual retreat will help us to understand which steps we should take and which persons, circumstances, etc., are obstacles. We will save our soul by doing God’s will. Everything, without exception, must be used in a way in which it helps us to be closer to God.

      Some things are good in themselves: to go to Mass, to say a prayer, an act of Charity or virtue. These lead to God. We must take these steps when we have an opportunity.

      Other things are obstacles: a lie, impiety, gluttony, impurity, impatience, etc. These we must avoid.

      There is a grey area of indifferent things. By themselves they do not have any positive or negative value. We may turn them to good or bad depending upon our intention and the use we make of them. Here we have very many opportunities of honouring God or offending God.

      God hates every disorder. He hates every abuse of His creatures, but He has forbidden those which are obviously an offence to Him. This does not mean that what is not a sin is good. We can abuse creatures. For example: I decide to wear my good Sunday suit to paint the house. I need to change the oil in my motorcycle. It is raining so I bring it in the house, into the living room, on my mother’s new carpet. These things are not sins, but something is definitely wrong. They are serious disorders. Everyday we find ourselves in circumstances in which a small disorder happens. God hates all disorders, even those He hasn’t forbidden. God dislikes everything that is against His intention. Those that are against reason He forbids. Every use of creatures must be ordained to the purpose of our existence. We must understand the value of everything under the light of eternity. This does not mean look at things and say: This is forbidden, that is not forbidden. This is a sin, that is not a sin. Rather, we want to think: Is this what God wants? Is this what God likes? Is this pleasing to God? Is this going to help be fulfil God’s goal for me? Is it for this that I have been created, or for greater things?

      Sursum Corda!

    3. Therefore, we must make ourselves indifferent to all created things
    4. We should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honour to dishonour, a long life to a short life. The same holds for all other things.

Our one desire and choice should be what is more conducive (i.e., best suited) to the end for which we are created.

This is what the saints do. They choose what is best for their salvation. Before every decision is taken, every time we face a choice let us ask ourselves: What is this for my eternity? How does this help my eternity?

This company, is it helping me spiritually or hindering me? It may not be sinful, but it can still be an obstacle to my salvation. This attachment to this person, or place, or thing, or job, or situation, or activity, is it a help or an obstacle to my salvation.

These few sentences explain everything that is deep and important.

The main business is to save your soul. Therefore St. Ignatius teaches us that we must desire only that which is more conducive to our salvation. Right now, am I doing what is best suited to enable me to praise, reverence and serve God? This is the logical conclusion of the principles, which are clearly true, that St. Ignatius has given us. Clearly, this principle and foundation, must be the guide for our whole life.

bulletbullet However, we can make another conclusion: Because of our concupiscence we shall always experience real difficulty in attaining our end. Our fallen nature has small attraction for the supernatural. It is not the creatures’ fault, but our sensuality continually urges us to use them in an ill-ordered manner.
bulletbullet Indifference pertains to the will. It is the willed determination to use in every instance only that which is most conducive to our end. It implies an effective renunciation of all that is not God or that does not lead to God.
bulletbullet It means that we deliberately do not will anything as long as God’s approval is not evident. Preferences based on reasons other than the will of God are excluded.
bulletbullet Indifference is compatible with adverse feelings and sensible repugnance. But St. Ignatius wishes our indifference to overflow into our sensibility also. Nothing violent can endure. A soul that is continually battling against adverse feelings will not long persevere. This does not mean that the soul cannot react and perform isolated acts in the face of the most violent repugnance. But is impossible to remain long indifferent in such conditions. Hence, the effort by St. Ignatius to eliminate all ill-ordered affections, or at least their active expression. The affections must support the will. That is why St. Ignatius says, desiring only. The will must bring the feelings into line.
bulletbullet Ignatian Indifference presupposes that we know the norm of order, and are firmly convinced of its necessity, i.e., we know the catechism and what we are supposed to be doing. We are not indifferent as to the end for which we were created. Indifference only concerns the use of creatures.
bulletbullet St. Ignatius notes:
    1. We must become indifferent, implying that it is difficult to be so.
    2. We must be indifferent to all created things, therefore it is a most general principle.
    3. We must incline toward what is most repugnant, in order to achieve a balance.

To resolve before hand to choose on every occasion that which most conduces to our end, …is the only truly effective disposition of mind. It is the disposition of men who are consistent, prompt and successful in their enterprises. This is the way we normally act when we intend to achieve something: we turn to the means at hand which lead us most efficaciously and rapidly to our goal.

If we are attracted by this and make it our highest ideal, we will strive after it in the most effective way.

We want also returned to us the gift of integrity. We want to regain that integrity that Adam and Eve lost in the garden of paradise. The bible teaches that when God made Adam and Eve, they were very good. Adam was subject to God, in his higher faculties. His lower faculties were subject to his higher faculties. Original Sin caused a universal rebellion. Our goal is to put this rebellion down.




Adam Heart a hierarchy



Preparatory prayer: Offer yourself to God

First Prelude:

Second Prelude: Ask for the grace to understand the truths of the principle and foundation. You want to be firmly convinced of these truths so that you will have the courage to put them into practice. This is what the entire retreat is about. Dear God make me indifferent to all creatures, so that I may only will what you will.

First Point: God’s dominion, His perfection, and His providence demand this indifference

Second Point: I need this indifference to acquire solid virtue, to ensure peace of heart, to ensure my salvation.

Rules for the practice of Ignatian Indifference

    1. In the use of creatures, only esteem and desire what leads to God, all the rest is useless for God’s glory and my salvation.
    2. In the use of creatures firmly resolve to fly from all that God forbids – mortal sin, venial sin and all the occasions of sin. "Fear God and keep His commandments."
    3. In the case of indifferent creatures, we must cease to feel indifference toward them only as it accords with the rule of the Will of God, and His good pleasure.

Examples of Indifference

À Our Lord’s Agony in the Garden with its conquered repugnance is an excellent example of Ignatian Indifference. Matt. 26, 36-46; Mark 14, 32-42; Luke 22, 40-46; John 18, 1-2

Á The attitude of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when Gabriel announce the Incarnation to her is an example of the Indifference that we want to have. Luke 1, 26-38

End by reciting the Our Father


St. Anthony Mary Claret’s Instructions on how to make a Meditation

Preparatory Prayer before each Meditation

My Lord and my God, I believe most firmly that Thou art here present.

I adore Thee, my God, with complete surrender and affection of my heart, and I humbly beseech Thee to pardon all my sins.

I offer Thee, my Lord and Father, this meditation, and I hope that Thou will grant me the graces necessary for making a good meditation. For this same purpose, I turn to Thee, Most Holy Virgin, to the angels and saints, so that Thou wilt intercede for me and obtain for me what I need in order to make this meditation fruitfully. Amen.

First Prelude – The composition of place, which varies with each meditation.

Second Prelude – consists in asking for the grace, not in general, as in the preparatory prayer, but for the special grace, according to the matter of the meditation. This prayer is given at the beginning of each meditation.

Body of the Meditation – thinking about the points of the meditation, slowly and with frequent pauses, looking at it as coming from God, and applying these points to the present state of the soul, from which will be seen those things which should be amended, reformed or improved. Thus seeing oneself one makes practical resolutions, and following these, the supplication and colloquies, now to our Lord, the Son of God, now to the Eternal Father, now to our Lady, in order to obtain the suitable grace for doing what is intended and for everything desired.

Concluding Prayer at the end of each Meditation

Thanksgiving – I give Thee thanks, my God, for the good thoughts, affections and inspirations which Thou hast communicated to me in this meditation.

Offering – I offer Thee the resolutions which I have formed in the meditation, and I beseech Thee, grant me the most efficacious grace to put them into practice, and to this purpose I beg Thee, Mary, my Mother, the angels and saints, especially those to whom I am particularly devoted that you intercede for me and obtain for me this grace. Amen.

Examination after each Meditation

  1. Before beginning the mediation, have I reflected on where it was going and for what purpose?
  2. Have I begun it with the efficacious desire to perform it well, and profit from it?
  3. Have I anticipated beforehand the resolutions I should have been making and the special graces for which I should have been asking?
  4. Have I strengthened my faith in the presence of God, believing that I was going to speak with the same God?
  5. Have I offered the meditation to Him and have I asked for the grace to perform it fruitfully?
  6. Have I neglected the composition of place?
  7. Have I considered with care the points, thinking that God was speaking to me, and have I applied what I was reading to the present state of my soul?
  8. Have I drawn up practical resolutions?
  9. Have I kept a suitable composure of body?
  10. Have I allowed myself to be overcome by drowsiness or laziness?
  11. Have I given place to useless thoughts?
  12. Have I become over-proud from feeling holy?
  13. Have I become anxious through dryness or desolation?
  14. Have I omitted colloquies or supplications?
  15. Have I dwelled upon discursive thoughts or other operations of the intellect for too long a time?
  16. Have I paused too little in motions of the affections?
  17. Have I shortened the meditation for reasons of dryness, temptations or other pretexts?
  18. What resolutions have I drawn up?
  19. Have I asked for the grace and other necessities for this purpose?
  20. Have I omitted to pray for those to whom I am obligated and for the whole Church?

If we find that we have failed, we should seek forgiveness and make a firm purpose of amendment; and if we do not discover any faults, we will give thanks to God for that. Finally, let us recall whatever in the meditation moved us most, and place it in our heart to be recalled throughout the day.

Examining ourselves after the meditation is most useful, in order to gain fruit from our prayer and to learn the practical way of doing it; consequently it is always wise to make this examination, not only at the time of the Spiritual Exercises, but also every day of the year.



Additional Directions (73 – 76)

We need a method for our meditation because we are weak. If we are having distractions or difficulties we must fall back on the method so as not to waste our time.

  1. Preludes of Meditation
    1. Presence of God
      1. Take the space of an Our Father
      2. Special presence if we our in the state of grace
      3. Real presence in the chapel
    2. General Offering
      1. Ourselves to God
      2. In particular the next 20 minutes
    3. Composition of place
      1. The imagination makes a picture of the subject of meditation
    4. Particular petition
      1. Ask for the particular grace that I am looking for.


  2. Body of the Meditation
    1. Memory – recalls what are the points
    2. Intellect – turns it over and reflects
    3. Will – forms affections
      1. Can be a petition (make lots of petitions)
      2. Adoration
      3. Contrition
      4. Thanksgiving


  3. Colloquy
    1. Talk to God, Jesus Christ or His Blessed Mother
    2. End with a Hail Mary or an Our Father


  4. Write some notes, write what you what to remember


  5. Examination of the meditation



Triple Sin (45 – 54)

Preparatory Prayer = short and quick, but very important

1st, 2nd, and 3rd sins. There is a God; we have a soul made for God. We must be indifferent to things so they help me to save my soul.

First Prelude: Make a mental image of the place. This is a means to avoid distractions, the background of the meditation. We are mortal beings, therefore we will die. Sin is the death of the soul, a corruption of the soul. My immortal soul is in this corruptible body. Adam was destined to live forever. "By one man sin entered the world, and by sin death." Now we will all die. We are on this earth, rightly called a "valley of tears." Ecône is in the Rhone River valley. It begins as a trickle and becomes a raging torrent. We are in the "valley of tears." The cause of the tears was one little tear, and now because of our sins it is a valley of tears.

Among brutes, i.e., ignorant, irrational animals. Sin is a brutal, irrational action.

Second Prelude: Ask for shame and confusion for my sins. An ever increasing and intense sorrow and tears for our sins. Sin is the big obstacle to the salvation of my soul. Sin is the only obstacle to sanctity.

We want to have some understanding of what sin is. The Catholic Church alone has the proper picture of things. Only the Catholic Church understands man’s purpose in the world. Almighty God has a plan for creation. You are part of that plan. We are free. God doesn’t force us to follow His plan. We try to tell Almighty God a better way. Men trying to tell Almighty God the rules. We cannot do a better job then God does.

What is sin? Modern man teaches that there is no sin. The concept of sin that the Saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord had is incomprehensible to our generation. Men do not understand. Sin is an offence against Almighty God. It is a disorder against Almighty God and it will be punished with an eternal hell. Sin has eternal consequences.

First Point – The sin of the fallen angels. St. Ignatius wants us to apply our memory, our intellect and our will to each of the points of the meditation. We use the powers of our soul. These are spiritual exercises.

Angels are pure spirits, free from the bonds of a body. They have no needs of the body to worry about. They do not need to provide themselves with food, clothing or shelter. They are the most perfect works of God’s creation. Their intelligence is far more powerful than human intelligence. We are obliged to reason, angels know thinks intuitively and instantly. They were made good. God gave them innocent upright wills, with a powerful inclination toward good. On the contrary, because of Original Sin, we have an inclination toward evil. They were created with sanctifying grace and capable of knowing and loving God. Lucifer was their chief. Lucifer had the greatest and most perfect nature that God created. The prophet Ezechiel describes him: "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation until iniquity was found in thee."

These noble spirits had liberty. God gave them a trial. The reward was to be the beatific vision. To know and love God as He is in Himself. What the trial was is disputed. St. Bonaventure says that they became dazzled by their own perfection, and that their sin was a kind of idolatry of themselves. St. Thomas teaches that God revealed to them the future grandeur of the Incarnation, and had commanded them to adore the God-Man; and their crime was a resistance to this command of God.

Lucifer was the first to raise the standard of rebellion; he declared himself a rival of God, and he drew a third of the angels into his rebellion. Consider the circumstances of his rebellion.

  1. A sin of revolt against God. Your sins are also rebellions against God.
  2. A sin committed in Heaven. "Thou wert in the delights of paradise, and thou did sin" (Exech. 28, 13-16). You are in the land of the saints on earth, in the Church of God, how many times have you committed sin.
  3. A sin committed against great lights. He was full of wisdom, perfect in beauty and he sinned. And you have sinned against the brightest lights of faith.
  4. A sin committed after great benefits received. Your sins are against your greatest benefactor. How ungrateful are you.
  5. A sin of scandal. How many souls have your sins drawn down?

Was this sin serious? Look at the reaction. The punishment was instantaneous. The justice of God strikes them like a thunderbolt. God created hell because of this sin! The cause is greater than the effect. How terrible is sin? Sin is a serious business. They were cast into the depths of hell and in the midst of flames to be punished for eternity for the crime of a moment. A terrible revolution took place in their whole being. In their intelligence no thoughts except for those of crime. In their will, a desire only for evil. Their only work is now to pervert or torment souls. Their destiny is supreme misery for eternity. How far did the fallen angels fall. Reflect on the justice of God. He has no regard for the number of the guilty. Millions of millions of angels were condemned to the fires of hell forever. God does not respect persons. Lucifer’s great dignity did not prevent him from being punished. God’s justice does not regard the love He formerly had for Lucifer and his angels. His justice strikes without pity, yet it is the first sin of the angels and their only sin.

Sin is a greater evil than Hell! It is more terrible than Hell!

Second Point – Adam and Eve. They were given at least the one commandment. Do not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat it you will die the death. God is God.

Eve is tempted. She discusses with the devil. This is imprudence. Why did she listen to his lies? She sins. It was a sin of pride. You will be as gods. It was of course a lie. We will know everything and we will not need anyone. We can be independent. No, dad I don’t need you. I don’t need you Almighty God.

Adam commits an ordinary kind of sin. He puts first things second and second things first. Eve is a better friend than Almighty God is. I love my wife more than I love you Almighty God. It was an ordinary simple kind of sin, of pride and of human respect. Adam did not want to correct Eve. Contempt of God was also involved. Adam knew that he was breaking God’s commandment and he did it anyway. It was a deliberate sin. He was not deceived by the devil. He knew that God had said, "The day you eat that fruit you will die the death." He knew it was true. Yet he still ate the forbidden fruit.

The torrent that flowed from this sin shows how horrible it was. 6000 years later we still suffer from it. The majority of mankind have died and gone to Hell because of this sin.

This commandment of God was not difficult. Adam and Eve also had great intelligence; they were given great graces. They did not suffer from concupiscence or an inclination to evil. All these difficulties we have with spiritual things are a consequence of this sin. Adam was blind to the known truth. When you sin, are you not also blind? How many deliberate sins do we commit?

Adam was deprived of grace and original justice. He had been a child of God; he became a child of wrath. The wounds of Original Sin struck his soul. His mind, which had been filled with great knowledge and lights, was now given up to doubts and uncertainty. His heart lost its inclination to good and was now obliged to struggle against his passions. His conscience had lost its innocence and its peace and is now tormented by remorse. These are the fruits of sin.

The rebellion in nature: freezing cold, excessive heat, storms, the revolt of the animals, the sterility of the earth, which of itself produces only thorns and thistles. These are the fruits of sin.

God’s anger poured vengeance for this sin on all of Adam’s descendants. Pestilence, famine, wars, crime, murders, violence, social miseries. These are the fruits of sin. Sickness and death are the fruits of sin.

All this is the consequence of Adam’s sin! It doesn’t seem like that serious of a sin to us. Adam was told not to eat some fruit. He et it. How many times are children told not to eat something and they eat it? We consider it a little sin. Look at the consequences of Adam’s sin! Was it serious? It was most serious. Adam and Eve were obliged to do penance for 900 years for their sin. Adam sinned before Christ died on the cross for Him.

Jesus Christ has proven His love for you. He became man for you. Are your sins serious? They most definitely are. All sin is serious. Sin is an offence against Almighty God. It is a misuse of creatures that is especially forbidden by Him. It is a great disorder in creation.

SIN = a thought, word, deed or omission contrary to the law of God. God considers sin to be very serious indeed.

3rd Point – Consider a person who was condemned to Hell for one mortal sin.

St. Ignatius is not making this up. There are souls in Hell who have committed only one serious sin. St. John Bosco in a vision saw a boy go to hell for one mortal sin. He never repented. There are other such stories in the lives of the saints. There is a story of a five year old boy who was condemned to hell after one mortal sin. Today they don’t have first confession before first communion, they claim that children cannot sin. This is not true. Any parent knows that their children can sin. Two and three year olds know when they have done something wrong. You can see the guilt in their cute little faces.

There is a story of a very good boy. He committed one mortal sin, but was ashamed to confess it to his parish priest. He had a very good reputation. All of the people considered him to be a saint. He decided to join a monastery. He thought, when I join the monastery I will be asked to make a general confession. I will confess this sin then. However, his reputation preceded him to the monastery and he was never asked to make a general confession. He lived for years as a model monk and died. The monks considered him to have been a saint. Out of custom they were praying for him. He appeared to the abbot and said, "don’t pray for me. I am condemned to hell." Out of pride he never confessed the one serious sin of his life. Years of being a model monk in a monastery did him no good. Why? He continually refused the grace of repentance.

There are many souls in hell after only one mortal sin committed against God. People, who commit sin after sin, do not realise that one sin will be their last. Once a mortal sin is committed we do not know if we will ever return to the state of grace. I don’t want to even discuss the possibility of committing mortal sin. Eve considered the possibility. She discussed it with the serpent and she sinned. To discuss or consider committing sin is an evil. You just do not do that!

We are not atheists. We do not mock God. We don’t judge Almighty God. The judgements of God are just, equitable and merciful. He punishes sinners less than they deserve. Lucifer’s sin was more evil than his punishment. He deserved worse. Adam’s sin was greater than the consequences that flowed from it.

Colloquy – with Our Lord on the Cross

What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What ought I to do for Christ?


"On the End of Man"

After the introductory conference that you had a while ago, we are to consider in this conference a most important truth which he calls principle and foundation. He calls it principle because just as sciences have their basic principles which are undeniable truths from which other truths are inferred, so too in the science of salvation the first truth proposed by St. Ignatius, is a principle from which one reaches conclusions and resolutions that plan a life that is good.


He also calls this truth a foundation, because just as in the construction of a building, the first thing to do, is pour the cement which supports the building; similarly, on this underlying basic truth, is built not only the structure of the Exercises, but also the whole moral and spiritual life of the Christian who strives to save his soul. Hence one easily discovers how important is the attentive, careful consideration of this great truth; for if a science is not understood without well-established principles, and as a building is not constructed without a firm cement foundation, neither will this Spiritual Exercises be made with lasting fruit if we do not provide and firmly lay this very solid foundation

Let us, then, examine carefully and penetrate it; for the more deeply we think on it and instill it into our souls, the more abundant and lasting will be the fruit we will obtain.

So, in this conference, I am going to speak to you about the End of Man --- Man's true purpose of his life here on earth. We will consider here the very reason of our existence on earth: Why do we live on earth? Why do we exist?


St. Ignatius tells us that we are created, and live on this earth for a sole purpose, namely, to praise, reverence and serve God and by this means to save our souls.


But before I start to develop this very important truth, let me tell you a short story of how St. Ignatius came to realize it. Know that God works in a mysterious way; because of His Infinite Power and Goodness, He is able to draw something good out of evil.


Before his conversion, St. Ignatius was an ambitious, brave soldier, proud of his noble lineage in the house of Loyola. // When a war broke out in Pamplona, Spain, the splinters of a canon ball seriously hit him. // So, he was taken into a hospital. // There he stayed for several months. // During his stay in the hospital, he lay bored to death, one day. // So, he called for the latest popular romance stories, which he liked so much. // But, there were none on hand. // When learning this, Ignatius spoke angrily: "Give me anything you have then." A nurse gave him two books-- A life of Christ and the Lives of Saints. // At first, Ignatius threw these books aside, since he was then a worldly man. // But eventually in a



Desperate attempt to conquer his boredom and take his mind off the pain in his wounded leg, he reluctantly began to read.

As he read, a wonderful change took place in the soul of Ignatius of Loyola. He compared the magnificent lives of Christ and the saints with his own life, thus, thus far miserably and selfishly spent in the pursuit of the empty military glory of a professional soldier.@ Ignatius thought of his boredom over his confinement in this hospital with "nothing to do and no place to go." And suddenly with the inward light of grace, he saw how much he really had to do to save his soul and how, whether he liked it or not, he was going somewhere. It all depended on which place he chose. For the first time in his life, Ignatius realized to the depth of his soul , a most important truth that explained to him the real meaning of life. He calls this truth later on, principle and foundation. What is this fundamental truth that he understood (He realized that) Man is a pilgrim and is created only to praise, reverence and serve God and by this means to save his soul. What was he, Ignatius doing about it now that he learnt that truth; what was he going to do about it in the future? We know what he did about it. The sick soldier rose from his bed a sinner, but began a life that made him a great saint.



Now let’s consider these words,


FIRST POINT: "God created me."


Have you ever thought of the love, power and goodness of God which is shown forth in those three words: "God created me?" @ Not many years ago, certainly less than a hundred, all here present in this room were nothing. @ We did not exist, we just were not, we were no thing! @ Yet here we are tonight alive and sitting in this room. We are enjoying existence and know we will continue to exist forever! I say."forever", since by death, life is only changed. We will still continue to exist, but in a new way i.e. after our death, we’ll still live but without a body.

Besides enjoying existence, we have been also given minds that can soar beyond the condition of space and time. Our soul is restless and unsatisfied and hungers for eternal happiness, reaching out to possess God Himself. # Some men run and rule this earth, with millions of creatures obeying their commands.


Let us reflect.


Why was there nothing and then suddenly something?


Why was there nothing and then magnificent man?


Why was there nothing and then lucky I, lucky you?


Did God have to make something? No, God is, was and always will be supremely and infinitely happy all alone. God doesn't need us at all. Having created and owned everything and being infinitely content in Himself, God needs nothing. He is all and is happiness Himself. Was God perhaps lonely that He sought the company of men when He said: "Let us make man to our image and likeness"? From all eternity God lives in the Blessed Company of the Three divine Persons: a Father of infinite power, a Son of infinite wisdom, a Holy Ghost of infinite love--- three infinitely lovable Persons in the family of the Holy Trinity. It is absolutely impossible to find loneliness in that glorious family!


What then, could God want from me to make Him create me? That's just it! God does not create to get; He creates in order to give! St. Augustine says, "Because God is good, we exist." God created us to share His infinite goodness with us, to communicate His divine perfections to us.@ Because goodness is diffusive of itself and tends to pour itself out, on others.@ God, Who is infinite goodness Himself, created other beings to pour His goodness into them so that they could in some degree share His happiness with Him.

So it is the goodness of God is the reason why He created us. (Now lets us pose another question)




[Man was created out of nothing & Because of God's love for us] (Now lets us pose another question) (Now lets us pose another question)


But how did God create all things? From nothing. @ There was first a void, then at God's will there was something. Know that we cannot explain the mystery of creation, for we have no experience of creation in our lives; everything we make, we make out of something.@ Creation is a truth beyond and above the power of our human intellects. @ (No wonder why) Infinite power alone can create; our limited minds cannot understand infinite power.@ Yet God used His infinite power to create me. @ Yes, but why me? we ask ourselves .@ It is because God loved me. @ This is the mystery of infinite love of God for me. @ He alone knows why He chose us. @ Yet God gives testimony that His divine love made Him choose me: "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore have I drawn thee", Our Lord said. @ Isn't it wonderful! God drew us out of the black abyss of nothingness simply because He loved us. For all eternity He has loved us.


Now, since we were nothing, certainly we had nothing in us to make God love us. @ Why, then, did He love us ? His infinite goodness alone can solve this mystery. All we can do is repeat with St. Augustine; "Because He is good we exist." You see how completely we depend from our very first beginnings on the power, the love and the goodness of God! "God created me" means that I exist because God has infinite power over me, infinite love towards me, and infinite goodness to share with me. I came



from God; I am proceeding from Him continually as a ray of being from an infinite fountain of being. As St. Paul says; "In Him we live and move and have our being." On Him we depend , for our existence, for our life, for every one of our vital activities. Hence, we belong to God, to God solely, to God always, completely to God.





Let us always keep in mind that we are the handiwork of God. Our bodies are formed through those powers and processes of generation with which God endowed living matter when He called the world and the things in it out of nothingness.@ Our souls, when there body was once prepared, came into existence by an immediate "fiat", an act of God's will. @ Hence we belong to God far more than a slave does to his master, a subject to his king, a child to his father. @ This explains why we owe God the greatest loyalty in all the world. @ For God, besides being our owner, our king and our father, is also our maker. We owe Him a loyalty of a creature to its Creator, a loyalty in harmony with the intelligent nature given to us by our Creator.


St. John Marie Vainer was walking one day in a field visiting some of his parishioners who were tilling their farms. @ There, he heard the birds singing and he was quite pleased with their songs. @ He remarked to his companions: "All nature blesses God and the birds singing his praises".@ Then he sadly shook his head, adding, "Only man refuses to love God."


Just as the whole realm of nature and the birds praise God by using their powers and perfections, so we too must praise God with the powers He has given us. Irrational creatures like dogs, birds etc. necessarily praise God, for they have no spiritual soul or free will to choose to act against their God-given nature.@ But we humans are much higher creatures. @ The Psalmist ask, "What is man that Thou, 0 Lord, are mindful to him? And the answer given is: "Thou hast made him a little less than the angels; Thou hast crowned him with the glory and hast set him over the works of Thy hands."


So, we are "little less than the angels." That means we have an animal nature; we have vegetative and sensitive life in common with the other living things on the earth. @ Yet we are also made to the image and likeness of God. That means that like God we are spirits; we possess an intellect and free will. Hence when we praise God we must use our faculties of soul and body in His service. @ We are the only creatures on this earth who are capable of reading the book of creation, of interpreting how God has revealed Himself in it and of actively and freely proclaiming in thought, word and deed the perfections and goodness which their Creator wished to show forth.


We praise God when we freely acknowledge Him as Our Lord and Creator. @ We praise Him when we use our minds to learn more about Him, when we use our free wills to love Him and to follow His laws. @ We praise God when we use other creature to help us in our journey to Him, and when we subordinate our love of these creatures to our love of God. @ We praise God when we adore Him, when we thank Him for all He has given us, when we ask Him for favors in our prayer. @ We praise God when we offer sacrifice or gifts to Him to show Him we love Him and wish to serve Him. @ We Catholics praise God when we live good Christian lives every day. @ When we use our faculties to praise, reverence, and serve God we saves our souls. For to do all these things is to follow after the most important law of God: "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind and with thy whole strength." This is indeed the first and the greatest commandment because it expresses the primary purpose of our creation.


We must all be awakened to this fundamental purpose of our existence. We are not to live on this earth forever. This is a place of a pilgrimage; we are on trial. We can either accept God's invitation to love and serve Him in this life, and thus ensure eternal happiness for ourselves in the next, or , since we are free creatures, we can reject this invitation. But remember, God, Who has poured His blessing upon us, is not mocked. He desires our welfare and salvation, and He does all HE can to make our path sweet and easy unto it. @ But woe betide those who scorn His vast mercies! If we do not accept His love, we will have to endure His justice. @ If we fail to fulfill the purpose of our existence, we shall show forth the perfection of God in a way that will cause us sorrow for all eternity. For instead of taking the intimate life and love of God for which we were created, we will be separated from God with terrible pain for all eternity. We will mirror in ourselves that divine justice who cannot approve evil, for since evil freely rejects God, it cannot find a place in the presence of the divine goodness or in the kingdom of heaven.



Remember this : God created all men for HImself and heaven; He never wills any man to be condemned independently of that man's own free will. Because men are free, they can and do reject God's love. Yet God gives all men, even the wicked, and the graces and helps necessary to save their souls. Men must freely accept these graces. Men lose their souls because they reject God , not because God rejects them. God who has made us without our consent, will not save us without our cooperation. God does not sentence us to hell as much as we sentence ourselves. Just as when the cage is open, the bird flies out into the open air, which it loves, so also when the body dies, the soul flies out into eternity for which it was made. But the soul in the state of sin at the moment of death flies out into the place of sin that it loves, just as naturally as a stone released from my hand falls to the ground. @ It does this freely, for it has freely chosen sin. God has not different mood for those who go to hell and for those who go to heaven. The difference is in us, not in Him. It is like the Sun when it shines on wax it softens it and when it shines on mud it hardens it. There is no difference in the sun, but only in that upon which it shines.

Hence we must follow God in doing what is good and avoiding what is evil. Like our Lord, we must wish that all men be saved, detesting sin whether in ourselves or in our neighbor. We must try to root out all evil in ourselves that we may be bettering conformed to God's holiness. In proportion as we do this we shall also be working well in others. We Catholics are called to be the outward expression, the very embodiment of God's goodness to


man, that through us and in us, all outside the Church may come to know and love God Who has loved them first. And the crown of this holiness that we all have to strive is salvation.


Every one of us, especially those who are living in this rich country must realize the truth of why we are on this earth. We learned from experience that material success and even good health often- more readily persuade us to live as if we were not pilgrims traveling on to reward or punishment. This false sense of security is common to many in this country. Because they have their own position, their own home and car, and trust that their insurance and other investments will take care of the future, many men live as if this life were the ultimate end of their existence. The truth is that a man's whole life, from birth to death in this planet, is but a very small fraction of his future, which is eternity. That is why Our Blessed Lord warns us in these words: "What does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul?" It is an undeniable fact that so many people today are guilty of the sin of indifference ; they don't deny God as much as ignore Him. They are secularists, immersed in the things of the earth to the exclusion of God. They are too busy to find time for God and the things of God. They have little time to take sides with God against the forces of evil. The tension of the hurried world leave the workingman exhausted and with little time and energy to devote to the care of his soul. Yet we stop and reflect on how short and transitory this life is. We realize with St. Paul that " we have not here a lasting city, but we seek for that city which is to come." ( Heb.13 : 14)



Today, at the start of our retreat, is a good time to check up our lives.


Are we living such that we realize where we are going?


Is the place we are headed for, the right one ?


Are we bored with life because we don’t understand the wonderful destiny for which we have been made?

So many people today, with secular education behind them that ignores God, know nothing at all about the purpose of life. Is it not a foolishness to sail into an awful void, not knowing where one is going, or, whether there is another shore?


People without purpose in life suffer from anxiety, frustration, and psychoses. They often try to satisfy the infinite longing of their hearts by feeding on sinful pleasures. They do not know the true explanation of the purpose of life; or if they do, they ignore it to their own destruction. When will they realize that man is composed of soul and body, and that he has to work to save his soul? When will he realize that the mind is meant to know all truth; that the body is meant to enjoy its pleasures for the sake of the soul; and that the world is made to serve the body and soul for the sake of God?


This is the only true order that banishes boredom, anxieties and fears.


This is the only order that gives peace, the peace of being a friend and a child of God. This is the peace , which St. Ignatius found when he realized and began to live for the sublime destiny for which God created man.


Don’t expect perfect happiness in this world, because creatures cannot and will never satisfy the infinite longings of our soul. Only God can do that . Hence don’t waste time chasing the impossible wealth or passing pleasures. I assure you, you cannot take them with you into eternity. You should never allow creatures or any person to prevent you from attaining eternal happiness ? A moderate use of creatures as stepping-stones to God is in accordance with our end of life. Our friends, the joys of marriage, the thrill of possessions, magnificent sunsets, masterpieces of music and art, our industries and the comfort they give us-- all these and millions of other creatures are gifts of God. @ If we have them God has given them to us for a single purpose i.e., to help us attain the infinite Beauty who draws us to Himself through the beauty he has placed in them. All these are bridges over which we must cross to God. We can confidently say that the only conceivable reason why God could create us men and all things, is to diffuse His own inexhaustible perfections upon us, to shower upon us from His bosom , ( as St. Paul says ) " the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God, the depths of the riches of His goodness and love.


Let us always keep in mind that we were created for God, we belong to no one but God alone; and that in order to save our souls, we have to praise, honor and serve Him until the last breathe of our lives.



Occasions of Sin / Sin / Purity / Commandments

Sins are offences against God that are particularly displeasing to Him. The four main gates to Hell are blasphemy, hatred, avarice, i.e., a love of money, and impurity.

    1. Blasphemy – a revolt against God, a sin of impiety, a sin against the 2nd commandment and a sin against the faith. Our Lady of Loncelot (sp?) reproached mankind for a) non-attendance at Mass and b) blasphemy and cursing. In the modern world it is always God to blame. Blasphemy is everywhere.
    2. Hatred – leads to killing, grave physical sins, scandal and a spirit of revenge. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall inherit the earth, because they will win the hearts of men. It is a sin against Charity.
    3. Avarice – Money gives the means to everything. It gives license, it opens all doors, and it leads to theft, lies and injustice.
    4. Impurity – 97% of people in Hell are guilty of sins of impurity and immodesty. Jacinta of Fatima said, "The sins which cause the most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh." Probably many of them are guilty of other sins as well. If we are guilty of these sins we must also confess the causes of them, e.g., idleness, bad company, bad entertainment…

Immodesty is related to and causes impurity. Our Blessed Mother said that fashions would be introduced that would Our Lord very much. Women are often slaves to fashion. Only recently have men been caught by the fashions, so primarily immodesty is a sin that women commit. Christian women cannot follow fashions. You must meet Marylike standards of modesty in your dress.

Pope Pius XI, on September 24, 1928 issued the following: "A dress cannot be called decent which is cut deeper than two fingers breadth under the pit of the throat, which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows; and scarcely reaches a bit beyond the knees. Furthermore, dresses of transparent materials are improper."

bulletbullet No short skirts. Skirts should at the very least touch the floor when you kneel down. Padre Pio set a stricter standard. He refused to hear the confession of women whose skirts were not at least eight inches below their knees. This is more in keeping with the Pope’s teaching.
bulletbullet No low necklines. Two fingers breadth below the throat.
bulletbullet No trousers. Trousers are against the nature of women. It is a worse sin than the wearing of short skirts. Short skirts are merely immodest. Trousers are unnatural. Bishop de Castro Meyer said, "Trousers on women are worse than miniskirts because they attack man’s highest spiritual faculty, the mind." Cardinal Siri: When we see a woman in trousers, we should think not so much of her as of all mankind, of what it will be when women will have masculinized themselves for good. Nobody stands to gain by helping to bring about a future age of vagueness, ambiguity, imperfection and in a word monstrosities.

Women who wear trousers are properly termed transvestites. Transvestite means a person who wears clothes proper to the opposite gender. Such women have been causes of the monstrosities we have today, those that were prophesied by Cardinal Siri. They caused firstly, what was called unisex, and secondly what is now called androgyny (androgynous: andro L male: gynous L female), i.e., of an ambiguous gender. This is considered desirable in some circles. It is no longer condemned by anyone. It is, as Cardinal Siri termed it, monstrous. No one can imagine the Blessed Virgin Mary ever wearing trousers. Holy Mary sets the standard for modesty that all Christian women must strive to reach.

bulletbullet Head coverings. St. Paul teaches, "Therefore, ought the woman to have a covering over her head because of the angels." Canon 1262 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law: "While assisting at sacred rites, whether in Church or outside, women should have their heads covered and should be dressed modestly, especially when they approach the holy altar." The head should be covered before entering the Church.

Canon 340 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law required all bishops to make a report to the Holy See every five years concerning the state of his diocese in four areas. The fourth was modesty in dress.

"Do you not know that you are a temple of the God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, him will God destroy; for holy is the temple of God, and this temple you are" – (I Cor. 3, 16). You must dress to please God. It is a sin to dress to please the fashions, or to dress to please yourself if your standards differ from the Marylike standards. Catholic husbands and fathers sin grievously by permitting their wives and daughters to violate Marylike standards of dress.

When Jacinta was in the hospital dying, her sufferings were increased by the immodest attire of attendants and visitors. This sight was terrible in view of the recent words of our Blessed Mother. Jacinta said, "Fools, who know so little of what awaits them in eternity. If they could only understand, how much they would do to change their lives while there is still time."

Immodesty is one of the main gates to hell, resolve to dress to please only Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.

bulletbullet Against Faith and Holy Purity. There is no slight matter. For sins against these virtues the matter is always grave. There may be a lack of advertance or of consent, but the matter is grave.

If you consent to a doubt against the faith, you are faithless. A blush concerning the faith or a denial of the faith is a mortal sin. Some teachings of our faith are universally doubted today, e.g., Regarding the respective roles of women and men. Who believes the Church teaching? The dogma that there is no salvation outside the Church. Who believes that in our ecumenical age? It is a mortal sin to consent to a doubt about any teaching of the Church.

To not want to study the faith is a sin against the faith. We believe everything that the Church teaches. We must make an effort to learn what that is.

Reading books on religion written by non-Catholics is a sin. It puts you in danger to your faith. In the past, when our Church was a good mother, these books would have been on the index and forbidden to Catholics.

Mixing with non-Catholics was discouraged when the Church was a good mother. Sins against the Faith are the basis of the present apostasy.

bulletbullet Against Hope. Despair and presumption are the two main ways to sin against hope. To think that it is impossible to lead a good Christian life is a sin against the virtue of hope. To think it is impossible to resist temptation is a sin against hope. To think I can sin and then go to confession and be forgiven is a sin against hope.
bulletbullet Against Charity. We must put God first.

To encourage people in wrong is a sin against Charity.

To see wrong done and not correct it, is a sin against charity.

Scandal is anything that will tempt our neighbour to sin.

Bad example can lead others to sin, bad example is a sin against charity.

Bad example, or encouragement to sin, or cowardice in correcting others, or scandal are much graver sins in those in authority. Fathers of families, and mothers, sin seriously by not correcting their children.

bulletbullet Against Religion. Profanation of anything holy, especially the Sacraments. Going to Confession and withholding a sin, receiving the other sacraments in the state of sin. These are sacrileges.
bulletbullet Fourth Commandment. In our youth did we obey our parents and teachers? Now we have an obligation to help them and to pray for them. Now and after their death. The duties of parents, i.e., educate children as good Catholics, ensure that they learn the catechism, receive the Sacraments, and are formed in a good moral life, e.g., companions, entertainment, school…
bulletbullet Fifth Commandment. Fighting, bullying, brawling. These are more serious as we get older. Grave imprudence while driving. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, or driving too quickly. Advising another to have an abortion.
bulletbullet Sixth and Ninth Commandments. The sixth commandment forbids any thoughts, words, deeds or omissions against the holy virtue of purity. The ninth commandment forbids us to desire to do anything forbidden by the sixth commandment. Whatever you are not allowed to do, you are not allowed to think about doing or desire to do. What you are allowed to do you may think about doing and you may desire to do it. L The rules are different for married persons, they may think about and desire to be with their spouse.
bulletbullet Seventh and Tenth Commandments. The seventh commandment forbids stealing, vandalism, cheating, borrowing without the intention of returning, abusing property, even if it is property of the state. Restitution is a serious responsibility. If we do not want to make restitution the sin cannot be forgiven. The tenth commandment forbids us to desire whatever property we cannot lawfully have.
bulletbullet Eighth Commandment. Lies, calumnies, destroying the reputation of another, gossiping, revealing without just cause the sin of another. St. Paul teaches that the tongue causes great evils. We must be careful when we speak. It is easy to get into the habit of sin against the eighth commandment. If your telephone scandalises you, tear it of the wall and throw it out. Long conversations are usually sinful.
bulletbullet The Capital Sins. These are not really sins, but evil tendencies which cause sins.
bulletbullet Pride. This is involved in every sin. It is too vast to examine yourself on.
bulletbullet Gluttony. A very common sin. The abuse of food and drink. In food, the matter is per se light, but it can be a grave sin if we give scandal or break the laws of fast and abstinence. Drunkenness and drugs are serious sins.
bulletbullet Envy. The cause of the envy determines the gravity of this sin. To be envious of the material goods of another is not serious. To be envious of the virtues of another is serious. To be envious of the state of grace of another is a sin against the Holy Ghost. It is diabolical. To imitate someone is not envy. To try to acquire something lawful by just means is lawful. Envy is when we want something that we cannot have or without making the effort to again it lawfully.
bulletbullet Sloth. Sins of omission. The annual confession and the Easter Communion, Sunday Mass oblige under pain of Mortal sin.

Triple Colloquy

  1. Our Blessed Mother: I will ask her to obtain grace from her Son for three favours.
    1. A deep knowledge of my sins and a feeling of abhorrence for them;
    2. An understanding of the disorder of my actions that filled with horror of them, I may amend my life and put it in order;
    3. A knowledge of the world, that filled with horror, I may put away from me all that is worldly and vain.
      1. Then I will say a Hail Mary
  2. I will make the same petitions to her Son, that he may obtain these graces from the Father for me.
      1. I will say Soul of Christ…
  3. I will make the same requests of the Father, that He Himself, the eternal Lord, may grant them to me.

I will close with the Our Father.


Repetition on Sin with Triple Colloquy (62- 63)

Preparatory Prayer

1st Prelude: My soul as a prisoner in this corruptible body, exiled among the brutes in this vale of tears.

2nd Prelude: Ask for an ever greater and more intense sorrow and tears for my sins.

Beware of sentimentality! You need solid convictions that will stand up to martyrdom.

1st Point: Consider your sins. Do not make a detailed examination of conscience. We only want to stir up the mud and realise that there is a lot there. Sometimes people cannot find any sins! Presently, we are primarily concerned with mortal sins. Sins that have merited hell.

2nd Point: What is a sin? Sin is an offence against God. An insult to Almighty God.

Who am I? Who is God? In comparison to God, you are nothing. God is the infinite being, the Lord and Master of the universe. You are dust! Sin = Dust rebels against God. You turn away from God. You prefer a fellow creature to God. Lucifer preferred himself to God. Eve preferred an apple to God. Adam preferred Eve to God.

There are two motions in every sin.

    1. Turn away from God
    2. Turn inordinately toward a creature

Sin is an ill-ordered use of creatures. It is a disorder especially forbidden by God. We voluntarily choose to do things in a way opposed to the law of God. "He who is not with me is against me." Our Lord said this. He means that there is only one way, that is, His way. "I am the way; I am the truth; I am the life." = One Way, One Truth, One Life.

Acts, thoughts or omissions make me an enemy of God. The gravity of the offence is measured by the dignity of the one offended. If we offend God, it has an infinite gravity. Therefore, there is no such thing as a small sin.

When we sin, we say to God, "this creature is worth more to me than your love is." We force God to leave our soul. He cannot live in a soul that prefers sin. Sin is a voluntary offence against God’s law. Mortal sin requires three things:

1) Grave Matter; 2) Advertance and 3) Consent. MAC

À Grave Matter: How do we know if it is grave matter? There are no books or lists that can tell us. We cannot look it up in the dictionary. Common sense, the intention of the subject and the object of the action can all help determine if it is grave.

L The matter can be grave in itself, e.g., murder. The nature of the thought, omission or action is grave.

Or, the repercussions can be grave. For example, when is a lie a grave sin? Someone’s reputation is ruined. A spoken word can never be unspoken.

Or, a bad intention, or a real bad intention can make the matter grave. If I intend to offend God seriously it is a mortal sin.

Á Advertance: L I know what I am doing. A child steals on orders from his father. He stole, but did not know, therefore, it is not a sin. In this perverted world, obvious sins may appear normal. (e.g., immodesty, servile work on Sunday, shopping on Sunday, missing Mass, Dirty Dancing) L Don’t judge others too quickly!

 Consent: Sin is voluntary, therefore, we need full consent to make a serious sin. If you are drugged L not guilty; Not free L not guilty; Asleep L no sin.

Circumstances can alleviate personal responsibility. If one of these three conditions is not present, then it is not a mortal sin.

What if I am still not sure? I have a doubt! There are two possible doubts:

À I am not sure if I committed a sin or not. L Can receive Communion. A doubtful sin is not sufficient matter for confession.

Á I am sure that I committed a sin, but am not sure if it was a mortal or a venial sin. L Cannot receive Communion.

Sin is the worst thing that can happen to us. If we could understand this, how different would our life be? Sin prevents our divinization.

Venial Sin is an offence against God. We do something that God does not like. It is very serious. It is not a mortal sin, because one of the three conditions, i.e., grave matter, advertance or consent is lacking. It is an evil against God. It surpasses all the temporal or even eternal evils of creatures. If by committing a venial sin we could save a million people from Hell, we could not do it. The venial sin is a greater evil. Hell is an evil for creatures; it hurts creatures. A venial sin is an evil against God. The only evil greater than a deliberate venial sin is a mortal sin. We must be willing to sacrifice all the goods of creatures rather than offend God. We are incapable of hating venial sin, as it deserves to be hated.

The effects of venial sin are:

bulletbullet It tarnishes the beauty of the soul. The soul is not dead, but it is wounded. Venial sin is like an ulcer to the body, a wound oozing pus. It makes it ugly. It is still alive, but…
bulletbullet It weakens both the lights of the spirit and the fervour of the will; L prayer, the use of the Sacraments, the practice of the virtues become tiresome and without effect.
bulletbullet It deprives the soul of the superabundance of grace, choice graces, which God only gives to the clean of heart, i.e., to those who serve Him with an undivided heart.
bulletbullet It deprives the soul of a greater degree of grace and glory. Lost by your fault. L God will be less loved by you, less possessed by you and less glorified by you for all eternity. It lessens your capacity to love God.
bulletbullet It leads to mortal sin as sure as sickness leads to death. The repetition of venial sins insensibly weakens the fear of God, hardens the conscience, forms evil attachments and habits, gives fresh strength to the temptations of the enemy, and nourishes and develops the passions.

"He that contemns little things shall fall little by little" (Ecc’us 19, 1)

"He that is unjust in that which is little, is unjust in that which is greater" (Luke 16, 10)

God punishes venial sin severely.

bulletbullet Moses and Aaron were excluded from the Promised Land for a slight transgression.
bulletbullet A man was struck dead for touching the Ark of the Covenant in order to prevent it from falling.
bulletbullet David took a census of his subjects. This little sin of pride was punished by the deaths of 70,000 of his subjects.

Venial sin leads to Purgatory for many years and then a low place in heaven. Purgatory is designed to punish. The pain there is unimaginable. No pain on earth can compare with it. Sins of omission are severely punished. L When I don’t do my duty, I destroy God’s plan for me.

Triple Colloquy

  1. Our Blessed Mother: I will ask her to obtain grace from her Son for three favours.
    1. A deep knowledge of my sins and a feeling of abhorrence for them;
    2. An understanding of the disorder of my actions that filled with horror of them, I may amend my life and put it in order;
    3. A knowledge of the world, that filled with horror, I may put away from me all that is worldly and vain.
      1. Then I will say a Hail Mary
  2. I will make the same petitions to her Son, that he may obtain these graces from the Father for me.
      1. I will say Soul of Christ…
  3. I will make the same requests of the Father, that He Himself, the eternal Lord, may grant them to me.
      1. I will close with the Our Father.

Death (p. 20 in prayer book)

Preparatory Prayer


    1. My deathbed. What will my death be like? Maybe you will die violently, maybe you will die on the highway, perhaps you will suffer a long illness and then die. Will you die in hospital or at home? How will your death be? Make an image of your deathbed.
    2. Ask for grace. We want perfect contrition for our sins. We want to have some understanding of the gravity of sin. We want to have a hatred for sin. Sin is the cause of hell. Sin is a worse evil than hell. Do we really believe that? Ask God for the grace to be firmly convinced of that truth and to have a true horror for sin. We want an ever increasing sorrow for our sins. It is a great grace.

Point One

What is death? Virtue makes a man good. Vice makes a man evil. Each of us is right now either in the state of grace, or in the state of sin. There is no other possibility. If we are in the state of grace, then God is dwelling in our soul, we have the infused virtues, the gifts of the Holy Ghost. We are good. Perhaps, we are not perfect, but we are good. We are pleasing to God. If we are not in the state of grace, then we have forced God to leave our soul by committing serious sin. We are bad, evil, a criminal, an enemy of God.

Right now, at this moment, we are in one of these two states. We are either essentially good, or we are essentially evil. There is no other possibility. Our state can change instantly. If we are evil, we can make an act of perfect contrition and become good. If we are good, with only a sinful thought, we can commit a mortal sin and become evil.

L Moral life is at a point in time! At any particular moment I am either a friend of God or His enemy. The whole man is either good or evil. Good cannot really exist in a bad man. "What society has Christ with Belial?" There are indeed venial sins in good men, but not such as make them cease to be fundamentally good. A moral action is a relation of you to your last end. It moves you toward or away from God. A moral action is not a relation with your fellow man, nor with the world, it is only a relation between you and God. At every particular moment in time you must respect the moral law, that is the law which determines whether your action is good or evil. Past and future moments are absent here and now, but your relation to your last ultimate end, i.e., God, is always present. It dominates what you are and leaves no part of you free that you may give to creatures as separated from God! Therefore, moral life is only a vertical relation. Moral life is serious.

Not one instant of your life is free for you to devote to sin. Every moment of wasted time has to be redeemed, as St. Paul teaches. Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God at every instant of your life. Your moral worth will be judged in reference to your state at the time you die. It is not an overall balance of good and evil in your life.

Death is an act that you perform. It is something that you do. You die! Death is the moment that determines your whole destiny. If you are good when you die, you will be good forever; if you are evil when you die, you will be eternally evil. You will be an enemy of God forever. Now your moral state can change in an instant, after death it will not change.

² Death is the most important moment of your life. It is the most important thing that you will ever do. We have to prepare for death. We prepare for every important thing that we do. We prepare for our exams, our First Communion, our Confirmation, our Wedding, our job interview, we prepare everything. The most important thing is our death. Why do we neglect to prepare for our death? All of man’s attention is occupied with the things of this world: in success; in learning; in making money; in fun (both licit and illicit). Souls forget death! They forget eternity. How much time do I spend preparing my eternity?

Point Two - Separation

In death we leave everything behind. You bid farewell to everything in the world, your family, your friends, your work, your hopes unfulfilled, your home, your car, your dinner, your name, and even your body. Everything! Farewell forever to this world.

You will be abandoned by your family and acquaintances, who will think no more of you, or at best only rarely. Your relatives will soon be weary of crying for you. If you are fortunate enough to be buried, you will be given a narrow grave where you will await the day of judgement under a stone, with only the company of worms and insects.

You will see nothing, hear nothing, smell nothing. You will not see nor hear the worms devouring you nor smell your putrefying body. "I have said to rottenness, thou art my father; to worms, my mother and my sister" [Job xvii. 14].

Right now people are dying. Souls are passing through the door of death. Where are they going? They are entering eternity. We will all do exactly the same. "It is appointed to man once to die." At death your body and soul separate. The body rots, who cares about that. The soul enters this unknown, mysterious region, ETERNITY. Eternity, a state where there is no more time, no more change. It is very mysterious for us who are so bound up in time. Our generation is enslaved to time. We have deadlines, appointments, time clocks, we must go faster and faster to be in time for whatever it is we are going to do next. When we die there will be no more time. We will be liberated from time.

YOU WILL DIE! No one can seriously doubt this truth. The healthiest people in the world will die, sick will die, it is certain that you will get to do this also. It will be the most important thing that you do in your whole life.

When will you die? You don’t know. No one knows for certain. Sometimes people get a few days or a few months notice. They have a deathbed, they suffer the death agony. Sometimes it doesn’t happen that way. Did Fr. Marc van Es think he was not going to wake up when he went to bed? Did he know he was going to die that night? We will not know the answer to that question, until we ourselves die! Fr. van Es died the type of death that worldlings think is wonderful. You go to sleep and drift quietly into death. For those without faith, this is a wonderful way to go. It is the ideal of the euthanasia advocates. However, we Christians pray: From a sudden and unprovided death, deliver us O Lord! We can hope that Fr. van Es was habitually prepared for death, but we also hope that we will die with Holy Viaticum and the prayers of the Church. We may go suddenly, we just don’t know, therefore it is necessary for us to be always prepared, to think often of our death, to plan for it and ultimately to die well, as a friend of God.

"It is not for you to know the times or moments, which the Father has put in His own power" [Acts i. 7]. "Watch for you know not the day nor the hour" [Matt. xxv. 13]. Where will you die? Watch for you know not. Will you be with friends or strangers? Watch for you know not. Maybe you will be alone. Watch for you know not. Will you be working or playing or sleeping? Watch for you know not. Most important, Will you be doing what you are supposed to be doing? Watch for you know not. If you always do what you are supposed to be doing then you can be pretty sure that you will be doing so. Will you be in the state of grace or in mortal sin? Watch for you know not.

Your Agony! Place yourself on your deathbed. In your own room and your own bed. Your bed which you will not leave until they place you in your coffin. All those objects that surround you. The photo of your mother, a crucifix, etc. Do you have a crucifix in your room? Is there an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus? If you don’t have these things you will probably die without them. The persons who surround you, will they be sad? Are they worldlings? Who will only talk to you about the trivial things of this earth because they know nothing else! Will they talk about football, or the latest news? Will you care about those things? Your eternity is about to be determined. You know that! What will you be interested in? You are not going to change. That is for certain. If you are only interested in the things of this world, they are all you will be interested in when you are about to leave them forever. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be, right up to the end.


Death [Repetition]

Great secret of death, which makes us see that which the lovers of the world do not see! The most enviable fortunes, the most exalted dignities, the proudest triumphs, lose all their splendor when they are viewed from the bed of death. The ideas of a certain false happiness which we have formed to ourselves are then changed into indignation against our own madness. The dark and gloomy shades of death cover and obscure all dignities, even royal ones.

At present our passions make the things of this earth appear different from what they really are; death tears away the veil and shows them in their true light. Let us, then, be persuaded that the proper time to prepare for the hour of death is during life. Let us hasten to do now what we cannot do then. All passes quickly and ends. "The time is short." Therefore, let us so act that everything may serve us towards attaining eternal life.

  1. Introduction
    1. St. Cyprian: "We are born with the halter around our neck." Every step, every breath, every tick of the clock brings us closer to the grave. All of our arrangements and plans mean nothing in the face of death. The dead man says, "Yesterday for me; today for thee." Today we may have a pretty face, a winning smile, but soon – we do not know when – it will all pass. We will die, and sooner than we think. Some will sorrow, some will praise, some will rejoice and condemn. All will forget. He is carried to the grave, where the body becomes a feast for worms, bugs, bacteria. It becomes slimy, with a horrendous smell. Cheeks, lips, and hair fall off. "Contemplate the sepulchers of the dead and see if you can distinguish who has been a servant and who a master." Death is the great equalizer.
    2. Image – Myself on my death bed
    3. Grace – perfect contrition for sin
  2. Death is a punishment for sin – God has condemned all because of one sin. Why did this mother die? this young child? this old man? Not because of a fever, an accident, a heart attack, etc., but because of sin, the sin of Adam. Sin brings forth death.
    Sin = an abuse of time Death = deprivation of time
    1. Death is a passing. It shows us that our happiness is not here below. Everything here is transitory.
      Lk. 12:16 And he spoke a similitude to them, saying: The land of a certain rich man brought forth plenty of fruits. And he thought within himself, saying: What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said: This will I do: I will pull down my barns and will build greater: and into them will I gather all things that are grown to me and my goods. And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy rest: eat, drink, make good cheer. But God said to him: Thou fool, this night do they require thy soul of thee. And whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich towards God.
      We are all in the hands of God. We could die at any time, when God chooses. I must always be ready to die, to appear before God. A good death is the grace of grace, something we cannot merit and must pray for daily. Only 1 of 70 Catholics in the US receive the last Sacraments.
      We must accept in a spirit of faith the death that God has planned for us. We should even long for Heaven, to see OLJC. Much merit can be gained from accepting death, especially on our death bed.
    2. Life is short. We must prepare for death now. We cannot wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow we die. We must always be in the state of grace. How many put their eternity in jeopardy for a mere nothing, a simple pleasure, etc.? Our Lord always had His death in mind. Monks kept skulls by their side. Remember death and you will not die in Hell.
  3. Three States of Death
    1. Leaving all behind – I die in a few hours.
    2. Death in the state of mortal sin – All is lost! My life is a failure. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?
    3. Death in the state of grace – A passage, not a destruction; a joyful day.
  4. The Particular Judgment
    1. Consider the number of your sins, their culpability, their effects on others, the scandal given, etc. Every single action of our life has a moral quality to it. It is either good or bad, depending on the reason for which we perform the action. Each action has eternal consequences. How great, then is the gift of confession! It is an invention of God’s love and mercy.
    2. O great moment of eternity! At death, we will understand the value of time and the ease of saving our soul and gaining merit. What would I have wished to have done once I am in eternity? That is what I should do now.
    3. How fearful we are to appear before a human tribunal! What will not be our terror when appearing before the Most High God, before whom nothing is holy? How much should I fear, when the saints themselves trembled? What shall I say when Christ shall appear, showing His wounds. What have you done with all that I have given you, your hands, your mind, your tongue, your will?
  5. Colloquy – Thank God for time given you. I will use the rest of my time well. No more mortal sins! I will prepare myself for death and pray daily for a happy death. Finish with triple colloquy.



Judgement (p. 20 in prayer book)

Prep. Prayer = the usual

1st Prelude –Represent to yourself the judgement seat of Our Lord Jesus Christ and your soul leaves its body and is brought into the presence of its Judge to give an account of all its works; Your soul, exactly as it is, not as you want it to be, but, as it is.

2nd Prelude – Ask for the grace of perfect contrition for my sins, a greater knowledge of the malice of sin, a greater sorrow for my sins. Lord, I beg thee to grant me the grace to lead a good and holy life so that when Thou come to judge me you do not have to condemn me.

Problem: We try to justify our mediocrity!

First Point: Particular judgement of the soul in mortal sin.

Your soul is before God. He knows all things, "even our most secret thoughts and actions." You will realize how you could have pleased God. When you choose mortal sin, it is because you refuse to think of the gifts God has given you. At judgment God will make you see everything clearly. Immediately when we die we are judged.

You will see the value of Jesus’ death on the cross. How much He did for you because of His love for you. Mortal sin = I despised Christ’s death on the cross; I despised the incredible intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All the graces that I refused will be obvious. The help of the angels and saints that I refused will be plain. We will not be able to say that we had a temptation that we could not overcome. "My grace is sufficient for thee."

Jesus Christ is your judge. Once He was your brother, your spouse, and your friend; but now forgetting all of these titles He is only your judge; an infinitely holy judge; a judge who has an infinite horror of every sin, no matter how slight. A judge who is infinitely just and demands payment of every debt down to the last farthing.

What panic is there at the death of a sinner! He sees himself surrounded by devils. It is a terrible calamity to die in sin. To die as an enemy of God, when the time for repentance is passed. A conscience burdened with sin. The terror of that soul is unimaginable. The past, the present and the future will torment the sinner in that moment which decides his eternal fate.

The sinner sees all his evil ways in all there ugliness. He now sees them as good sees them. The ugliness of his soul terrifies him. What a horror to see oneself burdened with bad habits. His past sacrileges distress him; the hatreds he has entertained torment him; and the unclean pleasures of his life cause him to lose all hope as he sees how they have wrecked his soul. The sinner remembers with unimaginable bitterness the times he has violated Sundays and Holy Days, the bad confessions he has made, and his unworthy communions. If he has cheated people by usury, theft or robbery, these things he remembers. He recalls the times when his sins of grumbling, detraction and lying have taken away the good reputation of his fellow man. He remembers his blasphemies, his acts of revenge, his impure talk, and all the evil and scandal with which he has ruined many souls. Before his mind is the woman that he scandalized, the girl he corrupted, the child whom he lured into sins that would not have been committed had he not taught them. Before his eyes are the duties he should have fulfilled and did not, the donations he should have made to charitable causes but did not, and the other good works he ought to have done and did not. At judgment the sinner will see clearly all the good that he should have done and did not do, and all the evil things he did which he was bound to avoid.

The devil will accuse you. He will recall to you your baptismal promises. You renounced the world, the flesh and the devil. How have you kept your promise?

Your guardian angel will reproach you with rejecting his inspirations, despising his counsels, causing him to witness your foul sins.

Your own conscience will bear witness to the truth of all these accusations. You will admit that you are guilty of these evil thoughts, words and actions.

Affective Acts:

  1. Acts of Candor—What does it profit a man to possess everything in the world, to have every dignity and honour, and to give his body over to every pleasure, if in the end he loses his soul? For a passing delight, one undergoes an eternal punishment! While such a person has life and health, he does not think of death and judgment, nor does he want to think about it.
  2. Exhortation –In all your works be mindful of your death, of the judgment, of hell and of glory, and in this way you will never sin.

2nd Point – Particular Judgment of a Soul in the State of Grace

This soul sees all of its sins and has true shame for them. You realize the evil and malice of each of your mortal sins. You will realize the great mercy of God. How often was I on the verge of falling into hell! How good God was to me. See all of your deliberate venial sins; how God hated them in your soul that He loved so much. How He gave you the grace and the opportunity to be rid of each of them. Lord, give me now true contrition for all my sins, great and small. Help me to realize that it is never small when you are offended. You will see the value of all of your penances, all of your sacrifices, all of your good deeds. You will regret those penances and mortifications and good deeds that would have been so easy to do and which you did not do.

Such a soul willingly accepts the punishments in purgatory for its sins. Purgatory means to be purged of our sins. It means to suffer excruciating pains as our bad habits and sins are being burned away. DO PENANCE NOW!

"Come you blessed of my Father into that kingdom which was prepared for you from the beginning." How sweet those words will be to the souls that die in the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

3rd Point: General Judgment in the State of Mortal Sin

We are judged immediately at our death, when we can no longer merit or demerit. Why then must there be a general judgement at the end of the world? We will already now our sentence, which will not change. It is because we are social creatures, and the good and the bad that we do affect others beside ourselves. There are no isolated acts, no victimless crimes. My life is not independent. There is a great social damage with one mortal sin; there is social good from one good deed. Our actions have a life of their own which outlives us.

Examples: St. Francis Xavier baptised over one million people! Henry VII led an entire nation into sin, and that nation spread the Protestant heresy throughout the world. Even today how many souls are damned because of him! It is recorded, probably made known by the woman involved that Padre Pio told her that the child she had aborted would have become Pope if he had lived. How might he have changed the world? This woman’s act was not an isolated private act. Its consequences lived on. The same is true with our acts. They all have a social effect. Therefore it is necessary that there be a social or general judgment.

At the approach of judgment day everything will be in dreadful turmoil. The sun, moon and stars will not give light. Vegetation and flowers will wither and die on the darkened earth. Sickness and contagion will multiply and become acute. Prolonged and cruel wars will bring desolation everywhere. Famine will wipe out nations and destitution will bring thousands to the grave. Antichrist, the cruelest tyrant in history, will come to power. This bloodthirsty beast will spread deceit and terror throughout the world. There will be great panic, suffering will grow ceaselessly; the living will envy the dead.

God’s wrath, held in check for many centuries, will release the elements, which will be stirred up to torment the sinner. Lightning and hail and winds and earthquakes will bring panic and destruction. Cities will disappear. Finally there will be a flood of fire to reduce all to ashes. No one will escape that dreadful day. Dies Irae! Dies illae! [Day of wrath, that day!] No one, neither rich nor poor, nor powerful nor week, nor young nor old. Everything will burn. A column of fire will run from east to west, from valleys to mountains, every man and beast, every fish and bird, gold, silver and buildings; all will be reduced to ashes. Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.

Thus the world with all of its vanities will end. This shall be the end of every creature!

Affective Acts

scorn – I do not want anything in this world. Meditation on the end of the world teaches me that all the things in this world must be regarded as fleeting, as things that will decay and corrupt. Therefore, I do not care for them. In time they will be delivered over to the flames. I do not care for them, nor do I value those things that may cause me to burn in the fire of hell.

resolution – The only goods that will not burn in fire are virtues. These are eternal; therefore I want to amass as many of them as possible. I will cultivate them with every effort and care. Help me, Jesus and Mary.

4th Point: The Dead are called to Judgment

After all is reduced to ashes the angel will call all the dead to judgment. "Arise you dead and come to judgment." This awesome call will be heard in all four corners of the earth. It will ring through heaven and in the depths of hell; the souls in purgatory will heed its call. No one will be able to resist God’s summons delivered by the angel.

Holy Souls will come down in glory from above and will give a sweet embrace to their bodies, which will join them forever. Your body, the one that you have right now, is the one that you will have for eternity. It will be your body, which you will instantly recognize, but it will be changed. The glory of your soul will overflow into your body. All diseases and deformities will disappear. The body will be spiritualised with the glory of the soul. It will be unable to suffer, no sickness, no pain, no hunger nor thirst, or anything else. It will shine like the sun and stars. It will be agile, that is, you will be able to pass in a moment from one place to another, and through any body without hindrance, as our Lord did after His Resurrection.

These happy souls will bless one another, and they will bless their bodies. "O happy feet, which walked along the path of virtue! O blessed hands, which laboured well! O blessed tongue, which spoke the truth and sang Divine praises! O all ye senses, which shunned evil and embraced righteousness; now you will receive the reward of mortification and penance. Now you will enjoy every delight and consolation. Now, my body, enjoy an eternal glory, which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has any mind been able to comprehend what God has prepared for His chosen ones.

"Bless you, O my soul!" the body will say, "May blessings be upon you, for you ruled and governed me; you taught me the way of holiness, you obliged me to keep the commandments of God and of the Church. Come, my faithful and happy companion. Come let us together enjoy the reward of virtue. Let us unite to enjoy God forever." This is how the just will speak.

The Damned will behave differently. Body and soul will gaze at each other and see each other to be hideous, filthy and of frightening appearance, they will curse one another with rage and panic. "O hateful body!" the unhappy soul will cry. "O bag of rottenness. Must I enter this slimy mass of filth! Must I enter such a stinking prison?" Yes you must! "O cursed body, because I gave you pleasure I see myself doomed." And the body will reply, "O treacherous soul, you are responsible for my ruin. God made me so that you might rule over me. Why did you not mortify my animal appetites? Why did you not guide me along the path toward heaven? Why did you let me run on the path of sin? O you cursed one, I would rather see the devil than you!"

In like manner former companions in sin will curse one another. They will hate to be joined with those that they loved in such a disorderly way. But they will have to unite.

This is the way that the Resurrection of the Dead will take place. All the just shining more brightly than the sun, and the condemned, more horrible than monsters, all will swiftly rise, with body and soul re-united, and then await the judgment of God.

Affective Acts

Admiration – Yes, I am to rise again. And how will I rise? Will I be in the number of the just or will I be among those condemned? Look at your works and they will tell you.

Resolution – My Lord and God, I detest and hate all my sins. I will strive from now on to do all the good works that I can, for they are what will help me on that fearful day. They are what will earn for me a victorious and glorious resurrection, in particular good Communions that are frequent and devout…

Oh, what a dreadful judgment for some! What a consoling judgment for others! The Sovereign Judge will come down from on high with great splendour and majesty. The sight of Him will bring joy to the upright and terror to sinners. Those who will be saved will be placed at His right, those who will be condemned at His left. How happy will the small and humble of the world be to find themselves in the company of the saints and angels of heaven.

How much would the wicked and proud give to see themselves at the side of the humble and pious! What would the treacherous Judas not do to be at the right hand of his Divine Master? Oh what panic will there be for the miserable ones who are doomed! They will make pitiful cries, but there will be no mercy for them, the time of mercy will be past.

God’s big book will be brought out in which everything is contained. The consciences of each one will be laid bare in the clearest fashion. All the trickeries, the deceits, the cheating, the lies, the thefts, the vices, the murders, all the crimes of sinners will be disclosed before the whole world. How humiliating will that be? Sinners will beg the mountains to fall upon them and hide them in their distress, but it will not happen. They will have to undergo the strict accounting that God will demand of all of them. The Lord will say, "What should I have done for sinners that I did not do? I invited them peacefully. In My Mercy I called them. I delayed the rigours of justice, but the wretches remained obstinate in their sin."

"I spoke to them through the ministers of My Gospel and admonished them through the ministers of penance. I threatened them with punishments, but these sinners disregarded both the words of mercy and the words about justice. I brought them forth from nothing, redeemed them at the price of My Blood, but these ungrateful people abused these great benefits, and trampled on my Precious Blood. Go you accursed ones into eternal fire. Depart from Me forever."

Then turning with a kind, loving look toward those who are saved, He will tell them: "You are my chosen portion, My glory and My crown. Though you were of the same flesh and blood as the condemned you did not live as they did. You ordered your lives according to My commandments and My laws. You will enjoy your eternal reward. Come, ye blessed of My Father, to possess the kingdom which was prepared for you from the beginning of the world." How happy those blessed will be! How different will the state of those on the right be from those on the left. They will bless their mortifications and penances, their faith and hope and charity. This group will enjoy immense favours, and increasing delights for eternity. Those who are doomed will experience all kinds of torment without relief.

Affective acts

Shame – Consider the shame when all of our secret failings are made public before the whole world. On judgement day, all your sinful thoughts, words and actions will be made manifest, unless you have made a good confession of them, in which case they remain forgiven, covered up and erased.

Resolution – I resolve to make a good confession of all my sins, without hiding any on account of shame; for if I have this shame now and are afraid to tell my sins to the confessor, what will be my shame on that day when they are made public before the whole world?

My desire, my will is to sin no more, neither mortally nor venially. My the help of God, I will keep myself from all sins. I will practise virtue. I will observe the law, I will follow the counsels of the Gospel. I will frequently receive the Sacraments and I will be devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I will practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.


Hell – The Pain of Sense [65-71]

  1. Introduction
    1. Hamburg – On 7/28/1943, the British Royal Air Force launched a massive air attack in the middle of the night on Hamburg, a great industrial center in Germany, population two million. 729 bombers dropped a "bomb carpet" in the form of 2,417 tons of high explosives and landmines. After 30 minutes, two out of three buildings were on fire in a six square mile area.
      Tens of thousands of fires are started. Flames continually rise upward and outward, seeking oxygen. Number of fires reduced to the thousands, then to hundreds, then to dozens, until finally there is just one raging inferno, 1 1/4 miles in diameter.
      There is no power, no water, no communication, no street lights, only flames. The people must escape, but cannot. Eventually, a firestorm is generated. On the perimeter, winds are blowing at 150 mph. Temperatures rise to 1400F. Aluminum and lead become liquid; glass melts. The fire mounts to three miles high, even reaching the planes dropping the bombs.
      People in bomb shelters are not safe either. Utensils are melting inside, while brick turns to dust and ash. People asphyxiate, becoming mere puddles. Read second to last paragraph, p. 95.
      St. John Chrysostom – "We must descend into Hell before death, if we do not want to go down there after death."
    2. First Prelude – Composition of Place: length, breadth, and depth of Hell
    3. Second Prelude – Grace: Sense of pain which damned suffer. If I forget God’s love, at least the fear of pain will help me avoid sin.
  2. Meditation – We go down to Hell and feel its effects. We apply the senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. Do not think that you cannot go to Hell. Many, many go there and you could too. There is already a place prepared; exceptional if everyone in the room went to Heaven.
  3. Children of Fatima – Our Lady gave them a vision of Hell. They were immediately transformed, the sight was so terrible. The only thing that could console them was Our Lady’s promise that they would go to Heaven. Jacinta and Francisco performed terrible penances before they died: prayers, fastings, hairshirts, cords, no amusements, little food and water. "Save us from the fires of Hell … lead all souls to Heaven."
  4. Sin is terrible – Man, a finite creature, can perform actions of infinite consequences. This is especially true when man offends the infinite God. Sin is serious and terrible!
    STA: "I cannot understand a man sleeping at night with one mortal sin on his soul." The doctrine of Hell is mentioned more than any other in the NT. We must do all we can to avoid it. That is why Our Lord mentioned it so many times.
    N.B. – Hell is a just punishment from God for rejecting His love. God loves us and wants to save us, but He also wants us to make a free choice of Him, unlike the devil, who tries to enslave us. Not choosing God is pure insanity. St. Leonard of Port Maurice: To be saved for all eternity, to be damned for all eternity, and to not make your every effort to avoid the one and make sure of the other, is something inconceivable.
  5. Hell is eternal – Everything in this world passes. Hell is constant and eternal torment. This we cannot conceive. Consider our favorite thing to do, e.g. eating ice cream, going fishing. If we had to do them for a hundred years, a thousand years, they would become the most terrible torment for us. But Hell is even worse: eternal torment with no possibility of escape.
  6. Colloquy of Mercy [71] – Consider the damned of the past: BC, during the life of OLJC, and AD. They are all dead and gone to their eternal damnation. I, however, am still alive, even after committing so many sins. What a great mercy of God! I can still repent, because God has been patient with me. Thank God. Resolve to avoid Hell at all costs. Repent for your sins.


The Pains of Hell

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises

St. Anthony Mary Claret

With a good sense of order Saint Ignatius puts the meditation on the pains of Hell immediately after the one on sin, so that one may the more detest and deplore one's sins if he has unhappily committed any, when he sees the deservingness of punishment which comes about as a necessary consequence. The penalty in the other life must infallibly follow our crime if God does not use His Mercy; because the moment a man sins he incurs a debt -- a debt to be paid by eternal damnation -- and he becomes like a criminal sentenced to die on a scaffold, who has no way of appealing the sentence. This is why, after the meditations on sin, Saint Ignatius immediately presents those on Hell. It is so that our heart, naturally fearful of punishment, especially eternal punishment, may be withdrawn from committing sin. ("...Fear Him that can destroy both soul and body in Hell" Mt. 10:28.) This is a very right motive for repenting, for grieving over past sin, and for imploring the Divine.

First Point

Quoting Saint Ignatius: "First preamble, composition of place -- with the eyes of the imagination observe the length, width and depth of Hell.

"The second preamble (the appeal for something that I wish) will here be to beg a deep appreciation of the pains which the damned suffer, so that if, through my faults, I become forgetful of the Eternal Father's love, at least the fear of punishment will keep me from sin.

"The first point will be to see with the eye of the imagination the great fires, and souls appearing as in fiery bodies.

"The second will be to hear the frightful cries, wails, blasphemies against Christ our Lord and against His Saints.

"The third will be to smell the smoke, the rock, the sulphur, the filth and putridness.

"The fourth considers the sense of touch -- a fire which touches and burns souls."


-- God is just in His awards. He rewards the upright with the glory of Heaven and punishes the wicked with the eternal pains of Hell. We have seen how man was created to love and serve God. Now when he sins, he does not love nor serve God, but despises Him (Isaias 1:2), and thus he comes under sentence of eternal punishment in Hell. This punishment will be in proportion to the malice of his sins and their number. In sin there are found five evils of malice.

The first evil is the contempt with which the sinner treats God. On this account he deserves to be punished with the pain of loss, the loss of what he has made light of or disdained; hence he suffers the deprivation of the sight of God. The second evil is his act of rebellion or independence from God, amounting to an abuse of liberty. Thus he deserves to be punished by losing his liberty and suffering slavery and subjection to Satan; for God says, "Because thou didst not serve the Lord Thy God with joy ... therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and in want of all things," you will serve thy enemy. (Deut. 28: 47-48)

The third evil is the over-fondness for a created object for which one sinned. Thus a created object, which is fire, will cause torment, and this is called a pain of sense. The fourth evil is a sensual or spiritual satisfaction that the sinner finds in sin; thus he deserves to be tormented with a corresponding dissatisfaction, as God commands --"As much as she hath glorified herself, and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give ye to her ..." (Apoc. 18:7). The fifth evil is pride, which consists in man wanting to be happy of himself, independent of God. In Hell he thus finds humiliation, confusion, and every pain. Finally, as a sinner in Hell is found obstinate in his evil disposition like a rock in a well, the duration of his suffering is rightfully eternal.

Let us begin with the pain of loss: -- Picture to yourself Christian soul, a man whose lot is one of total misfortune, without anything good. Now a Christian who is damned to Hell loses God, the Supreme Good, and eternal happiness. To lose God is a misfortune that goes beyond all that the imagination can grasp. It is just as impossible to grasp it, as it is impossible to grasp and comprehend the Infinite Good one gains who possesses God. Yet we can conceive a vague idea of it. Enter into yourself, O my soul, and seriously weigh what it means to lose God.

1One who is damned loses the enjoyment of God. At the moment a soul enters Heaven, God gives it so clear an enlightenment that it can know perfectly -- as far as a creature can -- all the depths of His Infinite Nature, and inflames the soul with such a burning desire to enjoy God, that any delay, even a moment's delay, would cause it infinite pain. But because it so ardently desires this Good and at the same time perfectly enjoys It with the infallible certainty that it will eternally enjoy It, the soul experiences such a flood of joy that all other delights of paradise can be counted as nothing by comparison ... in Hell just the opposite happens. When the soul enters Hell, God sheds over it so vivid a light that it can know to the limits of its capacity, the greatness of His Infinite and Divine Essence. This enkindles in it so impatient a desire to enjoy God, that the delay of even a single instant causes infinite pangs. As it craves with such ardor to possess this tremendous Good and at the same time sees itself violently separated, with the certainty that it will never for all eternity enjoy God, such a painful sadness arises from this that compared to it, all other torments of Hell are considered as nothing... To sum up, as the happiness of a soul in paradise is beyond all measure because it possesses God so the grief of a soul in Hell is boundless due to its loss of God.

2One who is damned loses God's devoted, special Providence which cared for him. As long as a man is alive, he is under the care of God, Who enlightens his mind with exalted lights and encourages and fortifies him in his sufferings. But a soul which has entered the eternal abyss must hope for none of this. God no longer cares about it and regards it as something which no longer belongs to Him. And so for all eternity God will never again enlighten its mind, will not arouse its will toward the good, nor awaken a pious desire in its heart. It will become incapable of any good. There will be no more than very horrifying specters appearing to the imagination. Only the most distressing thoughts will prevail in the mind. The will will be stirred up with rage, madness and despair. The memory will perceive itself always grieved with very painful recollections. Wherever the soul may turn, it will find confusion and bitterness.

3When a soul is condemned, by losing God it ceases to be loved any more by creatures. The Blessed Virgin, one's Guardian Angel, all the Saints, love a man as long as he lives on earth. But once he is condemned by God, then God's friends agree in God's judgment and condemnation. For all eternity they will not have a kind thought for this wretch. Rather they will be satisfied to see him in the flames as a victim of God's justice. ("The just shall rejoice when he shall see the revenge ..." Psalm 57:11) They will abhor him. A mother will look from paradise upon her own condemned son without being moved, as though she had never known him. What is worse, is that in all the immense throng of persons damned in Hell, not one will fail to increase the torments of his companions, partly due to the horror one causes another, partly due to the anger with which they rage against one another, and also due to the heat, the stench and the closeness.

4After losing God and with Him all things, a condemned person also falls under the devil's power. God does not then care about him and delivers him entirely up to the enemy's will. And alas! what will the devil not do with this soul? As the devil is tremendously clever and powerful, has great hatred for men, is full of rage, with an ability to torment him according to the number and gravity of sins a man has committed and for which he is damned, then what will he not do? He can twist into the form of a serpent, enter the body, and torment him cruelly with his teeth. As a poisonous snake he can enter the mouth and bite and gnaw and destroy lungs, liver, heart and all the bowels. He can make his victim swallow molten metal and feed him poisonous toads. He can torment him practically as he wishes at his own pleasure, for God has withdrawn and the man is left under the fiendish demon's despotic control.


1Act of Repentance: -- O Jesus, how frightening are Thy judgments! How strict is Thy Justice! Oh, what a great evil sin is and how bitter are its effects! To be shut out of paradise for all eternity, to be forever cursed by the elect, to be always tormented and oppressed by the devil's tyranny -- this is the reward of sin. Up to now have I believed these truths? Ah, indeed -- that is just what increases my guilt! I have believed that a single sin is enough to make me lose God and with God all happiness forever; and yet I have sinned. I have done this without caring, without alarm. I do not think I know which is greater, my blindness or my malice. O Jesus! Do not take Thy Mercy from me.

2Resolution: What will I do? What is it that I will resolve upon? Ah! By all means I want to be able to behold Thee in Thy glory. O Supreme Good, and my last End! Though this would cost me a thousand lives, with all determination I must reach Heaven to embrace Thee there, my Jesus, my beloved Redeemer. Even if it be only through the cruelest torments, I must yet see Thee, O my dearest Mother, and you, O dear friends of God in paradise, even though it cost me all the blood in my veins... This is my resolution -- to rather die a thousand times than commit a single sin. Ye angelic spirits, be witnesses to the sincerity of my heart. I prefer a thousand deaths to ever sinning again. I will confess with repentance the sins I have committed up to now.

Second Point:

One who is condemned in Hell finds God to be as a supreme evil. It is true. One who loses God as his Supreme Good, finds Him to be like a supreme evil. Now how can it be that God, Who is a man's Supreme Good and Blessedness, change into that same man's supreme misery? Listen with attention, my soul, to what God does with those who are damned, and you will clearly know this truth.

1Within the reprobate, God places and preserves a very vivid knowledge of the Divine Beauty, with a very ardent desire to enjoy it. If the soul in Hell did not have a knowledge far greater than it has in this life, then it would be spared its greatest torment. But because this knowledge is very clear in the (damned) soul and presents very vividly to it the immense happiness and blessedness which it could have enjoyed in God, from this a bitterness comes which is inconceivable, inasmuch as every moment it is driven toward God with a burning desire, and also realizes at each instant that it is cast off by the Lord. What would be the torment of a thirsty man, tied hand and foot a thousand years where he would see ever before him a large drinking vessel containing a very delicious drink, and could not reach with his lips nor taste a drop of it?

2Within the damned person God preserves the sight of the Divine Countenance outraged (by his sin). Before the eyes of a damned soul, God is never presented in any other aspect than as a Lord supremely outraged, always armed for vengeance and ever engaged in tormenting it and pursuing it. The soul may try with all its might to withdraw from such a painful sight, to flee God's presence and escape His wrath. But the more it tries, the more closely God approaches it to make it suffer the weight of His Hand and all the bitterness of His anger. It will not be hard to estimate the horribleness of this pain. Just as the bare sight of God's Loving Face is enough to fill all the elect with a boundless joy, likewise the sight of God's angry Countenance is enough to strike infinite terror and an infinite pain into all the damned.

3God keeps alive the person who is damned. The strongest desire of a damned soul in Hell is to die. ("... Men shall seek death and shall not find it. And they shall desire to die, and death shall fly from them." Apoc. 9:6.) For knowing it can never appease God's anger against it, it desires death as the only means of escape. But it will desire this in vain, for the damned person will live as long as God will live. Just as God forever preserves the Saints in Heaven to delight them with new pleasures, so He will preserve forever the damned in Hell, to always torment them with new sufferings.

4God remains angry toward the condemned. The damned wretch will curse his sins a thousand times over again, but will yet be obstinate in them. He will roar with very pitiful moans, capable of moving stones to compassion. He will shed enough tears to flood the earth. A time will come when one could say that he has suffered in these flames a thousand million years for every mortal sin. In spite of this, he will not calm God's anger, nor ever move Him to pity.

The Lord will continue to show wrath toward him and will never cease hating him for all eternity. As the reprobate knows this, he will surrender to a complete despair, will go into a fury, will fill his heart with rage, and in an extreme spite will gnaw his own flesh. Not satisfied with this, he will conceive an eternal hatred for God; he will become, so to speak, a devil vomiting out continuous curses and blasphemies against God, and will have such a spitefulness against Him that he would engineer God's complete destruction if it were possible.


1Act of fear: Oh, what a happy affair it is to be at peace with God, and how bitter it is to have Him angry with us. How sweet it is to find God rewarding us; how painful to find Him an avenger. How fortunate to be plunged into a torrent of delights such as God lavishes upon His elect! How dreadful to find oneself planted in Hell, suffering all the evils which God will cause to fall like rain upon the damned. How sweet it is to enjoy God for all eternity, and how bitter to lose Him forever!

What will I do to escape from this infinite evil? Ah, my soul! After sin there is no other remedy but a deep hatred of sin and a sincere confession. -- I now have access to this remedy, and turning to Thee, my God, weeping in all earnestness with the most contrite remorse ... I tell Thee that I am sorry for my sins and I give Thee my word that I will go to Confession.

2Act of Repentance: O my God, with all my heart I detest and curse all the sins that I have committed until now. I know what evil I have done. In reference to Thee, sin is the supreme evil, because it is an offense committed against Thy Infinite Goodness and Mercy. It is also the greatest of evils in reference to me, because it is the ruin of my soul, which is immortal. And so I detest it and I curse it with all my heart... Oh, would that I had never sinned, my Jesus! Oh, would that I had never offended Thee, my Sovereign Good! But the evil is done. I have lost Thee, O my last End and only happiness, and I can never again rejoice with Thee except by means of penance and tears. O my heart, repent and do not be satisfied with a half-hearted sorrow, but enlarge, expand, as much as possible, to squeeze into yourself an immense sorrow. Be witness to this, O my Jesus, that if I had a thousand lives, I would want to spend all of them in pain and torments if in this way I could undo my sins... Thus I want to repent and indeed do repent of my sins, O my God! It is my intention to renew this will and repentance in Thy presence as many times as there are drops of water in all rivers and seas. O my Jesus, supply what is lacking in me; and offer to Thy Eternal Father, in place of my sorrow and repentance, that sorrow which Thou had in the garden for my sins.

3Resolution: But how will I conduct myself in the future? I will sin no more. If I cannot avoid sin except by dying, I will gladly choose death, even the most cruel death, rather than sin. If I can avoid sin only by bearing insult and contempt, I will gladly suffer being despised and abused by everybody rather than sin. I want to die rather than sin. Therefore, with this aim I will use all my days and all my hours and moments in loving my Supreme Good and keeping closely united with Him. O my Jesus, engrave deeply in my heart these resolutions; keep them there so that I will never forget to practise them. Our Father, Hail Mary.

Lucia's Description of the Vision of Hell given to the Three Children of Fatima.

The following is taken in its entirety from a pamphlet by J. Schaefer published in 1959.

(NOTE: In 1917, Our Blessed Mother appeared six times at Fatima, Portugal to Lucia dos Santos and Jacinta and Francisco Marto, three small children. During the course of these six world-famous apparitions - now approved by the Church as worthy of our devotion and propagation - the Blessed Virgin Mary made several startling statements and predictions, among them the outbreak of World War II if people did not change their lives. During the July 13 apparition, she allowed the children to see a vision of Hell. Following is Lucia's description of what they saw.)

At this point, Lucia was heard to say aloud: "Yes, she wants people to recite the Rosary. People must recite the Rosary." The Lady's face then grew very grave and she said: "Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often, especially when you make some sacrifice: 'O my Jesus, this is for love of You, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.'" At these words, she opened her hands on the three children once again and the light streaming from them seemed to penetrate the earth, and the children beheld a vision of Hell. Lucia cried out in terror, calling upon Our Lady. "We could see a vast sea of fire," she revealed many years later. "Plunged in the flames were demons and lost souls, as if they were red-hot coals, transparent and black or bronze-coloured, in human form, which floated about in the conflagration, borne by the flames which issued from them, with clouds of smoke, falling on all sides as sparks fall in a great conflagration without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of sorrow and despair that horrified us and caused us to tremble with fear. The devils could be distinguished by horrible and loathsome forms of animals, frightful and unknown, but transparent like black coals that have turned red-hot." Full of fear, the children raised their eyes beseechingly to the Lady, who said to them with unspeakable sadness and tenderness: "You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go. In order to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I ask, many souls will be saved and there will be peace."

Lucia later stated that although the vision lasted "but an instant," she felt they would have died of fear and terror if Our Lady had not already promised to take them to Heaven.


Damnation (p. 19 – 20 of prayer book)

Preparatory Prayer


  1. Vision of Hell
  2. Ask for the grace of perfect contrition. Dear God please give me an increasing sorrow for and hatred of my sins. Give me a horror for sin.

First Point: Damnation: "depart from Me, you cursed"

Those are horrible words in deed. To be cursed by God. It is horrible to be cursed by anyone, even worse to be cursed by a parent, but nothing can compare with the horror of being cursed by Almighty God. Hellfire and damnation are two different things. We don’t understand hellfire, but we have some understanding of what it is. Damnation is more mysterious. Damnation means to be separated from God forever. Separation from God is the worst punishment of hell. The fire is put there from the merciful God to distract us from being separated from Him. The fire is the only distraction that the damned have.

The pain of loss, can we understand it? When someone you love dies, a parent or a spouse, for example, or worse a child, it is very painful. What will it be for the one who loses God Himself? A hungry dog chained and straining for a piece of meat, just out of his reach. Sin holds the soul back from God. Sin that will never be forgiven puts a barrier between the soul and God. Is that such a big deal? It is.

Sinners have nothing to do with God now and do not miss Him. What do they care if they are separated from God for eternity? Damnation, or separation from God, is why holy people fear hell. Those that love God do not want to be separated from Him. Fire is why sinners fear hell. If we forget the love of God, hopefully the thought of hellfire will keep us from sinning.

Therefore, why is this curse such a big problem? We are made to love God. The human will has an infinite appetite. It was made for God, no creature can satisfy us. If you have a lot of money, you always want more. Why is it that when we are united to God by sanctifying grace we do not realise what a great treasure we have and when we are separated from God by mortal sin we do not feel the loss? Sinners often don’t apparently miss God at all. Unfortunately God is not the most important thing in the world to us. Our Lord gave us the commandment; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment" (Matthew 22, 37 – 38). Does anyone really keep this commandment? This commandment means that God must be the most important thing to us in this world. Man was created to praise, reverence and serve God. It is not normal that we do not love God enough to miss Him when we are separated from Him by sin.

St. Augustine prayed: "Lord, that I may know me, and know thee." If we knew ourselves our hearts would not rest until they rested in God. God made us only for Him. If we separate ourselves from Him by sin, we will remain separated from Him for eternity. It will be our fault. God does not want to curse anyone. He made everyone for Him. He made everyone to praise, reverence and serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.

What are you? Jesus told St. Terese of Avila: "You are she who is not, I am He who is." Our Lord doesn’t lie! This is a true statement. St. Terese is nothing. You are nothing. Your soul is one big void, an infinitely large emptiness. You were made to possess God and to be possessed by Him. To possess God, you must have an infinite capacity. God has given each of us this capacity. He dwells in the soul in the state of grace; He cannot dwell in a soul in the state of sin. It is a great mystery, but it is true. Why do we not feel empty when separated from God? On earth, many things distract us. You have your home, your relatives, your work, your music, your TV, your telephone; your friends, the shops, the newspaper, books, vacations, sports, study, your hobbies, etc. You have a thousand and one things to occupy your soul. Most people are totally occupied with the things of this world. These are all at the surface of the soul. They occupy our time and all the powers of our soul. We do not know the emptiness that we are. Gluttony and Pride prevent us from realising that we are made only for God.

Most practising Catholics do not have a spiritual life. Most pious Catholics have only a very superficial spiritual life. The depths of their own soul are completely unknown to them. In hell you will have no friends, there is no TV, there are no books or telephones, there are no sports or vacations, there is no work, you will have no hobbies. There will be nothing to distract you. You will be just one big emptiness hungering to be filled by God. You will long for God with your whole heart. You will be alone. You will see clearly that you were made to praise, reverence and serve God. The damned understand this perfectly.

Second Point: The Worm of Conscience

On the other hand you will have a horror for God. An aversion for God that comes from sin that has not been repented. You will continue to judge by your disordered inclinations. Not only have the damned souls lost charity; they have also acquired a hatred for God. The damned souls live in contradiction. They hunger and thirst for God with an immense desire, but also hate God because of their sins. This hatred of God manifests their total depravity of will. Hatred of God involves hatred of neighbour. As the Blessed in Heaven love one another, so the damned in Hell hate one another. There is no love, only envy and isolation, a terrible loneliness.

Utter despair is the consequence. The damned fully understand what they have lost. They know that it is their own fault. How easy it would have been to be saved! How easy did God make it to go to heaven! This causing the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. In Hell you will have remorse of conscience. You will regret your sins, not as guilt, but as the cause of your suffering. The damned will never repent. "He who sins is a slave of sin." How do we feel know when we do something stupid and suffer a loss thereby and it is our fault? We can blame no one but ourselves? E.g., you have a car accident and it is only your fault. You know it. It will be much worse in hell, because we will see perfectly all the graces God gave us and how easy it would have been to be a saint.

Third Point: Eternity

This is the hell of hell. It is forever. The extent of the despair is from the fact that there will be no respite. The damned understand perfectly well that they will be there forever. It was this thought that converted little St. Terese of Avila. One Sunday she heard a sermon about hell. The priest spoke about its eternity. That afternoon her mother found her in a corner repeating over and over again, para siempre, para siempre, forever, forever.

Eternity has no end. It will either be happiness continually increasing in Heaven OR suffering continually worsening in Hell. There is no change in Hell and there never will be and the damned no that perfectly well.

Eternity is a mystery. In Latin it is the nunc stans, the standing now. There is no past or future. There is no tomorrow or yesterday. There is only now. We are so wrapped up in time that we cannot imagine what it will be like when time ends. That will happen for each of us. Cain has been in Hell for 6000 years. Judas has been in Hell for 2000 years. Cromwell has been in Hell for over 400 years. Does Cain have less time remaining there than Cromwell does? No! Hell is just beginning for everyone there. It will always be just beginning for them. An impossibly long task on earth could be done and eternity would just be beginning.

Why is it that we are willing to risk going to hell for the fleeting things of this earth. These things are not important. They are not forever. Why do we worry so much about them? Why did we think so little about our soul. You are thinking about your soul now. This is the one thing that is important. Ask these graces of our Blessed Mother, of Jesus and of God the Father!

Triple Colloquy

  1. Our Blessed Mother: I will ask her to obtain grace from her Son for three favours.
    1. A deep knowledge of my sins and a feeling of abhorrence for them;
    2. An understanding of the disorder of my actions that filled with horror of them, I may amend my life and put it in order;
    3. A knowledge of the world, that filled with horror, I may put away from me all that is worldly and vain.
      1. Then I will say a Hail Mary
  2. I will make the same petitions to her Son, that he may obtain these graces from the Father for me.
      1. I will say Soul of Christ…
  3. I will make the same requests of the Father, that He Himself, the eternal Lord, may grant them to me.

I will close with the Our Father.


Lucifer: Riches, Honours, Pride Jesus Christ: Poverty, Contempt & Insults, Humility

The Standard of Lucifer: We want to convince ourselves that these really are the programs of our Lord and of Lucifer. Does St. Ignatius have it right? Lucifer is proud. He places himself on a high place and wants the false honours that are given my minions who really hate him. He is made ugly by sin, as are those reprobate souls who serve him. These vast plains represent the broad paths upon which the sinners walk. Babylon, the city of confusion, signifies the disorder of a guilty conscience. The throne of fire is a symbol of the pride and the passions, which devour the soul as in a fire. The thick smoke is the image of the blindness of the sinner and of the vanity of his pleasures. This smoke blinds men to the light of the truth. The hideous features and terrible look of Lucifer express the deformity of sin and the operations of the evil spirit in the soul, i.e., its troubles, its depressions, its agitation, its sorrows.

Consider the innumerable crowd of followers and ministers around Lucifer. Here are found the sinners of all ages—the spirits who first raised the standard of revolt against God, degraded beings with whom evil is become as their nature; all the men who have made themselves the slaves of their passions and sins—the proud, the impure, robbers, homicides, all the wicked men who at different times have startled the world by their crimes, and of whom there is not a single one who is not in some way an object of aversion and disgust. Why does Lucifer gather such creatures under his standard? He wants to seduce the whole human race, and after having seduced it, to drag it down to eternal misery.

Listen to Lucifer addressing his ministers, "Let us lie in wait for blood; let us hide snares for the innocent without cause. Let us swallow him up alive like hell. We shall find all precious substances, we shall fill our houses with spoils." See his three ordinary degrees of temptation, how first he catches souls by the love of riches; next, how he throws them into the paths of ambition; then, from ambition to pride, a bottomless abyss, from which all vices rise as from their fountain. See with what patience and zeal the ministers of Lucifer execute the task imposed on them by their master, how they make everything conducive to one end, the ruin of souls; defects of the understanding, inclinations of the heart; the character, the habits, the passions, the faults, even the virtues and graces of God. Finally, contemplate the success of hell in its enterprise, how many fools are taken in these snares every day; how many blindly throw themselves in, how many who, not content to allow themselves to be seduced, seek also to seduce their brethren. Look at yourself. Be astonished at how often and how easily you have given way to the temptations of the enemy. Weep over your folly and your past weakness and resolve to be wiser and more courageous for the future.

The Standard of Jesus Christ: A beautiful plain near Jerusalem where Our Lord Jesus Christ remains in a lowly place mingling as a friend with those who serve Him, attracting all hearts by his beauty and Divine Personality. The plain signifies the way of the just, rough in appearance, but in reality pleasant and happy. Jerusalem, the city of saints is the symbol of a pure conscience. Our Lord expresses the lowness and humility of his earthly life: the most beautiful of the children of men. The joy, the calm, the consolation are the works of the good Spirit in souls.

Around our Saviour are His disciples and apostles. The just and the saints of all ages are united. Nowhere has there been such an assembly or persons, each one is a hero and each is different. The patriarchs, the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs, the virgins, the penitents, the doctors, the holy popes; none of the vices that dishonour humanity, on the contrary, all virtues, carried to heroic levels are present. Jesus Christ calls all theses saints under His standard for the sole purpose of recalling men to virtue, and thus to happiness in time and in eternity.

Listen in spirit to Our Lord exhorting His disciples and commanding them to go into the world to save men: "For the Son of Man is come to seek and save that which was lost"; "I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly"; "I am come to cast fire on the earth, and what will I but that it be kindled"; "Go ye into the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Jesus Christ leads souls to perfection by degrees, exactly opposed to the temptations of Lucifer. His wishes them first to be inspired with indifference to riches, and then the desire of abjection, from whence arises humility as from its source and thence to all virtues.

See with what diligence and constancy the apostles accomplish the mission entrusted to them by the Son of God. Represent to yourself all the labours and sacrifices that their ministry entails: "In all things let us exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in tribulation, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in prison, in seditions, in labours, in watchings, in fastings, in chastity, in knowledge, in long-suffering, in sweetness, in the hg, in charity unfeigned, in the word of truth, in the power of God, by the armour of justice on the right hand and on the left." Finally, contemplate the success of the enterprise—how many sinners snatched from hell; how many disciples won to evangelical poverty and humility; how many apostles trained and prepared for the saving of souls and the glory of God.

Examine Yourself and Make Practical Reflections!

We are all placed between Jesus Christ and Lucifer, and it is equally impossible to serve both at once, "No one can serve two masters" or to remain neutral without serving the one or the other, for Jesus Christ says, "Who is not with me is against me!" It is then necessary to make a choice, and to do so wisely.



In a meditation we use primarily the mind. In contemplation we use the will and make affective acts. It is important to make a good mental representation of the place, with attention to detail, then you will remain with the image.

If you say confession is enough, you will lose the main grace of the retreat. The first part of the retreat corresponds to what the spiritual writers call the purgative way. It is merely to remove, or purge ourselves of, obstacles to sanctity and perfection. Now you must begin to really work and ask God for many graces. This part of the retreat corresponds to the illuminative way. We want to have a greater understand of the infinite love that God has for us.

Preparatory Prayer – as usual.

1ST Prelude: Old Testament, Blessed Trinity, Blessed Virgin Mary

How was the Old Testament? Adam, Eve; Cain, Abel; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; Noah; Moses, who could not see God’s face, but only God’s back and was obliged to veil himself.

Already by the time of Noah, God was obliged to destroy the world because men had become so wicked. Only eight souls were saved in the arc. It is possible that some of those who drowned in the flood were saved, but surely the vast majority were condemned for their wickedness.

There were three special civilizations: The Greeks, who had philosophy and clear thinking; The Romans, who developed a more or less just government; and The Hebrews, who were monotheists and preserved the worship of the one true God. These three civilizations each in their own way prepared the world for Christianity. Elsewhere, and even among them, God’s creation was a disaster. With the exception of a very few faithful souls men lived in complete forgetfulness of their beginning and their end. People did not consider that God had made them and that they were made for God. The devils had altars among all the different peoples; pride, sensuality, and the love of riches reigned in all hearts; the knowledge of God gradually disappeared from the world. Even the Hebrews, that race that God had chosen to preserve the true knowledge of Him, often fell into idolatry. St. John the Baptist was obliged to reproach them, "Ye brood of vipers, who has showed you to flee from the wrath to come." After Him our Lord did likewise, "You are of your father the devil."

God was scarcely known, loved and served anywhere on earth. People were living and dying without knowing, loving and serving God. And souls fell into hell everyday in such numbers. Almost universally souls were living only for this life, or some false sensual after life.

Look at these people, hear what they say, see what they do. All kinds of talk and no one mentions the Blessed Mother, exactly like today. All involved with this world and no one thinking of eternity. No one thinks, why did God make me?

Blessed Trinity was always working to save the idea of the Redeemer among men. The entire time from the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden and God’s subsequent promise to send a Redeemer was only a time for mankind to be prepared to receive this same Redeemer. Men were obliged to believe that He would come and save them from their misery. The Old Testament was a shadow for the New Testament. The New Testament is Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lord Jesus Christ thinks differently than we do. We need to change our thinking and become like Him, trying to think as He does.

In the Fullness of Time, when men were far from God, the Blessed Trinity said: GO!, to the Son.

Almighty God, three in one, loves His creatures. He has made us for Him and wants us to be saved and go to heaven. He wants to be a Father to us. A conversation in Heaven among the Holy Trinity, is a little inaccurate, but it helps us to understand.

The Blessed Virgin Mary who is she? A creature, yet she is very powerful. She was prepared especially by the Blessed Trinity for her great mission. The Immaculate Conception is a singular grace. To be conceived without sin, to be exempted from the stain of Original Sin is a unique grace. All of us were born children of wrath, the Blessed Virgin Mary was not so that she might be a worthy Mother of the Son of God.

Recall the Mystery – "The angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin called Mary. The angel being come in said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; thou shalt bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus. Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to they word."

Our Blessed Mother did not speak much, this is one of her few recorded conversations and it is short. Look at her and the angel Gabriel. How God decided to work our salvation. He made it all depend on this humble maid. Perhaps someone’s salvation depends on you as well, perhaps many souls are depending on your fidelity to grace.


Composition of Place – Represent to yourself Nazareth and the humble house of Mary, where the mystery of the Incarnation was accomplished. Make a lot of detail, then you will stay there.

Ask for Grace – I want an intimate knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ who has become man for me, that I may love Him more and follow Him more closely. May we know well the infinite charity of the Word incarnate, and love Him more ardently and serve Him with greater zeal.

Confidence in God.

We want to go deeper into the mysteries.

How Christ calls me!

What will I do for Christ? St. Ignatius method leads to sanctity if applied.

The Blessed Virgin did not disbelieve the angel. She asked, how? All nature is in silence, all the world at peace. The pax Romani was precisely for the Incarnation.

The salvation of mankind depends on whether this young, humble virgin will accept the vocation that God has sent her. [This is the way that God planned it. He made us as social creatures. We do influence one another’s salvation.] The angelic world all awaits her answer. The world of men neither knows nor cares what is happening. The power of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her answer; at the beginning of creation God said, "fiat lux" and there was light. Now the Blessed Virgin says, "fiat mihi" and the Word is made flesh. The Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity came to her womb. The Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ are inseparable. Our Lord could not come to us without her consent and except through her. We cannot go to Our Lord Jesus Christ except through her.

The scribes and Pharisees knew that Christ was to be born in Bethlehem, they also knew when He would be born. When the wise men came to Jerusalem and to Herod seeking Him, they were able to immediately answer, go to Bethlehem. However, they themselves did not go. They had not heard of the arrival of a great king or queen in Bethlehem, or of anything unusual. The shepherds had not spoken to them. God did not do things the way that they would have done it, and thus they were caught unawares and missed the greatest event in history.

Jesus Christ is our model! Who is Jesus Christ? "No one comes to the Father, but thorough me." "I am the way, the truth, the life."

Our Lord Jesus Christ thinks in a different way than we do! We want to know Him, we want to think like Him. He is "the way."

Our Lord became man to bring mankind back to the knowledge, love and service of God. That is, to bring mankind back to its last end. Each individual must know, love and serve God in this world.

The Word became flesh to bring men back to the knowledge of God. This is the plainest proof of the perfection of God. A God who cannot be worthily adored except by a man-God. The wisdom which knew how to invent this wonderful union of the divine with the human for His glory and our salvation. His holiness, which when offended can only be repaired by the satisfactions of a Divine Person. His mercy, which, instead of abandoning sinful man to his just deserts has pity upon him and saves him. His love, which, not content with the gifts bestowed on mankind wishes to present him with a God as a Saviour.

The Word became flesh to bring men back to the love of God. Consider that creatures, instead of leading man back to God, usurped all of his affections. Man is under the domain of his senses, thus God takes a sensible body to better captivate the human heart. He gives also the best example of that love. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. Recall also the life of Our Lord on earth. He bestowed on our Redemption all of His thoughts, all His affections, all His works, His entire divinity. He perfectly fulfilled the command of charity toward us!

The Word became flesh to bring us back to the service of God. He came to instruct us not only by word, but also by work and example, how to serve God. His whole life is a practical lesson of devotion to His father’s service. "Behold, I have come to do Thy will, O God." "Sacrifice and oblation Thou wouldst not, but a body Thou hast fitted to me."

That we might know Our Lord Jesus Christ. We must become like him.

Colloquy: With the Three Divine Persons, who determined in their love to Redeem us. With Our Lord Jesus Christ who humbled Himself taking the form of a servant to Redeem us and to be a model for us. With the Blessed Virgin Mary, who by her consent enabled God to become man. Ask always for the grace to know and love and serve Our Lord Jesus Christ better in this life, to follow Him more closely. The grace to think like Him; to consider all humiliations of this life as nothing to gain souls for heaven; to be truly one of His apostles.


Act of Contrition


O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread Thy just punishments, but most of all because these sins have offended Thee, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I do firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin.

The Incarnation [101-109]

  1. Introduction – Contemplation
    1. Second Week – Different subject matter, different manner of meditation. Focus on the senses, a "looking" at a certain mystery of the Faith, through the optic of Persons, Words, Actions. For each one, we consider Men of the world, the Triune God, and the subject of contemplation. You are a fly on the wall. Live the event. Read and reread the Scriptural passages during free time.
    2. First Prelude – Look down on the world, see how men were losing their souls, making a world full of sin and wickedness. Meanwhile, God determined in His mercy from all eternity to send His Son to redeem mankind. When the time comes, the angel Gabriel is sent to Our Lady.
    3. Second Prelude – Composition of Place: scan all over the world, the houses, the peoples, the races. Finally, look at Our Lady at her house, in her room, in Nazareth of Galilee, a humble town.
    4. Third Prelude – Grace to ask: an interior knowledge of Our Lord that I may love Him more and follow Him better.
  2. Point 1 (Persons) Read Luke 1
    1. People on the earth
    2. The Triune God in Heaven, looking on the earth, so many going to Hell
    3. Our Lady – a young girl, absolutely pure: stunningly beautiful but none could think of touching her. She is nothing in the eyes of the world, living in a remote village. Men send embassies to the great ones of the world and pay no attention to the little ones. God is about to send a messenger to a lowly girl in a remote village, to ask her to become the Mother of God, God Almighty making a request of a teenage girl and sending an angel to ask her! Look upon her: she is perhaps kneeling in prayer, praying that God will send a Messias to redeem the world. She is perfectly recollected, a picture of sanctity. You could look at her all day.
  3. Point 2 (Words) – Men are blaspheming and cursing, vulgar, lewd. God, however, is saying, "Let us redeem mankind." Angel Gabriel gets a plane ticket to Nazareth. See the conversation between the angel Gabriel and Our Lady! She is so taken up with God that the presence of the angel does not startle her. She is only disturbed by the praise of the angel. She is so recollected as to immediately come to the crux of the issue: would she be able to maintain her virginity that she has promised to God? Her question is perfectly phrased. She knows the prophecies of Isaias, she knows that she will have to suffer greatly. But she does not hesitate; if this is what God wills, be it done unto me according to His word. No false humility here. She accepts then all of the sufferings that will come to her.
  4. Point 3 (Actions) – Men are completely oblivious of what is going on and are busy in their sinful ways. Meanwhile, God is accomplishing the greatest event in the entire history of the world: the Incarnation. When Our Lady says "Yes," what happens? God empties Himself, taking the form of a man, and enters the womb of a lowly virgin, yet the greatest of His creatures! How does Our Lady feel? She has God within Her! For nine months! He Who created Her, and She is to be His Mother; He is to resemble her precisely. Comment on the diaconate. How we should imitate the sentiments of Our Lady when we receive Our Lord in Holy Communion! What are our dispositions? What a gift this is!
  5. Conclusion
    1. Consider the behavior of Our Lord and Our Lady. What humility and goodness! How far we are from imitating them; how much happier and better we would be if we conformed our lives to their examples.
    2. Colloquy – I will speak to the Trinity, the Divine Word, and Our Lady, according as I am moved. I will ask for the grace to imitate and follow Our Lord, incarnate for us.




    The Three Classes of Men [149-157]

    Strengthen the Will

  6. Introduction
    1. First Prelude – Three men with 10,000 ducats, but not acquired entirely as they should have been, for the love of God. They wish to make their peace with God by ridding themselves of all that opposes that peace.
    2. Second Prelude – Composition: Myself standing in the presence of God and all of the saints, that I may desire what is most pleasing to the divine goodness
    3. Third Prelude – Grace: Choose what is more for the glory of God and the salvation of my soul
    4. God wants all; He wants me to give myself to Him completely, to detach myself from everything that keeps me from Him. We must probe the depths of our heart to find what it is that prevents me from finding God in peace, e.g. money, comforts, a person, a place, office, something hard that happens to me, etc.
    5. We are not speaking here of sins, but of inordinate attachments. Tell story of Cromatius and St. Sebastian. What are the idols in my life? What class do I fall into in getting rid of them?
  7. Later – First of the devil’s torpedoes. The devil wants to gain time. Later is too late! Good desires are not enough; we must put them into practice! This is a fatal deception. I act like I want to do what is necessary, when really I have no intention of doing it. Sick man who wants health, but will not take medicine.
  8. But – Second of the devil’s torpedoes. I will take some medicine, but only the ones I choose & only in the way that I want. We think that God will be happy if I do something similar to what He wants, without perfect submission to His will. I will go this far and no farther. That is good enough. This class is full of weaklings and self-seekers. It destroys the spiritual life and prevents so many from becoming saints. Many times it is something very little that we are not willing to give up, that is keeping us from God. It is not a chain, but a silken thread that binds us.
  9. All – Straightforward, earnest. Sick man desires health at any cost. I want what God wants, in the way that He wants it, and I respond immediately. Give up what is attaching and then evaluate if God wants me to keep it. Example of Johnny and his white rabbit. I accept whatever poverty and humiliations Our Lord wills for me. This is a life of constant joy, because all is possessed for God and nothing for self. It becomes a joy to sacrifice things.
    We must take the means – prayer, frequenting of the Sacraments, avoidance of occasions of sin (TV, amusements, bad company), removal of all bad affections
    Examples – The worldly sacrifice everything for personal gain, especially the athletes. The devil stops at nothing to damn souls. Our Lord held back nothing: look at the tabernacle, at the cross, at the manger, at Nazareth. Can I give only half measures? How many blessings are not attached to the third class!
  10. Parable of the Sower
    1. First class – Seed falls on the road and does not germinate. It falls on the rocks and immediately dries up.
    2. Second class – The field has not been sufficiently weeded and the thorns grow up with the wheat, choking the wheat. And either sanctity is lost or salvation itself!
    3. Third class – Seed falls on good ground and bears fruit a hundredfold. The ground is tilled and re-tilled, weeded, manured. Everything is done that can be done for a good harvest. A man will do everything to prepare his field, but he fears going the extra mile for his soul, his eternity.
  11. Colloquy – Try to find your white rabbit(s)! We must offer it if God wants it. Our resolutions must be very practical. Triple colloquy of the two standards, asking for poverty and humiliations. Note the remark of no. 157.


Two Standards

St. Ignatius presents to us Our lord Jesus Christ as leader and King, inviting all men and calling them to follow Him in the combat of the Enemies of God and men: - Satin, the flesh and world.

He promises victory to all those that will fight and that they be willing to be treated as he will be treated. The servant is not greater than the master. This fight is to the death.

It’s a combat with evil – A spiritual combat.

Christ is not optional. He is the only option. To choose otherwise would be offensive to God. Our only hope of salvation is in Christ.

There is going to be a long and difficult battle. It is life long. A daily battle – He who wants to be my disciple must take up his cross and follow me. We must take up our daily cross.




Two Cities to loves – St. Augustine

Two cities = Destinies = Heaven – Hell




In 1898 the cloth was photographed for the first time by a man called Secundo Pia, who intended to make an exact copy of the image. – Shock to find that the negative imaged produced was a positive – In otherwords, what he was looking at in the shroud was a negative itself. The shroud was a photograph itself of something or someone else.

Until then many had claimed that the Shroud was merely a painted image of Christ's Body.
But the detection of the image, apparently being some kind of negative, seemed to discredit this opinion, as it seemed unlikely that an artist could have painted a true negative before the discovery of photography and thus the very idea of a negative image.

Barry Shwortz (Jewish) the documenting Photographer says "Assuming the Shroud were

manufactured in the 14th Century it would mean that someone would have had to

conceive of the concept of Photography 650 years before it was invented, I

do think so"


The photograph was subsequently studied at the Sorbonne University by Dr. Paul Vignon and colleges. And in April 1902 the French Academy of Sciences was presented with a report of their findings: There are no brush strokes and no pigmentation to be found on the cloth. The image is outlined only by a delicate stain completely absorbed by the cloth why the image could not have been painted.
It furthermore seems unlikely that a medieval artist could have painted a negative image with the medical details visible on the cloth. Instead Vignon explained the images origin as the result of chemical action-powdered aloes sprinkled on the cloth and urea in the sweat that covered a dead body.

The visible evidence furthermore suggests that the image actually is the imprint of a human corpse. As there are unmistakable signs of real wounds and of real blood.

In 1950 Dr. Pierre Barbet, a prominent French Surgeon, published his landmark book, "A Doctor at Calvary", documenting 15 years of medical research on the Shroud image. He described the physiology and pathology of the man on the Shroud as "anatomically perfect".


In 1997, Avinoam Danin, a botany professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a leading authority on the flora of Israel, along with Uri Baruch, a pollen specialist, reported that pollen grains lodged in the Shroud’s surface could only have come from plants growing in a restricted area around Jerusalem.


The Shroud –

All scientific evidence done on it has only confirmed it’s authenticity – The only one claim that is used against it is that of Carbon Dating –

Most the detailed imagery is not visible to the naked eye but only visible under ultra violate light (which was invented only in modern times – 650 years after the middle ages).

No paint brush strokes on the image.

Keven Moran,

Optical Engineer "The shroud image is made from tiny fibers that are 1/10 the size

of the human hair. The picture elements are actually randomily destributed like the dots

in your newspaper photograph, or magazine photograph. To do this you would need

an incredibly accurate atomic laser. This technology does not exist."

No smearing on Shroud – Even if you merely laid down on the cloth with blood on you when you get up you are going to smear the cloth.

Some 40 of the polyans found on the cloth are native to Palestine and southern Turkey.

A Painting or Photograph has only Two dimensional information (high and with)– This had 3 dimensional information – No human artist could duplicate this image.

No signal blunder in the human antomy as represented.

Carbon 14 – is based on a number of assumptions –

1.The rate of decay has always been the same throughout all of history.

2. The amount of C .14 in the atmosphere is the same as it has always been.


Ed. T. Hall given 1 million dollars for determining it to be a fake by some rich friends.

If the shroud is reproducible, why not re-produce it?



The Four Marks of the Church

"Unam, Santam, Catholicam et Apostolicam ecclesiatm"

"One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church"

These are the sublime words of the Creed that we receive as Catholics as a public profession of our faith.

What do these words. Why does the Church have to have these marks or can she do without them? What do we mean by these marks anyhow?

This what we hope look at this conference.

It is firstly important to understand that it is by these four positive marks that the true Church is distinguish from the false counter part or claimant "churches". If any claimant sect or "church" lacks any one of these marks, it can not claim to the be the Church as founded by Christ. This is because any Church that God is going to found must of it’s very nature have these four marks. That is why they are called the four positive marks. There are other various "negative" marks which the Church has but they can also be found amongst false sects (ie. Persecuted, zeal, etc).

I say that any Church that God is going to establish must have these marks because any Church that He is going to establish is going to be His Church and so it must in some way resemble Him. For this reason this Church must be one (in reflection of God’s own unity), Holy (in reflection of God’s own sanctity), and Catholic (since his truth is intended for all men since He wills all to come to the knowledge of the Truth and be saved – 1 Tim) and Apostolic since that same truth must be handed on and extended to all generations since this Church will the essential vehicle or instrument of Salvation. My point in stating this is that I want you to understand the "4 Marks" are not an invention of the Church. It is something that the Church has simply acknowledge, but these marks are set by God and so all I will do is explain the four marks and to how the Catholic Church alone has all four marks.

  1. One – Unitas Ecclesia

    Sacred Scripture tells us that we have "one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism." (Eph. 4:5)

    The true Church is called One, because its members are united together in the same faith, in the same worship, in the same laws; and in participation of the same Sacraments, under the same visible Head, the Roman Pontiff.

    Saint Robert explaines this as follows:

    "The Church is one, not twofold, and this one true [Catholic] Church is the assembly of men united in the profession of the same Christian faith and in the communion of the same sacraments, under the rule of legitimate pastors, and in particular, that of the one Vicar of Christ on earth, the Roman Pontiff." (De Controversiis Christianae Fidei adversus Huis Temporis Haereticos, Tom. 1, (Ingolstadt, 1586). Quartae Controversia Generlist Liber Terisus, De Ecclesia Militante, cap. 2, col 1263).

    "...one flock, one shepherd" (St. John 10, 16).

    The Church is the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:23–32). He can have but one spouse, and his spouse is the Catholic Church. She teaches just one set of doctrines, which must be the same as those taught by the apostles (Jude 3). This is the unity of faith to which we are called (Phil. 1:27, 2:2). St. Paul does not hesitate to affirm that the Church is indeed spouse of Christ (Eph 5:23) . This is the intimate Body of unity that Our Lord has with His Church .

    In fact when ever Our Lord speaks of Church he is always clear to point out that it is but One Church, one entity which has both a human and divine reality. This is whole point in speaking of the Church in parable fashion. In a sense by speaking of the Church in the manner of parables He compares it to Himself in that it has a double aspect of the Human and the divine. Our Lord speaks of the Church as a sheepfold, in which there is only one shepherd—that is the head of all, and the sheep are made to follow his voice; "other sheep I peaks of have who are not of this fold."

    Our Lord speaks of His Church He speaks of His Church as of a kingdom (Matt 18: 23), in which there is but one king to rule all. He speaks of His Church as a tree, and all the branches of that tree connected with the trunk, and the trunk with the roots; and Christ is the root, and the trunk is Peter and the Popes, and the large branches are the bishops, and the smaller branches are the priests, and the fruit upon that tree are the faithful throughout the world; and the branch, says He, that is cut off from that tree shall wither away, produce no fruit, and is only fit to be cast into the fire—that is, damnation. On this same point St. Augustine

    Our lord uses the various parables in speaking about the Church to prepare the minds of the apostles for this reality of Church that He has in mind. While in some aspects it will resemble the old ecclesia of the O.T. Church. Yet in many ways it will far surpass it. In fact this was the purpose of the O.T. Church, namely to prepare them for the coming of Christ and His Church of which all the things in the O.T. were only a figure or shadow.

    The Church like any society is also a moral body, namely by the fact that although it is not substantially one like a physical body, it nevertheless like any society has a unity of purpose and function and works for the common good of its members. However it must be kept in mind that the Church is Supernatural Society, (what we term "Totus  Christus" - the whole Christ) as it has a divine origin and continues to receive the graces of its founder (Jesus Christ, the Son of God). For this reason does St. Paul affirm (Rom. 7:5): "We, being many, are ONE BODY in Christ". Our Unity is ultimately in Christ. By Holding to the truths he has revealed to His Church and by remaining attached to it we shall poses the unity of membership in Christ and His Church without it our faith becomes nothing but a sentimental feeling which ultimately will only lead to perdition since without faith (the true faith that is) no one can be pleasing to God (Heb 11:5).

    This unity is essential to the very existence of the Church for as Our Lord put it "a house divided against itself can not stand"- Mark 3:25

  2. Holy - Eph. 5: 25,— "Christ loved the Church and delivered himself for it, that he might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water and the word of life, that he might present it to himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish."

1) Doctrine: anyone examining Catholic doctrine must admit that it is admirable and conducive to living a perfect life. The Church asks one not only to be good, but to be perfect. The Church has always stuck to the Truth in spite of immense pressure. 2) Fruits: Christian civilization and culture, and an immense army of saints. They are those who truly practiced what the Church teaches. The Church cannot be judged by those who do not live the Faith, any more than a doctor’s remedies can be judged by those who don’t take them. The saints worked extraordinary miracles and lived incredible lives. They cannot be found in any other religion.

The true church is called Holy ultimately because her Invisible Head, Jesus Christ is Holy. Christ doesn’t hesitate to affirm that He sanctifies Himself for the sake of the Church so that both may be presented in all perfection to His Father; "And for their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth" (St. John 17, 19).


As a consequence the Church is Holy. She has an objective Holiness regardless of Her member and yet this also do means that some of her members will be holy as we indeed have innumerable examples that give testimony of this in the Church in the lives of the Saints. These saints by there holiness simply become another living reality of the Holiness of Christ.

If the Church is established by God, it must be adaptable to every race on the face of the planet. We find Catholics of every nation, each with their racial, cultural, and ethnical differences, but all professing the same faith, united under one head and one worship (though rites are different). Protestantism and pop culture, meanwhile, destroy these differences. The Church takes its members from every walk of life. Members freely join and are offered no reward, only the cross. The Church belongs to no age, race, culture, class or place. She is universal in every respect. This has to be from God, as there is no natural explanation for it!


Further the Church is said to be Holy because her Laws and teachings are Holy and lead to Holiness and so as a consequence there can be no true holiness outside of the Church.

Yet this does not mean that all the members of the Church are holy or that they are necessary going to be holy, but only that they are holy in the degree that they are conformed to their head and to the teachings, laws and Traditions of the Church which help to unite us to our head. SS is full of examples of which indict that until the end of time the Church will be filled with bad members: Our Lord's images of the sower of the seed (St. Matt. 13, 18-23), the net enclosing

the fish (St. Matt. 13, 47-52), and the sheep and the goats (St. Matt. 25, 31-46).

3. Catholic - "Going therefore and make disciples of all nations..." (St. Matt. 28, 19).

The true Church is called Catholic, or Universal, not only because all are called to enter into it but because she embraces all times, places, people and conditions; and all peoples are called to belong to her. In other words the Church is called "Catholic" because she transcends all times and cultural barriers. She is from above and encompasses all that is below. She embraces all men, in the true notion of that word in order to draw all to salvation. This is indeed one of the great aspects of the Church. All men from all nations will are called to belong to it. So great is this that St. John in the apocalypse (7:9) has reason to rejoice over this: " I saw a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.

And they cried with a loud voice, saying: Salvation to our God, who sits upon the throne and to the lamb."

Church is also universal in time and place – In time it has always been there – from day one. In place it has made great conquests throughout all parts of the world .

The name "Catholic" was often used by a great number of the early Church Fathers to distinguish the True Church from the false Church of the heretics. It was used at least as early as the year 107, when Ignatius of Antioch used that title to describe the one Church Our Lord founded. The title apparently was old in Ignatius’s time, which means it probably went all the way back to the time of the apostles. St. Augustine constantly makes use of the term "Catholic" in reference to the Church.

St. Augustine speaking on the word "Catholic" as the name for the true Church states: "When you see any body inherit its name from a particular man, as the Marcionites from Marcion, the Valentinians from Valentinus," (we may add the Lutherans from Luther, the Calvinists from Calvin,) "you may look on that body, not as the Church of Christ but as the school of Antichrist." -contra Luciferius

In other words, "its all in the name" since those who retain their communion with the ancient body of the faithful retained the ancient name, whilst heretics have almost always given to the name of their sect either their own name, or one derived from their peculiarly novel doctrine, or from the country in which their his new creed made its first appearance. Thus the Lutherans, the Calvinists, the Church of England, the Methodists, the Quakers, the Mormons etc, all show, by their very names, the human origin of their religion.

  1. Apostolic

If OLJC founded the Church, then we must be able to trace her back to Him and those whom He chose to guide it – the Apostles. He gave them the Deposit of the Faith; we must believe the same things the Apostles and the first Catholics did. The Apostles were also given the Sacraments, the Mass, and authority over the Church. Which institution has all of these today? If the Church "defected," then OLJC failed and has not kept His promises. But we can compare the doctrine and easily see it is the same.

The founded on the Apostles and is governed by their successors, the bishops, who since the Apostles, have succeeded them without interruption. And these bishops have a lawful mission to guard always, in their teaching and management of the Church, the unity of Faith and of communion with their head and center, the Roman Pontiff.

What is meant by the term Apostolic Succession?

Church of Christ, must be able to trace her doctrine, her orders, all her mission, to the Apostles of Christ and so ultimately, by Apostolic Succession we mean that Lawful Succession of the hierarchy from the Apostles by means of the Orders validly received while simultaneously having transmitted the same faith of the Apostles.

And so in its concrete form, apostolic succession is the unbroken line of bishops stretching back to the apostles who held communion with the See of Rome.

Necessity for Apostolicity: Does the Church have to be Apostolic? You might ask - Why does this have to be the case?

The reason is that at all the time that the Church shall exist, there must have true pastors who have been lawfully sent to preach and teach the faith and it is by means of this Apostolic Succession that Christ intended His Church to endure until the end of world with the 4 marks with which he founded it. In other words it is by this Apostolic Succession that we are to know the true Church from all the counterfeit claimant churches of today because the true Church must derive, by a perpetual and uninterrupted succession from the Apostles, her doctrines, her mission, and her orders.

In Short we have:

Christ => 12 Apostles (Matt 18:18)

From which comes the continuation of the Same:

Doctrine = i.e. the faith

Sacraments = Holy Orders Re: apostolic Succession

Mission = Legitimate succession which today more explicitly implies union with the Patron office of the Pope - Matt 16:18

Scripture and Apostolic Succession:

The notion of Apostolic Succession is not doctrinal invention but one that is latent throughout the whole N.T, while we also see in the O.T that there did exist a privileged status of teaching which was in some way handed down as we see in the notion of the seat of Mosses (i.e. The seat of Mosses).

In fact we see in the N.T that Our Lord choice of 12 Apostles. These 12 Apostle were to symbolically replace the 12 tribes of Israel, they were to be the 12 Pillars of the New Israel, the N.T Church. We see this idea in the 12 Chapter of the Apocalypse (Apoc. xii., 1) where the women who signifies is depicted with the 12 Stars upon her head as though these twelve stars were her Glory. And so the significance of the number 12 is not accidental – It is meant to signify the 12 Apostles as foundation stones of the New Church, will supercede the O.T Church . St. Peter understood this well and that is why we read in the Acts of the Apostle that affirms that they had to choose someone else to take the Place of Judas before Pentecost, by someone who was a witness of the resurrection and who had been with the apostles from the beginning. This was because St. Peter knew well that divine providence had ordained it that the Church was to have 12 Apostles who were to be its foundation stone as a clear sign that it was to be a re-founding, a new Church, which while in many respects came forth from the bosom of the O.T because Christ was the fulfillment of the law and yet in many was it was also a totally new Church distinct from the O.T because it was founded by Christ the New Adam (Rom 5) who is the chief corner stone the Church (Eph 2:21).

More from Scripture:

The idea of Apostolic Succession is undeniably evident not only from the fact that Our Lord Established a Church (Matt 16:16) but its also clear that he intended that Church to endure until the end of time as he expressly states "I shall be with all days even to the consummation of the world"(Matt 28:18 ). In other word, Christ promised to remain not only with the Apostles but also all their lawful successors until the end of time since it’s evident that the Apostle will not always be around.


St. Paul who while he was called to be an apostle during the life time of Christ nevertheless is just as adamant about the point of Apostolic succession that he affirms to Titus saying: For this cause I left thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and should ordain priests in every city, as I also appointed thee: ...(Titus 1:5). In other words, Titus, you have a duty to look after the Church and ensure it’s preservation and edification by Ordaining priests who can legitimately govern and teach in the Church, those doctrine which you have received from me, and I from Christ. I say this because the ordination to the priesthood is essential to maintain the sacerdotal and hierarchical structure of the Church which is implied in the notion of Apostolic Succession.

Church Fathers and Apostolic Succession:

As early back as we go in antiquity, we see this same truth being affirmed. If any point of doctrine has unanimity of opinion amongst the Fathers, it is truly this doctrine of Apostolic Succession.

The first Christians then had no doubts about how to determine the true Church from the many claimant sects. The test was simple: Just trace the apostolic succession of the claimants. Did the teaching AND the teachers come down from the apostles and their legitimate successors? If not they were not part of the True Church. The simple procedure worked every time, even if in times of crisis, it might not have been always so clear yet this criterion has nevertheless remained infallibly true. It is this same principle of apostolic succession which the Catholic Church has always operated by.

It’s true that people will often bring up the point that present day Catholicism doesn’t have the semblance or external appearance of what they had understood the early Church to be. The Church which Christ founded was in no way to remain static. While the guiding principles which would be it’s pillar, would remain static, that is the unshakable and immutable faith upon which it is based will and must remain ever unchangeable because the Church would continue in the way Christ had founded it.. Yet the Church itself like a human body, organically developed from the beginning in a gradual, consistent fashion.

Cardinal Newman makes the analogy between an acorn seed and the great oak from which it springs. In comparison they look noting alike, yet one has homogeneously grown out from the other. We might say that all the DNA of that Oak Tree was contained in the seed. It is one and the same as the seed, since without the seed their would be no Oak tree, and yet who will turn around and deny that the Oak tree has nothing to do with the acorn? The same is true of the Catholic Church, which while it has maintained it’s doctrinal truths, nevertheless continue to grow both numerically in it’s membership and also in its expounding and clarification of that same faith which Christ had taught to the apostles, while by the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost continues to lead men to heaven by means of the sacraments and legitimately developed rites and ceremonies . In fact, Christ Himself declared this to the apostles that this would be the purpose of the Holy Ghost, to guide them in all Truth. Yet there were many things that our lord had wished to expounded to the apostles, but as He said " (John 16:12) "but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself: but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak. And the things that are to come, he shall shew you them". Hence, these truths were to be later expounded by the apostles by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and faithfully transmitted through their successors.


Acorn = 1. As Foundation Stones* = Primary role of the Apostles Ergo. Common opinion is that the Apostles were infallible, impeccable + all had universal Jurisdiction/Mission. (* Ergo Public Revelation ended with the death of the Last Apostle.

Oak Tree = 2. As Depositories of the faith = Secondary Role of the Apostle, but Primary Role of their successors is to transmit this deposit (Ergo true Notion of Tradition) = limited to their own diocese (with exception of the Pope) while their secondary role is to communicated that tradition to the generation in which they live (Ergo the notion of Living Tradition).

If the Church be truly be Apostolic the consequence will be that it will have all the other marks. That is any of the four marks can only exists in appearance within a false claimant sect but for it to be truly have any of the 4 marks it would be that very fact have all the rest. One Can not however claim to have one to the exclusion of any of the 3 marks since all integrally unity much like a body and soul since they all come from the same other and as I said in the intro any Church that is the True Church of Christ must have by that very fact all four marks in resemblance of it’s founder for the Church is His! It is important to remember that the Church is His especially in these times. It shows us that He knows what He is doing and that the Church will all remain with her four marks until the end despite the perversity of men who may individually fall away from the faith.

This then is part of the Divine Constitution –This is the way Christ Founded his Church and it will endure in this way to the end of the world. With Priests and Bishops and Pope to the end of the world.

The Marks of the Church §123

The Marks of the Church Founded by Christ

Which of the Christian societies is Christ's own? In searching, we presuppose that: §124

• Christ was truly a messenger from God

• Christ founded a numerically visible society

• The Church Christ founded still exists

§125 Mark - a quality which distinguishes a thing from all other things

• Positive - Proves unmistakably that the thing possessing it is the genuine article sought for

• Negative - Shows that nothing prevents a particular object from being the article we are looking for

Requisites for a thing to serve as a mark

• Essential to the thing - Will never be missing from the thing

• Easier to recognize - The mark should be known before the marked article

• Visible/obvious - All marks need not have the same perspicacity; as long as some are easily recognizable

Marks of the Church acc. to non-Catholics §126

• Schismatics - One mark: the unchanging preser-vation of the doctrine of the 1st 7 ecu. councils. But: Rules out organic exposition of doctrine; Does not prove that Church of 8th c. was Church of Christ

• Early Protestants - Marks: the gospel preached in its purity & rightful use of the sacraments. But: Completely arbitrary, not proper to the thing we are searching for; also, impossible to recognize them unless you first know the true Church of Christ

Marks acc. to Catholics §127

  1. Unity §128 - Visible & easier to recognize than the true Church itself; Miraculous if a.) perpetually present; b.) spread over the world; c.) Arose spontaneously & connaturally
  2. Holiness §129 - Heroic holiness/charisms readily perceived, not found outside the true Church, can be seen before finding the true Church, & requires an abundance of grace not granted to heretics
  3. Catholicity §130 - Refers to morally universal diff-usion; its preservation thru the centuries amounts to a moral miracle; does not mean it has more members than all others, but is always diffused throughout the world, which can never be true for any other religious society for a long time
  4. Apostolicity §131 - Apostolicity of membership & government; knowledge of history required; the sustaining of the Church for 2000 years is also a moral miracle



Corollaries §132

• Any one of the four marks suffices to identify the true Church, provided it is applied in its full meaning

• Each of the marks involves something miraculous; merely human marks can always be counterfeited. Thus, they are sufficient to demonstrate the divine origin of the Catholic religion over all others

Which Christian Society Verifies the Marks of Christ's Church?

The Reformation Churches §135

Beliefs of Lutherans

  1. Justification by faith alone
  2. Intrinsic corruption of human nature by original sin
  3. The Bible is the only norm of faith
  4. The existence of only 2 sacraments (Baptism & HE)
  5. Rejection of a sacramental priesthood for the common priesthood of all believers
  6. Supreme power over churches conferred on secular rulers

Beliefs of Calvinists

  1. SS obscure & intricate => HG enlightens reader
  2. OL dynamically present in the Eucharist
  3. Absolute predestination
  4. Secular rulers excluded from church government
  5. Zealous in promoting good behavior & social works

Beliefs of Anglicans

• High - Episcopacy is of divine origin

• Low - ~Calvinist, not so conc. w/episcopal rank

• Broad - Rationalistic; all dogmas debatable

Notes on ecumenism: good for Prots, not for RCC

• At best, dialogue is a pretended neutrality to Truth

• At worst, ecumenism is a true evolutionary thought

• Middle ground, position of pretended neutrality, leads to religious indifferentism

Prop 1. The mark of unity & catholicity cannot be verified in the Eastern or Refor. churches. §137

• Collectively - They lack unity, being composed of many churches completely independent

• Singly - They lack catholicity, being often confined to the boundaries of a single country

• Doctrine - Not even individual protestant churches agree; Photian churches do not evangelize & show some wavering in doctrine; fundamental principle of protestantism militates against unity

Prop 2.The RCC possesses the mark of unity. §138

• Doctrine - All Catholics profess the doctrine proposed to them by the bishops & are ready to accept whatever decisions the Church makes

• Social - All worship God with the same sacrifice, sacraments, & universal laws

• Government - Both laity & clergy obey the bishops & all are under the rule of the Roman pontiff

Prop 3. The RC possesses the mark of catholicity. §139

• It is called "Catholic" by the entire world

• It surpasses the combined membership of all the other "Christian" churches

• It is geographically diffused over the whole world

• It keeps spreading constantly ever wider

Prop 1. The Photian & Prot. churches lack the mark of apostolicity. §140

• No ap. of membership - One started in 1054, the other in 1517.

• No ap. of government - Caerularius lost apostolic power when he broke w/Rome, as did all other schismatic patriarchs. Lay synods, political rulers, etc. cannot be legitimate successors of the apostles

Prop 2. The RCC possesses the mark of apostolicity. §141

• Membership - All others came into being by sep-arating from the CC; she is older than all others; no one can prove that she started after the apostolic era

• Government - The CC is united to the Bishop of Rome, who goes back to St. Peter

Prop 1. The mark of holiness cannot be verified in the Photian or Protestant churches. §142

• No heroic holiness - May have ppl of ordinary holiness, but no saints. Prot. founders not holy & results of "Ref." disaster, not improvement

• No miracles or charisms

• Means of holiness - Orthodox have them, but not jurisdiction & apostolicity, which are nec. for saints; Prots: Doctrine unholy, institutions & laws do not promote holiness, banishment of religious rites



Prop 2. The RCC possesses the mark of holiness.

Preliminary Suasions §144

• OL prophesied that His Church would be hated by the world; none experience hatred so much as the CC

• Ppl convert to the CC to become holier; they leave b/c of worldly motives

Proof §145

• Many means to holiness

• Doctrine - Embraces gospel ideals in their entirety

• Disciplinary laws - Constantly & earnestly instructs men in the keeping of divine laws

• Institutions - 7 sacraments, devotions, confraternities, societies, religious orders

• Abundant harvest of holiness §146

• Vast number consecrated to the state of perfection

• Vast number of genuine saints the Church continually produces

• Unceasing charisms throughout history §147

Corollary - CC not to be blamed for those Catholics who do not follow her principles, laws, & way of life

Should the Church promote temporal prosperity? §148

• The real source of earthly happiness does not depend on material goods or secular culture

• Temporal prosperity does not directly or necessarily depend on religion


The Properties of the Church

Properties - those qualities which flow from its very essence and are a necessary part of it

7 properties - visibility, indestructibility, infallibility, unity, holiness, catholicity, apostolicity

The Church's Infallibility

I. Church's infallibility - the Church can neither de-ceive nor be deceived in matters of faith and morals §77

• Active - Church's rulers are rendered immune from error when they teach

• Passive - all of Christ's faithful are preserved from error in their beliefs

Active infallibility - a.) The privilege by which the teaching office of the Church b.) Through the assistance of the Holy Ghost c.) Is preserved immune from error d.) When it defines a doctrine of faith and morals

II. Errors §78

• Protestants - Ascribe infallibility to no (visible) church

• Jansenists - ecumenical councils decide doctrine when delegates a.) meet, b.) agree, and c.) have their decision ratified by the Church throughout the world

• Modernists - No infallibility; doctrine defined by the Christian consciousness; religion subordinated to cultural expression

III. Fact of Infallibility §79 Prop: What the teaching office of the Church hands down on faith & morals is infallible; dogma of faith

- Church's rulers are only inf. when they use the fulness of their authority & intend to bind everyone to assent

- Intention of binding affects only the definition, not the historical observations, reasons for the definition, etc.


  1. Promises of Christ - 1(§80): a.) The HG will teach you all things (J 16); b.) He will remain forever (J 14); 2(§81): a.) Ap. promised aid in teaching all nations (Mt 28); b.) All men obliged to accept their teaching (Mk 16)
  2. St. Paul §82 - Church = pillar & ground of Truth (1 Tim. 3) = Christian doctrine in its entirety
  3. Fathers §83 - Sts. Ignatius, Irenaeus ("the bishops have received the sure charism of truth"), Athanasius, Jerome, Augustine
  4. Qcal argument - M: The Church is indestructible; m: It would fail if it strayed from the true teaching of Christ; C: It cannot stray from the true teaching.





Corollary - Synagogue infallible? §84

- God watched over the preservation of doctrine then, in a manner suited to that age

• Ordinary teaching office of the prophets - exercised authoritative teaching power, but no charism of infallibility

• Extraordinary - New revelations made to prophets

IV. Object of infallibility §85

- Doctrines which ppl need to a.) believe aright & b.) live uprightly & which are either:

• Primary - each and every religious truth contained formally in the sources of revelation

• Secondary - all things so closely connected w/the deposit that revelation would be imperiled if a certain decision were not made about them

Proof that infallibility extends to primary object §86

• Words of Christ - Sent the Apostles to teach nations and promised them the Spirit of truth

• Purpose of infallibility - One could doubt almost any truth if the first truths were doubtful

What belongs to the primary object of infallibility?

  1. Decisions on the canon & true meaning of SS
  2. Those acknowledging & explaining the records of divine tradition
  3. Those on the selection of terms in which revealed truth is to be presented
  4. Those on doctrines directly opposed to revealed truth

What belongs to the secondary object? §87

  1. Theological conclusions
  2. Dogmatic facts
  3. General discipline of the Church
  4. Approval of religious orders
  5. Canonization of saints

The Church is infallible in things closely connected to revelation - All error must be eliminated; this cannot be done w/o infallibility in related matters.

1. Qcal conclusion §88 - a proposition which by genuinely discursive reasoning is deduced w/certainty from 2 premises, one formally revealed, the other known w/natural certitude

Qcal conclusions are closely connected to revelation - Denial in conclusion means denial in premise; this premise will often be the revealed premise.

Also: The Church cannot stretch infallibility beyond its limit, as this would require assent to things uncertain.





2. Dogmatic fact §89 - a fact not contained in the sources of revelation, on the admission of which depends the knowledge or certainty of a dogma or of a revealed truth

Proof that infallibility extends to dogmatic facts

• Purpose - Error in dogmatic facts would constitute a danger to the faith

• Practice of the Church - a.) often has condemned heretical writings (Nicaea & Ephesus); b.) declared Vulgate authentic & Canon free from error; c.) in case of Jansen, silence about a dogmatic fact not adequate

Corollary §90 - dog. facts are often used to deduce a conclusion from revelation; thus they may be called indirect objects of infallibility

Types of conclusions

  1. Theological - result of a real reasoning process
  2. Truth formally but implicitly revealed - the syllogism is merely explanatory

3. General discipline §91 - those ecclesiastical laws passed for the universal Church for the direction of Christian worship & living

Twofold judgment w/sanctioning a law

  1. Doctrinal - This law squares w/the Church's doctrine on faith & morals; infallible
  2. Practical - This law is most opportune; not infall.

Extent: The Church can never sanction a universal law which would be at odds w/faith or morality or would conduce to the injury of souls

Infallibility extends to general discipline; Proof:

  1. Purpose - Church would encourage vice & induce corruption in practice of religious life & thus would not be a guardian of revealed doctrine
  2. Official statement of the Church - Auctorem Fidei call erroneous hypothesis that the Church could est. dangerous, harmful, etc... discipline

Corollary §92 - lex orandi lex credendi: formulae of prayer approved for public use cannot contain errors ag. f & m (but historical facts can be wrong in the Breviary)

4. Infallibility extends to approval of religious orders §93 (in the app. of its constitution & app. of the pope)

  1. Purpose - Church would not be trustworthy teacher of Christian truth if it could approve a constitution opposed to the gospel or natural law
  2. Solid conviction of the Church - Makes it clear in approval that it considers such decisions infallible

- Decree is infallible in doctrinal judgment, that such a constitution is an apt instrument for acquiring Christian perfection, but not in the practical judgment

Canonization §94 - final & definitive decree by which the Pope declares that someone has been admitted to heaven & is to be venerated by everyone

5. Infallibility extends to canonization of saints

  1. Purpose - Church cannot be guardian of truth & recommend damned person for veneration
  2. Solid conviction of the Church - Popes use "language of infallibility" when canonizing

Church not infallible in issue of relics

• Never issues a solemn decree about them

• Relics are relative cult (directed to an object), saints are absolute cult (directed to a person)

Corollary §95 - Equivalent canonization, deceased person gradually venerated by the universal Church, not on same plane, b/c consent of Pope is only permissive

Is the Church's infallibility in matters related to revealed truth itself a revealed truth? §96

- It is at least a conclusion from revelation; serious reasons indicate that it is formally revealed; the Truth OL promised the Church must be understood this way

V. Nature of Infallibility

  1. Not just absence of error, but imposs. of erring §97
  2. In actual existence only when something is being defined; not a permanently residing habit
  3. Assistance of HG is the efficient cause §98 - a.) inferior to revelation & inspiration, as no new doctrine is received; b.) can involve any influence God may choose to use; He positively guides
  4. Assistance does not render void the work & study of men §99
  5. Assistance extends to 3fold function which rulers must fulfill - (Infallible) Witnesses of revelation; Teachers of religious truth; Arbiters of controversies

Rule of faith §100 - norm acc. to which each individual Christian must determine what is mat. obj. of his faith

Material rules = Creeds; Formal rule = preaching itself

Christ est. Church's preaching as rule of faith

• Command to teach all nations (Matt. 28, Mk. 16)

• No command to give doctrine in writing or seek faith in Bible

Church's preaching fits people's needs

• Easy - Can be observed by all, incl. uneducated

• Safe - Church is infallible in safeguarding & presenting Christ's doctrine

• Living - Always possible to explain meaning of doctrines & end controversies






The Church's Unity

Threefold unity of the Church §101 - doctrine & profession, communion, & government

Prop(§102): Christ willed that His Church enjoy unity of faith & profession

- Consists in all members holding & making profession of the same doctrine as it is presented by the Church; internal assent of the mind not sufficient

  1. Words of Christ & Apostles - Demand that everyone profess the faith preached by the apostles
  2. Conviction of early Christianity - Sts. Augustine, Irenaeus, Justin ("1 mind, 1 congregation, 1 Church")

Essential unity of faith §103

• Requires that everyone hold every doctrine clearly presented for belief by the Church explicitly or at least implicitly

• Does not require that there be no controversy about religious matters

Fundamentalists §104 - Agreement on fundamental doctrines is sufficient; variety of opinions can be held on other less fundamental truths. BUT:

• OL demanded faith in all doctrines which the auth. He est. should teach, w/no distinction of doctrines

• There can be no sure standard for distin. non-fund. & fund. doctrines; the system leads to indifferentism

Prop: - Christ willed that His Church enjoy unity of communion or of (social) charity §105

- Consists in all members mutually cohering as the parts of one moral body, one family, one single society

  1. Metaphors of OL & Apostles - Compared Church to a house, kingdom, sheepfold, organic body
  2. OL's prayer after the LS - "That they all be one, as Thou Father in Me & I in Thee" (J 17)
  3. Conviction of early Xianity - Abhorred schisms; Sts. Ign., Irenaeus, Cyprian, Chrysostom, Augustine

S1 §106 - Diversity of liturgies & disciplinary laws does not break up the unity of communion, b/c it does not affect the substance of Christian worship

S2 §107 - Some Anglicans say that unity of communion is desirable but not necessary & the Church comprises 3 distinct communions. BUT: they certainly do not form 1 fold, 1 body; they are still several Churches

Prop §108: Christ willed His Church enjoy unity of rule: Consists in all members obeying 1 & the same visible authority

S1 §109 W/the Western Schism, when there were 2 or 3 "popes", unity was only materially, not formally, interrupted

Corollary - Unity of worship is included in unities of faith & of communion. Thus not mentioned by V I or Leo XIII

The Church's Holiness

Holiness (union w/God) implies two things: §110

• Being cleansed of anything that can sully

• Adhering staunchly to God through love

Two of the degrees of sanctity

  1. Ordinary - one is habitually free of mortal sin
  2. Heroic - one surpasses in a notable way the common run of ppl who live virtuous lives

The Church is holy b/c:

  1. Its founder and head is the Son of God
  2. Its purpose is the glory of God & sanctification of mankind
  3. By the institution of Christ it has a 3fold holiness

Church has a 3fold external & visible holiness - its means of sanctification, members, & charisms

Prop: OL willed His Church to be holy in its means §111 – The Church possesses means suitable to produce moral holiness in people

  1. Purpose for its founding - Eph. 5 "Church in all her glory, devoid of blemish or wrinkle"; Church needs to be holy to sanctify
  2. Metaphors - Church compared to yeast (Matt. 13), pastors to "salt of the earth" (Matt. 5)
  3. List of means of sanctification - OL gave to the Apostles holy means - a.) sound doctrine; b.) sacraments; c.) sacred authority; => all from Eph. 4

Prop: OL willed His Church to be holy in its members §112

A1. A harvest of even outstanding holiness can never be wanting in the Church.

  1. Christ's promise - Church was founded to lead men to holiness & He promised help to attain this end
  2. The Apostle calls the Church the body of Christ, which Christ nourishes & cherishes (Eph. 5)
  3. OL wanted the Church to be recognized by its abundant holiness (Matt. 5) "light of the world"
  4. OT prophecies - Describe the Church as a kingdom of surpassing holiness (Ps. 71, Is. 62, Ez. 37)

A2. The harvest of holiness is limited §113

• OL warned that there would be many sinners in His kingdom; parables of cockle, net, virgins

• It is very difficult to reach heroic holiness

Corollary - The Church can be called unqualifiedly holy, even though it contains more sinners than saints.

Prop: OL willed His Church to be holy in its charisms §114

Proof: OL promised charisms for those who believe in Mk. 16, w/o restriction of time

Charisms have an essential relation to holiness

• They are signs that the HG dwells in the Church

• They are enjoyed by those outstanding for perfect holiness

The Church's Catholicity

Catholic §115 (kata holon = throughout a whole) = something complete, whole, entire

Catholicity = the diffusion of the one and undivided Church throughout the entire world

The Church is catholic in:

  1. Doctrine - it teaches Christ's religion in its entirety
  2. Personnel - It welcomes ppl of every race
  3. Time - It covers the whole era from the time of Christ to the end of the world
  4. Place - It is spread throughout the entire world

Two aspects of catholicity

• By right to spread throughout the world

• Aptitude - b/c there is nothing in its structure which binds it to 1 or more nations

• Right & duty - b/c OL endowed the Church w/power & obligation to spread to the world

• In fact §116 – the actual spread of the Church throughout the world

Prop 1: The Church must one day reach all nations

  1. Messianic prophecies - Gen. 22, Ps. 2, 71 ("All the nations shall proclaim his happiness)", 85 ("All the nations you have made will come & worship you")
  2. Words of Christ - Matt. 28 ("teach all nations"), 24; Lk. 24; Acts 1 ("You shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth")

Prop 2: The Church should always be morally universally diffused §117

  1. Messianic prophecies - Constantly speak of the diffusion of the Messianic kingdom among all ppls
  2. Words of Christ - St. Paul says Gospel was bearing fruit "throughout the whole world"; Promises of OL must be fulfilled in some sense, though imperfectly

Corollary - No catholicity if there were large #s of Catholics, but only of one nation; nor if there was merely successive diffusion.

Prop 3: The moral diffusion should be a progressive expansion §118

  1. Messianic prophecies - Is. 54 "Enlarge the place of thy tent & stretch out the skins of thy tabernacles"
  2. Words of Christ - Comparison of mustard seed

Notes: The Church can be notably decreased due to schism or heresy. She cannot, however, be restricted to just one region, and the end time prophecies cannot be taken in this sense.




The Church's Apostolicity

What is apostolicity? §119 For:

• Protestants - merely apostolicity of doctrine

• Anglicans - & apostolicity of government

• Catholics - & apostolicity of membership

Ap. of doctrine - The Church always retains & teaches the same doctrine which it received from the apostles

Ap. of government - The Church is always ruled by pastors who are the Apostles' legitimate successors

S1. §120 How can one prove that a certain bishop is a legitimate successor of the apostles?

- Must est. that he has the complete ordinary powers of an apostle & also has the power of jurisdiction

• Method 1 - Demonstrate that he is connected w/1 of the original apostles by a never-interrupted line of predecessors in the same office, none of whom have acquired their office illicitly

• Method 2 - Find the one est. by Christ as head of the apostolic college. Then find out whether this bishop is united to & acknowledged by him

Method 2 is satisfactory - None of the Apostles had any power of governing except as a member of the Petro-apostolic college. This is also true of their successors

S2. §121 Theory of extraordinary mission.

- Prots. claim that God could raise up a group of men w/an extraordinary vocation & confer on them apostolic functions if apostolic pastors are viciously corrupt.

Christ's promises rule out this possibility

  1. He conferred sacred powers on the Apostles until the end of the world
  2. He promised them perpetual and unfailing assistance
  3. God would be sowing the seeds of division by setting up 2 separate & independent sources of authority, both demanding obedience from the same subjects

Ap. of membership §122 - The Church in any given age is & remains numerically the same society as that est. by the apostles.

- A moral body remains numerically the same so long as it retains the same social structure and the same auth.

- A specific likeness is not sufficient; the Church could not crumple & then another society just like it spring up and still be apostolic.






The Last Supper

"Before the festival day of the pasch, Jesus knowing that his hour was come, that he should pass out

of this world to the Father: having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them unto the end." – Jn 13

  1. Introduction
    1. We beginning to contemplate the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, in doing so, always keep in mind three points:
      1. Our Lord wills to suffer. He could have saved me without suffering, but wanted to show His love for me.
      2. Jesus hides His Divinity. He could smash His enemies but holds back.
      3. All of this is for me, to redeem me, to incite me to love. How can I not respond?
    3. Preparatory prayer always, always remains the same.

      Second Prelude – Composition of Place: the Cenacle, the room of the Supper, big, small, etc. Read the Scriptural account!


      This was his hour. His night-

      "Why is this night different from every all other nights" – was the question that began the sayida - (For 3 thousand years, since the first Passover ceremony, these words had been said:

      "We were slaves to pharaoh in Egypt and the lord redeemed us with a might hand, if the holy and blessed one had not taken our fathers out of Egypt, then we our children and our grandchildren would be slaves in Egypt, this is why even though we might be wise, and learned and experienced, though we might know the Torah well, it is our duty to tell the story from the out going from Egypt, and the more one tells from the out going from Egypt, the more praise worthy he is" -

      Explain –

      (The Jewish Passover ceremony) – Recount how they were delivered from Slavery, - The youngest male in the house would begin the question:

    4. Third Prelude – Grace: grief, feeling, and confusion for my sins because Our Lord is going to His Passion for me
  2. Point 1 – Eating the Paschal Lamb:

    After the mentioned words had been recited, they then said these words: "If God had rescued us from Egypt but not punished Egyptians, it would have been enough! If he merely punished the Egyptians, but not destroyed their gods, it would have been enough! If He had destroyed their gods, but not slain their first born, it would have been enough!

    If He had slain their first born, but not given us their property it would have been enough! If he had given us their property and not split the sea for us, it would have been enough!

    If he had merely had split the sea for us, and not brought us through on dry ground, it would have been enough for us! If he had brought us through on dry ground, and not drowned our oppressors it would have been enough! If he merely drowned our oppressors but had not supplied us in the desert for 40 years, and not continue to feed us with manner it would have been enough! Etc.

    The meal continued with various blessing, the drinking of the cups of wine,

    But this Passover was not to be like every other Passover, it was to be the last true Passover- Christ was not to perfect it, it showing the extent to which he loves us.

    Loot at the Apostles as they recline at table around Our Lord. Look at the setting. This image alone has inspired the art work of countless artists.

    It is Our Lord’s Last Supper. Look at his meek but solemn expression. He who is the Lamb of God, about to be sacrificed for all of mankind. The entire purpose of this feast that was practiced by the Jews for thousands of years was for Him. Now, His hour has come; He is about to fulfill all. "How I have desired to eat this pasch with you." – Yes, Christ was born for this final moment which was to beginning here. He was born to die. Die, for the love of us,

    What ought to be our gratitude for the Eucharist!

    The benefits of love can never be the motives of Love. (i.e. I love you because you make me feel Good). Otherwise still seeking yourself.


    St. John Chrystotom, "Because he loved us so ardently, he chose to make himself one w/ us by becoming our food." – In this live most intimate union is that between a man and his wife – Two become one flesh, but even more intimate union does God desire with us, as we are united to him by partaking of his flesh.

    Earthly food is transformed in us/flesh – Christ transforms us to Him = Grace.

    Transubstantiation takes place 1st time. – Xt Holds himself in His own hands.

    He will do it by showing an incredible excess of love. "He loved them unto the end," that is, completely without limit. The Apostles do not understand, and as yet are not clear about His Passion, His teaching or anything. Yet He loves them and proves it. The lamb is slaughtered, crucified, and completely consumed.

    Institution of the Priesthood – Give the command, you give the power to do it. Do this in memory of me" –

    Passover of O.T you couldn’t have said I want a cookie, that symbolizes Christ, you had to have the real thing.

    It was Christ spoke of the Eucharist (Jn 6) Judas had gone to betray Him. "

  3. Point 3 – Institution of the Eucharist: - When the typical Passover was concluded, and He had partaken of the Lamb with His Apostles, He comes to the true paschal sacrament –

    Knowing that He is about to suffer for us all, that the Apostles will abandon Him, and Judas betray Him, what does He do? He speaks affectionately, and gives a gift greater than anything conceivable. In order to sanctify men, He becomes not a man, or a worm, but, of all things, bread! What greater proof of love is possible? Yet Satan enters Judas and his Communion is sacrilegious. The Apostles flee. Are we not just as cold after we receive Our Lord? The Apostles are dull of understanding.

    Jn 6 – Discourse on the Eucharist. – "Jesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve? And one of you is a devil. Now he meant Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon: for this same was about to betray him, whereas he was one of the twelve."

    I am the living Bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever."

    St. Thomas Aquinas says – Eucharist is a foretaste of heaven.

    Communion is the Physical participation in the body, blood, sole and divinity of Xt.

    Manna in O.T – A type, symobol of Eucharist. – Eucharist which is a reality. Not a Symbol pointing to a Symbol – But a symbol = Manna, that points to a reality (Xt, true body and blood).

    Mysterium Fidei. – "The mystery of faith" – It requires faith.

    Friendship is the indwelling of one soul in two bodies – St. T. Aquinas on Aristotles notion of friendship. – Love Transforms us.

    Why do you love me so much O’ Christ? What about my sins? -

    St. Gertrude once asked our Lord what preparation he required of her for Holy Communion and Jesus said "I require none other than from you than you come to receive me void of yourself."

    All Christ ask in return is "Love for Love" –

    Thanks giving prayers – "Christ remains in the soul as a throne of Grace, and says to it: What do you want me to do for you."

    St. Alphonsus "I can assure you that Christ gives to a soul who lovingly spends time before the Blessed Sacrament more consolation than the world with all its joys and pleasures can bestow."

  4. Point 2 – Washing of the Feet: Apostles perhaps chatting. Our Lord gets up and does the unthinkable; He girds Himself and washes their feet. Apostles are struck silent. What is He doing? Gasp, He is washing our feet! He who is Master. God Himself, Creator of the universe. What a lesson for fathers! How often do they wash the feet of their wife and children? Leaders have a great responsibility to give themselves for those under them. How often does Our Lord stoop down and wash our feet with His grace, calling us back to Him? And we cannot bear the slightest reproach or humiliation.

    We know how to love to the extent that we know how to receive it.

    "For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her."

    Why did Jesus wash His disciples' feet? -     To show His humility and love, and to teach them how pure they should be in approaching the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

    "All of you are clean, but one" – Dispositions – ingratitude .


  5. Colloquy – Speak to Our Lord, or to the Trinity, Our Lord, and Our Lady. Ask for the graces you need. Ask for a great love of Our Lord and the grace to follow His new commandment. Have confidence in His goodness and mercy. He has done so much for us; He wants us to save our souls.



In this conference, we are going to meditate on the pains and insults which Our Lord suffered at the tribunals of Caiphas, Annas, Herod and Pilate.

The First Prelude of this meditation is to call to mind how Our Lord was dragged before the tribunal of Caiphas where He was condemned as guilty of death; before the tribunal of Herod where he was mocked; and before the tribunal of Pilate by whom He was delivered to the Jews to be crucified. NOTE the patience with which Our Lord bore horrible insults and terrible pains.

The Second Prelude is to ask Jesus to grant you the grace you need in order to bear with silence and humility the degradations and pains that you must undergo in this world.


There has not been and will never be a man who has suffered or had to suffer such great wrongs and degradations as Jesus Christ suffered. It is not possible to combine in a single meditation all the degradations to which Jesus Christ submitted. Therefore we will only consider some of them. These alone will be enough to make us ashamed of our pride.


@ There is nothing that more keenly wounds a man of noble and sincere heart than piling up false charges against him of things he would not even dream of doing.

Now, let us enter into the tribunal of Annas and Caiphas and hear the outrageous crimes that are charged against Jesus.

The witnesses are lined up and here are the charges they make:

@ They say that He is a lover of wine;

@ that He likes to eat with the publicans and sinners;

@ that He is ruled by an intolerable pride, going so far as to claim to be Divine;

@ that He would destroy the temple in Jerusalem;

@ that He spreads impious doctrine and is introducing the people to idolatry;

@ that He is a sorcerer and works prodigies with the help of the devil, with whom He has a secret compact;

@ that He is a seducer and astutely plots the ruin of the chosen people…

They charge Jesus with all these crimes in the tribunal of the High Priest and of Pilate. These charges are circulated among the people and are spread in the neighbourhoods and public squares of Jerusalem.


The wickedness of calling Jesus a blasphemer and criminal was not enough. It was also necessary to call Him a senseless fool. SEE HIM IN HEROD'S PRESENCE. Because He makes no answer to repeated questions but in His Infinite Wisdom keep silent, men call Him a fool, at the prompting of the king and courtiers, and, like a fool He is covered with a white robe, and amid the mockery and laughter of insolent people they lead Him to the public streets to Pilate.

After this insult another follows of which I would not know whether to call it more savage or more contemptuously insulting, this time in the place of the Roman Prefect. Incited to do so by the Jews, the soldiers decide to make sport of Jesus in a way no one but the devil could suggest. They throw a purple robe over His shoulders. Then they place a reed in His hand. Weaving together a crown out of rough, sharp thorns, they press it down on His head in order to make fun of Him as a make-believe king.

Their mockery does not stop here. To ridicule Him more, they bend their knees to Him in mock reverence; then they spew their filthy spittle into His Face and give Him a cruel beating. While the Heavens darken at the sight of this and the angels are bitterly weeping, a countless crowd pauses to look at the unusual spectacle, and add to the injury and mockery in their festive way by their applause.


Pilate, who perfectly aware of Jesus' uprightness and innocence, in order to deliver Him, placed Him before the people, who had gathered beneath the balcony of his place. They were there to choose a man sentence to die whom Pilate would do the favor of sparing in honor of the Pasch.

They were to choose between Jesus and Barrabas. And who would believe it ? Against Pilate's expectation the choice fell on Barrabas, as all the people would cried out that Barrabas should go free and Jesus should be condemned. Now how is it that people want Jesus condemned and Barrabas released ? Who is Barrabas ? He is a criminal found guilty of sedition and murder.

And ought he be released and Jesus condemned ?

" Indeed that is what we wish when we commit sin. Let Barrabas live and let Jesus die! " What evil has Jesus done ? …

Now if Jesus must die, what kind of death should He be sentenced to ? It would be very harsh to put Him to the sword.

Even so, He must die the most bitter kind of death amd at the same time the one most disgraceful. He must die nailed to the cross --- the way the most infamous, the most wicked criminals are accustomed to suffer death. And He must die in between two criminals, so that all may know that He surpassed everyone in wickedness. This was what the people wish and was the sentence Pilate gave Him.

Thus Jesus was led to His death on the Cross amid the festive joy of the high priests, amid the blasphemous insults of the scribes and Pharisees, and amid the harsh mockeries od an immense crowd. It was exactly then that was fulfilled the prediction of the Prophet who, in the person of Jesus Christ, testified, " I am a worm and no man: the reproach of men and the outcast of the people." (Ps. 21:7)

LET US PAUSE here a little, and answer the questions that I am going to ask.

FIRST, I ask: Did the Eternal Father give an unjust sentence when He decreed such great, such shocking degradations for His Only-Begotten Son? NO, certainly not. Jesus had taken on Himself the liability of our sins by His own choice, and our sins called for this payment… infinite offense=infinte ..

SECONDLY, I ask: Would the Eternal Father do you any wrong to allow you insults and disgraces as great as the ones that He willed for His Only-Begotten Son to undergo ? NO, for sin deserves much; and rightly do you come to realize this from the outrages and insults done to Jesus, and rightly does your conscience accuse you of being guilty of many sins.

THIRDLY, I ask: If you believe that sin is something that deserves such ill-treatment, knowing that as you do that you have sinned, would your pride not be intolerable if you refused to bear even the slight contempt?

What would be the ingratitude if you were unwilling to suffer a bit of offensive treatment for love of Jesus, after He has suffered such great wrongs and such extraordinary offenses for love of you ?


Being God Himself, Jesus is the Infinite Wisdom, who governs Heaven and earth, and here He is declared a dull-witted fool.

He is mocked as a make-believe King and people spit in His Face as though He was the vilest man in the world !

He, Who is Holiness Itself, from whom all gifts and Heavenly graces come is counted a hypocrite and a lover of wine !

He is charged with being a seducer and blasphemer;

He is called a Samaritan and a sorcerer and is counted worse than a murderer and an assassin!

Jesus suffers all this, and suffer it with awesome silence without the least complaint, with a meekness beyond comparison, without bitterness and with full resignation, without any regret that Heaven decreed this… WHAT HUMILITY !

This is truly a sacrifice, which of itself, is enough to give infinite pleasure to the Eternal Father and to give the hearts of all men a lesson of humility..

Now, let's consider the SECOND POINT .

There has not been a man in the world who has borne degradations and outrages as Jesus bore them. The Prophet, David describes the truly awesome humility with which Jesus bore insult and outrage, and He uses these words: " I, as a deaf man, heard not; and as a dumb man not opening His mouth." (Ps.37:14)

Ponder these brief words, and wonder at the immense humility that is hidden beneath the awesome silence.

1) jESUS WAS BLAMELESS -- and could never be charged with anything that was not upright, and He could never be rightly rebuked. The crimes with which men charged Him were evil inventions of His enemies. If Jesus had chosen to speak , in a moment He could have made His innocence very obvious to everyone. He could have silenced His enemies before all the people and could have covered them with shame and embarrassment.

2) JESUS WAS ALL-POWERFUL -- One word of His was enough to cause blots of fire to shoot down from the clouds upon all His enemies and hurl them all into the abyss of hell. With just a word He could have caused all men to know His Divinity and He could have caused all Jerusalem to adore Him as the long-awaited Messiah.

3) JESUS WAS INFINITE WISDOM -- He knew that His enemies would become abusive on the occasion of His silence, and that they would not rest until they had seen Him die a disreputable death on a Cross. He knew that from His silence His beloved Mother and the Apostles would suffer extremely… He knew that when He hold His peace as He did, men would make it an occasion to discredit the miracles He had worked, to condemned His teaching as erroneous and to vent their rage against His newly founded Church. JESUS KNEW ALL THIS. Nevertheless these considerations were not powerful enough arguments to draw one word of His mouth to prove His innocence. He wanted to keep silent, and to keep silent up to his last breath.

How astonishing and how eloquent is this silence of Jesus! How sublime is this lesson of Jesus !

But alas! How few there are who imitate it!

Where are those souls who, when they suffer insult and reproach and outrage, know how to join Jesus in keeping silent?

There may indeed be men who know how to adapt themselves to other difficulties and mortifications, above all if they are undertaken through their own decision. BUT TO BE QUIET when people ridicule us, to love our cross of insult and calumny, to avoid explaining away unjust accusations against us-- A! THIS IS A BURDEN FEW BACKS WOULD CARRY!

But meantime it will always be an undeniable truth that Jesus Christ's example is the only road to holiness, and one who does not imitate Him will never be very worthy in His sight and will have no hope of reaching perfection at any time.

So to imitate Our Lord and thus become holy, let us learn to appreciate contempt and insults. The teaching of Our Lord in this regard outmatches all the wisdom of the world ! In suffering unkind criticism, contempt, and ill treatment, Jesus found only the beauty and desirability of these things. When with a single word Jesus could draw in Himself much honor as there was contempt that He received, He preferred contempt rather than honor. So far removed was His affections from being set on honor, that He showed a desire for the humiliation.

Let us ask ourselves,

why should I not have the same sentiments that Jesus had and why should I not love what He loved ?

In this meditation, Jesus wants to teach us that we must learn through His example to regard contempt as something that overthrows our fiercest enemy, which is pride, as something that opens for us the entrance into the heart of Jesus, as something that ought to form the loveliest part of our glory in Heaven.

Also, Our Lord wants you to know that the most beautiful moment of your life was not when your heart was penetrated with a tender, sentimental affection for God and felt carried away with love for His Infinite Goodness. NO; rather the loveliest instant was when your actions were being unfairly interpreted and discredited, and the most beautiful occasion of offering God a perfect sacrifice was when people totally despised you and ceremoniously mocked you.

From this we found out that we were wrong in grieving when we should have rejoiced, and in running from what we should have sought, and in grumbling when we should have kept quiet.

Now that we know our mistakes, what should we do ?

We should do just as what Jesus did when the hour approached for us to suffer disgrace. "That the world may know, that I love the Father: … Arise let us go hence." said Our Lord.

This is how Jesus spoke when, full of fervor, He submitted Himself to His enemies from whom He could hope for nothing but ill-treatment and slanderous insult.

When an occasion comes to us to suffer comtempt and humiliation, we, likewise, will lift up our hearts, saying:

That Heaven may know that I love Jesus, I'll embrace these things gladly for love of Him…

Way of the Cross & Crucifixion [296, 297]

  1. Introduction
    1. First Prelude – The Narrative: The 14 Stations & the Crucifixion with the Seven Words
    2. Second Prelude – Composition of Place: the road to Calvary and the place of the crucifixion
    3. Third Prelude – Grace: to imitate the sentiments of OLJC, especially grief, pain, and anguish.
    4. 1) He suffers in His Humanity. 2) He hides His Divinity. 3) This is for me.
    5. Imagine yourself as being there. What are you observing? A man condemned, going to his death. But he is not going like any other man would. He is completely innocent and good, yet He embraces His cross. He is burning with love for souls, true love, a love which gives itself in excess of anything ever witnessed in human history. Why? To save me, a wretched, lowly sinner. It is incredible; it is unfathomable.
      Yet I remain so cold. I should be weeping for my sins, which have caused such a terrible execution.
  2. Embracing the Cross – Our Lord embraces His instrument of torture, so unjustly inflicted upon Him. We flee from our crosses, which we so greatly deserve.
  3. Veronica’s Veil – Our Lord rewards a little gesture with a great gift, the image of His countenance on Veronica’s Veil. Our Lord is never outdone in generosity. In the midst of the greatest sufferings and infamy, He is merciful and kind, not vindictive.
  4. Women of Jerusalem – His sufferings are so terrible, that they excite tears from the women watching Him go by. Does He relish this sympathy? No, He does what He can for their souls, warning of the destruction of Jerusalem.
  5. The Good Thief – Everyone around Him is reviling Him. His worst enemies pursue Him even to the cross; they are still not satisfied! Even when He is dead, it is not enough for them. What merciless wickedness! Am I not the same in my relentless pursuit of self-satisfaction? I am not satisfied until I have piled sin upon sin. In the face of all this, Our Lord keeps silence, as He often does with our crimes. But when the slightest opportunity comes, He exercises His mercy. He gives His grace to the Good Thief and Paradise itself for a mere profession of faith!
  6. Miracles after Death – God has just been killed, the worst crime in the history of mankind. Is anyone struck dead? Does the divine wrath wipe out the earth? No. Rather, God gives magnificent signs to show the divinity of His Son and bring souls to Him, to salvation. The centurion believes and many others as well.
  7. Colloquy – Speak to OLJC. Beg forgiveness for your sins. Adore Him. Thank Him for His great love. Ask the grace to love Him more.





Facts of the Resurrection:

By what means can the evidence for Christ's Resurrection by overthrown? Three theories of explanation have been advanced, though the first two have hardly any adherents in our day.

(1)The Swoon Theory – Claim JC didnt die

There is the theory of those who assert that Christ did not really die upon the cross, that His supposed death was only a temporary and that His Resurrection was simply a return to consciousness.

Sed Contra:

1. The scourging and the crown of thorns, the carrying of the cross and the crucifixion, the three hours on the cross and the piercing of the Sufferer's side cannot have brought on a mere loss of consciousness. His real death is attested by the centurion and the soldiers, by the friends of Jesus and by his most bitter enemies.

3. Jesus could not have survived crucifixion. Roman procedures were very careful to eliminate that possibility. Roman law even laid the death penalty on any soldier who let a capital prisoner escape in any way, including bungling a crucifixion. It was never done.

2. His stay in a sealed sepulchre for thirty-six hours, in an atmosphere poisoned by the exhalations of a hundred pounds of spices, which would have of itself sufficed to cause death.

3. John, an eyewitness, certified that he saw blood and water come from Jesus' pierced heart (Jn 19:34-35). This shows that Jesus' lungs had collapsed and he had died of asphyxiation. Any medical expert can vouch for this.

4. The body was totally encased in winding sheets and entombed (Jn 19:38-42).

5. The post-resurrection appearances convinced the disciples, even "doubting Thomas," that Jesus was gloriously alive (Jn 20:19-29). It is psychologically impossible for the disciples to have been so transformed and confident if Jesus had merely struggled out of a swoon, badly in need of a doctor. A half-dead, staggering sick man who has just had a narrow escape is not worshiped fearlessly as divine lord and conquerer of death.

6. How could a swooning half-dead man have moved the great stone at the door of the tomb? Who moved the stone if not an angel? No one has ever answered that question. Neither the Jews nor the Romans would move it, for it was in both their interests to keep the tomb sealed, the Jews had the stone put there in the first place, and the Roman guards would be killed if they let the body "escape."

7. - The story the Jewish authorities spread, that the guards fell asleep and the disciples stole the body (Mt 28:11-15), is unbelievable. Roman guards would not fall asleep on a job like that; if they did, they would lose their lives. And even if they did fall asleep, the crowd and the effort and the noise it would have taken to move an enormous boulder would have wakened them. Furthermore, we are again into the conspiracy theory, with all its unanswerable difficulties (see next section).

(8) If Jesus awoke from a swoon, where did he go? Think this through: you have a living body to deal with now, not a dead one. Why did it disappear? There is absolutely no data, not even any false, fantastic, imagined data, about Jesus' life after his crucifixion, in any sources, friend or foe, at any time, early or late. A man like that, with a past like that, would have left traces.


(2) The Apostles stole the body of Our Lord - Conspiracy -

This theory was anticipated by the Jews who "gave a great sum of money to the soldiers, saying: Say you, His disciples came by night, and stole him away when we were asleep" (Matt., xxviii, 12 sq.).

1. - The "cruncher" in this argument is the historical fact that no one, weak or strong, saint or sinner, Christian or heretic, ever confessed, freely or under pressure, bribe or even torture, that the whole story of the resurrection was a fake a lie, a deliberate deception. Even when people broke under torture, denied Christ and worshiped Caesar, they never let that cat out of the bag, never revealed that the resurrection was their conspiracy. For that cat was never in that bag. No Christians believed the resurrection was a conspiracy; if they had, they wouldn't have become Christians.

2. - If they made up the story, they were the most creative, clever, intelligent fantasists in history, far surpassing Shakespeare, or Dante or Tolkien. Fisherman's "fish stories" are never that elaborate, that convincing, that life-changing, and that enduring.

3. - The disciples' character argues strongly against such a conspiracy on the part of all of them, with no dissenters. They were simple, honest, common peasants, not cunning, conniving liars. They weren't even lawyers! Their sincerity is proved by their words and deeds. They preached a resurrected Christ and they lived a resurrected Christ. They willingly died for their "conspiracy." Nothing proves sincerity like martyrdom. They change in their lives from fear to faith, despair to confidence, confusion to certitude, runaway cowardice to steadfast boldness under threat and persecution, not only proves their sincerity but testifies to some powerful cause of it. Can a lie cause such a transformation? Are truth and goodness such enemies that the greatest good in history -- sanctity -- has come from the greatest lie?

4. Imagine twelve poor, fearful, stupid (read the Gospels!) peasants changing the hard-nosed Roman world with a lie. And not an easily digested, attractive lie either. St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"In the midst of the tyranny of the persecutors, an innumerable throng of people, both simple and learned, flocked to the Christian faith. In this faith there are truths proclaimed that surpass every human intellect; the pleasures of the flesh are curbed; it is taught that the things of the world should be spurned. Now, for the minds of mortal men to assent to these things is the greatest of miracles....This wonderful conversion of the world to the Christian faith is the clearest witness....For it would be truly more wonderful than all signs if the world had been led by simply and humble men to believe such lofty truths, to accomplish such difficult actions, and to have such high hopes." (Summa Contra Gentiles, I, 6)

5. - The Gospels were written in such a temporal and geographical proximity to the events they record that it would have been almost impossible to fabricate events....The fact that the disciples were able to proclaim the resurrection in Jerusalem in the face of their enemies a few weeks after the crucifixion shows that what they proclaimed was true, for they could never have proclaimed the resurrection (and been believed) under such circumstances had it not occurred." (Knowing the Truth About the Resurrection, chapter 6).




(3) The Vision Theory and invention of the Apostles

If you thought you saw a dead man walking and talking, wouldn't you think it more likely that you were hallucinating than that you were seeing correctly? Why then not think the same thing about Christ's resurrection?

(1) There were too many witnesses. Hallucinations are private, individual, subjective. Christ appeared to even five hundred people at once (1 Cor 15:3-8). Even three different witnesses are enough for a kind of psychological trigonometry; over five hundred is about as public as you can wish. And Paul says in this passage (v. 6) that most of the five hundred are still alive, inviting any reader to check the truth of the story by questioning the eyewitnesses -- he could never have done this and gotten away with it, given the power, resources and numbers of his enemies, if it were not true.

(4) Hallucinations usually last a few seconds or minutes; rarely hours. This one hung around for forty days (Acts 1:3).

(7) Not only did the disciples not expect this, they didn't even believe it at first -- neither Peter, nor the women, nor Thomas, nor the eleven. They thought he was a ghost; he had to eat something to prove he was not (Lk 24:36-43).

(8) Hallucinations do not eat. The resurrected Christ did, on at least two occasions (Lk 24:42-43; Jn 21:1-14). The disciples touched him (Mt 28:9; Lk 24:39; Jn 20:27). They also spoke with him, and he spoke back.

(11) The apostles could not have believed in the "hallucination" if Jesus' corpse had still been in the tomb. This is very simple and telling point; for if it was a hallucination, where was the corpse? They would have checked for it; if it was there, they could not have believed.

(12) If the apostles had hallucinated and then spread their hallucinogenic story, the Jews would have stopped it by producing the body.

(13) A hallucination would explain only the post-resurrection appearances; it would not explain the empty tomb, the rolled-away stone, or the inability to produce the corpse. No theory can explain all these data except a real resurrection. C.S. Lewis says,

It is inconsistent with the fact that the visions came to a sudden end on the day of Ascension.

Myth –

1. Realiable Character of the apostles -

2. The first witnesses of the resurrection were women. In first-century Judaism, women had low social status and no legal right to serve as witnesses. If the empty tomb were an invented legend, its inventors surely would not have had it discovered by women, whose testimony was considered worthless. If, on the other hand, the writers were simply reporting what they saw, they would have to tell the truth, however socially and legally inconvenient.


The Resurrection of Christ has much in common with the general resurrection; even the transformation of His body and of His bodily life is of the same kind as that which awaits the blessed in their resurrection. But the following peculiarities must be noted:


Besides being the fundamental argument for our Christian belief, the Resurrection is important for the following reasons:

bulletbullet It shows the justice of God who exalted Christ to a life of glory, as Christ had humbled Himself unto death (Phil., ii, 8-9).
bulletbullet The Resurrection completed the mystery of our salvation and redemption; by His death Christ freed us from sin, and by His Resurrection He restored to us the most important privileges lost by sin (Rom., iv, 25).
bulletbullet By His Resurrection we acknowledge Christ as the immortal God, the efficient and exemplary cause of our own resurrection (I Cor., xv, 21; Phil., iii, 20-21), and as the model and the support of our new life of grace (Rom., vi, 4-6; 9-11).

Apologetics 102

  1. State of Crisis
    1. Rules of the Game
      1. The mission of the Church is to pass on the Deposit of the Faith entrusted to the Apostles until the end of time and to save souls by so doing.
      2. The Church can never fail; it is divine and protected by God.
      3. Those given charge over the Church can fail, as God uses human instruments to take care of His Church.
      4. We should and must obey our superiors in all things; we cannot obey them, however, when their commands run contrary to the Faith and so endanger our salvation if followed. We are all responsible for our own souls and must keep the Faith at all costs. We have duties to God before men.
    2. Vatican II & its Aftermath – Vatican II was an overt attempt within the Church to reconcile the Church with the modern world, i.e. Catholic Truth with the principles of the worldwide anti-God revolution. Let us see how Catholic Truth differs from modern principles and compromise as much as we can to make the Church "likeable" – a novel attempt, contrary to the mission of the Church given to Her by OLJC! She is to hold the Truth and never change it for anyone!
      The principles of the Revolution are contrary to the Faith; they cannot be baptized. The duty of churchmen is to pass on what was given to them, the Deposit of the Faith. When they deviate from the Church’s mission, everything falls apart. The Church can only prosper when her leaders continue on the course charted by Her Founder.
      Vatican II = a complete break with the past; changed sacraments, liturgy, Rosary, canon law, theology, Catholic belief and practice è new religion, a dangerous path, path of damnation!

    USA Stats





    45,000, 16% foreign






    75,000, av. 68

    Mass attendance






    Q: Do we have a grave spiritual crisis here or not?
    We cannot follow this path. What should we do?

  2. Proposed Solutions
    1. Preliminary Note – Only the recognition of a grave spiritual crisis can justify extraordinary extra-juridical action. The Church is hierarchical and works on principles of authority. If there is no crisis, you cannot disobey or work outside normal channels. If a priest recognizes a grave need, he has a duty in charity to do what he can to relieve this need. Correspondingly, faithful who recognize a crisis must seek avenues to nurture their faith and save their souls according to what they know objectively to be Catholic from 2,000 years of Catholic belief and practice.
    2. SSPX
      1. There exists a grave public spiritual necessity in all levels of Church life.
      2. In extreme or quasi-extreme necessity of our neighbor, we are bound in charity to help him, even at the risk of our own life.
      3. Abp. Lefebvre saw this need and stepped forward to help whoever wanted help. He was opposed by the Church hierarchy in his attempt to help the Church. But his duty in charity remained. If he did not step forward, if the SSPX did not exist and stand up for Catholic truth, the Church would be in a much worse state today. After the crisis passes, the SSPX will no longer have a reason to exist. Now, in the midst of the crisis, the SSPX in indispensable for many souls & the Church.
    3. Indult – It is contradictory to assert that we are in an extraordinary crisis, and then demand that all of our actions be regulated by norms for ordinary circumstances. The Indult is just a Vatican fishhook to snare unsuspecting Traditional Catholics. A little advantage is given to Tradition for acceptation of everything that is causing the crisis and hence cessation of fighting against the crisis.
      It makes Tradition, the true Catholic life, merely an "option" or "preference." Indult priests fear being "too Catholic" and speaking out against all of the problems in the Church. They aid the destruction of the Church by neutralizing resistance to errors. Conciliar Rome would never have conceded the Indult if the SSPX was not around. It took 20 years and was not the initial intention. The Ecclesia Dei crowd admitted and defended all the positions of the SSPX before 1988.
    4. Sedevacantists – Take disobedience too far, even to usurping the authority of the Church. Prima sedes a nemine judicatur! The Pope must be convicted of formal heresy – this can only be done by a superior, not by armchair Catholics. This response to the crisis creates two serious problems:
      1. The Church is hierarchical! It cannot be the duty of individual Catholics to declare the Pope dethroned (and elect a new one). It cannot be possible for such a decision to have weight. Otherwise we would follow the likes of Luther.
      2. The Church is indefectible! If the last true Pope was Pius XII (died almost 50 years ago), then today there are very few true bishops or priests. The visibility of the Church is all but gone, and there is no visible Church as far as the everyday Catholic is concerned.
  3. Conclusion – Keep the Faith, save your soul in these difficult times.



The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI proposes to re-establish the traditional Latin Mass throughout the Western Church.

The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) prepares priests exclusively for this Mass of the Roman Rite and associated beliefs and practices of our Catholic Tradition.

The SSPX was set up in 1970 with full approval of the Vatican, and on May 3rd 1994 the Vatican reaffirmed that the SSPX is fully Catholic and that their Masses and sacraments are "certainly valid." ( Pontificium Consilium Ad Christianorum Unitatem Fovendam Prot. N. 23336/94/-)

Also from the Vatican last year (2005), the President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, CARDINAL DARÍO CASTRILLÓN HOYOS, admitted the SSPX is not in a state of schism...

This eminent Cardinal said... "...Monsignor Lefebvre went ahead with the consecration and ... it was not a formal schism....The Fraternity has always recognized in John Paul II, and now in Benedict XVI, the legitimate successor of Saint Peter. That is not a problem.." (http://www.30giorni.it/us/articolo_stampa.asp?id=9360)

The SSPX has changed nothing of its positions regarding faith and worship and genuine loyal obedience to authority, since its foundation.

For more information, check the website sspx.org.